Hyde and Seek (23 page)

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Authors: Layla Frost

BOOK: Hyde and Seek
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“I knew if I offered, you’d have said no.”

“Of course I would have.”

“So, I didn’t offer. You’ve been workin’ hard. Relax and let me take care of you, yeah?”

How could I say no to that? “You didn’t have to do this.”

“Just makes me wanna do it more. Miss you.”

“Miss you, too.” I let out my own wistful sigh as I hung up.

“Surprise!” Alicia said with a broad smile and jazz hands.

I bit back my laughter at her unexpected silliness, not wishing to disturb the tranquil setting.

“If you’ll follow me, we’ll get things started.” She led me to dressing rooms that were larger than my bedroom. “This room will be for you during your time at Serenity. When Mr. Hyde scheduled your visit, we asked a variety of questions in order to plan the best experience for you. If there is anything that doesn’t work for you, please let us know and we will tweak things accordingly.”

“I’m sure that won’t be an issue.” I doubted there was much he didn’t know.

“Jake said that you normally wax,” Alicia said nonchalantly, confirming my internal thoughts. “He wasn’t sure if you would need that at this time, but we like to start with the most unpleasant thing and move on from there.”

My hand began to move towards my eyebrows before the look on her face clued me in that I was heading in the wrong direction. “Um, yes, I actually could use that.”

“Perfect. There are robes in the armoire to change into and I’ll be waiting out here when you’re done.”

I walked in and closed the door behind me. Setting my purse down, I opened the dresser and pulled out the lushest robe I’d ever felt. Lifting it to my face, I breathed in the same citrus and vanilla scent that lingered in the air.

Hurriedly, I undressed and pulled it on.

I opened the door and Alicia walked me to another room to be waxed. When
was done, she returned to guide me into a different area for a facial and body scrub.

My skin felt and smelled awesome, and I kept trying to inconspicuously sniff my arm.

When Alicia returned, there was a smile playing at her mouth. “Miss Skye, if you’ll please follow me, it’s time for your massage. You have a choice between a male or female masseur. I promised Mr. Hyde I would inform you that he would greatly, and I must put the emphasis on how greatly, prefer you chose the female. However, the choice is yours.”

“Female, please,” I said through my laughter, picking what would have been my choice anyway.

“That’s probably a wise choice.” Her small smile grew wider. “Jake’s a good boy, but if he’s like Gregory was with Sarah, well… let’s just say I like my staff without broken fingers.”

“You know Jake’s family?”

“Yes, we went to school together. Though, as you can see,” she said, gesturing around her, “I wasn’t made to be a lawyer. Instead, I opened Serenity and Ella’s.”

“Oh, I didn’t know you owned Ella’s! I had a hard time not staring at my dress all night.”

Try as I might to deny it, I was secretly freakin’
to hear that the owner of Ella’s hadn’t been an old hookup of Jake’s.

His past was his past, but that didn’t mean I wanted to buy a dress from it.

“That dress is a favorite of mine, I’m glad you picked it. Don’t you just love the way it moves?”

“It changes the whole dress. It’s kinda miraculous.”

“Yes, it is,” she agreed as we reached a new room. “Enjoy.”

After a peaceful massage that left my body feeling so loose I was afraid I’d fall asleep, I got redressed for my time in the salon.

My fingers and toes were painted an iridescent violet. When they were done, I shuffled over in my foam flip flops to meet the stylist, Jonathon.

“Mr. Hyde had a request, but he said it’s up to you. I, on the other hand, am saying that the choice is
up to you, and we’re just doing what he said. ‘Cause, sweetheart, your man might be fine with a capital ‘Fuck Yeah’, but he’s also scary as a broken condom on prom night.”


“So no up-dos.”

I lowered my brows. “Really?”

“I said the same thing. You’re going to a formal event, an up-do would be fitting.”

“I have no clue—”

“Oh, and no product that would make your hair stiff. He said something about being able to put fingers through it easily,” Jonathan said with an exaggerated eyebrow wiggle.

Oh, well, yeah, that does solve that mystery.

“Anywho, let’s start with a gloss, shall we?”

Jonathon put a deep conditioning gloss in my hair, leaving it to sit before rinsing it out. He trimmed my hair and put in some flattering layers, telling me hilarious stories the whole time. When he finished, he put my hair in big rollers and sent me to makeup with Kamani.

Kamani’s looks were exotic, and, like everyone else, she was genuinely nice. She was also a goddess with a makeup brush. She made my skin look smooth and dewy with just a hint of blush. She deftly created a smoky eye with gray and purple shadow, perfect liner, and multiple coats of mascara in no time flat, with no mistakes. It looked dramatic, but felt like I was barely wearing any makeup at all.

I’d thought I was efficient when I got ready, but I was
behind her.

When Jonathan came back to get me, he pulled the rollers from my hair and applied a small amount of product. My hair fell in a tumble of loose curls with the bottom piecing out this way and that. It was a simple look, but in perfect balance with my makeup.

By the time he finished fussing with each little strand, I was running way behind. After thanking everyone, I almost left without the certificates. I stopped to hug and thank Alicia as she handed them to me, even though I needed to be gone.

When I got home, I began stripping off my clothes as soon as I closed the door, leaving a trail as I walked to my guestroom. I pulled on barely there panties before cautiously removing my dress from its garment bag.

Mindful not to smudge my makeup or ruin my hair, I slid the dress on and fell in love with it all over again. I stepped into my shoes and carefully hooked them before moving in front of the mirror on the door.

My chest tightened and I forced myself to take deep breaths as I tried not to cry. Instead, a giddy laugh bubbled out as I looked myself over.

