Isela's Love (27 page)

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Authors: Sasha Cain

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Contemporary, #Paranormal & Urban, #Futuristic/Sci-Fi

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Isela paced the length of her room. A soft knock stopped her. She gulped.

“Isela, it’s Mae. Can I come in?”

“Yeah, Mae,” Isela answered, relieved.

“I just heard. Are you all right?”

“No, I’m really not.”

“Are you worried what Guarros will do?”

Isela nodded, fighting tears. Mae stroked her arm.

“Isela, he can’t get mad at you for something Bashua did. It isn’t like you did anything. He kissed you. You didn’t kiss him back.”

Isela looked at Mae, wishing she could tell her the truth right now, but she couldn’t. There was too much at stake. If Mae fell apart it could jeopardize everything. She’d wait until after their shift.

“I’m not worried about what Guarros will do to me. I’m more concerned with Bashua.”

Mae chewed her bottom lip. “The guards say he’s a dead man walking.”

“Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of. Damn it, I wish Brendan wasn’t in lock down so I could talk to him, now.”

“He’s gonna flip, Izzy. When he finds out Bashua kissed you? Between Brendan and the warden, I’d be nervous if I was Bashua.”

“Brendan isn’t going to do anything. He can’t. He has to pretend he doesn’t care so Guarros won’t get suspicious, remember?”

“Oh yeah.”

“So when are you going to tell me your news?” Mae asked.

“Actually, I will later, after work. We don’t have time right now. In fact, we should get back before anyone notices we’re gone.”

“All right, fine. I guess I can wait a little longer. But you said it was good, right?”

“The best,” Isela said, meaning it.

As she opened the door to leave, she jumped when she found Brendan standing there. “What the—? I thought you were in lock down.”

“I was. It was the weirdest thing. A few minutes ago, the guard came up and unlocked my cell door. Then he said ‘go talk to Isela.’ I about choked on my tongue I was so shocked.”

Isela and Mae exchanged a look. Mae covered her mouth, backing up. “Your wish,” she breathed.

The hairs on the back of Brendan’s neck stood on end. He took a step closer to Isela. “What wish?”

Sounding on the verge of hysterical, Mae said, “After that whole thing with Bashua, she wished you weren’t in lockdown so she could talk to you...and then you weren’t. And now you’re here.”

“What whole thing with Bashua?” Brendan asked, playing along so Mae didn’t become suspicious.

Mae’s eyes darted back and forth between Brendan and Isela. Her tears spilling over, she covered her mouth.

“I’m sorry, Isela. I didn’t mean to—”

“It’s all right, Mae. Please, calm down.” She turned to Brendan. “He came on to me and then spouted off a bunch of stuff about the warden. Guarros’s guards hauled him off.”

“I don’t imagine that’ll turn out well for him,” Brendan said coolly.

Mae, stunned at Brendan’s laid-back reaction, stopped crying. She wiped her eyes with the heels of her hands.

“I’m gonna go back to work and give you guys a minute. I’ll see you later, Isela.”

She darted out the door, wanting to be gone before Isela gave Brendan the details about what had happened.

He shut the door behind her, concern on his face. “Are you all right? You look a little pale.”

He leaned in to brush the hair off of Isela’s face. She flinched and tried to turn away.

“What the fuck happened to your face?” Brendan demanded in a far sharper tone than he’d intended. When he saw the new bruises forming on his beautiful Isela’s face, the rage kicked in, overruling his good sense.

“Please, Brendan, it’s nothing.”

“Don’t tell me that. I can clearly see it’s something.”

“Brendan, can we talk about this later? Right now, we have so many more important things to worry about.”

He swept her into his arms, resting his head on top of hers. “Don’t you get it, Isela? There is nothing more important to me than you. To see those marks on your face, to know that he deliberately hurt you? I can’t explain what that does to me, the edge it sends me over.”

She pushed him back, stopping to grasp his forearms. She smiled warmly at him, piercing through his agitation. “And if all goes well, you can leap away from that edge and never go back.”

He couldn’t help but smile back at the thought. “Now, tell me what happened with Bashua.”

“I’m so scared for him. He literally risked his life back there? What if Guarros flies into a rage and kills him?”

Brendan stoked Isela’s shoulders then wrapped his arms around her. “Guarros isn’t stupid. The council might overlook certain things, but there’s no way they’d let something so blatant go unnoticed. It would be a slap in the face to them and he’s not about to risk the sweet deal he’s got going on here.”

