Hookup List (7 page)

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Authors: J. S. Abilene

Tags: #Teen & Young Adult, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Hookup List
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Chapter 9 – El Diablo

To my surprise, the rest of the girls started to vacate the room.

"Where are you all going?" I muttered. My tongue didn't seem to be working as well as it normally did.

"They're just going to give us some time together," Carly purred. 

This wasn't good at all. Beautiful bodies were walking out the door. I was going to be left with just one little girl. It would not do. I started to stand up to persuade
the rest of the girls to stay.

"You're going to sit back down,"
Carly said forcefully. Her sweet voice had suddenly turned stern.

"What?" I asked. I must have misheard her. It almost seemed like she was giving me an order.

"Sit back down," Carly repeated. "You're going to do what you're told to do and then we're going to have some fun together."  

I looked the chick up and down. "Yeah, I don't think so," I said. "Listen. Let's just go out and talk to the other girls.” At that moment I didn't really care about the hookup list. There was plenty of time for
Carly and me to make out later. Besides, I enjoyed the thrill of the conquest. Carly seemed to be the one trying take over right now and that was not okay with me.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way,"
Carly said with a smile. "You’ll like both ways. I prefer the hard way.”

I laughed. "You're funny, I'll give you that," I sai
d. "Bat-shit crazy but funny."

"Hmmm... you don't seem to understand,"
Carly said. "Don't worry, you will."

put her hand on my bare chest. She let it trail down past my abs and then she leaned in close to me. I could smell the sweet scent of her perfume and for a moment I lost myself in her sapphire-blue eyes. Then I felt her hand slip underneath my boxer briefs and seize my favorite body parts. My tightly-packed nerves down there shot warning signals through my body and instantly made me intimately aware of every one of her tiny fingers. It was somewhat exhilarating and extremely unnerving at the same time.

"How do you like that?"
Carly said. "I bet Sadie doesn't do this for you."

Mmm..." I mumbled. 

And then
Carly's hand tightened.

"Whoa, be careful with those," I said. I didn't like this at all

"Listen up,"
Carly said. "You might be used to being a player who makes all the girls' panties drop but right now I've got you in the palm of my hand and you're going to do what I want, alright? Take a seat."   

"Yeah, sure, anything you say," I said. She had this scary look in her eyes th
at I didn't want to mess with.

I sat back down on the weightlifting bench.
Carly maintained her grip on my manhood but allowed me to sit down. "That's good," she said soothingly. "It's been awhile since I've had a boy in my fitness room. Do you know that Sadie took my last one away? His name was Sam. He was gorgeous. He and I were having a lot of fun together and then Sadie came and stole him. I'm doing a few things differently this time around."

"You sound as if he's dead or something," I said with trepidation.
"Hmmm? Well, in a way I guess he is to me. He left with Sadie and once boys become Sadie’s I don't get to see them anymore,” Carly said. "She has that way with them."

"So, speaking of boys, do you mind letting go of mine?" I said, nodding dow
n at her hand between my legs.

"No, not quite yet,"
Carly said. "I'm too fond of them. They're exquisite and I'm enjoying how nice and obedient you are when I've got them. How about we play a game in the meantime?”

It was extremely difficult to have a conversation with her given the placement of her hand. "What
kind of game?" I asked warily.

"The kind of game that leaves you very satisfied,"
Carly said. "This is how it works. We get a little touchy feely, if you know what I mean. Then we see whether you're man enough to take it or whether you need to beg for mercy from a little girl like me."

"From you?"
I snorted. "There's nothing you could possibly do that would make me uncomfortable. You might act tough but I know you’re too innocent for that. I've been around the block."

Carly said enthusiastically. "I accept the challenge!"

That should have made me worried. If only my head hadn’t still been spinning so much, maybe I would've picked up on the evil little g
leam in her eyes.

"Just put you
r hands behind your back," Carly said.

“Why?” I asked

"Because that's how the game works, silly," Carly said. As if to give me a little encouragement, she tightened her grip again.

"Okay, I get it," I said, my voice getting a tad high pitched. I had no idea what was going on but the way she was clutching my family jewels was making me nervous.
I put my hands behind my back.

"Good boy,"
Carly said soothingly. Somehow she managed to keep her grip on my private parts while she reached around the back of the weightlifting bench. I felt something close in around my left wrist.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it," Carly said. To my relief, she let go of my manhood. Then she moved so quickly her body was a blur. A second later I felt something tighten around my right wrist.

that's perfect," she exclaimed

I tried to pull my hands apart. I could
n’t. They were bound together.

"So far, so good,"
Carly said. A moment later she was standing back in front of me. She knelt down swiftly and I felt her hands fiddling with something at my ankles.

"What are you doing?" I asked again. I soon learned what she was up to, however. When I tried to move my legs I discovered that she had bound both ankles to the legs of the weightlifting bench. The innocent little girl with the cherub face and sweet voice had just tied me up as if she was going to perform some sort of sexual bondage act on me. I’ll admit that I had fantasized a little about something like this but never with me being the one tied up. It was all backwards.

"Now the fun begins,"
Carly said. "Do you know that I've always wanted my own Caldwell boy? Your brother was so beautiful. Sam was beautiful too but Aaron was a real man. I knew he would never be mine; he was too old for me. You can imagine, though, how excited I was to find out that he had a little brother. Then I saw you and I immediately knew that you were the one for me. Let Sadie have Aaron. You belong to me."

