Hookup List (2 page)

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Authors: J. S. Abilene

Tags: #Teen & Young Adult, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Hookup List
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"Have no fear, I shall save my life just for you," I said as I climbed up a trellis covered with vines on the side of the house. I had to jump from the trellis to Bailey's window and thankfully managed to grab on to the window sill. With a big heave I pulled myself inside.

I heard something crash to the floor an instant later.
"Shhh!" Bailey hissed. "You kicked my lamp over!"

I froze in a crouch inside her room. We remained silent for nearly a full minute as we waited for sounds of someone else moving within the house. There was nothing.

"Looks like we got lucky," I said with a smile.

"Not yet," Bailey said, "but who knows what the night will bring?"

I stood up and took a step closer to her so that we were only inches apart. I looked down into her eyes. "That sounds like an invitation," I said.

"Perhaps," Bailey said coyly. "It depends on what you have to offer."

"Well," I said, "I've got pretty nice body. See?" I took her hand and laid it on my chest. "I can be very tender," I said as I stroked one of her arms softly with the back of my fingers. "Or I can be very firm."

Bailey raised an eyebrow. "And where are you firm?" she asked.

"You'll have to invite me into your bed to find that out," I said.

Bailey giggled again. "You're terrible. You really shouldn't be here, you know." I noticed, however, that she didn't take her hand off my chest. "My dad doesn't like you. He doesn't like any boy my age but he especially doesn't like you. He says that you're trouble."

"And what do you think?" I asked. I stopped stroking her arm and instead put my hands around her waist. I pulled her closer to me so that her body was pressed up against mine.

Bailey shivered despite the heat in the room. "I think my dad is right," she said. "I know you're a player and a trouble maker. You're the school bad boy. I'm guessing you're just here because of a bet. How much money did your friends offer you?"

"Not a penny."

"You're lying," she said.

"See? This is why I like you," I said. "You're smart as well as beautiful. How about me? What do you like about me?"

That was one of my tactics to win over girls. Say something nice about them and give them the opportunity to do the same about me. The more I could get them thinking of my qualities the better.

"Well, I like your eyes," Bailey said. "They're a beautiful light blue color. A lot of girls at Charity like to talk about them. I like your abs," she said, lowering her hands to feel my abs. "They're very hard and well-defined. I like a boy with a six-pack. The girls at Charity talk a lot about them as well. They also say you have a cute butt. And if I'm being honest, I also like the fact that you are a bad boy. Good boys get boring after a while. They are always so proper around me and afraid of my father. It feels almost like they're afraid to touch me."

She was a virgin. I knew it immediately. Likely more than that, even. This girl might have gotten a few pecks from boys but she probably hadn't even had a real kiss.
The poor girl. She needed some kind gentleman like me to help her out.

I stared at Bailey's body. She was wrong; I would have come even if I had not gotten any money for it. I loved her brilliant blond hair. Her soft white skin seemed so innocent and pure that I almost felt almost evil as I thought about how much I wanted to see the more-than-ample breasts hidden beneath her top. Her shorts drove me absolutely wild. They were so tiny and she had rolled them up so that they were even tinier than usual. I wondered what type of underwear she wore and what color it was. The guys at school liked to bet about that as well. Most guessed something light-colored but I always guessed something dark. In my experience, the most innocent girls on the surface were the most wild and dirty once you got them in bed.

I couldn't wait any longer. I bent my head down. The soft, fruity smell of her perfume filled my nostrils. She immediately tilted her head up and pressed her lips against mine. Her lips delicate, soft, and tasted like strawberries. I kept my hands on her hips as we kissed and I felt her wrap her arms around me and pull me tighter to her. That told me everything I needed to know. She wanted me.

I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I laid her down and eased myself on top of her, supporting my upper body weight by placing my hands on the bed on either side of her. I made sure that my lower body was between her legs so that it forced her legs apart. I wanted her to
comfortable with me there and if she wanted to start grinding against me, well, who was I to stop her?

We kissed for a while until I started to get bored.
Time to steal the next base. I lowered my head and began to kiss her neck. I stopped at her neckline. "Are you sure you want to keep your shirt on?" I asked.

Bailey hesitated for a moment and then said, "Just a minute." She sat up and tugged her shirt off her head.

Yes! That deserved a reward. I began to kiss lower and lower on her body, savoring the taste of her skin. She began to breath heavily and involuntary push her body upwards to mine. Our bare skin touched and the heat felt tremendous. Now if I could just get that bra off...