“I hope you’re right.”

Suddenly, Isela’s mind backtracked to the fact that Brendan was here with her only after she wished for it to happen.

“Brendan, how the hell do you suppose I managed to wish you out of lockdown and here with me?”

Brendan took Isela by the hand, leading her over to the bed. He sat down, patting the spot next to him.

“Actually,” he said with a wicked grin, “I know exactly how you did it.”

He explained the unbelievable concept of reaching Avascon to Isela while she listened wide-eyed.

“I don’t understand. How can that be possible?”

“It doesn’t matter how. Maybe some weird, spiritual magic or something,” he said. “What does matter is that it’s real and we can use it to our advantage.”

Smiling, she blushed. “What we did, it was pretty powerful.”

“That’s an understatement, but that’s definitely part of it. You can’t deny we have a connection. And it goes beyond anything I’ve ever known.”

“Me too.” Isela gasped, jumping to her feet. “Brendan! That’s how you got out every night.”

He cocked an eyebrow.

“After that first night when Keeri...distracted the guard. I wished the guard would get distracted every night, remember?”

He chuckled to himself. “I do. Lucky me.”

“After all the nights we spent together, we should have a bunch of wishes lined up,” Isela pointed out with a giggle.

“Yeah, and I intend to cash in on them to get the evidence we need to nail Guarros.”

Isela gave Brendan a thoughtful glance. “Bashua said he keeps the books in his residence, right? We could use that W-word to make sure the warden is distracted for long enough for us to get in there and find it.”

“What do you mean us?” Brendan asked.

Placing her hands on her hips, Isela blew out an exasperated breath. “Brendan Malone, if we’re going to be together, we’re going to be a team. I am perfectly capable of helping you look for those records. Don’t you think two sets of eyes would be better than one?”

“Absolutely, and I never meant to imply I thought you were incapable of anything. I’m just not willing to risk your safety.”

“And I’m not willing to risk yours, so I guess we have a problem.”

Brendan pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut. “Isela, we need the evidence if we have any chance of making this happen.”

She stepped forward, taking his hands in hers. She softened her voice. “Uh huh, and we’ll get it...together.”

Brendan sighed. “You’re not going to let up on this, are you?”

She shook her head. “Not even for a second. We can use the wishes to help us out, you know, give us a safety net.”

Brendan pointed his finger at her. “I think I have an idea, but let me think about it. Right now, we need to get back to work. No sense drawing any more attention to ourselves.


Bashua stopped fighting so hard as soon as the guards dragged him out of the view of the other inmates. He still pretended to struggle, but not so much to risk an injury or use up too much energy. Once Guarros threw his ass into Midland, he wouldn’t have much time before the monsters descended upon him. He figured the warden would make sure of that.

“What’s gotten into you, Bashua?” one of the guards asked. “You’ve never been a problem before. You never even came out of your cell until recently. What were you thinking?”

“Haven’t you ever been in love, Joe?” Bashua replied.

Joe stopped, looking Bashua in the eye. “You can’t be serious, man. She’s half your age.”

“If that.” The other guard snorted.

“Shut up, Earl,” Joe said.

Bashua shot the man a dirty look, but said nothing.

“Guarros is going to go crazy. And there’s no way he won’t find out. All of it.” The guard’s expression revealed regret. “I don’t see you getting out of this one, Bash.”

Bashua smiled and winked at Joe. “We’ll see.”

The guards continued on to Guarros’s office, stopping to knock outside the door. Guarros hollered for them to come in. Joe shook his head, unable to make eye contact with Bashua.

Guarros stood up, a puzzled look on his face. “Bashua? What could you have possibly done to end up here, like this?”

He smiled at Guarros. “Fuck you, you filthy animal.”

Guarros couldn’t hide the shock on his face, amusing Bashua no end. He struggled to get his fat body around his desk.

“I beg your pardon?”

“I said, fuck you, you filth—”

“I heard you!” Guarros bellowed. “Explain yourself.”

“He’s in love with Isela,” Earl offered. “Heard him say it. Right before he kissed her.”

Guarros narrowed his eyes. He moved closer until he was inches from Bashua’s face. “You kissed Isela? My Isela?”

“She’s not your Isela. She fuckin’ hates you, but how she feels about me...that’s another story.”

Bashua could tell he was getting to Guarros. The man’s breathing had picked up and his face had gotten considerably redder.

