I’ll Be There (15 page)

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Authors: Samantha Chase

BOOK: I’ll Be There
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Like years ago.

“I've got to be honest with you,” he murmured, his lips gently caressing her ear. “I don't give a damn about this movie or about anything else right now except leaving here with you and going back to my place. I want to be alone with you, without an audience, and that has nothing to do with being self-conscious about my injury.” He pulled back so she could see his face. “I want us to be alone together, Gabriella, like I've fantasized about countless times.”

She took a shaky breath as her gaze met his. “This is all happening so fast.”

“It's been years,” he fairly growled. “If anything, we're really behind.”

“Zach—” She sighed. “I don't know. I just…”

He pressed a finger to her lips. “Shh…it's all right.” He removed his finger and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “I don't want to rush you or make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry.” Pulling back and settling back into his seat, Zach reached over and put his arm around Gabriella's shoulder and smiled when she rested her head there. He liked that a lot.

Unable to help himself, he reached into the bucket of popcorn and pulled out a couple of pieces and held them up to her lips. Beside him, Gabriella hesitated for a moment before accepting them. It certainly wasn't helping the situation when her tongue gently grazed his finger, but he managed to stay in control.

A minute later he heard her whisper, “Thank you.”

He kissed the top of her head and relaxed.

It had been a long time since Zach had gone out on a date and even longer since he'd gone out on one where he'd enjoyed himself so much. For all the years he spent wining and dining beautiful women, who knew it would be
beautiful woman in an out-of-the-way movie theater who would turn his life upside down?

And make his body react like a horny teenager.

It was almost enough to make him laugh. But at that moment, Gabriella lifted her head and kissed him gently on the cheek.

“I think this is the best date ever,” she whispered before resting her head back on his shoulder.

It was as if she'd read his mind. And wasn't that the basis of it all—they were one. He'd known it since the beginning. They understood one another and worked well together, and he had no doubt they were going to continue to work well together—even when work wasn't involved.

A smile played across his lips as he put his focus back on the big screen.

Yeah, life was pretty damn good.

Chapter 8

A month later, Zach was lying down on the massage table Alex had brought with him, grimacing in pain.

“We are definitely making progress,” Alex said as he worked on Zach's calf muscles. “I can feel and see a difference. What about you?”

Zach shrugged and grunted. Alex immediately released him and stepped back. Lifting his head, Zach looked over his shoulder. “What?”

“Seriously? That's all I get out of you? A few weeks ago you couldn't do half the reps we're doing now. You're able to move around without the use of the crutches for longer amounts of time. I thought you'd be happier about it.”

The sigh came out before he could help it. “I am happier. Honest.” Zach sat up. “I know I'm the main reason I'm not further along in my recovery. I get it. But now I'm committed and I'm doing the work, I was hoping—”

“For what? A miracle?” Alex interrupted. “It doesn't work like that, Zach. You're still going to have to put in the time.”

That did little to make Zach feel better. Ever since he and Gabriella had gone to lunch and the movies, he was even more anxious to make progress with his therapy. He enjoyed kissing her and touching her, but he was way too wary to go any further than that until he knew for certain his body wasn't going to throw him for a loop in the middle of an intimate moment with Gabriella.

It wasn't something they had discussed, but Zach knew Gabriella understood. They spent every day together—working and just hanging out—but Zach always managed to put on the brakes before they got too carried away.

Something that was becoming more and more difficult with every passing day. The woman personified temptation.

They'd started to settle into a routine—she arrived at his house every morning just as he and Alex were finishing up their session. While Zach showered and Alex packed up, Gabriella got their work laid out for the day along with whatever breakfast she had picked up on the way to his place.

Zach and Gabriella worked at a fairly slow pace, getting Zach back up to speed on all the company business he'd missed since the Denali climb. They videoconferenced with Ethan, and Zach spoke on the phone every day with his father. Zach knew his father and Ethan were both relieved that he was finally engaging in running the company again. So was he. He hadn't realized how much he truly missed it until he pulled his head out of his ass and actually took the initiative.

Twice during the past week, he and Gabriella had left the house under the pretense of going to lunch. They'd picnicked in the park and then would take short walks on some of the paved trails just so he could be outside. It was amazing how much he had missed just being out in the fresh air.

Alex was right—his mobility had improved, and that, combined with getting out of the house, had made an incredible difference in just about every aspect of his life. He was sleeping better, his appetite was better, and his overall outlook on life was better. If he was an optimistic person, he'd say he was starting to feel like his old self.

Light at the end of the tunnel.

