Isela's Love (30 page)

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Authors: Sasha Cain

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Contemporary, #Paranormal & Urban, #Futuristic/Sci-Fi

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She knelt over him, breathing heavily.

“Get up,” she pleaded, sobbing, “please, you have to get up.”

“I...can’t. Go, Isela, save yourself,” he gasped.

She shook her head vehemently. It was exactly like her vision. “I won’t go without you,” she vowed, draping his arm around her shoulder, pulling him to his feet.

He groaned, obviously in pain. He grimaced, gripping his side. Blood oozed from the gash above his left eye, congealing in his silky brown hair, matting it to his forehead.

Isela furrowed her brow, realizing she couldn’t get him out the way she’d come in. Too much debris cluttered the halls. She’d never be able to maneuver Brendan around all of it. She glanced around wildly, trying to discover an alternate route.

She remembered the corridor off the main hallway past Mae’s room. It was a roundabout way to go, but it wasn’t that much farther. Hopefully their path would be free of refuse.

With Brendan leaning heavily on her, she staggered away from what had been her room, thinking to herself that it would be the last way or another.

Isela’s muscles burned as she struggled to get enough air in her lungs. Giving up was not an option. She’d get them out of there or die trying. The door was in sight up ahead, just a short distance more.

“We’re almost there, Brendan. Come on, help me out.”

With her other hand, she patted his face, rousing him. He glanced around.

“Where are we?” he asked.

“At the back exit. It’s a little out of the way, but I had no choice. The other hall was blocked. We can do this, Brendan. Stay with me.”

As she reached for the handle, she felt his presence and a sense of dread engulfed her.

“Did you really think I’d let you escape, Isela?” Guarros said acidly. “With him?”

She turned to face him, surprisingly without fear, but with hatred and contempt.

“This ends here,” she growled, holding her head high.

Guarros smirked, taking a step toward her. “Yes it does...with me killing your lover right before your eyes, and then finally claiming you as mine.”

Brendan regained his balance. Standing on his own, he dropped his arm from Isela’s shoulder. He glared at Guarros, his eyes full of rage.

“You will never have her!” he snarled, ferociously. “She belongs with me.”

Guarros rushed at them, but Brendan stepped in front of Isela and pushed her behind him, protectively. Isela and Brendan watched in horror as Guarros changed into Bull, one of his guards, a man of about six foot seven. He was a solid wall of muscle and mean as a snake. He hit Brendan low in his already broken ribs. Brendan tried to protect himself and fight back, but Guarros, in his current form, was far too strong. Brendan held his side, fighting for a breath. Guarros hit him repeatedly until he fell. Crouching down, Guarros raised his arm for a final deadly blow.

“Stop!” Isela yelled. Guarros paused, glancing at Isela. “Don’t. Don’t hit him again and I’ll go with you.”

“You’ll go with me anyway,” he spat.

“Perhaps, but if you kill him, I’ll fight you until you’re forced to kill me too. If you leave him be, I’ll go with you willingly. I won’t fight.”

With a fiendish smile, Guarros stood, changing back into his true form. “You’ll come with me voluntarily, without force.”


“And you’ll do what I want.”

Isela swallowed. “Yes.”

“And all I have to do is walk away and leave him here.”

“And you can’t have anyone else hurt him.”

He held out his arm. “Deal. Shall we go, my dear?”

Brendan moaned, blood oozing from his wounds. He coughed, spraying yet more blood onto the floor. Isela bit her lip. Trying not to cringe, she placed her hand on Guarros’ arm.

“Isela, Noooo!” Brendan cried out. She turned to look at him, praying Darrios would find him and get him the help he needed before it was too late. He had to survive. She couldn’t bear it if he didn’t.

As Guarros led her away, Brendan screamed her name over and over. Isela covered her ears, squeezing her eyes shut.

“Can we please hurry?” she pleaded. “I can’t stand it.”

“Of course, my dear.” He gave Brendan a dismissive glance. “Go through that door there on the right. It’s a private passage. I had it installed for situations such as this. When I want to escape in a hurry and without interruption.”

