In the Roar (11 page)

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Authors: Milly Taiden

BOOK: In the Roar
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Liv leaned back in his arms and looked him in the face.  “You know half the people on this planet have been mean or threatened me. I thought it was going to be different here.  You are so advanced in so many ways, but people are just as rude.  I guess I should count my blessing they haven’t started picking on my weight yet.”

Karel growled in frustration.  “You need to understand one thing.  There is nothing wrong with you. You are perfection to me. I love every, gorgeous inch of you. Haven’t I shown you that yet?  I don’t want to hear you say that bullshit ever again, you hear me.”

Liv smiled, took Karel’s hand and pulled him to sit on a bench in the garden. “I believe you. I don’t mean to make you angry. I love my body, I really do, but after years of taunts, sarcastic barbs, and flat out name calling, it starts to get to you. I love who I am.  It’s others who can’t accept that.” She swallowed hard. He had a feeling she was telling him more about her than in any previous conversation.


She shook her head “They made oink noises as I walked down the hall in school. They would pretend to fall to the ground and scream out about an earthquake when I ran by. When I became an adult, it was just as bad. Do you know what it’s like to go on a date and have him make inappropriate innuendos because you are fat and don’t deserve better? At least according to him and many other assholes on earth.” Fury filled her eyes and her lips thinned into a flat line while she recounted her past.

“You don’t have to tell me if you’re not up to it.” He hated the look of frustration on her face as she spoke.

“No, it’s okay. It’s in the past. But that’s what makes me who I am. My life experiences. I had one guy tell me he would take me home and show me a good time, but he would have to keep his eyes closed the whole time.” 

Karel grew angrier with every word she spoke.  He had to let go of her hands so he didn’t crush her fingers.

“I can’t help if other people are ignorant. I quickly learned to ignore them and not give them my time. I am a big, beautiful woman, and I have enough confidence in myself to pay no attention to my critics. I work hard and play hard. I take care of my body. Because earth society doesn’t see me working out and eating salads all day, then they don’t believe I give two shits about my health.” She gave a dry laugh.

“Earth people don’t know anything about being human.”

She nodded. “Isn’t that the truth. But I love who I am.”  Liv smiled and leaned forward to place a kiss on his cheek. “I just thought people would be nicer here is all I meant. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

Karel knew he was overreacting, but he hated seeing the pain in her eyes, hearing it in her voice. She may love who she was, but he could tell those people had taken a piece of her with their taunts. “I will spend the rest of my life showing you how beautiful, amazing, and desirable I find you. You are my everything for now and forever. My jaguar and I chose you. And I’m glad you chose me.”

She grinned. “I’m glad we chose each other. Even if I feel like the past week has been a whirlwind and more like a month than a week.”

He curled his arms around her and kissed her temple. “As to the people on this planet, don’t judge everyone based on a couple bad seeds. We may be more advanced technologically, but we still have assholes.”

Karel couldn’t sit anymore; he needed to move. He stood and paced in front of Liv. “I want you to see that not only is our planet beautiful, but so are our people. We don’t judge based on anything other than how they act and treat others. You have already proven in the short time you have been here how wonderful a person you are. Please don’t be discouraged. I don’t think I could handle it if you hated it here.”

Liv stood and moved to block his path. “You’re right. I’m sorry I judged all the inhabitants of your planet by the few nasty ones I’ve met so far.”

Karel smiled and leaned down so his mouth was inches from Liv’s. “I don’t know if you will believe this or not, but I love you. You are my mate.” He sealed his words with a kiss.


* * *


Karel left Liv to visit with his mother as he called Alyx again to fill him in on the latest developments. He wasn’t sure who had threatened his mate, but it wasn’t going unchallenged.  “Alyx, sorry to bother you again so soon. Liv was in the garden at my mother's house and a woman threatened her.”

“What did the woman say? I assume she was smart enough not to give her name,” Alyx growled in frustration and rage. Mates were never threatened. Ever. “I left just two days ago. Why is everything happening at once.”

