Ink & Flowers (15 page)

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Authors: J.K. Pendragon

Tags: #M/M romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Ink & Flowers
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"You are gorgeous," he said, and Luke blushed.

"You know I don't believe you."

"Then come here and let me prove it to you."

Luke was more than happy to comply. He pushed down his insecurity with difficulty and let himself go to the bed and climb atop Cooper. Cooper grinned and kissed him again, touching his body with strong, sure hands. His hands brushed upwards, over Luke's thighs and ass, and Luke nearly moaned into Cooper's mouth.

"Hey, come here." Cooper's hands became a little firmer on Luke's waist, and then he flipped Luke over so that he was lying atop him, his firm weight pressing into him, just as it had last night. Luke felt amazing, utterly blissful. The setting sunlight was filtering in through the window, and he felt warm and happy.

He gasped as sudden pleasure blossomed through him. Cooper had reached down and begun to stroke Luke's cock, his hand sure and warm and a little rough. Oh yes,
Cooper was touching him. Luke could hardly think or breathe, the pleasure was so overwhelming. "Oh my god, Cooper, wait, I—"

Cooper stopped abruptly. "What?"

Why had he said that? He didn't want Cooper to stop, but ... "No, no, don't stop it's just ... really intense ..."

"Ah," Cooper smiled and leaned down to kiss Luke again. "I'll be gentle, then." His hand began to move again, slower and lighter this time, and Luke was immediately lost to the pleasure.

"Feels so much better when you do it," he murmured.

"Yeah? How about this?"

"What? What are you doing Cooper, you're not going to—ah!" But Cooper had already backed away a little, ducked his head down, and slid his tongue along the length of Luke's cock. The feeling that jolted through Luke was wet and sticky, like he was being drawn into the pleasure, like molasses or quicksand. "God, god, Cooper ..."

"Thought you'd like that," whispered Cooper, his breath tickling Luke's cock. Why was he so ridiculously sensitive? Cooper ducked his head lower, and Luke could feel his tongue on the bottom of his cock, swirling up, as Cooper's mouth slowly moved over him.

"Oh, god, no, Cooper."

Cooper stopped and grinned up at Luke. "You've got to work with me here, Luke, when you say 'no,' do you actually mean it?"

"No," whimpered Luke. "I mean, it's just so intense, but I don't want you to stop, either."

"Okay, well, tell you what, you say 'stop' if you actually want me to, okay?"

"Okay," agreed Luke, and then words left him as Cooper's hot, wet mouth slowly enveloped him, his tongue sliding along the base and swirling around him. Luke swore he could see stars, his vision slowly being replaced with white bursts of light.

"Hm, hold on, foreskin," murmured Cooper a few moments later, coming up for air. "This is new."

"You'll figure it out," said Luke breathily, still firmly ignoring his embarrassment.

"Yep, pretty sure I will," agreed Cooper. "So, does this feel good?" He placed his thumb and forefinger on either side of Luke's cock and slowly slid his foreskin back and forward again, watching it slide over the head.

"Y-yeah. Oh, fuck." Luke rolled to the side a bit, his body attempting to escape from the overwhelming pleasure even as it desperately wanted more. Why couldn't his body just make up its mind? "I'm s-sensitive," he said with a glare at Cooper, and Cooper laughed at him.

"Mm, sensitive is good," he said. "You need a break?"

"Maybe a little," agreed Luke. "I don't wanna ... you know."

"Are you blushing?"

"It's embarrassing!" Luke rolled away and pressed his face into the blanket, groaning.

He heard Cooper laugh again, and then the unmistakeable sound of his pants being unzipped and sliding off. "Hey, sit up," he ordered. "Check this out."

"Oh my god." Luke could feel his face turning all manner of red hues. Cadmium, vermillion ... what was he even thinking about? Cooper was naked! Cooper was naked, and his cock—that big, gorgeous cock—was hard and straight. "Oh my god, Cooper, it's huge."

Cooper grinned. "I know, right?"

"Oh, you're modest." Luke snorted. "Get away, you'll poke my eye out. And what is with that tattoo?"

"Oh, come on, it's my favourite!" Cooper chuckled. "His name is Sailor Joe!"

"Fuck, you're so weird, get away." Luke couldn't help smiling. Cooper was so ridiculous.

"No, come here." Cooper gestured to him, and Luke, unable to help himself, tentatively crawled closer to the side of the bed where Cooper was standing, his erect cock at the perfect level for ...

"Can I touch it?" Luke asked, glancing up at Cooper. He was well aware of how suggestive this was, how slutty he must look. He sort of liked it.

