Isela's Love (11 page)

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Authors: Sasha Cain

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Contemporary, #Paranormal & Urban, #Futuristic/Sci-Fi

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Brendan shuddered. “I’ll take your word for it, dude,” he muttered.


Isela had barely spoken to Brendan all morning. Even at breakfast all he got was a curt hello. He snuck up behind her, watching as she washed the windows.

“I didn’t do anything with her,” he said.

Isela whirled, startled.

“With Keeri. I never touched her,” Brendan said.

“And you’re telling me this, why?” Isela asked as she resumed wiping down the window.

“You’ve hardly spoken to me all day. I thought you were mad at me.”

“Why would I be mad at you?”

“I thought you thought me and Keeri—”

Isela rolled her eyes. “If you’re that desperate, I’d probably pity you instead of getting mad.”

Brendan laughed. “She did seem...rather blunt about her intentions.”

Isela snorted. “Consider yourself lucky she didn’t just grunt and point at her crotch.”

They were both really laughing much so, that they didn’t notice the warden walk up.

“Is this a private joke?” he asked.

Isela gasped, her smile fading. Brendan stopped laughing, avoiding eye contact.

“Mr. Malone, don’t you have work to do?” Guarros asked.

“Yes sir, I was just heading that way,” he said, turning and stalking away.

Guarros tucked Isela’s hair behind her ear. “You remember what I said, right? About him touching you?”

She glanced to the side, avoiding his gaze. “It’s not like that. He’s only a friend.”

He grabbed her by the wrist. “Don’t you think you have enough friends? He seemed a little too friendly to me.”

“I’ll...I’ll tell him to stay away. You don’t have to worry. I think Keeri likes him anyway.”

He let her go. “Good.” He smiled. “You know how I hate it when other people try to move in on what’s mine.”

“I’ll never be yours, Guarros. Never!”

He merely laughed at her as he walked away. As much as she hated the idea, Isela knew she had to stay away from Brendan if she was going to keep him safe from Guarros.

Chapter Twelve

Brendan took out the journal he had hidden under his mattress. Darrios had slipped it to him the last time they made a delivery. He used it to document the goings on in the prison regarding Guarros. He needed to find this fella, Bashua, and soon.

Once he finished writing, he stripped off his clothes and climbed into bed. He’d been working his ass off all week. It was beginning to take its toll. He’d tried to approach Isela several times, but she seemed to vanish into thin air every time he caught a glimpse of her. They had gotten along so well that day in the kitchen. Why was she avoiding him? It was beginning to make him crazy. He couldn’t get her out of his head. She couldn’t possibly believe he’d taken Keeri up on her offer. He had to set her straight.

Dreaming about gazing into those aquamarine eyes had taken up a fair amount of his time. The way her fiery hair tumbled softly over her shoulders, framing her beautiful face, her creamy white skin, those full pink lips, and that perfect body tormented his thoughts day and night. He thought about how concerned she’d been for his safety and smiled.

Lying on his back, one arm behind his head, he stared at the ceiling.

“Oh, Isela, what do I have to do to get you talk to me?” he asked out loud.


Isela had been successfully dodging Brendan for over a week. It hadn’t been easy, but she knew it was necessary if she was going to keep him safe from Guarros.

Every time she heard his voice or caught a glimpse of him, she wanted to smile and run to him, but instead she forced herself to do the opposite. She’d duck out of sight, forcing herself to stay away, telling herself it was for his own good. It still hurt, though. She missed him. Mae had asked her on several occasions why she was so scattered. She’d just shake her head and say nothing.

On her hands and knees, Isela scrubbed the parlor floor. She froze when the pair of boots came into view. Guarros.

“Working hard for a change, I see,” he said condescendingly.

Isela didn’t take the bait. She stood up, facing him. “Did you need something, Warden?”

“How’s the new man doing?”

“I wouldn’t know, sir. Inmates and servants don’t mingle.”

He gave her a sly smile. “That’s a good girl.” Leaning in so nobody could hear him, he said, “Keep it that way. Remember what I said. If his cock comes anywhere near you, it’ll be the last place he puts it.”

Isela winced at his vulgarity, which seemed to please him further.

“Have you seen Keeri today? I have a bit of free time this afternoon,” he said with a smirk.