Then I discovered that Bailey had her own itinerary. I felt her hand
snake down past my lower abs. It slipped under the waistband of my shorts and then closed in around my most prized possessions. I smiled. This couldn't be going any better. This chick only needed a few kisses before she went to work. Perfect.

"It seems like you know what you want," I said.

"I couldn't resist," Bailey admitted a tad breathlessly. "What you've got down there is a common source of conversation at Charity. Nathan Caldwell," she said, seeming to savor my name. "Do you know that pretty much every girl at my school fantasizes about you? We even made a list of the guys we'd most like to have sex with at Southcrest and you were easily the winner. A few of the girls got a hold of your soccer player photo and blew it up to poster size. They made a tidy profit selling it around school as a dorm-room poster. The girls are not going to believe you were actually in my bed."

"Well then we'll just need to create such vivid memories that they will have to believe," I said. I reached around her back and pushed the ends of her bra clasp together with my fingers. I felt the clasp fall apart immediately. I was getting pretty good at that.

And then the door to the bedroom flew open with such a force that I half expected to see a SWAT team with a battering ram behind it. Instead, I saw Commandant Howard, wearing a bathrobe and clutching a bat.

My mind instantly created a mental image of what he was seeing. A shirtless Nathan Caldwell, the biggest trouble-maker and womanizer at
Southcrest, was in the commandant's little girl's bed. That little girl was shirtless and had her hand down the said trouble-maker's shorts, doing any number of unspeakable things while he unhooked her bra.

The commandant's face blanched to pure white.

"Sir," I said sitting up. "I, uh, should I plan on the usual? A three-day suspension?"

Then Commandant Howard's face started to turn bright red. The veins on his forehead popped out and the bat in his hands began to shake with rage.

"So, that's a week?" I suggested. The color of his face was usually a pretty good indicator of the punishment he was about to impose.

The commandant's face transitioned from red to dark purple.

"Ah, I see," I said. "Well, I'll just go pack my bags then."

I lunged for the window. I managed to hurl myself outside just in time. The sound of a baseball bat smashing through a glass window chased me into the night.

Chapter 2 – Making The Hookup List

“If you were any dumber I’d kick you in the nuts until I was certain you couldn’t reproduce and spread your idiocy to what would be my future nieces and nephews,” Aaron said.

“And girls around the world would die of sadness,” I said. “Trust me bro, you don’t want that on your conscience.”

I heard Aaron sigh on the other end of the line. “Nate, you’ve really screwed up,” he said. “You can’t afford another expulsion. Getting into colleges is going to be tough enough for you as it is.”

I was lying on my bed talking to my older brother Aaron on my cell phone. I knew I would be getting this call ever since I got kicked out of Southcrest and had been dreading it. Somehow Aaron’s big brother lectures were far worse than mom and dad’s. I tried to inject some humor into it but he was having none of that. Maybe I should try again.

“Hey, I’ll be able to focus a lot more at school now,” I said. “The biggest problem was not having girls around. Lakeville is filled with cute girls, though. Don’t worry; they will definitely keep me attending classes.”

“You better attend classes or else you’re going to end up as a high school dropout and no chick is going to want anything to do with you,” Aaron said. “As for Lakeville girls, well, you can forget about them. They’re off limits to you.”

That caught me off guard.
“Off limits? What are you talking about?”

“Lakeville is my school,” Aaron said. “I own it even if I’ve gone off to college. I talked to a few of my buddies and told them they can use whatever means necessary to keep you away from girls. You’re going to work hard at school, kill yourself at soccer practice, and then come home and study. That’s it. If I hear you’re getting in trouble or getting involved with girls I am going to come back and lay a whooping on you so bad you’ll wish you never heard about Lakeville High School.”

“Ease up, dude,” I said to Aaron with a little laugh. Inside however, I was a bit worried. Surely Aaron didn’t have that much influence at Lakeville. Who did he think he was? I was 17 years old, I had spent the summer getting ripped for the chicks, and I had no doubt that I would be the best-looking guy at the school. Aaron might be a legend at Lakeville but that would only make me more desirable to the ladies who didn’t have a chance to sleep with him when he was at school. Aaron was gone now. It was time for him to move on and let me live it up. He might have owned Lakeville but now it was my time. I was the new king of the school and he better get used to it. “Seriously,” I said. “The last guy to tell me not to mack on the ladies was Commandant Howard and he found me on top of his daughter. You’ve got a girlfriend at Lakeville. If you’re not nice to me the next time you come home to visit you might just find a little surprise as well.”

Aaron started laughing.

“What are you laughing about?” I asked in irritation.

