Inferno Anthology (97 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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“Excellent.” She pulls at a strand of hair and twirls it around her perfectly long finger. Baya knows how to tease me like a master, and I’m pretty sure she’s not aware of it.

“So what was a nice girl like you doing at a sleaze bag of a party? Delta is notorious for its inglorious hookups. There’s a new strand of herpes that’s been traced back to that very room we were standing in.” Shit. Should I have said that? From now on I think I’ll keep all references to communicable diseases to a minimum—that minimum being none.

“I don’t doubt it.” She pulls her shoulders back and arches her neck as if she’s trying to seduce me, but I can tell she’s just naturally sexy as hell. And, right about now, I’m regretting ever knowing her overprotective brother. The last thing I need to be doing it setting my dick compass on his little sister, but I have a feeling it’s too late. The destination’s been set, and, now, I have to figure out how to reprogram my balls before it’s too late.

She sighs, and I wonder what it would feel like to have her making that noise in my mouth.

“I wasn’t really planning on going out tonight but Jeanie had another ‘guest’ and, oddly enough, neither one of them were too shy about entertaining each another. Can you believe that?”

I shake my head while choking the shit out of the steering wheel because her cleavage just jumped as we took that last turn, and my semi-hard-on just graduated to the next phase in my Levis.

“It’s like I’m invisible or something,” she continues, and badly I want to interrupt and let her know my dick and I can attest to the fact she’s very much visible. “One second I was organizing my books, and, the next, some guy drops his boxers and bends her over the mattress.” She squeezes her eyes shut tight, and I steal a moment to envision Baya bent over my mattress. “I’m lucky I got out of the way in time.”

A soft chuckle pulses through me.

“It’s not funny.” She swats me in the stomach, and a part of me wants to encourage a full on beating. “And, to make it worse, I’d swear on my dog’s life, it was a different guy. What’s wrong with you people here, anyway?”

“Wrong?” I consider this for a moment. There does seem to be a lot of random fornicating. She might be onto something. I shake my head as I pull into the lot of the Black Bear Saloon. It’s the campus crawl, so I’d warn her to expect more of the same, but I’d venture to guess she’s already caught onto the idea. “So, what kind of dog do you have?” I kill the engine and nod for her to hop out of the truck.

“Black lab,” she says, as I meet up with her on the other side.

“Really? That’s what I’ve got—well, my mom. My dad got the bars in the divorce—my mom got the house and the dog.” Technically Dad bought Mom out, and, at the time, there was only one bar. What little she had left after paying her attorney went toward my sister Annie’s education. She attends a private school for the deaf and hard of hearing. Dad pays out for her education too, but Mom’s ego insists they split the bill, and, unfortunately for Mom, it hurts her bank account a little bit more.

Baya’s eyes steady over mine, and, for a moment, I’m tempted to lean in and test out that luscious mouth of hers with a kiss.

“Yeah, well, I miss my dog like crazy.” She bites over her cherry-stained lip. Baya glows against the backdrop of night like a lily. “Sounds like your mom got the better end of the deal.”

“She did.” I shake off a laugh. “Although she might deny it. She’s trying to make ends meet as a realtor. My dad comes through every now and again, though.” Great. Way to sound like I’m feeding her some financial bullshit about my family. The next thing I’ll be telling her about is the time Holt stole my blankie when we were four and how I cried like a pussy for a week. “How about you? What do your parents do? I’ve been hanging out with your brother for almost half a decade, and I don’t think he’s mentioned them once.”

“My mom does insurance billing for the local hospital, and my dad died when I was in eighth grade.” She glances down at the concrete, and my heart drops to my feet.

“Sorry to hear that.” Crap. I can’t believe Cole’s never mentioned it. “Can I ask what happened?”

She lets out a steady breath, and a layer of fog encircles her head like a frosted wreath. “He was a cyclist.” The whites of her eyes glint in the moonlight, and I can tell she’s tearing up. Way to bring up her misery. Looks like I’m up for the asshole of the year award. “One night, he went out for a ride, and he got hit.”

“Shit,” I whisper. “I’m sorry.” I wrap my arm over her shoulders. “Look, if you’d rather do something else tonight I totally understand. It’s your first night, and, if punching a time clock isn’t you’re idea of a good time, I get it.”

“No, it’s okay.” She glances at the entrance with the overgrown bear looking ready to sexually assault the next patron and shudders. “Besides, I’m all for lining my pockets.” She pinches at her barely-there shorts, and my dick weeps for her to touch it. “My clothes haven’t quite arrived, so I may have raided Jeanie’s closet without telling her.” She twists her heels into the ground, and her cleavage bounces unexpectedly. “And shoes.”

Baya sparkles under this dim light both inside and out. Her perfect lips are calling to me, red as rubies, hell, raspberries that I’d like to bite into. But she’s not just some chick from Briggs I’m looking to bag, not some barfly ready and willing to drop in front of my Levi’s, she’s sweet—special—somebody’s little sister. And if I keep saying it I might actually be able to defuse the bomb ticking in my boxers, but a part of me knows better. I’ll be slicking one off in the shower later in her honor whether or not Cole approves.

I warm her arm with my hand and lead her up the walk.

“Let’s go make some money,” I sigh.

Deep down I know I have to have Baya. I need her to want me too, and I can’t figure out why the hell I feel this way after knowing her for less than a few hours.

Baya Brighton has cast her spell whether she’s aware of it or not, and, now, the only thing left to do is to figure out how the hell to break it.

I don’t think I can.