Isela fought the urge to gag. Everyone knew Keeri got around, but how could she allow Guarros to touch her? Isela could understand it if he coerced her, but Keeri did it willingly. Yuck! “No, I haven’t seen her, but as you well know, she and I don’t talk much.”

“Maybe you should get to know her a little better. She might teach you a thing or two.”

Isela gasped, causing Guarros to laugh openly. She cursed herself for giving him the satisfaction. Unable to stand being around him for another second, Isela said, “Excuse me, I need more soap.”


Finally, her day was over. Isela was exhausted. As she walked by the supply closet at the end of her hallway, a hand shot out, covering her mouth. An arm with a grip of steel circled her waist, dragging her into the closet. She fought her attacker to no avail. He wrapped his leg around hers, rendering her completely immobile.

In her ear, a voice whispered, “Don’t scream, Isela, please. It’s me.”

She calmed immediately. He released her, standing her steady, his hands on her hips. Furious, she spun around to find herself staring straight into Brendan’s chest. She tried to take a step back, but the closet was too small. There wasn’t a lot of room to move around.

Isela gasped. “What are you doing?” she whispered, her anger diffusing. “Are you crazy?”

“You’ve been avoiding me. Why?”

“I told you. It’s too dangerous for you and me to be friends.”

“And I told you, I can take care of myself.”

She shook her head. “You’re so cocky, but you don’t know what he’s capable of.”

Brendan stroked her upper arms. “Isela, I’m not cocky. I really do have experience with guys like him. I used to work undercover to expose guys like him—”

“Before you were busted for stealing food?”

“Yes, I know it sounds far-fetched, but I swear to you, it will all make sense...soon. Please, trust me.”

She pulled away, crossing her arms in front of her. “I can’t be the reason he kills you. I won’t be. Brendan, we can’t be friends.”

“Fine, then we won’t be friends,” he said, pulling her to him, taking possession of her lips with his. She had no time to think, only to react. Her body melted into his, her desire steamrolling over all of her good sense. His touch sent her reeling. She couldn’t seem to snap out of it.

All she wanted was more. More of his kiss, more of his touch, more of him. She snaked her arms up around his neck, running her fingers through his hair. He pulled her even closer, moaning softly into her mouth. He stopped for a moment, just to look at her. She blinked, gazing at his face. There was very little light in the closet, but just enough for Isela to see the longing in Brendan’s eyes.

He placed his forehead against hers, whispering, “I want you so much, Isela.”

She said nothing. The feelings running through her confused her, the way Brendan’s touch made her body react, the taste of his kiss. She wanted him too and it terrified her.

“What if he finds out?” she whispered.

“He won’t. We’ll be careful.”

“We have to be.” She turned. “I have to go.”


She paused, looking back at him. “Hmmm?”

“Promise me you won’t shut me out again. I couldn’t stand it.”

Her eyes dropped. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back to him. He kissed her again with a fierce need she couldn’t deny.

“Promise me,” he rumbled.

Isela nodded. “I promise.”

He released her, smiling. She opened the closet door a crack, peering out to make sure the hallway was clear. Once she knew it was safe, she darted out and ran to her room. Shutting the door behind her, she leaned up against it, finding herself smiling for no real reason. She slapped her hand over her mouth when a giggle escaped. She was behaving like a ninny. What the hell was wrong with her?

She thought about the way she felt in Brendan’s arms. She sighed, sliding down the door to the floor. Isela sat there reflecting those stolen moments in the closet and as frightening as it might be, she knew for certain she wanted more of them.

A knock on her door startled her.

“Isela, are you awake? It’s Mae.”

She jumped up and swung the door open. “Come in, come in.”

Mae hustled in, eyeing her strangely.

Isela sat down on the bed twiddling her fingers, nervously.

“Is everything all right, Isela? You seem a bit...unsettled.”

“Yes, I’m fine, just a bit wound up, I guess. It’s been a long day. Guarros, you know. The usual.”

Mae raised an eyebrow. “You’re acting weird. What’s going on? Did something happen with Brendan?”

Isela’s gasp gave her away.

“I knew it. Did Guarros threaten you about him again?”

Isela let out a relieved breath. Mae didn’t know. “Yeah. The man’s obsessed, I swear.”

Mae snorted. “Well, yeah, look at him and then look at Brendan. No contest who the hot one is. And of course given the way you look at Brendan—”

Isela gasped again. “What are you talking about?” I don’t look at Brendan.”