“Well, you can try to hook up with Sadie, but I don’t think it’s going to go very well for you,” Aaron said. “Remember what happened last time, buddy? She gave you a scolding that left you in tears.”

“I did not cry,” I said indignantly.

“Hey, I just thought of something else you’re going to do,” Aaron said. “Sadie’s dad is having some health issues so you’re going to go over to their place every other weekend and mow their lawn. Also, Sadie’s little sister Caroline is in eighth grade this year and she has signed
up for debate club at the middle school. It meets every Wednesday morning before school starts so you’re going to drive her there. The middle school starts earlier than the high school so you can go back home or just hang out and study for a while at school after you drop her off. I’ll leave that part up to you.”

Now it was my turn to explode with laughter. “What are you talking about, man?” I asked. “What makes you think I would actually do either of those things in a million years?”

“Because if you don’t I am not going to let you use my car, which I had to leave behind because college freshman can get parking spots on campus,” Aaron said. “Also, if you don’t, I will post that video of you peeing your pants and crying at the church play online.”

“I was five years old,” I protested.

“You were six,” Aaron said. “So come on big guy, what’s it going to be? Are you going to man up and help out a family in need or be a loser without a car who stars in a viral pee-pants video? I bet your buddies back at Southcrest would be really impressed by that.”

“I hate you,” I said.

“Yep, love you too, little bro,” Aaron said. “Be good. I’m going to give you a tittie twister for every A you don’t get in your classes.”

I swore at him but he had already hung up.

The following morning was my first day of school at Lakeville. I planned to sleep through the first couple periods but was awakened early by my mother screeching the same annoying little song she used to sing when Aaron and I were little kids.

“It’s time to get up, it’s time to get up, it’s time to get up,
it’s morning!” she howled.

“Mom, you’ve got to be kidding,” I moaned as I covered my head in my pillow. “Get out of here.”

It was no use, she had already moved on to the instrumental portion of the song. “Da da da da da da da da, duh da duh da duh da, duh duh...”

I yelled again. My voice cracked in the middle of the word. I hated when that happened. Everything was going wrong today.

“Come on,” she said, pushing my back. “Get up, sleepy head. It’s your first day of school.”

“Not going,” I mumbled.

A moment later a 145 lb woman landed on top of my back.

“Mom, what are you doing?” I asked angrily.

“If you’re not going to go to school I’m going to have to babysit you,” she said happily, squirming around on my back to cause the most pain per pound as possible.

“I’m not a baby and you’re not actually supposed to sit on the baby,” I said. I knew what she was doing. She was trying to get me to laugh. It wasn’t going to happen.

“You’ll always be my baby,” she said as she rolled off of me. She kissed the back of my head. “I’m going to pour your cereal now. If you don’t get downstairs quickly it’s going to get soggy.

I groaned and dragged myself out of bed. Dad had already left for work, which was fine because I didn’t really feel like having to deal with him and his lectures, but mom refused to go until I had gotten into my car and promised twice that I was heading directly to school.

I had never actually been inside Lakeville High School. I had gone to see a couple of Aaron’s soccer games before my parents booted me away to
Southcrest and a few times afterwards when I was home on vacation. I had always sat by the field or inside the dome, however – never the actual high school. I supposed it was nice enough. The interior was fairly new and spacious, with two floors decked out in red and black. The school’s pirate mascot with its bright red bandanna was everywhere.

As I walked to my locker I couldn’t help but notice the way that girls stopped to stare at me. I was used to that reaction in all sorts of public places but I had never experienced it at my all-boys school. Here there was plenty of female attention. I grinned.
This place of full of hot girls. The clothes they wore... how was it even legal to show that much skin? Not that I was complaining. Wow. Aaron would need to hire a small army if he planned to keep me away from them all.

Suddenly I heard a sharp cat-call. I turned around to find a group of about 10 girls standing behind me. A tiny little girl with long blond braided hair stood in front of the girls. She gave me a sweet smile. I gave her a quick assessment.
Petite. Small breasts but her fine features were cute enough to help make up for that. She was dressed like a perfect little daddy’s girl which excited me. They could be wild under the sheets. Overall, though, she seemed too innocent to get in bed in the first place so my interest waned. Surprisingly, though, she seemed to be the ring leader of the group of girls, and some of them were pretty hot. Plan of attack: flirt a little but play it cool. That would prime their engines. They’d start talking about me to themselves and soon they would all want to have sex with me. I would be able to sit back, let them come to me, and pluck the hottest of the bunch.

