Hookup List

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Authors: J. S. Abilene

Tags: #Teen & Young Adult, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Hookup List
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Hookup List



Book II of the List Series



For more
books by J. S. Abilene please visit



Chapter 1 – Getting Expelled

Chapter 2 – Making The Hookup List

Chapter 3 – Making Enemies

Chapter 4 – Home Life

Chapter 5 – Morgan

Chapter 6 – Help From An Insolent Little Squirt

Chapter 7 – A Loaded Invitation

Chapter 8 – The Aftermath

Chapter 9 – El Diablo

Chapter 10 – The Legendary Party

Chapter 11 – Sanctuary

Chapter 12 – Recovering

Chapter 13 – Tasting The Forbidden Fruit

Chapter 14 – Dad Candidate

Chapter 15 – Getting Set Up

Chapter 16 – An Uncomfortable Situation

Chapter 17 – Still Locked Up

Chapter 18 – Revenge

Chapter 20 – Dad

Chapter 19 – Break In

Chapter 21 – No Dad

Chapter 22 – Mandi

Chapter 23 – Another Big Brother

Chapter 24 – Practice

Chapter 25 – Brotherly Advice

Chapter 26 – Making A Plan

Chapter 27 – Problem Solved

Chapter 28 – Majestic

Chapter 29 – Broken Heart

Chapter 30 – Churchill Girls

Chapter 31 – Panda Suit

Chapter 31 – Becoming The Panda

Chapter 33 – Sister

Chapter 34 – First Game

Chapter 35 – Good Guy

Chapter 36 – Turning a Corner

Chapter 37 – Aaron’s Surprise For Sadie

Chapter 38 – Homecoming Game

Chapter 39 – Homecoming Dance

Chapter 40 – State Tournament

Chapter 41 – Cupid

Chapter 42 – Another Beginning




Chapter 1 – Getting Expelled

"You know the rules. Five points if you get into her bedroom. 10 if you get to first base. 20 if you get to second. 500 if you get to third and a million if you hit a home run."

We all stopped walking and looked at D-Man. "Points? What are you talking about?" Zach asked. "What's he going to do with points?"

D-Man shifted uncomfortably. He was wearing a white tank top –
 which we all referred to as a wife-beater because it made him look like white trash – and a pair of boxers with big yellow smiley faces on them. He was so fat that the tank top ballooned out, making him seem like an obese ghost illuminated by the light of Thomas' flashlight against the black backdrop of night. The rolls of flab under his jaw wiggled back and forth as he sucked on his bottom lip and mulled over Zach's question.

"I don't know," D-Man finally admitted. "You always hear about people giving points for stuff. You know, '10 points if you run over that squirrel on the road.' '15 points if you put a
whoopie cushion on the teacher's seat.' I'm not sure what the points are actually for."

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard," Thomas said. "Running over a squirrel should be at least, like, 20 points. Those suckers are quick."

Morons. Why the hell were they talking about squirrels? I opened my mouth to tell them to shut up but they continued yapping before I could get a word in.

"What's second base again?" Jeremy asked.

"I didn't even know there was a home run," Thomas said. "What could you do to top third base?"

"I don't think there's anything you can do to top third base," Jeremy said. "That's when you have sex right? Or is that a home run?"

D-Man frowned. "That doesn't make sense," he said. "If you can't top third base how do you ever get home?"

"You don't want to get home," Zach said. "That's the point. Why the hell would you want to go back home? If third base is sex I'd stay there forever."

"Home is probably marriage," D-Man said with a sigh. "'Cause that's when you stop gettin' any."

"Boys," I said, desperate to stop the mindless prattle. "It's game time. Focus. And for the record, there's definitely a home run and let's just say you haven't hit it if there's only one girl in your bed at the end of the night." Actually, I was pretty sure a home run was sex, but what I said sounded cooler.

My words set my idiot friends' imaginations running wild. Their mouths snapped shut and their eyes adopted distant, wistful looks. These simple-minded horny bastards lost track of reality as soon as anyone mentioned sex. Come to think of it, however, it did conjure up a pretty nice image...

"Caldwell, snap out of it," Zach said and I realized I had been
staring off into space. I shook my head to clear out the cobwebs. Wow, that had been vivid. Maybe I should go to the doctor to get checked out. It couldn't be normal for people to think about naked girls as much as I did. I mean, if they did, society would come to a screeching halt. Half of society, anyway, unless girls also thought about naked girls. That'd actually be kind of hot...