"Belong?" I parroted nervously. "I don't be
long to anyone."

"We'll see about that,"
Carly said. "First things first. How does this make you feel?" And then that little girl bent down and kissed me right on the lips. Her tongue forced its way into my mouth and played hockey with mine. More accurately, her tongue played hockey while my numb, clumsy tongue got schooled.

"That feels just fine," I said when she came back up for air, relaxing a little. If all she wanted to do was ki
ss me, I could live with that.

"And when I do this?"
Carly asked. She started to kiss my neck.

Yeah, that feels
good," I said. That was okay.

"And this?”
Carly said. She began to kiss my chest and abs.

The chick was relentless. "Still feels good," I said. "But how about you let me
go so I can return the favor?"

pulled her lips away from my body. "I think you need some more to drink," she said. Before I could respond she grabbed the glass and tipped it up. It was all I could do to chug the liquid down as she dumped it all in my mouth. She kept pouring and pouring and soon the juices started to flow over my chin and roll down my body.

"My, my,"
Carly said as if she were scolding a young child. "You're getting yourself all messy. We’re going to need to clean that up."

put the glass away and I choked down the rest of the drink. Then she adjusted the back of the weightlifting bench and dropped it down so that I was lying flat on my back. She disappeared and then swiftly returned with some type of metal canister. Was that spray paint? No, it most certainly was not. A moment later Carly began squirting whipped cream all over my chest and abs.

"Hey, this isn’t dessert time," I said. “Let’s get one thing…”

“That's where you're wrong," Carly said, interrupting me. "This is definitely dessert time."

grabbed a roll of duct tape that was sitting on a nearby shelf. My prior experience with duct tape just a few days before had left me very nervous about the stuff. Before I could tell her not to put any of it on me, though, she pulled out a strip and slapped it over my mouth. I couldn't believe what was happening. I just gotten duct taped two days in a row? What was wrong with the people at this school?

Carly said with satisfaction. She continued to spray whip cream on me. Then she pulled out a small bowl of strawberries and started positioning them on my chest and abs. I tried to tell her to cut it out but all that came out was a muffled groan.

leaned over and started licking up the strawberries and whipped cream. The sensation was strange and a bit gross. After a moment, she looked up at me and smiled. "Isn't this fun?" she said happily. "You’re one of the most beautiful boys I've ever seen. How could you possibly get abs like this? They’re incredible. I've never seen anything like them. They’re better than Sam’s, maybe even as good as David Reagan’s."

She leaned back down again and started licking. I rested my head on the workout bench and resigned myself to it. I had definitely been wrong about
Carly. This chick was not innocent at all. Well, I guess it could've been worse; I could have been chilling by myself at home. Here, at least, I had a semi-hot girl hooking up with me – sort of. Maybe she was a little bit kinky, but that could be fun too.

seemed content to continue licking my abs. Soon she had licked them clean. I could feel her tongue caressing the muscles and then gliding through the grooves in between them. It almost felt like she was worshiping them, savoring them with delight. It was hard not to get a big head over something like that but the awkwardness of the situation did mitigate the feeling. Worst of all, her tongue was tickling me. My muscles begin to contract involuntarily and I had to force air out of my nose at a furious rate so I didn't choke behind the duct tape.

"You're ticklish!”
Carly said with glee. "I like that in boys. It makes this more fun. Don't worry, I know how to get rid of that. Do you know you can't get ticklish when you're sexually aroused? At least, I don't think you can."

began to massage my manhood again with her hands. My traitorous body responded even though I willed it not to.

"There, that's a good boy,"
Carly said. She redoubled her efforts. It felt amazing but I didn't want her to let her know that. I wanted her to let me go so I could have some fun with her hot little body. That didn't seem to be in the cards for me, though. Carly started to kiss and lick my body again as she worked on my private parts.

My head was spinning now more than ever. What was going on? And then it suddenly occurred to me. Those sweet little girls had spiked my bottomless drink. It had to of been that; there's no other reason why I would be feeling this way. They had used the smoothie concoction and cold liquid to mask the taste of the alcohol. No wonder they had been jamming it down my throat. They had been trying to get me drunk. I knew I should be enraged but I wasn't really thinking straight and part of me was actually flattered. I couldn't help it. I got that way with girls. If I felt like they wanted me, like they loved me and appreciated me, it was as if some incredible drug had been injected into my body. Perhaps I was looking for the affection and closeness I was missing in my own life. Where my insecurities really a result of my daddy issues? Or was it just because I was ridiculously horny?

The room started to fade from view. I would blink my eyes and it seemed as if entire minutes had passed. Some part of my brain realized that I was jumping in and out of consciousness but at that moment I didn't really care. What Carly was doing felt amazing and agonizing. She started teasing me, getting me aroused and then sitting back and watching as I struggled against my restraints, enjoying my male anguish.

I had no idea how long this all went on for. It might have been 10 minutes or it might than an hour. Time seemed not to exist. What I do know is that at some point I heard
Carly call out to the other girls. There was some mumbling back-and-forth and then I heard her say, "Your turn, ladies. He's not going to put up any resistance now. He likes this, don't you Nate? Why don't you girls explore a little and learn about the male body? You couldn't ask for a better specimen."

I was vaguely aware that the girls were undoing the restraints around my wrists and ankles. When I tried to move my arms and legs, however, they felt like jelly. The girls pulled me up and half carried me into another room. I felt myself being laid down on a bed. Finally, this was what I have been waiting for.

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