"Yeah," said Cooper. "Please do."

Luke reached out to slide a hand along Cooper's length. The soft skin belied its firm centre; Cooper was positively thrumming with arousal. Thick, knotted veins coursed down the length, and a red, puckered scar circled all the way around the base of the head. "Ouch," whispered Luke, touching a finger to the scar tissue. "Does it hurt?"

"The scar? No, it's just a bit numb. Whoever cut me didn't do a very good job. You don't like it?"

"I don't mind it," admitted Luke. "Can I ... you know, with my mouth? I probably won't be very good."

"Only one way to learn," said Cooper with another grin.

"Right," said Luke, and he let himself act on instinct.

Luke had imagined doing this before, but somehow this was much, much better than he'd ever envisioned. He slid his tongue over the head and then down into the slit underneath, pressed his lips tight over him. It was a little difficult, and he had to breathe through his nose, but he thought he was getting the hang of it. He opened his mouth for a breath, sliding his tongue along the base as he did so, and glanced up at Cooper, hoping for instruction. But Cooper's head was thrown back, and Luke could only see the strong line of his jaw and his bobbing Adam's apple as he gasped. Well, that was probably instruction enough. Luke took a deep breath and pressed his face closer, letting Cooper's cock slide along the roof of his mouth, tried to force his tongue not to block it ... deeper, deeper ... He heard Cooper moan and felt his body thrust as he tried to push deeper into Luke's mouth. Luke's hand was on his own cock. He couldn't resist; it all felt so good.

He choked, gagged, and had to pull back abruptly. "Oh my god, sorry!" he moaned through coughs, and Cooper, laughing again, crawled onto the bed and bent over Luke to make sure he was okay.

"Hey, hey, you did good! You lasted a long time!"

"Is that supposed to happen?"

"Yeah, gag reflex, it's normal. Come here."

"Oh, no, I've been—" But Cooper kissed him anyway, and Luke soon forgot all about gag reflexes and blowjobs. Cooper's tongue was slipping into his mouth when he least expected it, teasing him and making him ache for more. Why did that feel so good, the slick, warm wetness sliding in between his lips? It left behind a tingling feeling and a desperate desire in his body. He clung to Cooper, pulling him close, until Cooper was once again lying atop him, their bodies moving together.

He was surprised when Cooper broke away and began to furiously pump his hand over himself. "Shit, sorry, this just hasn't happened for a while."

Luke lay back, drinking in the sight of him. His body was thrumming with desire. "It's okay, that's good. Um, Cooper, I was wondering if you wanted to ... ?"

Cooper glanced at him. "What?"

"I'd like ... I mean, I think I'd like, I've never done it before ..." Luke could feel his body writhing against the bed, his ass remembering that foreign, pleasurable touch. He was ridiculously excited at the thought of more. But what if Cooper didn't want to?

"Really? You want to, on your first time?"

"Isn't that normal?" Luke could feel himself blushing. Oh no, what if he wanted more than Cooper did? That would be so embarrassing.

"You're talking about fucking, right?" confirmed Cooper, leaning forward to kiss Luke again. Luke nodded, even more embarrassed than he thought he was capable of being. His cock was still hard, though, and he wanted it, wanted to be touched, to surrender ...

"If ... if that's okay," said Luke, and Cooper laughed.

"Yeah, if you're up for it, I'd love to."

Relief immediately drowned out Luke's embarrassment. "Okay! What do I do? What's funny?" he asked, frowning when he saw Cooper's shoulders shaking with laughter.

"Nothing," Cooper reassured him, chuckling. "You're just so cute."

"It's cute that I want you inside me. Right. Where are you going?"

"Supplies." Cooper groaned as he pushed himself up off the bed and wandered over to his dresser. "I'm surprised you didn't find them with all of your cleaning."

"Oh, no, I didn't look there ..." Luke trailed off as Cooper pulled out a small packet and a large black bottle. "Oh, yes, that's what I needed!"

"You were trying this yourself?" said Cooper with a raised eyebrow, and Luke blushed again.

"Yeah. I mean, I didn't get very far. I wanted to wait for you."

"Probably a good idea," grinned Cooper. He jumped onto the bed, the springs creaking under his weight, and lay on his back, leaning on the headboard slightly. "Perfect, come here, tiger."

Luke crawled over, and with Cooper's instruction, moved himself to straddle Cooper. It felt awkward with his legs apart, his hard cock on full display. He had to remind himself that Cooper
men, and, if his assertions were true, Luke in particular. It was easier to do so when Cooper began to slide a hand, coated in a slippery liquid, over Luke's cock. "Can you handle this?"

