Inferno Anthology (287 page)

Read Inferno Anthology Online

Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

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“I miss you,” I replied. Even speaking to him over the phone made my skin prickle.

“I miss you, too, which is why I’m calling. Brandon scored four tickets from a radio show to a rock concert this weekend. It’s for Skillet, the band that sings the song we danced to.”

“Yeah, I know them. They’re awesome.”

“Do you think you could get permission to stay with Bailey and the four of us could go together?”

“I’d love that. I don’t see why not. Does Bailey know?”

“Brandon is supposed to be calling her right now. I just thought it would be fun to go together. They’re an awesome band, plus it’s an excuse to spend some time with you.”

“It sounds great,” I replied. “Thanks for thinking to invite us.”

He snorted. “Sweetheart, I haven’t been thinking of anything else but you, so who else would I invite?”

I laughed. “I’m sure Bailey will be excited, too.”

“Yeah, it’s too bad your parents don’t let you out as much as her. Brandon said she’s been over almost every night this week.”

I groaned. “Trust me, I know. I’ve been getting the play by play details of their sexcapades, every single day.” In truth, I was a bit jealous of her. She was having a fabulous time with Brandon, doing everything I wanted to do with Six. It hardly seemed fair, but her parents didn’t care—and mine did.

“I’m not going to lie. I’m envious of them,” Six said.

“Me, too,” I replied quietly. “Hey, sorry to rush this, but I’ve got to get going.”

“Okay. I don’t work at the shop until one o’clock, today. Do you want to meet for lunch?”

A thrill shot through me at the prospect. “I’d love that. I only have about thirty-five minutes, though.”

“I don’t care if it’s two minutes. I just need to see you. Where do you want to meet?”

“On the corner of Seventh Street and Main are all those fast food chains. Maybe in the big parking lot near Arby’s?”

“Great. I’ll see you soon, sweetheart. Have a good morning.”

“Thanks, I…uh, bye.”


Sitting in the car, I stared at my phone, realizing what I’d almost just said, “I love you, bye.” The thought hit me hard. I’d never been in love with anyone to know the difference, but I’d wanted Six for a long time. Was I already falling in love with him? Did he feel the same about me?

A knock on my window made me jump and redirected my attention. I turned to see Bailey standing there smiling. She opened the door. “Are you going to sit in there all day, or are you coming to class?”

“Sorry. I was talking to Six. He told me you were with Brandon again, last night.” I raised an eyebrow.

She giggled. “I swear, Brookie. He’s insatiable. I have no idea how I can even still walk.”

“Yeah, I’m sure it’s all him.” I grinned as I grabbed my book bag and climbed out of the car, locking it behind me.

“Did Six call to tell you about the concert?” she asked, and I nodded. “Shall I have my dad call and officially invite you over?”

“That would probably be my best chance of getting to go. You know my dad isn’t comfortable with refusing your dad.”

“I’ll have him call, tonight.”

“Sounds great,” I replied.


The walls thumped and the floor reverberated with the sound of the heavy bass as the rock music rolled through the stadium. Bodies swayed, crushed together in the cramped floor space as cameras flashed like thousands of glittery diamonds lighting up in rapid succession. Despite the sensory overload, I was keenly aware of Six’s muscled arms wrapped around me from behind as we moved to the music. My skin was alive, on fire everywhere his body touched mine. I felt enveloped both by him and the music.

Bailey appeared to be enjoying herself equally, flashing me wide smiles as she shimmied to the music in Brandon’s arms. They looked so cute together, and I wondered if their relationship might develop into something more than just sex. They both seemed to really enjoy each other’s company—that is when they got out of bed long enough to visit with one another.

Six and I—well, we hadn’t gotten much time together this past week, except for seeing each other during a couple of my lunch breaks. I’d skipped food on those days in lieu of make out sessions in my car. I’d looked forward to tonight all week after Bailey’s dad managed to get my dad’s approval.

I was a little nervous about after the concert, though. Bailey’s dad had rented us a hotel room on the strip, since the concert got out late. He wasn’t aware of the guys coming with us, since we met them in town. When he found out about the room, Six rented a separate room for us, so we wouldn’t be stuck in the same room with our horny best friends. Hello? Awkward. However, I was a bit worried about the two of us spending the night together, all alone.

