The Doctor Wears A Stetson (Contemporary Western Romance)

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Authors: Anne Marie Novark

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #texas, #doctor, #western, #cowboy, #sensual, #medical romance, #steamy romance, #alpha male, #reunion story, #second chance at love, #contemporary western romance, #contemporary cowboy romance, #texas romance, #spicy romance, #small town romance

BOOK: The Doctor Wears A Stetson (Contemporary Western Romance)
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The Doctor Wears A


Anne Marie Novark




The atmosphere sizzled in the small office.
Jessie stood like a statue, her eyes opened wide. "Why did you come
back?" Her raspy voice held a note of accusation.

Cameron also heard anguish in her words. Was
he causing Jessie pain? When all he wanted was to hold her in his
arms, take her to bed and make love to her until the passion
between them was spent?

In two long strides, he was beside her. She
backed against the file cabinet. He stepped closer.

"You know why I'm back. We need to finish
what we started seventeen years ago." He touched a finger to her
cheek, traced the smooth line of her jaw, eased his hand behind her
neck and pulled her to him. Her trembling intensified and she put
her hands on his chest as if to ward him off.

He caught her hands and moved them over his
heart. "Feel my heartbeat, Jess. It's beating for you." He pressed
his body against hers. "Feel how much I want you. I tried to stay
away, but God help me, I couldn't."

His mouth claimed hers in fierce desire.
Jessie moaned, holding back only for a second, knowing deep down
resistance was hopeless.

She couldn't help it . . . she kissed him



Reviews for Anne Marie


"Ms. Novark is a fantastic storyteller, and
has a wonderful grasp for writing very emotionally charged scenes.
There is far more here than a romance, but rather, this is a story
with complexity and substance, which is everything a reader could
ask for and more."

Long and Short

"This is the first book I have read by Ms.
Novark but it will not be my last. Her characters are strong and
passionate and she takes the reader along for an emotional ride
through her story!"

Steph B.,
The Romance

"I loved reading a western romance that
wasn’t historical. I’ve heard that everything is bigger in Texas,
but didn’t think that would mean the sex scenes as well. Get a tall
glass of lemonade since this book is hot!"

Once Upon a
Romance Review


The Doctor Wears A Stetson

Copyright © 2010 by Anne Marie Novark


This is a work of fiction. Names, places,
businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the
author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any
resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or
locales is purely coincidental.


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portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner
whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or
publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical
articles or reviews.


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To all of those who have been
given a

Second Chance at Love . . .




"You want me to do

Jessie Kincaid dropped the wrench she'd been
using to tighten a loose radiator hose on an old pickup truck. The
metal tool echoed on the cement floor of her father's service
station. She stared toward the big double doors, wondering if she
were hallucinating.

"I want you to go to the prom with me." The
deep low voice drifted into the garage on the cool West Texas

Jessie's head buzzed and her lungs refused
to draw in air. Had Cameron McCade, star football player for the
Salt Fork Bulldogs, the most popular senior in school and drop-dead
gorgeous, just asked her to the prom?

Oh my God. I'm only a freshman.

Nothing like this had ever happened before.
Her life was predictable, boring. Every afternoon, she came home
from school, changed into her coveralls and helped her dad. She
repaired cars, trucks and tractors, pumped gas, changed oil and
some days even balanced the books. Kincaid's Garage did a brisk
business, considering it was one of two gas stations in the small
town of Salt Fork, Texas.

Jessie took a deep calming breath and stared
at Cameron. He was still standing near the garage doors looking
incredibly handsome in his Stetson, with his hands stuffed in the
pockets of his letter jacket.

"Will you go with me, Jess? Please?" He
walked toward her until he was only a couple of feet away.

His killer smile made Jessie's stomach
flutter. She picked up the wrench and placed it in the toolbox.
"Why me?" she asked, although she knew the answer.

Cameron's sapphire blue eyes widened in
surprise. He probably hadn't expected her to question his
invitation. Jessie knew he had recently broken up with his
girlfriend. The prom was only a week away. Everyone had arranged
for dates and escorts months ago, everyone except Jessie.

"Why not you?" Cameron asked, tipping back
his Stetson and smiling down at her. "Don't you

That smile was dangerous. Cameron was
dangerous, too. He was way out of Jessie's league. She didn't date
much; hardly ever, if you wanted to get downright technical about

"Okay. Sure, I'll go with you." Who cared if
she was his last-ditch effort? A chance like this didn't come along
every day.

Cameron nodded. "Good. I'll pick you up
around seven on Saturday. See you, Jess. And thanks."

She watched him drive away, knowing she
probably had a dopey grin on her face. Just like all the girls in
town, Jessie had a crush on Cameron McCade. Except her feelings
bordered on hero-worship, because he was so far beyond her reach.
Never in her wildest dreams had she thought she would actually get
to go out with him.

Oh my God.

When her heart finally stopped pounding, she
ran to find her dad and begged him to take her to Lubbock to buy a
dress. She hadn't worn one since she was a baby. They went that
night and after a long and frantic search, she settled on an
ankle-length, backless gown of creamy white satin.

