Isela's Love (31 page)

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Authors: Sasha Cain

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Contemporary, #Paranormal & Urban, #Futuristic/Sci-Fi

BOOK: Isela's Love
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“You’ve got a few broken ribs, and I think your wrist is fractured,” Ara said, her hands on his once perfect, but now damaged, abdomen.

“These cuts on your head are pretty deep. I’m going to have to stitch them up,” Teresa said. “What the hell did they hit you with, anyway?”

“I don’t know. I came around the corner and boom. I was blindsided. Next thing I knew, Isela was kneeling over me.”

Isela gently stroked Brendan’s cheek with her knuckles. He closed his eyes, leaning into it. He looked up at her, his face swollen and battered.

“I love you,” he whispered huskily.

“I love you, too.”

Shion popped her head in. “His bath is ready,” she said.

Ara smiled wickedly. “Time to bathe you,” she said reaching out to Brendan. Then we’re gonna wrap up those ribs.”

Isela stepped in front of her, pushing the woman’s hand away. “I got this,” she said firmly. You can go.”

Ara shrugged. “Suit yourself.” She handed Isela the first-aid materials and turned to leave. “If you change your mind, holler.”

“Uh huh. Don’t hold your breath,” Isela muttered, helping Brendan up. Leaning on her for support, they followed Shion into another room. Isela helped Brendan sit down on the chair just inside the door. A roaring fire blazed in a stone fireplace, giving the room an ethereal glow and a woodsy aroma. Several candles had been lit around the room, adding to the ambience. An enormous claw-foot tub sat adjacent to the fireplace, full of steaming water.

“There’s a kettle over there,” Shion said, pointing to a huge black pot. “If you need to heat more water.”

Isela thanked her. She glanced around to see a large canopied bed with gauzy curtains hanging down, enclosing it.

“That’s your bed,” Shion said. “Well, yours and his.”

“Really? It seems rather...extravagant,” Isela replied. “I mean, thank you very much.”

The woman smirked. “It’s our best room. Darrios requested it for you two. I’m guessing by the looks of this guy, Darrios knew there wouldn’t be a whole lot of um, action going on, so he wanted the two of you to be as comfortable as possible.”

Isela blushed. “Again, thank you.”

Shion handed Isela the bottle of Mulsket. “You’re welcome.”

She made her exit, quietly closing the door behind her.

Isela returned her attention to Brendan. Kneeling before him, she removed his shoes and socks.

“Too bad I’m not on top of my game,” Brendan said. “This room’s pretty romantic.”

“Don’t be silly. Now that we’re free, we’ll have plenty of time for romance...I mean if that’s what you want.”

He reached for her. She gazed into his eyes, rising up between his legs. He grazed his fingers over her cheek to her mouth, tracing her bottom lip.

“I want you, Isela.”

He leaned down to kiss her and nearly fell off the chair. “But maybe not tonight,” he said with a grimace as Isela prevented him from falling.

“Let’s get you into that tub,” she said as she began unbuttoning his shirt.

Easing down into the water, Brendan sighed. “This feels amazing.” Isela grabbed the stool by the fireplace and set it next to the tub. She picked up the soap and began lathering Brendan’s shoulders.

He grabbed her hand, stopping her. “Uh uh,” he whispered, “if you’re going to do that, do it from in here.”

“There’s not room for both of us.”

“There’s plenty of room.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.”

Isela sighed. “You’re going to keep hounding me until I give in, aren’t you?”

“No, until you get in.”

Rolling her eyes, she stripped off her blood-stained clothes, actually relieved to do so. Despite his injuries, Brendan watched her hungrily. Arousal stirred within him beneath the surface of the bath water. Isela stepped, gracefully, into the tub. She sat down facing Brendan. He hooked her legs over his and pulled her closer.

“This tub is pretty roomy,” Isela said, playfully.

“Mmmm,” Brendan uttered, his lips inches away from Isela’s.

“Brendan, you’re going to hurt yourself.”

“I think you can fix that.”

“Not until your ribs are healed.”

Brendan groaned. “You’re killing me, Isela.”

“I think you’ll live. Now let me get behind you so I can wash your back.”

He grinned mischievously. “And then I’ll wash your front.”

Isela giggled. “You’re impossible.”