“She didn’t give a name; that would be too easy. She told Liv she interfered and to watch her back. Nothing that tells us anything.” Karel sat in a chair and sighed. “I can’t figure this out. Why would someone target my mother, and then threaten my mate. I don’t really have enemies.”

“There is something we are missing. I am going to cut my trip short and come back. It will take me about an hour to wrap things here and I will be there.”

“Bella is coming to visit my mother and Liv.  She should be here within the hour, as a matter of fact.” Karel frowned. “I know she was well guarded at the castle, but I feel better having her here anyway.”

For the first time since Karel had contacted Alyx, he saw a smile on his king’s face. “That is perfect, I can see my mate, check on your mother, and we can discuss all that’s happened.”

Karel nodded and disconnected the call. In the space of just over a week, he was told his mother was dying, found his mate, learned his mother was going to live, and discovered his mate was threatened. It didn’t make sense. He couldn’t come up with one reason for any of this to happen. Taking out his mother served no purpose he could see. What had Tiana hoped to gain?

Karel stood and searched for his mate. He needed to reassure himself she and his mother were okay. Things were spiraling out of control and he wasn’t sure how to stop them. He walked into his mother's room and stopped. “Aayi, look at you.” Karel couldn’t believe his eyes, she was walking around the room in slow circles on her own.

“She said she was tired of laying down and needed a change. Next thing I know, she is throwing her legs over the side of the bed and standing.” Liv could barely talk through her joyous laughter.

Karel gave his mother a hug. “I knew you were a fighter, you taught me to be one, after all. Now you will definitely live to see my cubs grow and have some of their own.”

Keliana whacked him on the arm. “Cheeky buggar, aren’t you.” She did another circle before stopping in front of Liv. “We have company coming shortly. I think it’s time I got dressed in some real clothes and met her in the living room like a guest should be met. What do you think, my dear?”

Liv looked to Karel for approval before she answered. When he nodded in agreement, she turned back to Keliana. “I think that’s a wonderful idea. What can I do to help?”

Karel smiled and stepped out of the room. His life was looking up.  His two favorite women adored each other and him. A knock at the door startled him out of his thoughts. With a smile, he opened the door and greeted his friend. “You are looking rather…” He looked Bella up and down and smiled when he saw the warning in her eyes. “Beautiful. Come in and have a seat. The ladies will be joining you shortly. My mother has decided she felt up to visiting in the living room, and is--as she put it—dressing in ‘some real clothes.’”

Bella smiled and smacked him in the chest with the back of her hand.  “I know you well enough to know that wasn’t what you were going to say. Don’t even try to lie to me.” She reached out and grabbed his hands with both of hers. “I can’t tell you how happy I am to hear your mother is making a full recovery. I know how much she means to you.”

Karel squeezed her hands in return and gave a short nod. He couldn’t even begin to explain how grateful he was to know she would live.





Liv walked out with Keliana leaning on her arm for support.  While feeling much better, she was still weak and as stubborn as anyone Liv had ever met. She was determined to sit and visit like proper company deserved, no matter how tired it made her.

“Keliana, you look fantastic,” Bella said as she gave her a hug. “I have been so worried.”

Keliana sat on the couch and smiled up at Bella. “No need to worry about me. You have cubs and a mate to worry about now.”

Bella smiled and embraced Liv. “It’s wonderful to see you again.  I can’t wait to catch up and hear how my growly security head is taking care of you,” she said with a wink. All three women laughed when they heard Karel growl and storm out of the room.

They spent the next half hour talking and laughing.  It wasn’t long before Keliana was done in and needed to rest again. Liv walked her back to her room and helped her get situated back in bed. When she was leaving, Keliana’s soft voice stopped her. “I love you, child.”

Her throat closed and her heart filled with joy. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled. “I love you too, Aayi.”

Liv finally had a mother she could love, and one that loved her for who she was.  Liv never expected to find that, let alone have to travel light years away for it.

“Are you okay?” Bella questioned as Liv reentered the living room. 

“Oh, yes. Sorry. Just lost in thought for a moment. Would you care to take a walk with me. We can talk and you can tell me everything you know about Karel that I can use to torment him later.” 

