HowToLoseABiker (2 page)

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Authors: Unknown

BOOK: HowToLoseABiker
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I will think of something. Right now, he just wants me to go to a party with him. I can do that,” she offers.

If he threatened you, would you stick around?” Sydney asks.

Sydney takes out a bag from her closet and starts stuffing stuff into it.

I get that you're mad. This is my fault…,” Sadie trails off.

Sydney doesn't answer, going through the room like a tornado. Sadie has only ever seen her friend really angry a few times, and each time it takes her a long time to come down from her bad mood.

Fine, you leave. I'll stay and distract them, but you can't take a lot of stuff with you. That will look suspicious and you will be followed,” she reasons.

Sydney exhales noisily and nods, “Okay, call me when you can get away.”

Don't go to your family. I'm pretty sure one of Zack's friends followed me and he might follow you. I'll try to distract him by taking off, and you wait a half hour to leave,” Sadie says and leaves her friend's room.

Once Sydney is safe, Sadie is taking off on her own. She will find a new home, one where she can have a normal life.

The only place that is open all night is the gym, so she grabs running tights, a sports bra, and her running sneakers.

  1. Chapter Three



Once at the gym, Sadie runs on the treadmill at a punishing pace. Her legs burn, and her heart wants to burst from her rib-cage. Running has always come naturally to her, and it has been an escape from her own thoughts but today it doesn't work.

Sadie can't help but think of how different she and her best friend are. Sadie never knew who her father was. There were rumors around town, about how Sadie looked suspiciously like the mayor's two children. Some people even called her the mayor's bastard. Even if true, David Weston would never admit to messing around on his wife with a prostitute that lived in a rundown trailer.

So, Sadie had grown up in a tiny town, where people didn't take kindly to prostitutes or their bastard children. All the disdain and hatred her mother had earned from the local women had transferred to Sadie as she grew up. She grew up alone, and for some reason she still felt safer alone.

In complete contrast, Sydney came from a well off, loving, and supportive family. If only she trusted her family enough to confess her problem, Sydney would have unconditional support. For as much as her parents and brother cared about image, Sydney came first. Even her choice of becoming a stripper didn't estrange them. The problem is that Sydney can't stand the thought of telling her parents about her severe learning disability. She'd rather have them think she is unmotivated and flighty. Sometimes it's hard to not blame Sydney for her own problems.

After a grueling hour of running, and another of pummeling the punching bag, Sadie feels worn out. She hits the showers before walking home.

Half an hour later, she arrives home. Zack stands outside her building, illuminated by the street lamp. It isn't even surprising to see him there. Countless times, she has seen him standing outside, staring at her apartment.

This time he doesn't seem as intense as usual. He looks as tired as she feels, but she still approaches him cautiously. Zack can go from zero to a hundred in a few seconds. He wordlessly grabs her bag out of her hand and goes through it.

Where were you? I've been waiting for over an hour.” He finds the dirty gym clothes and hands the bag back to Sadie. One day he'll make someone a jealous and paranoid husband.

What now, Zack?” Sadie is too tired to even be mean to him.

I need to crash here,” he says.

Now she's just appalled. No matter how delusional he is, she has always been clear about her feelings towards him.

Why?” She manages to make the question sound as rude as possible, which does come off as bitchy.

Zack doesn't seem offended; he just crosses his arms and leans against the brick wall.

Our president is a fucking asshole,” he says.

She can't resist she laughs thinking two assholes would probably cause a short circuit or something.

He goes on, ignoring her laughter. “He kicked me out of the compound. Asshole thinks his shit don't stink...” He trails off and then continues, “So I'm staying. I'll crash on your couch.”

Too tired to argue, she gives in. If she wakes up to him killing her, it's her own damn fault.

Fine, but I'm locking my door. If you even twitch the wrong way: I'll shoot you,” she says.

He sighs and nods.

She lets him into the apartment and points to the couch.

Once in the living room he starts shedding his clothes and Sadie stops at her bedroom door.

What the hell are you doing?” she demands.

It's pretty obvious that he is trying to shock her. If she were a weaker woman, she would start drooling over those shoulders and that freaking eight pack. Just seeing him without a shirt makes her blush.

I sleep naked Sadist. Like what you see?” he asks.

Yeah, she isn't sticking around for that show.

Zack is about to take off his boxers before she rushes into her room and slams the door behind her.

Goodnight,” he says after her.

  1. Chapter Four



Sadie drops the envelope with raunchy pictures on her boss's desk. The pictures aren't for Mathew, he isn't a pervert, they are for his client Candy. Mathew is a divorce lawyer and the pictures are to use against Candy's husband. Earlier today, Sadie hunted Jeff Rhodes down at his country club and managed to get him into a compromising position with very little effort. This job is ridiculously easy.

She takes a seat across from Mathew.

Sadie, I just don't get why you want to quit,” Mathew says.

To a man accustomed to getting his way, it is inconceivable that Sadie can't be persuaded to keep working for him.

Mathew a handsome man in his thirties has wavy brown hair and soulful brown eyes. His great taste in suits only adds to his lady-killer looks.

Have you thought about the raise to your rate we talked about last time?” He asks. She remains silent. They have been over this before. Sadie is not about to be swayed. Getting the message he looks over the pictures, “You went straight for the kill.”

The pictures show her in a white, barely there bikini, straddling Jeff while he practically devours her mouth. Gross. She pops another breath mint at the reminder. She'd left him with only that kiss and a promise of dinner next Friday. Luckily, she wouldn't have to see him again.