I don’t think I want to.



There’s a trifecta of universities in the area that have turned the Black Bear into a hub of social civilization—although technically most nights are anything but civil. Having a central outlet like this has expanded the dating pool by three campuses and is half the reason there are so many damn tally marks on my wall to begin with.

Inside the bar, the mountain motif fits the area, unlike the upscale Sky Lab with its sci-fi feel or the Ice Bar with its literal frozen tundra. I can’t wait to show Baya both of those places. What the hell am I saying? I glance down and give a polite smile, but my gut twists like a schoolboy at the sight of her. I need to stay the hell away from Baya, not drag her around to each of my family’s establishments in hopes that a blowjob waits for me on the other end of the factory tour. I’m a moron for even looking at her. She’s like crack, the more I’m near her, the more I need to have her.

“This is really nice.” She looks around taking it all in, the mountain-themed tapestry lining the booths, the barstools carved out of gnarl wood. “So what do I do?”

“Start here.” I pluck a small white apron from behind the counter and hand it to her. It’s frilly and looks more like lingerie, but she doesn’t seem to mind. Baya ties it low on her waist and with her micro-shorts it looks like that’s all she’s wearing.

Hot damn. I ride my gaze up her body, nice and slow, and my dick perks to attention.

“Who’s this?” A woman’s voice grumps from behind, and for a second I think I might find Aubree with her disgruntled lady boner, but it’s not. It’s Laney, one of the girls from school who works part time as a waitress. Her dark hair is pulled tight in a bun, and she’s sporting her signature ultra-tight Black Bear T-shirt. Laney is hot in her own right, but she’s not for me. Besides, she dated one of my good friends for a while last year. That sort of took her permanently off the roster.

“Laney.” I pull her in. “This is Baya—Cole Brighton’s little sister.” Maybe if I keep reminding myself, out loud, many fucking times, that she’s Cole’s little sister my dick will back off.

Baya gives a disapproving smile in my direction before moving her glowing eyes to Laney.

“Cool name.” She shakes her hand “And for the record”—she drags her eyes over to me again and shoots venom—“I don’t care to be addressed as anybody’s little sister. I’m just Baya.” Her brows peak. For a moment she looks like she’s about to invert my balls, but then she takes a breath and shows off every one of her perfect teeth with that killer smile. “Now teach me how to make some money.”

“Food and soda only.” I nod into Laney. The last thing I need is having our liquor license revoked within the hour.

Laney shuttles her off to the main floor as I make my way behind the counter.

“Well, look who decided to show?” Holt glances up from his martini shaker, and the gleam of stainless steel catches the light.

“Of course, I showed.” I slap him on the back as I snap up a towel and wipe down the bar. “I wasn’t about to let my big brother have all the

“Who’s the hot chick? And why do I smell jail bait?”

“Relax, she’s nineteen. And, yes, I told Laney she’s only allowed to serve food and sodas. We’re covered.”

“Sweet.” He frowns into her as she heads in our direction.

“This is great!” She beams, flaunting a bill in her hand before burying it in her pocket. “Some guy just gave me a twenty for wiggling my hips at him.”

.” I shake my head. “No private dancing.” Shit. Forget Cole, I’ll have my own balls on a spit by the end of the night if she accidentally turns this into some kind of a stripping gig. The only one she’s allowed to strip for is me. I give a dull smile because I know the only way I’ll let that happen is in my fantasies, and I happen to have a couple lining up in the queue.

She wrinkles her nose and looks cute as hell in the process. “Okay, but the tips would be outrageous if I did.”

“You know what else would be outrageous? Your brother’s temper. Speaking of brothers—Baya, this is my big bro Holt—Holt, Baya.”

“Nice to meet you.” She gives an impish grin, and my dick whimpers like a sad puppy to come out and play.

,” Holt eases her name out like a song. “You should see me mix a dirty martini.” He leans in like he’s diving for a kiss, and I slice my hand through the narrow gap between them.

“And, much like your big brother, mine is mostly full of himself.”

She gives a quiet laugh. Her eyes sparkle like cut emeralds, and my heart races like it expects something from the exchange.

“On second thought”—I revert my attention back to Holt before I lose it looking at her—“he’s more like an annoying little brother.”

.” Holt taps his chest. “I’m older by fifteen minutes, and, much like tonight, your boyfriend here was late on arrival.”

Her cheeks darken a shade at the thought of being called my anything. She probably considers it an insult, and who could blame her? It would be.

“So you’re twins?” She tilts into me, and the tiny dimple in her cheek inverts.

“Fraternal,” I say. “Or as I like to refer to him, the ultimate tagalong.”

“Technically”—Holt wags a finger—“I came first, so you would be the tagalong.”

first, instinctually I know this.” I toss the dishtowel over my shoulder. “I’m also the smarter one, so don’t believe half the bull he slings your way.”

“Got it. Well, you look almost identical.” She offers him a sly smile, and for a second I think she’s flirting with him. “I’d better go.” Her eyes linger over his before making her way back to the floor.

“Dude.” I smack him in the arm until he comes to. “Don’t even think of laying your paws on her.”

“Sounds like someone’s desperate to get laid.” He folds his arms across his chest. “Wouldn’t it be funny if this is the one that finally turns you down?”

I look over at her smiling at the customers, laughing while she takes their order.

“I don’t have to worry about her turning me down. We won’t be heading on that path.” At least not anytime soon.

I don’t deserve someone like Baya.

Steph can attest to that.





Take my Breath Away

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