“Really, and exactly how does Isela feel about you? Have you consummated this budding relationship?”

“Not yet, but she’ll come around.”

“She refused his advances, sir,” Earl added.

His eyes never leaving Bashua, the warden continued, the little veins in his temples beginning to pop. “And yet, you continued to make them.”

Bashua leaned forward, getting even closer to Guarros. He gave him a smug smile. “Jealous?”

Bashua thought the veins in Guarros’ neck were going to explode. He almost laughed. He decided to push the warden a little further, hoping to wind this up.

“She’s shy and innocent, but I know I can convince her of my true feelings. I won’t hurt her like you have. She trusts me. I’m older, wiser, and if anyone ever needed a father figure, it’s that girl. So you see, Warden, I hold all the cards. I’ll have her in my bed before she even considers a conversation with you.”

The warden shook with fury. Bashua could see it. He looked at Joe, nearly wheezing. “Get out,” he spat.

“What are you going to do, sir? I’m sure the council—”

“I’ll call you if I need you. Leave us before I have you removed.”

Joe nodded sadly. He sighed, patted Bashua on the shoulder, and left. Guarros wandered over to his desk and opened a drawer. He pulled out a small baton. Tapping in his hand repeatedly with it, he slowly walked a circle around Bashua. He was trying desperately to steady his breathing. Bashua knew that look. He was calculating his next move.

“You can kick my ass from here to Sunday, but that won’t change how I feel.” He made sure he had eye contact with Guarros. “I love her and I intend to get her to love me back.”

Bashua noticed the veins pop again.

“Hold him,” Guarros said to the guard.

The guard complied. Bashua didn’t fight. He knew what was coming. Guarros hit him in the side of the head. He heard the crack and his knees went weak, but he remained conscious. Closing his eyes to stop the spinning, Bashua straightened, his head throbbing. He clenched his jaw, waiting for the next blow.

Guarros circled him again. “Earl, I think this prisoner is planning on escaping. What do you think about that?”

“Uh, that we should stop him?”

“And risk our lives with all the scabras and viocomen out there? I think not. If he wants to do something so foolish as to attempt an escape, knowing the land is crawling with man-eating monsters, so be it.”

“Ohhhh, I get it now,” Earl said.

Guarros paused, furrowed his brows, and then rolled his eyes. “I’m sure the Council will understand why we couldn’t risk going after him. I don’t know how pleased they’ll be with who ever allowed him to escape, though. Put Joe on door duty at the loading dock.”

Earl nodded.

“So that’s your plan? Throw me out into Midland so a scabra or a viocomen will get me?” Bashua asked, trying to sound nervous when really he was thrilled his act had been so convincing.

Guarros leaned in again, treating Bashua to his putrid breath once more. “Not just one scabra or viocomen.” He smiled. “There’s hundreds out there. They’ll come in groups, fight over you, and then rip you limb from limb...just like they did with Isela’s lovely mother. By the time they’re done with you, the tattered ruins of your clothing will be all that remains.”

Guarros motioned his head toward Bashua. “Keep him quiet and out of sight. Once Joe gets in position at the loading dock door, you’ll sneak up on him. Hit him over the head to knock him out. It’s imperative that he doesn’t see you. Once he’s unconscious, we turn Bashua loose. When Joe comes around, we explain that Bashua hit him over the head, stole his key to the door, and escaped.”

“Does it have to be Joe, sir?”

Guarros smiled. “No it doesn’t. It could just as easily be you, Earl.”

“I’ll get Joe in position right away, Warden.”

“That’s a good boy.” He turned to Bashua. “Any last words, traitor?”

“Yeah, I’m the traitor. You piece of shit, you know it isn’t going to matter. Even when I’m gone, Isela will never be yours.”

“Oh, but she will. I’m sick of waiting for her to come around. I’ll give her a few days to grieve for her lost companion, but then I will have way or another. I don’t care anymore if she’s willing. I’ve been more than patient. She owes me.”


The news spread through the prison at warp speed. Bashua had escaped. He’d overpowered a guard and slipped out unnoticed.

Isela sucked in a breath when she heard, her heart pounding wildly. It had happened less than an hour ago. Isela silently prayed Bashua made it to Darrios and his mercenaries. From across the parlor, Brendan gave her a slight nod, trying to reassure her, she thought. Nothing would be able to do that until they were free and reunited with her friend. Acknowledging Brendan’s nod with one of her own, Isela grabbed hold of her mop and bucket to go and put them away.

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