Impulse (Isola dei Sogni) (6 page)

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Authors: Raven McAllan

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Impulse (Isola dei Sogni)
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"How on earth?" Mia stopped dead, and he almost plowed into her. "Is he psychic or something? It's amazing. Oh ho, he's forgotten something though, what about clothes? That table is glass. I'm nude . . . oh lordy." She fluttered her hand over her pussy.

"You're doing it again," Dylan teased her. That time she really
spoken aloud. "It arrived because I pressed a button at the pool before we left. No clothes required, unless you really need them, and yes, so am I. Nude. So, shall we sit?" His interest lay how she'd respond. With Mia, he'd discovered there was no telling unless she thought things through.

He pulled back a chair for her, and Mia sat down with a sigh.

"You confuse me, you know. So, what next?"

Dylan opened up a large napkin and placed it over her lap.

"Up to you, really. There," he said cheerfully. "All covered." Mia looked at her breasts and raised her eyebrows.

"You reckon?" She shook her head and rolled her eyes. Then she giggled. "Ah well, at least I won't mucky my clothes if I drop food."

"Oh please drop food, and I can lick it . . . er, clean it up." Dylan produced his best mock leer.

Mia punched him on his arm. "Oh lordy, I walked into that." She didn't seem worried.

Dylan moved opposite her and took the other chair. That damn napkin was so tempting as it covered her and hinted of hidden treasures. Above the tabletop, her breasts tempted him to touch and taste. Their rosy nipples echoed the color of her lush lips. With a resolve he didn't know he had, he sat down and unfolded his own napkin and shook it out. It was time to let her set the pace.

He hoped to hell he could keep that resolution long enough to see it through. "I rather think this is going to become a tent." His tone was rueful, and he winked as he settled the napkin. A further swift glance had confirmed his suspicions. He was right; a tent had appeared.

Mia looked across to where his hand hovered. She grinned, and giggled.

"Just a bit lower please and take a hold of the material and move it away. Oh, and yes, I did mean to say that aloud. I've turned over a new leaf."

"As you wish." Dylan dropped the linen square on the floor and took hold of his cock. He moved his hand up and down the hard length. The skin rippled and stretched beneath his fingers, sending a pulse of electricity through him. Pre-cum glistened on the head. With slow deliberation, he rubbed his fingers over the tiny slit and used the liquid to coat his prick.

It felt good. His cock was almost standing up and begging for attention, but he knew it would be a hell of a lot better if it were Mia's hand doing the touching. Had she truly decided to take a chance on them? He was sure he hadn't swayed her in any way, that mind bending was not his forte and against their creed anyway. Dylan decided to let her take charge and see what happened.

Mia swallowed. The ripple of her throat made his mouth dry. That innocent action made him desperate to taste her. She lifted her hand toward his face and let it drop.

"Will this dinner wait?" Her voice was husky.

"As long as you want," he assured her, thinking it could always be sent back to the kitchen and re-heated, even if Jacques did have a fit. If not, there was such a thing as a microwave. "Although, you did say you want my fantasy and in my fantasy, you'll imitate me. Do to yourself just what I'm doing to myself."


Mia gulped. Okay, it was one thing touching yourself
yourself; in fact, apart from the odd boring encounter, that had been the norm for more years than she remembered. But in front of someone else? That was more years than she
to remember. However, she decided nothing ventured and all that. And she
wanted to.
She wanted to see his eyes spark with desire—for her. She needed to feel desired and cherished and the sole focus of someone's heat and passion. No, not someone, she admitted.

She dropped the napkin onto the table next to her plate and with slow deliberation moved her hand downward to play with the curls covering her mound. They tickled her fingers and curled around her nails.

Should I shave? Have a short back and sides? Would he like that?
The look of desire on Dylan face stopped her thinking. His eyes were dark, almost black, but they simmered with a heat that seared her. Mia's skin tingled and her nipples tightened. The muscles in her channel spasmed and it was all she could do not to demand he take over touching her so she could just feel. This was it, no turning back and no desire to. It was all so against the grain of her now normal attitude that Mia shook with the intensity of what she craved.

"Inside." His voice was hoarse. "Touch inside. In the way you'd like me to touch you. Show me, Mia. Show me."

Her body was on fire as she moved her hand. She'd show him, and rejoiced that she'd found a person who desired her so much.

"Like this?" With an insouciance she wouldn't have believed she had, Mia wet her fingers in her mouth and moved them to her pussy. Slowly, she pushed inside herself. The look on his face gave her courage to move them further inside. As she scraped the walls of her channel, her clit tingled and sharp arrows of pleasure honed in on her nipples. Her juices coated her fingers, and without conscious thought, she moved her hand to coat her nipples with her essence. She trembled as she returned it to her heated sheath. Her head fell back and she gave herself to the sensations that bombarded her.

"My turn." Dylan stood up and pushed his chair back. It fell over and hit the floor with a
. Mia jumped at the unexpected noise and her hand moved out of her channel and dropped onto her lap. He lifted it to his lips.

"Ah, so good, it tastes of you." Goose bumps covered her skin as he put her fingers into his mouth and licked them one by one. "Now I can't wait, my lovely Mia. Are you ready?"