“You've gone quiet again,” Alex said, interrupting Zach's thoughts.

“I'm impatient. Now that I'm finally doing the work, I expect my body to catch up. Excel. Be done with all of this.”

Alex chuckled. “Yeah, athletic guys like you are usually the worst. No patience. You'll get there. I promise. You keep doing what you've been doing and you'll be back on your feet—literally—in no time.”

“God, I hope so. I'm losing my mind.”

“Nah. I think you hit that point a couple of weeks ago. Your head is finally on straight.” He motioned for Zach to lie back down. “You have a doctor's appointment on Monday, don't you?”

Zach nodded.

“I'd like to go with you if it's all right.”


Alex started massaging Zach's calf again. “I think if the three of us sit down together and we hear what your scans are showing, we can personalize your sessions even more. I'd like to know where the swelling is—if there still is any—and I find it helpful to get the doctor's input on how your recovery is going.” He stopped and made eye contact with Zach. “But it's completely up to you. If you'd rather go without me and fill me in on the details later, I'm cool with that too.”

Zach shook his head. “I just don't expect you to give up any more of your time for me. You're already here twice a day, five days a week. Don't you have other clients?”

“I sure do,” Alex said good-naturedly. “But just like you would understand if I told you one of them needed me, they'll understand if I need to spend a little extra time with you.”

Zach couldn't argue that logic. “I had planned on asking Gabriella to take me, but it's not a big deal.”

Alex smiled. “She's a great lady. I can see she's just as invested in your recovery as you and I are. It's important to surround yourself with people who are supportive. You wouldn't believe how difficult it can be when you have friends and family interfering with therapy sessions because they think I'm being too hard on a patient. Or when the patient is lazy and complains. You've got an amazing support group in your family, Zach. You're lucky.”

“Don't I know it.” He paused and just let Alex do his thing for a few minutes. Questions about his recovery and what he should—and shouldn't—be doing began to form in his mind, but pride kept him from voicing them. What was happening between him and Gabriella was private, but he wouldn't mind some input on when it might be…safe…for him to initiate taking things to the next level with her.

“I can hear you thinking from here,” Alex said. “What's on your mind?”

Zach considered asking the question, just to get it out in the open, but he couldn't make himself form the words. “It's…it's nothing. Really.”

Alex continued with the massage. “Fine. Have it your way.”

Zach lay there in silence for a solid five minutes before his inner dialogue could no longer be contained. “Okay. Here's the thing.” He cleared his throat. “I know I'm getting better, stronger. But there's kind of a difference between being able to walk without crutches and…other things. You know what I mean?” God, did he sound as lame as he felt?

For a minute, Alex didn't say anything. “Are you asking me about when you'll be free to resume other…activities?”

By the way Alex said the word “activities,” Zach figured they were on the same page. Still…just in case. “I'm not talking about basketball or…riding a bike. You know?”

Alex chuckled. “Ah…riding a bike. Good one.” He switched to Zach's other leg. “How does it feel?”

They went through this after every session. They worked Zach's muscles until he didn't think he could take any more, and then at the end, Alex took the time to massage them and make sure the muscles were in good shape. “It feels fine. They don't hurt like they did a week ago or even a few days ago.”

“Good. That's a good thing. It means they're getting used to the activity and not fighting it so much. Or you're not fighting it so much.”

Zach gave a muffled snort. “Anyway…we were saying…”

“Right. Riding a bike. I can't give you a definitive time line, Zach. You know your body better than I do. Off the record, I don't see why you couldn't resume…activities.”

“Okay, now I feel like we're a couple of kids in church. Sex. We're talking about sex!” It felt so much better to finally just say it out loud.

Alex burst out laughing. “Oh thank God! I wasn't sure if I could come up with any other euphemisms for the whole damn thing.” They both laughed. “But seriously, Zach, I don't see why you couldn't or shouldn't be able to have sex.”

“I'm kind of…well…what if, you know, like my leg, things just…don't work?”

Luckily Alex didn't laugh. “That would be more of a psychological thing than anything else, man. From everything I read in your reports, there wasn't any damage to your—”

“Yeah, yeah…I know.”

“Have you experienced any…issues with…?”

Zach wished the floor would open up and swallow him. This was way more embarrassing than he ever could have imagined. “You know what? Let's just forget I even mentioned this, okay?”

“No, no, come on,” Alex said and came to stand in front of him. “Look, Zach, I'm honored you feel comfortable enough to talk to me about this kind of thing. From everything you've told me and what I knew of you before I took you on, you weren't comfortable with any of your doctors or therapists. I want to help you. I know it's not the most…comfortable…conversation to have, but I think it's an important one.”