Lately, the more we touched, the hotter the fire was stoked. I wasn’t sure I could hold to our previous resolve as well as I had been. I wanted him. All of him. And I knew, without a doubt, he felt the same.

Granted, we’d only been seeing each other for a very short time, but we’d managed to keep out of my dad’s sight. Ironically, I never realized how extremely self-absorbed the mayor was until I started to sneak around. It was as if he didn’t pay any attention to me at all—unless he needed to use me for his benefit.

Six pressed his lips near my temple. “Are you enjoying the show?” he said loudly against my ear so I could hear him over the din. I nodded, turning slightly to flash a smile at him in the strobing lights. “I’m excited to have you to myself for the whole night,” he added, pressing another kiss against my head and squeezing me tighter.

“Me, too!” I answered loudly.

“Soon.” I didn’t hear the word, just saw his lips form it. Glancing up, I stared into his light eyes, not missing his predatory gaze. Goose bumps flared over my skin. Yeah, the anticipation was going to kill me.


Bailey was singing loudly, her arm linked through my free one as the four of us walked together down the hall to our adjoining rooms.

“Shhh,” I said with a laugh. “It’s late. People are sleeping.”

She laughed. “It’s the weekend in Vegas. No one is sleeping. They’re either out partying, gambling, or locked in their room having sex.”

Brandon pulled her back toward him. “Something you and I’ll be doing soon, too.”

Giggling, she wrapped her arms around his neck and he walked her backward before pressing her against their door, kissing her as he fumbled to insert his key card in the lock.

“Hey, maybe you two could actually wait until you get inside the room?” Six said, shaking his head as he released my hand and inserted our card, just as Brandon mumbled something unintelligible. Their door opened and the two of them quickly disappeared inside.

Six held our door for me. “Man, I hope there’s good sound proofing between rooms. Otherwise, we might need earplugs.”

Laughing, I agreed as I walked into the spacious Venetian suite. “That’s something I could go forever without hearing.” I flopped down on the end of the bed that sat in the higher part of the room, a few steps above the sunken living room. “Of course, I guess we could always compete with them.”

Six froze as he stared at me, releasing a big sigh as his gaze traveled over me. “If you keep saying things like that, I’m afraid that’s exactly what we’ll be doing. I’m already having a hard time keeping my hands to myself, tonight.”

My eyes traveled over him, much the same as his had just done to me. His blue t-shirt hugged him like a second skin, defining his perfectly muscled physique. I had to hand it to Brandon. He was a good trainer. Six was like a present I wanted to unwrap more than anything. “I don’t think I want you keeping your hands to yourself.”

Slowly, he moved toward me, gently pushing me back on the bed as he leaned over me. He didn’t move for a few moments, just staring at me. “You tempt me so much.” Raising a hand, he cupped my face, running his thumb over my lips before replacing it with his lips.

Wrapping my arms around him, I threaded my hands into his hair, sinking into the sparking sensations he caused, pins and needles followed by a flush of warmth and then goose bumps. Every time he touched me, my body reacted like an instrument made strictly for him to play.

Several minutes passed while we kissed each other heatedly, hands trailing and pawing over each other over our clothing. Suddenly he pushed away, standing.

“Scoot up on the bed more,” he said, and I did as he asked, until my whole body was on it, instead of my legs hanging off. Unable to take my eyes off him, I watched as he yanked his shirt off over his head, revealing his perfectly sculpted body beneath. I barely had time to look, though, before he was back on top of me, kissing me, again. I kissed him, letting my fingers do my seeing for me, tracing them over the bulging ridges and valleys of his extremely honed muscles. His body fascinated me and I wanted to explore every bit of it in its entirety.

A moan escaped him as I rubbed my hands over him and naturally hooked one of my legs over his. Nudging my other leg to the side, he settled his hips between them, pressing hard against me with a groan. I could feel his hard length, much like I had on several other occasions, only this time, I couldn’t stop my body from arching back into him, causing him to groan, again.

Shifting a bit, one of his hands slid under my shirt, leaving a hot trail up my side as he moved toward my bra. He cupped my breast, squeezing it through the thin fabric. His mouth left mine and he sat up, staring at me with his icy blue eyes full of desire. Grabbing the bottom of my shirt, he lifted it slightly.