She stood, holding onto the side of the tub. He moved forward so she could get behind him. She sat down, spreading her legs around him. With the soap in her hand, Isela gently lathered Brendan’s back. Moving onto his shoulders, and then his arms.

“I have to admit, this does feel fantastic. A real bath with warm water? When’s the last time you experienced that?” Brendan asked.

“Before I ever ended up in that Godforsaken prison,” she replied, gingerly washing between his fingers.

Brendan pondered that for a moment. It had been a matter of weeks for him in that place. For Isela, it had been years. He thought about his favorite steakhouse back home and how many times he’d gone there over the years.

Isela had never even seen a steakhouse. Or a car, or a big screen TV, or any sort of technology or luxury. He was going to change all of that. He would take her back to St. Louis and anywhere else she wanted to go. He’d make it his mission to make sure Isela would come to know what pampering felt like.

Isela’s fingertips trailing down his chest to his abdomen drew his attention away from his thoughts and onto others. He was already hard. If she went any lower...and then she did.

“Just lie back and relax,” she coaxed.

He moaned softly and did as she asked. Her breasts pressing into his back, she reached down and took hold of him with a soapy hand. She began stroking him, gently at first, then increasing the pressure. His breathing quickened. With her free hand, Isela traced little circles around his nipple, stopping only to lightly squeeze it. Brendan moaned again, breathing heavily.

Isela kissed his neck, licking and nipping at his earlobe. She ran her tongue around the edge.

“Oh God, Isela,” Brendan panted. “That feels so good.”

She continued stroking with her right hand and dropped her left to reach around and fondle his sac. He gripped her thighs with both hands, pushing back against her chest. Isela monitored his movements, ever careful not to cause him any pain.

“Isela, I’m almost there.”

He stiffened, letting himself go under her touch, then sagging back against her.

After his breathing returned to normal, Brendan attempted to turn so he could kiss Isela, but the pain in his ribs stopped him.

“That’s funny. I don’t remember feeling any pain a few minutes ago.”

Isela kissed the side of his face. “Anything to ease your discomfort,” she said sweetly.

“And ease it you did, but it’s not fair. What about you? I want to ease your pain.”

She kissed his shoulder. “Knowing you’re alive...” She choked back a sob. “Being here with you, like this, that eases my pain more than anything else. I was so scared he was going to kill you.”

“Sshhh, he’s dead. He can’t hurt us anymore.”

“I know. But look what he did to your beautiful face.”

“I’ll heal. In no time I’ll be just as pretty as before.”

Isela laughed, then sobered. “Does it hurt a lot?”

“Nah, it’s not that bad. As long as I have you here to distract me.”

Isela finished washing him and then herself before the water cooled completely. She climbed out of the tub and dried. Then she helped Brendan out and helped him dry off.

“Now that I’m clean, I really don’t want to put those filthy clothes back on.”

“So don’t,” Brendan said with a smirk.

“Ah, eventually, I’m going to need to get dressed.”

“Now, that’s a shame. We could always wash our clothes. You have soap and water. Then we can hang them by the fire to dry.”

Isela smiled. “That is a terrific idea. I might not get all the blood out, but at least they’ll be fresh.”

With the towel still wrapped around her, Isela began picking up their discarded clothes. Brendan started to bend to help her, but the pain stopped him. He groaned.

“Oh no you don’t,” Isela said. “You, mister, are going to lie down as soon as I wrap your ribs.”

Once she’d finished playing nurse to Brendan’s ribs, she pulled back the covers and guided him to the bed. He eased himself into it, letting Isela cover him. She handed him the Mulsket, urging him to drink.

“It’ll help you sleep,” she said.

Nodding, Brendan took the bottle from her. He put it to his lips, taking a big swig. Isela picked up the remaining articles of clothing. She tossed them into the tub. Pulling them back out, she soaped them up and then dropped them back in, swishing them around in the water to rinse them out.

Isela looked up when she heard the knock on the door. She hollered “come in” to whoever stood on the other side. Mae came in carrying a tray of food. Isela took the tray and thanked her.

“Brick figured he wouldn’t feel up to joining the group out in the bar,” she said, motioning toward Brendan. “And I figured you wouldn’t want to leave him.”

Isela smiled at Mae, thanking her again.

“No problem. Enjoy your meal,” she said with a wave as she left.

Isela set the tray down next to Brendan.

“We have some sort of meat. Here’s some bread and I think that’s rice.”

