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anxiery in transfer from, 758

prevention of, 614, 6 1 5t. 639, 750

equipment in, 769

opportunistic, 607t

patienr and family responses ro, 757-

in HIV infection and AIDS, 633-



Intercosral nerve, 279t

pathogen In, 607r

Interferons, 8591

physical therapy in, 639-640

Interleukin IL-2, 860t

in antibiotic-resistant infections,

Imental capsule, 260, 26 1 f, 2661

6 1 7� 1 8

International normalized ratio, 28, 382-

i n HIV infection, 634

384, 3851

in osteomyelitis, 630

abnormal, physical therapy guide·

in respiratory infections, 6 1 9

lines in, 429-430

prevention of, 6 1 4, 615t, 639

in anticoagui:mt therapy, 4 15



Interstitial cell stimulating hormone,

Jackson-Prarr drams, 803t

66 1 t

in liver transplantation, 7 1 5

Intervertebral disc disorders, 210-

Jejunostomy, percutaneous endoscopic,



artificial disc implantation in, 2 1 2-

Jejunum, 504t


Jewen brace, 226t

indications for surgery in, 21 1 t


intestines. See Gastroimesnnal system

arthroplasty of, 190-209. See also

Intra-aortic balloon pump, 829-832,


830f-83 I f

contracture in amputation, 895t

Intracranial pressure increase, 315, 321-

dislocations of. See Dislocations


Jugular vein distension pressure, 1 5- 1 6,

brain herniation in, 321, 322f, 323


burr hole placement m, 325

Junctional arrhythmias, 78t

dlureflcs in, osmotic, 867t

dramage m, 324t, 798t

KapoSI'S sarcoma in HIV infection and

mass effect in, 323

AJDS, 635t

midline shift m, 324

Ketoacidosis, diabetic, 680-68)

monitoring in, 791-794

Ketonuria, 565t

equipment in, 792t-793r


patient positioning in, 794

disorders of, 570-582

physical therapy in, 327, 791-794

acure failure, 570-571

shunt procedures in, 326, 805t

in burns, 441 t, 452

signs and symptoms in, 321 , 323t

calculi, 566, 579-580

treatment options m, 32 1-323, 324t

surgery in, 596-597

Intubation, 794-808

chronic failure, 571-572, 600

m end-of-life care, deCISions on, 755

diabetes insipidus in, 667, 668

m mechanical ventilation, 812-813,

in diabetes mellirus, 572, 580-58 t I

8 1 3f


complications of, 823-824

end stage disease in, 5 7 1

cuff in, 8 1 4

glomerulonephritis, 574-577

and extubation, 8 1 2

in hypertension, 394t, 572

phYSical therapy in, 794, 807-808

hypertension in, 395t

T tubes for oxygen delivery m, 777t,

interstitial nephritis, 578-579


nephrotic syndrome, 577-578

Iodine, radioactive, thyrOid uptake of,

pathophysiology in, 570-582


postope:rative, 874

Iron deficiency anemia, 405, 416, 866t

pyelonephritis, 566, 572-574

Irritable bowel syndrome, 534-535

referred pain in, 558(, 600


replacemenr therapy in, 587-595

cerebral, 312, 313

surgery in, 595-596

transient auack. 312

vascular, 581-582

m vasospasm, 315

evaluation of, 561-570

mtesrmal, 533-534

angiography in, 567

myocardial, 39-43. See also MyocarbiOpsy m, 569

dIUm, ischemia and mfarction

computed tomography in, 569


physical examination in, 563

pressure wounds in, 470

postoperative, in transplantation,

Ischium, fractures of, 174


Isoenzymes in cardiac evaluation, 29-

radiographic examination in, 566

30, 30t

radionuclide scans in, 568

hchmg In casts, 224

ultrasonography in, 569



Kidneys--couti" lled

Lamineclomy, 2 1 0, 2 1 1 t

Structure and function of, 558-56 1, 560f

Languagc. See Spt.."'tCh and languagc

rransplamation of, 708-71 2

Laparoscopy, 522, 523r

donors in, 700, 709

Large imestine

funerion rests in� 710

cecum in, 5041

mdications for, 708-71 2

colon Ln. See Colon

with pancreas transplantation, 720-

disorders of, 530-.540


referred paLn Ill, 502r

physical therapy in, 7 1 1-712

funerion of, 504t

postoperative care and complications

Laryngectomy, I S I

in.7!()-7 1 1

Laryngoscop� l S I

rejection 10, 707, 71 t

vascul;\( supply of

procedures Ulvolving, 1 5 1

angiography of, 567

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