“May I?” he asked, still ever the gentleman, letting me have control like he promised in the beginning. I nodded, raising my arms as he pulled it over my head and tossed it to the side. In a matter of seconds, his hand slipped around behind me, unhooked my bra and removed it, too.

For the first time, I lay exposed to him, but I wasn’t embarrassed. I was comfortable with my body, and the way he looked at me made me feel beautiful. He continued to stare at my chest, pinching one of my nipples between his fingers and it pebbled even harder than it had been. “Damn.” It was all he said.

“What?” I asked, worried something was wrong, but still I moaned unable to help myself as he rubbed the bud between his fingers.

“I never realized you’d actually be even better than I imagined.” Smiling, he glanced at my face. “I bet you sit around at home all day just staring at yourself in the mirror, don’t you?”

I burst out laughing. “Hardly.”

“Well, you should, because this is perfection, right here.” He didn’t wait for me to respond, dropping his mouth to pull one of my nipples inside, sucking and tugging on it as he palmed my other breast, kneading it generously.

His touch was explosive and had me practically writhing beneath him. My fingertips dug into his shoulders as I arched beneath him, trying to ease the ache he was causing inside me. Places on my body were throbbing with need and I wanted him there to ease them. It felt so good and so…much. I was tired of denying myself full access to him. I’d dreamed of being with him for so long. Besides, it wasn’t as if we were doing anything illegal. This was consensual…and I consented wholeheartedly.

“I want….” I wasn’t sure what to say. “I want you.”

Breaking away, he lifted up, staring at me with serious eyes. “Are you sure? I’d never intended us to go this far, Brooklyn—not yet. I wanted to keep things on the up and up in case your dad ever found out.”

“I think we’ve passed the up and up already, don’t you?” We were already half naked, lines had already been crossed that couldn’t be uncrossed. I couldn’t stop stroking him. His mouth tilted up in one of his little half smiles I was coming to love so much.

“Yeah, I do.” He rolled off me and sat up, undoing the laces on his boots. I sat up, too, and began removing my shoes, as well. “I’m guessing there’s probably no chance you’re on the pill, is there?” he asked.

Laughing slightly, I shook my head. “No, but I wish I was,” I replied, meaning every word. I wanted him inside me—skin to skin. Still, that didn’t stop me from shaking with nerves. I was incredibly nervous.

As soon as he had his boots and socks off, he dug his wallet out and removed a condom, setting it on top of the nightstand. Standing, he reached for my hand and pulled me up, hugging my bare chest against his before bending to kiss me again.

My nerves became less visible as he ratcheted the heat level in my body up again, stroking my bare skin with his hands as his tongue tangled with mine. Our height difference was much more obvious now that my heeled shoes had come off and he had to hunch over farther to reach me. I felt like I was kissing a giant.

“Damn, sweetheart. You’re so small I’m afraid I’m going to break you,” he breathed against my mouth.

“I’m tough, though,” I replied with a smile against his lips and he laughed.

“It’s a good thing.” His hands drifted to my waistband and he undid the button of my jean miniskirt, followed by the zipper, pushing it off my hips. It fell to the floor and I stepped out. “Nice tattoo,” he said with a grin.

“You like it? I got it from this super hot tattoo artist I know.”

“Really?” he said, playing along. “I bet he enjoyed getting into your panties.”

“I hope so. I know I liked having him there.”

Groaning, he slid his hands into the back of my underwear and grabbed my butt, dragging me against him. “He wants these pretty lace panties completely gone this time.” Pushing them down, I let them fall.

I slipped my hands into his waistband and undid his pants. He released me briefly to step out of them, leaving him standing only in his cotton boxers in front of me, the head of his cock already poking out the top, just as it had that night at the club. “You ready to see my tattoo?” he asked with a grin.

“That, among other things,” I replied, licking my lips. I might be a virgin, but Bailey wasn’t, and she liked to talk. I knew way too many details about her sex life and been subjected to some pretty racy videos of her and some of her conquests, as well. She’d even made me watch a couple pornos with her “for fun.” To say she was all for me losing my virginity was an understatement. She loved everything there was about sex.

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