Isela wasn’t really listening as Guarros droned on. Her mind whirred with thoughts of Brendan, hoping he’d understand why she’d done this. Thoughts of how she’d get away and return to him. Wondering if she’d be able to find him again.

As if the prison wasn’t under siege and collapsing around him, Guarros asked, “What do you say we have an early supper and then we can turn in and finally...consummate this relationship?”

Isela stopped, her mouth dropping open. “What about...” She made a sweeping gesture with her hand, palm up. “What’s going on here?”

“I have people to deal with this. Nothing I can do about it anyway. I’ve been waiting for this moment with you for far too long. I’ll not let anything get in the way of it.”

As Guarros opened the door, Isela had a déjà vu moment. She shuddered, remembering being in his residence earlier when she and Brendan had come looking for the records. Suddenly panic filled her. What if he realized the records were gone? What would he do? No. He had an agenda. She had to play along until she could figure out a way to kill him.

Guarros touched her face. “I’m so happy you finally came to your senses, Isela. Even if it was at the expense of your lover, but we’ll address that another time. Tonight’s about us.”

Bile rose into her throat. The thought of Guarros touching her made her want to vomit, even if it was to save Brendan. She smiled weakly. Somehow, she managed to meet his gaze.

“I guess that’s what it took to make me realize how much power you actually wield, Warden.”

“Well it’s about time.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I won’t fight you anymore.”

He chuckled. “I knew it. Just like your mother.”

Isela found herself unable to breathe. Rage rumbled and boiled inside of her. Rage for her mother, her father, Brendan, and herself, not to mention the countless others he’d inflicted his disease upon.

Her heart raced, her breathing hitched. Guarros turned and from over his shoulder, he asked, “Some wine?”

That’s when Isela’s fury erupted. When he bent to get the bottle from his wine fridge under the counter, Isela pulled the knife from her waistband, thrusting it into the side of Guarros’ neck. The scream of agony that tore from her released years of pain and torment suffered at his hand.

He wheezed and gagged, grappling at the knife buried in his throat. “You treacherous fucking bitch,” he gurgled, falling to the floor.

Blood trickled out of his mouth.

“I hope you die slowly,” Isela hissed, kicking him in the face. Clawing at the collar around her neck with one hand, she pulled out the knife buried to the hilt in Guarros’ neck rolls. Without taking the time to wipe off the blood, she sliced through the collar and threw it at Guarros before dashing out the door to rush back to Brendan.

She found him exactly where she’d left him. He’d obviously tried to get up and come after her. His body was sprawled out in a reaching position. Isela raced to Brendan’s side, dropping down next to him as soon as she reached him.

“Brendan, Brendan, come on. You gotta wake up,” she urged.

He stirred, moaning. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled weakly. “You came back.”

“Of course I did. You didn’t really think I’d leave you, did you?”

“I thought you were sacrificing yourself.”

She took his face in her hands. “I would keep you safe. I killed him, Brendan. I stabbed him. We gotta get you some help. Please try to get up.”

With Isela’s help, Brendan was able to stand. His legs were shaky at best, so Isela told him to lean on her.

“We’ll get the hell out of here and go find Darrios. You’re gonna be fine,” Isela said.

“What about the scabras and the vio—”

He coughed. Isela cut him off.

Let’s not worry about them right now. I just want to get you out of here.”

An angry roar caused Isela to gasp. Her eyes flew open wide. Guarros. She turned to see him stalking toward them, his face red with rage, blood oozing out of his neck.

“I will kill you both!” He growled. “I’m gonna enjoy making you watch me kill your lover. Then I’ll keep you alive for a day or so, so I can inflict as much pain as I can before I take your life. I made it easy on your mother. The monsters killed her quick. But you? I’m gonna have some fun.”

Isela felt her knees go weak as she cried out. Even though she knew all along Guarros had been responsible for her mother’s death, it still hurt to hear him admit it.