“Hi, I’m
Carly,” the innocent little ring leader said. “You must be new here. I would have noticed you otherwise. What’s your name?”

“Nate,” I said with a nod. It was a cool upwards nod with a touch of cockiness to it. It had taken me years to perfect it but once I had, I’d discovered that it drove girls wild. “Nate Caldwell.”

There were several gasps from the girls. Someone said “I knew it!”

beamed at me. She really was cute, like a little angel. “I thought you might be,” she said. “We had heard rumors from some of the soccer girls that Aaron had a brother.”

Ha, this was going to be even easier than I thought. The Lakeville soccer girls were the ones responsible for my “home run” at Thanksgiving last year. My reputation had preceded me. “I trust you heard good things?” I said.

“Oh yes,” Carly said. “The soccer girls seemed very pleased with you. They even made a Facebook fan page for you. Now that I’ve seen you in person, though, I’m not sure why they let you get away. I wouldn’t have.”

I blinked in surprise. The soccer girls had created a fan page for me after we had fooled around? Wow, I was even better than I thought.

“Listen,” Carly continued. “We’re having a little party this weekend to celebrate finishing the first week of school. Why don’t you stop by...”

“Get lost, El Diablo,” someone said forcefully. “This one is off limits.” Sadie Anderson suddenly appeared by my side.

I groaned. Sadie was the last person I wanted to see. She was like the girl whisperer. She could set a guy up or send girls running with just a few simple words. Unfortunately, there was no doubt in my mind that in this instance she intended to do the latter.

and her friends, however, appeared undeterred. “Hi Sadie. Are you claiming this one as well?” she asked in her sweet little voice. “You seem to own a lot of boys around here. Aaron, Sam, Dylan, David... the list of who is off limits seems to be endless. And now Nate as well?”

“They’re off limits to you, El Diablo,” Sadie said firmly.

“We’ll see about that,” Carly said. She sounded so pleasant that I was shocked how rude Sadie was being with her. “See you around, Nate,” Carly said. She glided away down the hall, followed by her group of girls.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I rounded on Sadie angrily. “And what was up with that name you were calling that nice little girl?
El Diablo? That means the devil, right? I’m not getting that wrong? Are you insane?”

Sadie laughed. “This is Lakeville. You’ve got a lot to learn,” she said. “
Carly Harris might look like a little angel but she is pure evil. Trust me, I’ve had run ins with her before. I just saved you from a whole lot of pain and trouble.”

“I can take care of myself,” I said indignantly. Sadie knew just what to say to annoy me. It was infuriating.

“Says the boy who was just expelled from his boarding school,” Sadie said. “I have seen no evidence whatsoever that suggests to me that you are capable of taking care of yourself.”

I glared at her. “Whatever,” I said. Then I had another thought. “Hey, what did she mean when she said that you ‘claimed’ all those other guys. Have you been fooling around on my brother?”

Sadie shook her head. “I’ve always been a good girl but I had a bit of a wild spell before I started dating your brother,” she said. “Several of my friends put together a list of 10 boys and dared me to kiss all of them. Actually, there were 11 boys, if you count the twins as two instead of one. It got me into a bit of trouble but I finally fixed things. Aaron helped a lot with that. I’ve always made sure that girls like El Diablo and Missy – you don’t know her – didn’t mess around with the guys who were my friends, though.”

I thought about that for a moment. Then I burst out laughing.
“A kiss list? Are you serious? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Some girls dare you to kiss a few guys? That’s it? How hard is that? You just walk up to a dude and kiss him. What guy would fight that? You guys are lame. Now something like a sex list, that would be more interesting.”

“A kiss list is a lot harder than you would think,” Sadie said.

“Psh,” I said dismissively. “Name any girl in this school and I’ll get a kiss out of her within 15 minutes.”

“You think so, hot shot?” Sadie said with a little smile. “There are some girls who wouldn’t go for your act in a million years. Not everyone wants a
sleazeball like you. A lot of girls are looking for someone more mature.”

“Name one,” I challenged.

“I can name plenty,” Sadie said. “My best friend Alyssa is nicer than a saint. She would never fall for you. You act too dumb for my friend Olivia. Those are just my close friends. On my soccer team, you’re not funny enough for Darcy and Morgan only chases football players. When you move on to the rest of the school there are literally hundreds of girls who wouldn’t be interested in you. You’ve got good girls like Mandi Page who are too innocent for you and nerds like Lilly Wong who would freeze up if they thought a boy was so much as staring at them. You’re too short and puny for Majestic Jenkins. And then of course there are girls like my friend Payton and Trinity London who are just out of your league.”

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