On Saturday afternoon, Jessie locked herself
in her room and prayed for a miracle. For the first time in her
life, she rolled her hair, painted her nails and applied makeup.
Donning the dress, she looked at herself critically in the
full-length mirror on the back of her bedroom door. Not miraculous,
but definitely not bad.

Jessie grabbed her new purse and went in
search of her father. She found him in the office next to the
garage, seated at his desk with his back to her. She stopped in the
doorway, suddenly feeling nervous and unsure. Was her dress too
daring? Her hair too curly? Had she used enough makeup? Too much?
She didn't want to embarrass Cameron.

"Dad, close your eyes before turning
around," Jessie said. "I want your honest opinion of how I

George Kincaid swiveled until he faced the
doorway. Slowly he opened his eyes. A glowing smile spread across
his rugged face. "Come on in, baby. Let me have a closer look."

Jessie stepped into the small office and
pirouetted in front of him. She watched his face anxiously, trying
to decide if she could trust his judgement. He was her father after

"You'll be the belle of the ball," he said.
"Just like your mama, God rest her soul. Cameron McCade is one
lucky fella."

"Oh, Daddy. You know he only asked me
because he and Patti broke up and no one else was available."

"Even if you weren't his first choice, he's
still lucky," her father declared stoutly.

A knock on the office door made Jessie jump.
"Goodness! He's here!" she cried.

While Cameron shook hands with her father,
Jessie looked him over. He was stunning in his black tuxedo and
baby-blue shirt. The tanned face, clear blue eyes, and that
kilowatt smile were producing astonishing effects on her. How was
she going to survive this night? She wished with all her heart she
had more experience with boys.

Cameron turned toward her. Jessie summoned a
brave smile, banishing the urge to run away. He didn't say anything
for a moment. It was his turn to look her over, from the top of her
head to the tips of her brand new satin slippers, and then slowly
back up. He inched closer, his gaze appreciative. "You look

"Thanks." His compliment warmed her all
over. "So do you."

Jessie's father cleared his throat.
"Cameron, you take care of my little girl, you hear? Don't keep her
out too late. Have a good time, baby." He kissed her cheek, before
disappearing into the living quarters behind the garage.

Cameron thrust a small cardboard box toward
her. "I forgot to ask what color your dress was going to be. I hope
this is all right."

Jessie opened the box. Nestled in the folds
of tissue lay a wrist corsage of pink tea roses. "It's

Cameron removed the flowers and took her
hand in his. "May I?" His voice sounded low and husky in the
confines of the office. Before she could reply, he slipped the
elastic loop over her trembling hand.

Jessie admired the corsage, sniffing the
delicate fragrance, closing her eyes. This whole experience was
like a dream or fairy tale. Not real at all.

"Are you ready to go?" Cameron asked.

That deep voice again. One more sniff of her
corsage and Jessie opened her eyes. "Not yet. Stay here, I'll be
right back."

Dashing to the kitchen, she opened the
refrigerator door and grabbed the single blue carnation wrapped in
clear cellophane. Thank goodness one of the older girls at school
had explained about corsages and boutonnieres, because she never
would have thought of it herself.

When she offered the flower to Cameron, he
shook his head. "Huh-uh, it's your turn." He stepped closer until
he stood only a few inches away.

Jessie gulped and prayed she wouldn't faint.
Nothing had prepared her for the incredible sensations flowing
through her body. This was unknown territory where unfamiliar
emotions threatened to consume her. She was very good at taking
apart engines and putting them together again. She wasn't good with

"Pin it on, Jess."

With shaking fingers, she carefully fastened
the boutonniere to his lapel with a long straight pin. She avoided
eye contact, keeping her attention on the task. The warmth from
Cameron's body, the width of his shoulders, the clean fresh scent
of his aftershave made Jessie feel weak in the knees. If she had
known being close to Cameron would cause her to lose her breathing
abilities and the control of her muscles, she never would have
accepted his invitation to the prom.

Yeah right
. She wouldn't have missed
this for the world. Everything was new and exciting and just a
little bit scary.

The drive to the high school gym took all of
five minutes. Somehow, Jessie managed to get out of the truck with
some semblance of grace. She wasn't used to dresses and high-heels.
Cameron adjusted her satin wrap around her shoulders and escorted
her inside.

Everyone gaped at Jessie when she walked in
the gym on Cameron's arm. No one could believe
attending the prom with Cameron McCade! A feeling of pure feminine
satisfaction rose inside of her, giving her confidence a
much-needed boost.

"Cameron! Jessie! Over here."

Cameron guided Jessie to one of the center
tables, where Lester Smith stood waving to them.

"Hey, buddy." Lester slapped Cameron's
shoulder. "I grabbed the best table and saved a place for you

"Thanks, Les." Cameron seated Jessie before
sinking his tall frame into the chair between her and Lester's
date, Amanda Harding.

He threw his arm across the back of Jessie's
chair. When his fingers brushed back and forth against her
shoulder, her body tensed. The soft caress made her tummy feel
heavy and tingly at the same time. If Cameron's touch affected her
so strongly, how was she going to survive dancing with him?

"Hooey, Jessie!" Lester let out a low
wolfish whistle. "You sure look a danged-sight better in that dress
than you do in coveralls. Don't she, Cam?"

"Yes, she does." The admiration in Cameron's
deep voice made Jessie's cheeks burn, and she didn't know where to

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