"Mmhm," Luke closed his eyes, his body rocking back and forth with the motion of Cooper's hands. He was so far in now, so deep into desire, that it wasn't overwhelming anymore. He just wanted more and more, harder and harder. He was fucking Cooper's hand now, the pleasure slowly building up through him, making his legs weak.

"Hold on, tiger," ordered Cooper. "Move forward a little."

Luke did so, awkwardly, and Cooper slid another slippery hand around his backside. It moved lightly over the small of his back, making him arch instinctively, and then Cooper slid his finger down to press lightly at Luke's opening. Luke flinched as a shock of pleasure coursed through him. Yeah, that was it.

"Okay," he gasped. "Okay, I'm ready."

"No, you're not," laughed Cooper. "You gotta take it easy."

"But I want ..." Luke glanced back, reaching for Cooper. "Where's your cock?"

"Fingers first, easy, tiger." Cooper looked pleased as punch, his eyes gleaming with amusement and desire. "I'm gonna slide one in, okay? Try to relax. Okay, listen. Breathe in, okay?"

Luke did so, taking in a large, shaky breath.

"Okay," said Cooper, his finger pressed tight against Luke's entrance. "Now, breathe out, slowly, relax."

Luke complied, and as his body relaxed, he felt Cooper's finger slip into him, as easily as if it belonged there.

"Good," said Cooper. "Fuck, you're hot, Luke. I'm lucky you're actually into doing this, not all guys are."

"I thought, you know ..."

Cooper shrugged. "We really don't have to if you don't want to."

to," said Luke, pushing himself back further so that he slid deeper onto Cooper's finger. "It, it feels good, but still a bit strange. Am I doing it right?"

"Yeah, don't worry, Luke, don't focus too much. Just breathe in and out again. There, like that."

Luke began to breathe, slowly and rhythmically, in and out, and Cooper's finger moved in tandem, in and out, faster and faster, until Luke was moving his whole body with the rhythm, his fists clenched tight and his body loose and desperate. His breathing increased with the movement until he was gasping and moaning.

"Okay, I'm gonna add another finger."

"Okay. Ah!" Oh, it felt so good. The pressure, filling him and stretching him open. He pressed himself back, sliding onto Cooper as deep as he could.

"Oh," said Cooper. "Okay, cool. How's this?"

He did something. His fingers curled slightly, made some sort of movement, and suddenly Luke was screaming, the cry ripped from his body with the sudden, desperate intensity. Pleasure coursed through him, his body on red alert. What was this new feeling, how could he have missed it up until now?

"Cooper!" he moaned. "What—what are you doing? What is that? Ah!" He bent double, barely able to keep himself up with his legs, his hands propped on Cooper's chest. "Yes, yes!"

"Hey, we have a winner," grinned Cooper, and Luke wanted to kiss that smug look right off his face.

"What are you doing to me?" he groaned, his voice lurching as he moved on and off of Cooper's fingers like he was possessed.

"That's what it's all about, tiger." Cooper grinned, but Luke could barely see it for the starbursts in front of his eyes. "You ready for the real thing?"

He'd forgotten there was more. "I—I hope I can handle it."

"We'll take it slow," Cooper reassured him. "You want me to stop, just say so."

"I don't want you to stop," moaned Luke, but Cooper's fingers were already sliding out of him. "No, Cooper!" He was suddenly so empty and open, could feel himself desperately straining for more.

Cooper was fumbling with the condom wrapper. He ripped it open with his teeth and quickly reached down, sliding it over himself. "Okay, tiger," he said. "Little more lube and we'll be set. Stay relaxed, deep breaths."

Luke was nearly hyperventilating. He forced himself to breathe, to keep his body relaxed. He was really going to do it. He was going to have sex with a man. No, he was
having sex with a man. This was just the clincher.

"Okay," said Cooper. "Arms on mine. Like that, good." He gripped Luke's hips firmly, Luke's arms wrapped around his, gripping his biceps. For a moment, Luke couldn't think of anything but how nice the Japanese art on Cooper's left arm was. Then Cooper's cock was pressing into his ass, and he was pushing back, Cooper's hands guiding him, his body moving automatically, angling himself to slip on.

There was a moment of pain, almost a pop, as Cooper's thick head slid in, and then only pleasure as he slid the rest of the way in. Luke's body relaxed and gave in utterly, his legs giving out and his ass sliding down, down, until he could feel Cooper buried deep inside him. It was hitting all the right spots, as though every inch of him was being pressed from the inside out. He felt so very, very full, and he could feel his cock hard—dripping, even. Yes, this was definitely what he'd wanted.

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