"We're losing him again," Zach said. "Dude, I thought you wanted us to focus."

"Look at him," Jeremy scoffed, pointing at me. "He doesn't know what he's talking about. Kid turns into a zombie just thinking about it. The closest he's gotten to a home run is when he got krunked last year at the dance with the Charity girls and banged that fat chick. She was almost big enough for two girls."

"Sorry boys," I said. "I hit my first home run last November back in Lakeville."

"When you were at home for Thanksgiving?" D-Man asked, wide-eyed.

"Yep," I said, enjoying the look of shock on their faces. "This group of older chicks who liked my bro snuck into our house. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. They practically carried my brother into another room to make out with him. They said I was too young for them 'cause I was just a sophomore but once they had a bit to drink I guess I started to look a little older. That was back when my brother was cool. Now he's got a girlfriend. I don't get it, all the guy had to do to get laid was smile at a chick, but I guess that's how it goes."

The guys had been riveted to my story. There as a moment of silence after I finished until Zach finally spoke up. "I call BS on that," he said.

I shrugged. "Believe it or not, it makes no difference to me," I said. Well that cool display of indifference convinced them. They whistled and smiled in admiration. In truth, I had been a bit loose with the details. The older girls had been very interested in Aaron and did take him off to have some alone time. They also said I was too young for them, though I could tell several were tempted, especially Aaron's now-girlfriend Sadie. It was a few of the younger ones who actually joined me in my bed for a bit of fun. Older girls sounded more impressive, though.

"Alright, shut up now," I said. "We need to be quiet for this last little bit."

I nudged the door open and peered down the hall. Our dorm at
Southcrest High School Military Academy was deathly silent. Only a single neon light in the entryway of the long, empty hall shone. The light reverberated off the smooth, waxed tile floor but was quickly overcome by the darkness at our end of the hall. The guard at the entryway wouldn't be able to see us until we got within 30 or so yards of him. If he had been awake, that was. This night we knew that the guard on duty tonight was Franklin Benson, or Old Franklin as everyone called, and he was almost never awake. I could hear the soft sounds of a radio but I knew that was probably a ruse. Franklin could sleep through a natural disaster, let alone a quiet radio.

We knew what to do. We quietly took off our shoes and then walked towards Franklin in our sock feet so we wouldn't make a sound. We crossed the hallway and edged forward towards the guard desk. I held up a fist to tell the boys behind me to stop and then I glanced around the corner. Sure enough, Old Franklin was lying back in his chair with his head lolling around over the top of the head rest. The radio rattled on, unaware that its owner was not listening.

I waved my hand and we all darted past Old Franklin to the front doors. Thomas slowly depressed the door handle and leaned into the door so that it eased open. We squeezed through one-by-one and then Thomas eased the door shut again, remaining on the other side. The electronic keycard reader did not work at night so we needed to leave Thomas inside to open the door for us when we returned. He had been selected to stay behind because he was the slowest one of us who was smart enough to carry out that part of the mission, which really just meant he was slow and wasn't D-Man.

One was now successfully complete. On to Phase Two. We all knelt down to put on our shoes. As I tied my laces I looked around at my fellow conspirators. No uniforms tonight. Unlike D-Man, the rest of them had at least been smart enough to wear dark tee-shirts to help avoid detection and real athletic shorts instead of just boxers in case we failed and ended up in front of the Commandant. Zach - my soccer teammate, roommate, and best friend - was about 6', the same height as me. Jeremy was the shrimp of the group at 5'7" or 5'8" as D-Man was a couple inches taller and Thomas was a lanky 6'3". Thomas played football and Jeremy was a runner. D-Man was the only non-athletic member of our circle of friends. We kept him around because he was hilarious. A complete idiot, perhaps, but hilarious nonetheless.

I looked down at myself. I was wearing only a pair of blue soccer shorts. A dark tee-shirt might have helped me blend into the darkness but I had a special objective for which I needed to display as much skin as possible. If the Commandant caught me not even a tuxedo would save me.

We ran across the academy grounds as silently as possible, stopping every once and a while behind a bush to let D-Man catch his breath so his gasping didn't give us away. When we reached the last bush before we had to sprint across the open area to the wall that encircled the Commandant's house, I took a look back at D-Man. The doufus had given up running altogether and was walking after us while staring up at the stars. I'd swear he had ADD or something. D-Man could never focus on one thing for long. What a goofball. Even his name was goofy. D-Man. Come to think of it, I didn't even know why we called him D-Man. His real name was Dan. Why would we have made up a nickname that was shorter than his real name? And Dan was probably already short for something like Daniel, so I don't know why anyone bothered to...