Mae giggled. “Are you kidding me? Isela, you look at him like he’s a hot fudge sundae. You practically drool.”

Isela began pacing, wringing her hands. “Oh God, oh God, oh God...I knew it was a bad idea. Now what am I gonna do?”

Mae stared at her stricken. “What are you talking about? Isela?”

Isela stopped, dropping her hands, her brow furrowed with worry. She approached Mae, grabbing her upper arms. “Mae, I’m going to tell you something, but you have to swear to me you’ll never tell a soul...never.”

Mae nodded, still wide-eyed. Isela let her go and sighed.

“Brendan and I...that is...well, we kissed.”

Mae jumped up, clapping her hands and squealing. “That’s wonderful, Izzy!”

Isela cocked her head, puzzled. “And why is that wonderful?”

Mae grasped Isela’s hands in hers. “I worried for so long that you’d never find anyone. You shut yourself off to even the possibility of love after your mother...anyway, now it’s found you. I couldn’t be happier for you. Tell me all about it.”

She sat down on the bed, patting the spot next to her. Isela sat.

“I tried, Mae. I really did. After all of Guarros’s threats, I tried to stay away from him. He sort of ambushed me in the hall closet, demanding to know why I’ve been so distant. I told him it was because of Guarros and that we couldn’t be friends.”


Isela giggled, recalling Brendan’s words. “He said fine, we wouldn’t be friends. That’s when it happened. He kissed me.”

“What did you do?”

“You know how I feel about being touched by a man. I’ve always said it would never happen...but it was as if I was someone else. Like I couldn’t control my own body. All I wanted to do was kiss him back. To hell with Guarros and all his threats. So I did.”

Mae hopped off the bed, clapping her hands again. Isela laughed at her friend. Mae twirled around the room dramatically and then hugged herself.

“Was it wonderful?” she asked dreamily.

Isela closed her eyes. “It was perfect.”

There was a loud rapping on the door followed by the guard’s voice. “Quiet down in there. Bedtime in five minutes. Get to your own rooms.”

Mae embraced Isela. “Please don’t let Guarros ruin this for you, Izzy. Don’t think too much about it. Just let it happen.” She squeezed her hand and rushed out the door.

Chapter Thirteen

Three days had passed since the kiss in the closet. Brendan and Isela had barely seen each other in passing, let alone to have a conversation. Isela was growing frustrated. She sat at the breakfast table tapping her fingers.

Mae clamped her hand over Isela’s. “Stop, please. You’re making me crazy. Why are you so antsy, anyway?”

Isela leaned in, looking side to side to avoid wandering ears. “I haven’t seen Brendan in three days,” she hissed.

Mae shook her head, chuckling as she poked at the food on her plate. “Wow, you went from hating all men to hot to trot nearly overnight.”

“Hot to trot? Ugh, is that how I seem?”

“Honey, I’m teasing,” Mae said, amusement dancing in her eyes.

“No, you’re right. God, desperate much?”

“Isela, you miss him. I get it. I’m sure he’ll get in touch with you as soon as he can.”

She nodded. “I know. It was so much easier not caring about him. What has he done to me? I never wanted anything to do with any man...and now I’m acting like a heart-sick cow.”

“Love is a double-edged sword.”

“Love? Please, Mae. It was a figure of speech. I hardly know him. I’m sure you mean mutual attraction.”

Mae nearly choked on her food she laughed so hard.

“Okay, Izzy, you go ahead and tell yourself that...whatever. But no, I don’t mean mutual attraction. I see the way he stares at you. And look at how you’re acting. I’m pretty sure it’s L-O-V-E,” she said, spelling out the word.

“It can’t be, Mae. Guarros would never allow it.”

“Guarros doesn’t have to know.”

“Easier said than done, I’m afraid.”

“Not really. Just be cool in the public eye.” She grinned, wickedly. “Save all the steamy stuff for behind closed doors.”

Isela was certain her face was crimson. Mae chuckled, taking Isela’s hand.

“It’ll be okay. Haven’t you ever heard the phrase, ‘love will find a way’?”

“Not in my world,” Isela replied.


Isela began rummaging through the main supply closet in the east wing. Straightening the four main closets was first on her chore list for the day. Great. It kept her busy and sequestered away from the population...and from Brendan. Frustrated, she kicked the stack of wash rags.

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