The two women strolled outside and basked in the rays of the two suns. “It turned out to be a wonderful day. I thought for sure with the storm being so bad we would be stuck inside until tomorrow.”

“We got lucky, this was a short one. They aren’t always like that. To be honest though, there are more days like this, with the suns shining, and the soft breeze blowing that even a rainy day can’t discourage you. If that makes sense.” Bella laughed ruefully.

“I know what you mean.” Liv sighed and looked around at the beautiful trees. She didn’t think she would ever get tired of looking at the different shades of purple.

Bella squirmed. “I don’t mean to pry, but I am dying to know.  You and Karel?  How are things? Is it official, are you mated?”

Liv laughed at the barrage of questions from Bella. 

“It’s okay. I don’t mind at all. Something tells me we are going to be great friends.  Yes, we are mated.  He is unlike anyone I have ever met before.  I think I was in love the moment I saw him. It took my head a little bit longer to catch up. It’s not often you meet a man you can laugh with, be stupid and have fun with, and that body.  Whoo baby, smoking.  And after he shifted, I was sure there was a puddle of drool on the ground.” Liv blushed when she realized what she had said.  “Sorry, I tend to get a little carried away when I think of ….. um…. certain things.”

“I have to admit, I know what you mean.  These shifter men look better than any movie star I’ve ever seen.  Don’t let them know, but damn they could give the gods a run for their money in the looks department.”  Bella smiled and rubbed her protruding belly.  “They are a fertile lot, too. It won’t be long before you are in the same boat as me.  Our cubs can grow up together.” 

Liv smiled and nodded.  The thought of having cubs scared her a bit, if she was honest.  Karel would make a fantastic father, she knew it deep down.  He was too loving not to be amazing.  Now if they could figure out the threat, they could get started on those babies.

“What has you frowning? I know we just met, but I hope you know you can talk to me.” Bella worried her bottom lip while she waited for Liv’s response.

“Now who is worried?” Both women laughed and looped their arms together like old friends. “After we spoke to you this morning, I went into the garden and a woman showed up and threatened me.” Liv explained the details, what little she had, and then they walked in silence, both lost in their thoughts, trying to make sense of things.

“I haven’t been here long, so I don’t know what I could have done to mess up this woman's plan.  I don’t even know who she was.” Bella grabbed her arm and squeezed gently. Liv cocked her head and listened closer.

“Do you hear that?” Liv asked in alarm.

“I think we better go back.  Those don’t sound like friendly growls to me,” Bella said as she grabbed Liv’s arm and headed toward the cabin.

They managed to get a few feet when two women ran out of the forest.

“Nadeeya!” Bella gasped. She curled a hand protectively over her belly. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m finally getting rid of you,” Nadeeya, the blonde who threatened Liv earlier, spat. Her problem was obviously with Bella.

Liv stood in front of Bella, placing herself between her new friend and the woman threatening her. “I don’t think so.”

Nadeeya snarled, “You think you can stop me? You weak, little, human.”

Tiana took a step forward. She didn’t say anything, but her shifting features spoke volumes.

“Got any good ideas?” Bella whispered. “I left my transporter in the house with my shawl.”

Yeah, no. They were fucked.

They watched the blonde shift into a huge lioness. She roared and lowered to an attack position. Meanwhile, Tiana shifted into a bear. A fucking bear! Oh hell no. They had two huge animals looking to make them kibbles and bits. Shit didn’t get any more real than that.

Tiana roared, stomping the ground on all fours next to the lioness. Another set of growls sounded. Liv glanced over her shoulder and tugged Bella out of the way as a massive lion and jaguar next to him leapt toward the lioness and bear.

“We need to move,” she yelled at Bella and pulled her to the safety of trees on their left. “I’m guessing the big lion is your husband?”

“Oh, yeah,” Bella rushed out, trying to catch her breath. “And he’s pissed.”

“Well, it’s not every day some chick tries to kill his wife and their unborn baby.”

Bella snorted. “You’d be surprised how often it’s happened.”

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