"Nate. Nate. Nathan!" Zach hissed.

"What?" I exclaimed in surprise. Zach had almost yelled the last part.

"Come on man, focus," Zach said. "You're incredible. You can't pay attention to someone for more than a second unless they're playing with balls on a soccer field or the ones between your legs."

Jeremy gave both of us a very weird look.

"Don't give us that look," Zach said. "I meant a chick would play with his balls, not me. It sounded better in my head."

"Yeah," I said. "I mean, Zach tries to play with my balls but I certainly don't let him."

Zach punched me.

We sprinted across the last field and huddled up under the protection of the wall.

"This is it, boys," I said.
"The first conquest of the year. How much money are we going to collect? I want to get paid."

"The guys in Samuel Hall put up $200," Thomas said.

"$250 from Fabre," Jeremy said.

"And what about our compatriots on Deuce?"
I asked. "I hope they were not outdone."

"Our esteemed
floormates on Fabre Two, the greatest floor in the entire school, have come up with an additional kicker of $325," Zach said as the rest of the guys rolled their eyes. The Deuce, as we liked to call it, was the most infamous and rebellious floor in either dorm. Zach and I were major causes of that. Zach held up his index finger to keep everyone quiet. "The stipulation, of course, is that you go all the way and bring home the panties to prove it."

"Raunchy. It's a done deal, boys," I said. "Don't wait up. If you'll just be
so kind as to give me a boost over the wall, I can unlock the side gate and let myself out when I leave. It will be sometime tomorrow morning and the keycard reader will work by then," I said.

Zach held out a hand to me and I shook it. "It's a privilege and an honor to know you," he said. "This is going to be just the start of a year filled with debauchery in the bedroom and glory on the field."

"Legendary," D-Man said with a wide smile plastered across his face.

Zach and Jeremy intertwined their hands. "On the count of three," Zach said.

I nodded and stepped on their hands.

"One, two, three!"
Zach said. When he said "three" both boys heaved up and I leapt off of their hands. I catapulted to the top of the high wall and wrapped my fingers around the other side. I pulled myself up, scrambled over the top, and dropped down on the other side.

I looked around quickly to see if anyone had noticed me. Luckily, the lights in the house were still off and it was completely silent. I walked quickly around the house until I reached an area of grass directly below a second story window. It was a window that guys at the academy had often stared at wistfully but never been able to pass through.

I picked up some pebbles from under the deck and started throwing them at the window. At first nothing happened. Then, after a minute or two, a light in the room turned on. Score! I chucked another pebble at the window.

The curtains moved aside and then I saw her. Bailey Howard.
The beautiful blond-haired daughter of Commandant Bob Howard. When I saw her I felt a stir of excitement. Bailey was strictly off limits in every way possible, which naturally made her the most desirable get for all the boys at Southcrest. She attended Charity Covenant, an all-girl sister school to Southcrest. Naturally, her father forbade her from talking to us, but in a moment of weakness he had foolishly allowed her to attend a Covenant school dance after being assured that no Southcrest boys would be in attendance. Unfortunately for him, Zach and I had snuck into the dance. I met Bailey there and struck up a flirtatious conversation, even to the point of exchanging phone numbers so we could text each other. If her father had known, I probably would have been beheaded.

By the time Bailey got the window open she was smiling and shaking her head. "Nathan Caldwell, what are you doing here?" she hissed. "Do you know what my dad will do to you if he finds you?"

"I would not, of course, disobey your father's wishes for a moment," I called up to her softly. "But, you see, I have lost my shirt somewhere. Is it up there with you?"

Bailey giggled.
"With me? You've never been in my room before or even in my house. How could it be with me?"

"Was I not just with you last night?" I said. "Ah, I'm afraid that must have been a dream then.
A very sweet, enjoyable dream. Perhaps now that I am here we could bring it to life?"

"Nate, you're horrible," Bailey said but I could tell she was still struggling to suppress a giggle.

"If being horrible means I could spend but a minute by your side, I would be the most horrible man in the world," I said theatrically, holding my hands over my heart.

Bailey burst out laughing. "Okay, climb up, but just for a minute, alright? If my dad catches you he will kill you and that would be very sad."

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