“It doesn’t matter. I think I’m going to drink my dinner tonight,” he said downing a gulp of Mulsket.

“You need to eat to get your strength up,” Isela insisted, breaking up the bread. She made a sandwich with the meat and handed it to him. He sniffed it while Isela made one for herself.

“Oh please, Brendan. Whatever it is, it’s bound to taste better than the slop we were given in the prison.”

He shrugged, taking a bite. They finished their food, and Isela returned to the task of washing their clothes. She looked over her shoulder to find Brendan sipping the Mulsket, watching her. She smiled at him as she hung their wet clothing over the mantel to dry by the fire.

Once she’d finished, Brendan patted the bed beside him. Isela dropped her towel and crawled in next to him.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” he muttered.

He went to reach for her, but winced in pain.

“You need to stop moving around. I’m not going anywhere,” she assured him.

“I just want to touch you.”

Rolling onto her side, she brushed the hair off his face then placed her hand on his left shoulder. It was probably one of the few places on his body where he wasn’t bruised. He sighed.

“When I’m healed, plan on spending about three days in bed with me. We’ll only get up to go to the bathroom.”

“What about food?” Isela asked.

“We’ll have someone bring it in and eat it in bed.”

She laughed.


Brendan awoke in the morning more sore than he thought possible. He groaned when he tried to move. Isela’s eyes flew open. She jumped up onto her knees.

“What is it, Brendan? Is something wrong?”

He groaned again. Ugh, even my hair hurts. I feel like I got hit by a truck.”

“A what?”

“Never mind. Let’s just say I’m sore...really sore.”

“We’ll get a wagon to get you home.”

He rolled his eyes. “I think I’ll walk.” Throwing the covers back, he attempted to get up. “Ow ow ow. Maybe a wagon is a good idea,” Brendan said, lying back down.

Isela got up and began dressing. Brendan groaned again. Isela rushed to him.

“What’s wrong?” She asked anxiously.

“You put your clothes back on.”

“Seriously? You scared me. I thought you were in pain.”

“I am. It hurts to see you go from naked to dressed. It hurts a lot.”

Isela rolled her eyes. “I’ll be back. Stay in bed.”

“Where are you going?”

“To find Darrios and to get you some breakfast. Don’t get up.”

She pulled the door shut behind her and went into the bar, which was bustling with activity. In between preparing for the day, the girls served food and cleared empty dished away. Isela spotted Darrios at a table by the door, seated with Evan, Bernie, and another man. Mae and Pete sat at the next table with a couple of hunters Isela didn’t recognize. They waved at her. She smiled, waving back. He stood up when he saw her approaching.

“How’s Brendan?”

“He’s really sore. I swear he’s bruised from head to toe thanks to that bastard, Guarros.”

“That dead bastard,” Evan added.

He and Bernie clinked glasses. Shion hollered to Isela, asking her if she wanted breakfast. Isela nodded and held up two fingers, indicating for two.

“Can you arrange for a wagon to get him home? I don’t think he can walk all that way.”

“Already done. I assumed he’d be out of commission for awhile.”

“What happened back there, Isela?”

“Guarros figured it out. About Brendan and me. That we were together. He went crazy. He was about to sic the guards on us when the first explosion went off. We escaped, but Brendan went back for the financial records. That’s when they got him. He was taking too long, so I went after him. I found him barely conscious right outside the door to my...what used to be my room.”

You didn’t see anybody?”

“Yeah, one of the guards. He came after me, but I stabbed him with a knife I pulled off of a dead guy. Guarros found us right before we got away. He changed into Bull, one of the guards, a real big guy, and started beating on Brendan. He would’ve killed him, but I made a deal with him. I told him I’d go with him if he stopped hurting Brendan. He changed back into himself, and we left Brendan where he was.”

“You sacrificed yourself to save Brendan.”

“I didn’t know what else to do. I just prayed you’d get there in time. When Guarros and I got back to his residence, I stabbed him in the neck. I thought I’d killed him, but obviously not. He caught up to us again and that’s where you came in. We’d both be dead if you hadn’t.”

Darrios blew out a breath. “You were a very brave woman, Isela.”

“No. I was a desperate woman.”

“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Bernie said.

Ara returned with some sort of breakfast casserole and a few biscuits. Isela thanked her and turned back to Darrios.

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