Candy will be very happy with these,” he says after pursuing all the pictures.

Candy, at only twenty-two, had three divorces under her belt. Some people are so driven.

Does she have a preferred costumer card with you?” Sadie asks.

Mathew represented her in the three previous divorces.

He shrugs, “Candy could be busy paying student loans right now, instead she's set for life with the settlements she's fleeced from those poor bastards.”

Despite his impending doom or at least doom of his bank account, Sadie can't muster up any pity for Jeff. The man left his wife with two young children and only half of her sizable inheritance. An inheritance he spent on his secretary, turned mistress, turned wife. Guys like Jeff kept divorce lawyers and hit men in business. Sadie had wanted to be a hit man, or hit woman, but she regretfully stood out like a sore thumb. Successful hit men had to keep a low profile.

Mathew takes a yellow envelope with Sadie's pay from a drawer and pushes it towards her.

The man is a complete dog. I'm done with this Mat. This was really the last time,” she says and actually means it. Her nest egg is big enough that she can stop doing the two jobs she hates.

Did I tell you that Jeff kept his ex-wife's last name? It opened many doors for him,” Mathew says with disgust.

Sadie laughs.

So, it's a case of conman getting conned?” she asks.

Mat grins, and says, “Jeff is the type of man that keeps me living in style.”

He's quiet for a second.

Now that I am no longer your boss... I can ask you out.”

Time to go. She stands and grabs the money.

Sorry, I only date guys that can beat me at arm wrestling,” she jokes.

Mat grimaces.

You know you cheated!” he accuses.

Not really, we didn't set any rules,” she reminds him.

You pinched me with those claw like nails!” He says.

She looks down at her neatly trimmed nails.

Some people are such sore losers.

You were weak, dude,” Sadie says dismissively.

So no date?” he asks.

You're a lawyer and I work at a strip club, it won't work out,” she says.

He doesn't say anything to that.

He's a nice guy, unless it involves his career and image. She even understands him; his parent's set a high standard for him. Sydney, his sister, and her friend, had caved under the pressure and in defiance of her parents, worked as a stripper.

Thanks for the opportunity Mathew. I'm sure we'll see each other around,” smiling, Sadie says goodbye.

Dating is not part of Sadie's plan. She's been burned by love before and plunging into that pit of hell is not something she is willing to repeat.

  1. Chapter Five



Sadie stares into the bathroom mirror while she puts on the finishing touches on her makeup. Her eyes look cat-like with the black liner. Her vivid red hair requires heavier makeup than what she'd prefer. Even her golden tan doesn't keep her from looking washed out without makeup.

Her outfit consists of dark skinny jeans, a gray crop-top, and her favorite pair of biker boots. Sydney teased her endlessly when she bought two pairs of the same black, calf length, studded boots.

Remembering their earlier fight deflates Sadie. Especially, since they haven't talked since her friend left. She decides to text Sydney before her date from hell arrives.

FML. Going out with Zack, send help if you don't hear from me by tomorrow!

Wanna get rid of him? Sleep with him! Your complete lack of skills will make him run back to Ashley!

Really? With all the unnecessary play by play of your sex life, I feel like I know TOO MUCH!

Bitch, I'm just trying to help! :P

Her train of thought is interrupted by loud banging at the front door. Of course, Zack wouldn't use the doorbell.

Gotta go. He's here..

She opens the door a minute later. He looks freshly showered, his dark hair still damp and mussed. Maybe if he weren't such an asshole.... Sadie could like him. She mutely steps into the night and leads the way to his motorcycle.

Babe, that is not a white dress,” He calls out from behind her.

Sadie just glares at him, and he laughs.




Rampage MC's compound is outside the city limits. It's huge, and consists of a large farmhouse, and several smaller buildings, all surrounded by a tall illuminated fence. Motorcycles are lined up along the house, and a few men in leather vests, stand by them. They greet Zack with nods.

Zack leads them to the large farmhouse. Inside, Sadie is assaulted by the blaring music.

Knowing she looks immature, she still covers her ears and glares at Zack.

He grabs her hand to lead her through the heavy throng of people, towards a raised stage on the left side of the huge room. The house has obviously been gutted to create the vast open space, and now resembles any other bar. There are even a few pool tables and booths.

On the stage, a lone man sits on a throne like chair, watching over everyone with a bored expression. He instantly catches Sadie's attention, mainly because he looks like a famous soccer player. Sadie loves soccer. So what if she chooses her team based on the players' looks?

As she draws closer, she can see his sharp hawk-like eyes, under low brows that are the same light ashy brown as his hair. His hair is kept very short on the sides and very long on the top. His angular features and square jaw covered in man scruff give him a stunningly masculine face. Who doesn't love man scruff?

Sadie isn't aware that she stopped walking, until Zack yanks her hand and startles her. She never ogles over hot guys, but this one is delicious. She sort of wants to draw hearts with her fingers around him. Zack's weirdness must be rubbing off on her.

Zack doesn't stop until they’re standing in front of the stage. Hot guy turns and looks at Zack with annoyance, and then turns his hazel eyes on Sadie. Oh, fuck. It's him. Stunned Sadie feels the pulse at the base of her neck jump. She turns to Zack, barely keeping herself from running.

Maybe he doesn't remember her. Pasting a fake smile on her face, she tries to act casual. She has nothing to worry about, her face is covered in a few layers of makeup, her own mother wouldn't recognize her.

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