“But it has nothing to do with my recovery,” Zach said quickly, averting his eyes and moving to get off the table. “I never should have brought it up.”

Before Zach could get down, Alex blocked him. “Actually, it's a big part of your recovery. I mean, yeah, it's not like that was part of your injury, but you've struggled with a major physical trauma. You're easing back into what your life was like before the accident, and sex is a natural part of it.”

In his entire life, Zach couldn't remember ever talking to his brothers or Ethan about issues like this. It was embarrassing. It was humbling. He was a healthy, virile guy who had always enjoyed a normal, healthy sex life. There had never been a reason to discuss it.

He wished there wasn't a reason right now.

“It just feels…weird,” Zach mumbled. “I'm not the kind of guy who—”

“Yeah. I got that.” Alex moved away from the table and began putting towels and weights away. “There's nothing to be embarrassed about. If you feel you're ready, then you should. Unless you're one of those guys who likes his sex full of props and acrobatics,” he said with a laugh. “Then maybe you shouldn't. But if you're looking to just sort of…ease back into things, I think you'll be fine.”

Zach wanted to believe him. There had been times over the last week when he'd had Gabriella in his arms and he'd thought, “Yes! I can totally do this!” and then that little voice of doubt crept up and planted the idea of him getting a cramp or a pain or just…not being able to finish what they'd started. It had never been an issue for Zach—ever—and he wasn't prepared to take a chance on it happening now.

He could sit here and talk to Alex for hours, but the bottom line was there were no guarantees. “Do you…do you think it's something we could address Monday at the doctor, or should I just not bring it up?”

By now Alex had the room back in order and his supplies stacked by the door. “This is clearly something important to you, Zach. You know no one is going to be able to give you a promise that everything is going to be what you're hoping it's going to be. We can talk about it. You can talk about it with your doctor. You can talk about it with Gabriella if you—”

“Wait,” Zach interrupted. “Why would you say that? Why would you bring Gabriella into this?”

Alex's eyebrows rose before he crossed his arms and chuckled. “Seriously? She's who you're talking about, right? I mean, I know she's your assistant but it's pretty obvious she means more to you than that. Come on. I'm not blind.”

Zach muttered a curse.

“What's the big deal? I think it's great, and like I said earlier, Gabriella is clearly on board with helping you with your rehab. You're a lucky guy. All the way around.”

“Yeah, I'm living the dream,” he mumbled. “I'm weaker than a preteen and I still need crutches to walk most of the time. Remind me again where the luck is?” he asked.

Shaking his head, Alex walked over and gave Zach a quick and friendly pat on the back. “I'm not going to do that. You know damn well all the reasons why you're lucky. It's late and I've got to go.” He walked over to the door and began collecting his bags and supplies. “Have a good weekend and try to relax. We'll skip our session Monday morning and I'll just plan on picking you up at ten to take you to your appointment. Is that all right?”

Zach nodded. “Sure. Whatever.”

Alex's shoulders slumped. “Really? That's how we're going to end this successful session? Here I was feeling really good about all we accomplished and you're going to get all sad and dejected on me? And on a Friday?” He chuckled. “Come on. What do you have planned for the weekend? You told me about the movies and getting out last weekend. I'm sure you've got something on the calendar.”

A small smile crept across Zach's face.

“I knew it! I knew you had something going on. Now, promise me you'll get out of your damn head and allow yourself to enjoy it.”

The smile grew.

Alex looked at his watch and then put his stuff down. “Out with it, Montgomery. What are you going to be doing?”

“Actually, it's not really a big deal. I'm just looking forward to spending the weekend with Gabriella without having to deal with work and contracts and video conferences. To have it just be the two of us.”

“I can see that.” He stared at Zach in contemplative silence for a moment. “I know you're not ready to go out to some of the places you used to just yet, but you might want to consider the Chinese gardens.”

Zach shrugged. “We've gone to a couple of parks that have paved trails to make walking easier. I feel bad that she has to walk so slowly because of me.”

“How about checking out one of the movie brewpubs? They're actually kind of cool. They have couches instead of typical movie seats and you get to eat a casual dinner and taste some in-house brewed beers. Even if you're not a beer drinker, the whole scene is really laid-back. Perfect for a casual night out.”

“Maybe,” Zach said, and then held out his hand to Alex to shake it. “Thanks, man. Seriously. I appreciate all you're doing here with me and for taking the time to talk with me.”

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