I was right. I could never settle for just being tolerated.

What meant the most to me, what had me fighting back tears, was that Jake hadn’t sent me somewhere to pick out a conservative dress. He hadn’t suggested I tone down my makeup.

He’d shown that he knew me, and that, most importantly, he liked me as I was.

I was headed towards the living room when I heard a knock at the door.

“Hey, I’m…” I began as I opened the door, my words trailing off when I saw Jake.

I couldn’t imagine ever finding Jake unappealing. I’d just figured that I’d eventually grow accustomed to his level of attractiveness. That my body wouldn’t always react so strongly every time I saw him. At the very least, I wouldn’t keep losing the ability to think and speak.

As I looked at him, his hair pulled back into a messy knot and face unshaven, I knew that time would never come.

Because just as he liked me, I was
into him exactly how he was.

Wearing a tailored black tuxedo jacket and gray vest over a black shirt that he’d left open at the throat, Jake looked beautiful. Pairing it with dark jeans and his motorcycle boots, though, he was beyond scorching.

He looked like Jake.

The combination does look sexy, though. Who knew formal badass was such a good look?

Jake pulled me close and kissed me in an entirely inappropriate way in my open doorway. “You look un-fuckin’-believable, Piper,” he whispered against my lips, before letting me go.

“You look hot. Is that how guys are supposed to look in a tux? Regardless, you look badass hot,” I babbled, more than a little flustered as I closed and locked the door.

As always, when Jake threw his head back and laughed, deep and rich, it made being a dingus worth it. I was a dingus often, which meant I got his laugh often.

That didn’t mean I didn’t treasure it every time.

“Glad you think so. Remember that when I’m fightin’ for your attention tonight.”

I laughed. “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that.” Other people might want attention, but the idea that they’d be any competition for Jake was hysterical.

When I looked up at him, the humor on his face was replaced with warmth and I knew he was thinking the same thing about my laugh.

“Trust me, Piper, I do worry about that.” His hand slid up my bare arm to my neck, his thumb sliding against my jaw as his eyes followed the movement. “I can’t think of an appropriate way to tell you how you look. I can think of a lot of inappropriate ways to show you, but seein’ as I actually have to be at this shindig, that’ll have to wait.”

Before I could pull Jake inside for some inappropriate behavior, he curled his arm around my shoulders and started walking us towards a seriously kickass limo.

I’d consulted my good friend, Professor Google, about the event, and learned everyone’s arrival was met with photographers and press. I was on edge about doing or saying something wrong.

When we reached the limo, Jake opened the seriously,
kickass angel wing door and moved aside.

I bent low to get in, stopping when I felt Jake’s hands on my hips and his hard cock pressed against my ass.

“Didn’t see the back of the dress ‘til now. Like it, baby.” He pushed harder against me as he bent to lightly kiss behind my ear. “Not too fond of other people seein’ you in it. But I like it.”

He slowly released my hips, his fingers trailing as I moved away to climb in. I sat to one side, Jake getting in and sitting across from me. The door closed behind him, and a few moments later we were on our way.

“Are you excited about tonight?” I crossed my legs, the slit moving to expose my thigh.

Jake’s eyes moved slowly over my calf, his gaze like a physical caress. He sat quietly and stared for longer than was appropriate, not that I was complaining.

He left my question unanswered. “Who chose the shoes?”

“We all pretty much agreed they were perfect.”

“Good choice. Though they’re givin’ me thoughts that’re gonna make bein’ in front of people pretty fuckin’ awkward.”

“Wonder if they’re the same thoughts I had.” I laughed softly.

“Really doubt it. What’d you think?”

I looked to the side. “Ray mentioned that they look like little bondage devices for my feet, and, well, I agree.”

Leaning over suddenly, Jake took my hand and pulled me onto his lap. His arm wrapped around me, his hand resting on my exposed thigh while his thumb stroked back and forth. “And what, might I ask, do you know about such scandalous matters?”

“It comes up a lot in books. Then there’s the movies, of course,” I teased back.

At my words, Jake’s playful expression was replaced by heat. “We aren’t goin’ to the auction. Fuck that. We’re spendin’ the whole damn weekend in bed. You’ll tell me, in great detail, everythin’ you’ve read and watched, and we’ll reenact it. The guys can handle tonight.”

“Really, baby? You wanna leave Kase in charge of talking to a whole room?” I started laughing as I pictured Kase ordering all of the men out and then making his rounds to hit on all the women.

“Yeah. Guess that wouldn’t work,” he muttered, looking disappointed.

As another car drove by, the interior of the limo was briefly illuminated. “I love the chrome and black look.”

“You can probably get something like this in the Charger. I know a guy.”

“I don’t know. I think dudes that work with their hands like that are crazy hot. You might not want me around him.”

“You do, huh?” Jake slid his hand further up my thigh as he bit down gently on my ear lobe.

“Oh yeah. Especially ones that are so thoughtful to their…”

Shit, what am I supposed to say?

We still hadn’t put labels on anything, and I didn’t want him to think I was forcing one. We were together and neither of us were seeing anyone else, and that was what mattered. I knew enough to know that labels didn’t equal fidelity or respect.

“Sweets,” I finished.

“As much as I’d love to stay in here doin’ this, we’re almost there and I need a few minutes of baseball stats. Maybe a book to hold all night.”

“Baby, that’s why you have me.”

fuckin’ love to have you, but we’ll be there in less than five.”

I glanced at the closed partition before lowering myself to my knees in between his legs. “Well, I’ll just work extra hard.” I unzipped his jeans, pulling them and his boxers down just enough to have room to work. Skipping any teasing, I went straight for the good stuff, taking him in my mouth as far as I could.

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