Ink & Flowers (17 page)

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Authors: J.K. Pendragon

Tags: #M/M romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Ink & Flowers
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"Ugh, stop swearing! Of course I care!"

"No, you don't, Brody. You don't care about me, you don't even listen! Why do you think I haven't gone to see Grandma?"

Brody frowned. "What has that got to do with anything?"

Luke's heart was going to beat out of his chest, and his voice had constricted with emotion so that he had to force the words out. But he was so angry. "I haven't gone to see her because I feel so fucking guilty about what happened, okay? I knew it was gonna happen, I knew I should have stopped them from doing that stupid TV show, and I
to tell Gloria and Marabeth not to do it, and they didn't
care. They don't care about anything but controlling everyone around them. Did they tell you that they're not even gonna give me my
money for school unless I stop dating Cooper?"

"Yes, they did!" said Brody. "And I agree with them. God, you are such a baby, Luke."

Luke was going to cry soon. Brody always made him feel this way. Stupid and helpless. "Right, are you done here?"


Luke gritted his teeth. "Have you said what you wanted to say?"

"No, I haven't, you've just been blabbing away!"

"Then say it."

"Well, I—" Brody had puffed himself up. He looked like a frightened dog, in sunglasses. "I think you're being stupid and making a mistake and throwing away your future. Marabeth and Gloria are much older and smarter than you, and you shouldn't just throw away their opinions because you want to be a rebel."

Luke was calming down now. He couldn't help it; he had spent all his energy. "I tried that, okay Brody? I did everything you guys wanted my whole life. And you know what it made me? A depressed asshole who couldn't see the good in anything. I am not stupid, and I am not a baby. I can make my own decisions, and if I make the wrong decision, I can live with the consequences. They're my decisions to make. Okay?"

"No, it's not."

"Well, it's too bad it's not up to you, isn't it?" Luke walked to the door and opened it. His hands were slippery and shaky. "Leave, please."


"Brody." Luke took a step towards Brody. He was taller than him. How had he never noticed that before? "Now."

Brody looked up at him, his teeth clenched. "Fine," he said. "And I'm telling them about this."

"Fine," said Luke. "Do whatever you want."

Brody glared at him one last time. Then he left, and Luke closed the door quietly behind him and locked it, before collapsing on the couch, crying.

Cooper must have heard his sobs, because he came rushing out into the living room. "Hey, what? Is he gone?"

"Yeah," Luke sniffed. He felt drained, and his heart was still beating quickly. He forced back another sob.

"Okay," said Cooper. He came and sat awkwardly on the couch next to Luke. "You gonna be okay?"

Luke nodded, closing his eyes to let more tears leak out.

"I don't suppose you wanna fuck like you did last time?"

"No, not really." Luke laughed. Cooper knew how to make him laugh, and that was something. He could feel Cooper's warmth next to him, the laughter dispersing the unhappiness slowly.

"Good, me neither."

Luke remembered what Brody had said about the girl who'd died. Christ, he knew how to make trouble even when he wasn't meaning to. "I'm so sorry," he said, looking up at Cooper, who was smiling sadly. "Are you gonna be okay?

"I think," said Cooper, shifting a little to put his arm around Luke, "that we're both gonna be okay."

"Yeah." Luke leaned into Cooper, breathing in his familiar scent and allowing his breathing and heart rate to slow down. He sniffed, and Cooper chuckled.

"How about I get you some kleenexes?" He got up and returned with a box of tissues. "Better?"

Luke nodded, blowing his nose. "I'm so sexy, right?" he joked, imagining his blotchy face.

"Well, I think so, but that's probably just because I have a thing for crying dudes. Should probably tell you that if we're gonna date."

Luke shoved him. "Stop it."

"Sorry." Cooper forced down his smile. "For real, though, I'm proud of you."

Luke sat up a little and leaned into Cooper. He picked at the tape on his wrist and slowly pulled the gauze away, revealing the new tattoo. "Yeah, I guess I'm proud of me too."

Cooper put an arm around him again and pulled him close, and Luke sunk into him, pressing their lips together. He felt safe and hopeful, like even if everything wasn't okay and never would be, he'd still be all right. And anyway, this moment was good. This moment he felt brave. 

About the Author

J. K. Pendragon is a queer writer hailing from British Columbia, Canada. They have been writing and telling stories from a young age, and enjoy writing in a variety of different genres, mashing them together whenever possible. A social recluse at heart, J. likes peace and solitude, with the exception of attention from their doting boyfriend and cold disdain from their snot-bag of a cat. J. loves receiving messages and feedback, and you can reach them by email at [email protected], or tweet them at @JKPendragon.

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