She nodded, her mouth dry as Dylan bent his head and sucked her clit deep into his mouth. Mia screamed and arched into him as her climax flooded her. He held her firm in the seat as lights flashed under her eyelids. Her body was so hot she was sure the chair would combust. He flicked his tongue over her sensitive nub, and then drove said tongue inside her channel. Nothing registered except the pleasure that filled her, made her shake and scream again.

* * * * *


There was a strange noise in the room. Mia rolled over, straight into a hard male aroused body. Her own body might ache in all the right places, but it responded immediately as his hands touched her breasts. The shard of pleasure went straight to her clit. His tongue persuaded its way into her mouth and said male body began to move against her. She'd be happy to wake up to this every morning, except . . . the noise persisted. Insistent and—

"Dylan! There's a noise coming from your ear." She pushed Dylan with her one free hand, the other having made its way unerringly to play with those sexy whorls of hair on his chest. It was as if it had a mind of its own, completely disassociated with the rest of her.
Thank goodness my brain is still in touch with it. Argh, shut up.
The noise persisted.

"Mmm?" He continued his exploration and her body responded.

Damn, I want to climb on top of him and ride him 'til we come. Sod it, I'm gonna buy earplugs and ignore that sound.
Sadly, she didn't have a chance to do anything. Dylan muttered something that sounded like a string of swear words.

"Fuck it." He touched his ear briefly and stiffened. "This better be good. What? Okay. I'm on my way." He touched his ear again, kissed her lips with what she recognized as barely controlled passion, and moved to the edge of the bed rapidly.

"Sorry, there's an emergency. I need to go. Shit! No clothes."

"What was that?" Mia stared at his head. He looked bewildered, and then smiled as he touched the side of his head. The grin illuminated his face, as if the sun had shone on him.

"This? It's a transmitter in my ear." He lifted a tiny piece of plastic no larger than a pea from behind his lobe and showed her.

What? Fuck.
Mia thumped his arm. He moaned and rubbed it with theatrical exaggeration before he reattached the transmitter.

"Ouch, what was that for?"

"Has someone heard everything we said? Everything we've done?" Mia was horrified.
Damn, it should have been his balls, not his arm
. Someone else might have heard her scream as he spilled in her and toppled her over the edge. Or listened to how many times she'd come and where? She'd never look at a shower hose in the same light again. Or look anyone in the building in the face. Talk about mega-embarrassment.

Dylan crawled out of bed and looked down at her. His mind might be away from them, but his cock sure as hell wasn't. Mia lifted her eyes back to his face.

"Well? Answer me, you asshole. Have you shamed me?"

"No, for fuck's sake, do you really believe me capable of that?" He grabbed hold of her shoulders and Mia felt the unleashed power behind his hands. "Do you?"

She sighed and moved her head to one side to feel his hand next to her cheek. He was trembling, his face ashen, and she was damned sure there were tears on his eyelashes. Mia felt like something from the slime at the bottom of a sewer. She'd done that to him.

"No, no I don't. You're an honorable man." Her words tumbled out of her mouth as she did her best to reassure him. "I'm sorry, but this is all so new and raw, and well, important to me. I'm shit scared and I'm full of what ifs. You know, what if I don't do it right, you don't like the way I do it, you don't fancy me as much as . . . Whmmpf." Dylan shut her up by putting his hand over her mouth. He still trembled.


"It's on receive only. Mia, I'm really sorry, but I've got to go. One of our fantasies has gone pear-shaped, and I need to man the transmitter." He walked toward the door.

"Here," Mia scrambled out of the bed, and threw him her bathrobe. She had a horrible premonition. There was a lump of lead lodged in her stomach and her skin itched like she'd eaten something that disagreed with her. "Who was in it? Are they safe?"

"They're safe. Christophe has gone to assess the situation."


"And I've got to go." He didn't look at her.

"So who's involved in this fantasy?" Her eyes narrowed. "It's Meryl, isn't it?"

He nodded. "But she's fine. And no, I can't tell you what it was or where she is. Seriously though, love, there's absolutely no need for you to concern yourself." He knotted the bathrobe around himself, the two sides barely meeting, giving Mia a very tempting view of a hard toned thigh. However, she wasn't in the least bit interested.
No need to worry? Yeah, that'll be right. It's my sister were talking about here.

She dragged a dress over her head, and ignored the fact she couldn't find her knickers.

"Don't you 'love' me, you sod. What the
do you mean nothing for me to get concerned about? That's my sister who's out there and whoever she's with. I don't even know where 'there' is." She sketched quotation marks in the air. "I'm assuming she
with someone? She's not scared and alone?" That scenario would be unthinkable.

"No, she's not alone." The tone of his voice alerted her to something strange that made her skin crawl as if bugs were playing football on her skin.

"Who's she with?"

Dylan didn't answer as he tied his hair back with a strip of leather. To her annoyance, the sight of that simple act made her mouth go dry. He was pure sex on legs. What she could do with that thong . . . . She bit the inside of her mouth in annoyance to get her mind out of the sex shop—or the gutter. She could revisit it later if everything went okay.

"Fuck it. Take me to this transmitter. Now." Mia decided if she'd been a cartoon character, steam would be rising from her head. She was angry with herself and worried for Meryl. Dylan stared at her. "What?"

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