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in burns, 459-462


in cardiac evaluation, 13-15

5-HydroxYl'ryptamine levels, 5 1 Ot

in chest pain, 13-15, 922-923

Hydroxyurea, 857t

in endocrine and metabolic disorders,

Hygiene, bronchopulmonary, 1 52-153

65 1"";52

in lung transplantation, 730, 731

in gastrointestinal evaluation, 505,

in mech:mical ventilation, 826


1-lypercaJcemia in parathyroid disor-

in genitOurinary evaluation, 56 1 -562

ders, 687"";88

in hematologic evaluation, 376-377

Hypercapnia. 1 1 3

in infections, 606

permissive, 8211

medical records on, 746, 747

Hyperemia zones in burns, 439

in musculoskeletal exam in arion, 1 60-

Hyperglycemia in diabetes mellitus,

1 6 1


i n neurologic evaluation, 278-28 I

Hyperinflation of lung, 130

in respirarory evaluation, 97-98

dynamic. ill positive end-expiratory

in vascubr evaluation, 367

pressure, 8 1 8, 820, 823

in wounds, 476-478

Hyperkalemia, 766t

HIV infection and AIDS, 63 1-634

Hypernacremia, 765r

anrirerroviral therapy in, 633

Hyperparathyroidism, 687-688

classification system on, 633

Hyperpituitarism, 663-666

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