Brendan straightened, pushing Isela behind him again. “I should’ve killed you when I had the chance,” Brendan hissed.

Guarros laughed. “Yes, you should’ve. Because you won’t get a second chance. At least you won’t have to suffer, wondering what despicable things I’m doing to your lovely Isela. You’ll be dead.

Releasing a cry of agonized wrath, Isela moved around Brendan, charging Guarros. Guarros continued lumbering toward her, malevolence in his eyes.

“Isela, no!” Brendan cried, reaching for her.

Guarros stopped suddenly, about three feet from Isela, just as the head of the arrow protruded from his chest and the blood stain spread across his shirt. He looked down in disbelief. Coughing twice, his gaze met Isela’s and then beyond to Brendan. Brendan held his breath as Guarros’ eyes glazed over and he fell face first.

Behind Guarros, Darrios stood, still poised with his bow loaded and ready to fire. Brendan let out a relieved breath.

“Talk about timing,” he muttered.

Darrios grinned. “Yeah, well you know how your sister is. She’d kick my ass if I’d let him kill you. Now, let’s get the fuck out of here.”

“Darrios, the records you wanted are under the chest in that first room there on the right. I was ambushed before I could get to them,” Brendan said.

“Probably just as well. If they’d have got you after, they’d have the records too,” Darrios pointed out.

Brendan turned, wincing in pain. He reached for Isela. She threw her arms around him, sobbing. He held her, trying to comfort her while Darrios retrieved the evidence they’d gathered.

“Isela, it’s all right. He’s dead. He can’t hurt you anymore.”

She wiped her eyes, stepping back. “I’m not hurt. I’m okay, but you’re not. Look at you. You’re a mess. Darrios, he needs help.”

Darrios handed her his bow, smirking. “He usually does.” He tucked the folders down into the back of his pants then he hooked Brendan’s arm over his shoulder, grabbing him around the waist. “How’s that?” Darrios asked.

Brendan nodded, his jaw clenched. Isela positioned the bow so it was ready to fire should she need to. Darrios glanced at her then did a double take.

“You know how to use that?” he asked.

“Yep, and I’m a damn good shot, too.”

Darrios chuckled. “Good to know.”

They made their way to the rendezvous point as quickly as they could, considering Brendan’s injury. Bernie hurried over to them as they approached, taking Brendan’s other arm. They sat him down against a large boulder. Mae came running up to Isela, embracing her.

“We can’t stay here, Darrios. We gotta move,” Bernie stated.

“I know. We’re gonna have to help him walk until we can get to Brick’s Place. Then we can figure out how we’re going to get him home. Maggie’s gonna kill me as it is. We need to fix him up some before she sees him.”

“I’m fine,” Brendan argued. He attempted to stand, but swayed on his feet. Darrios caught him before he fell.

“Don’t be a hero, Brendan. We know. You’re a badass. Now sit down.”

Several of the men ran back to the prison, returning with a makeshift stretcher fashioned out of a door blown off its hinges by an explosion. Darrios helped Brendan on to it and they began the trek to Brick’s place.


Brick welcomed them with open arms. A stocky man with thick, curly brown hair and a wide smile with deep dimples, he had a warm, welcoming presence about him. When Darrios told him what had transpired, Brick pounded his fist on the bar.

“Drinks for everyone,” he proclaimed.

“Before you get too excited,” Darrios said, “the inmates that get out and survive the scabras and viocomen might make their way here.”

“And we’ll be ready.”

“I’ve sent a messenger to alert the Council before we started our little party, so they should be on their way.”

“Excuse me,” Isela said. “Can we stop all this feather-fluffing and get Brendan some help?” Isela asked, a bit louder than necessary.

Brick and Darrios turned. Brick raised an eyebrow. “A feisty one, I see.”

Darrios shrugged.

Brick whistled and three young women came running.

“Take the injured man into the back and clean him up. Tend to his wounds and here, Teresa, take this bottle of Mulsket and give him all he wants. Tell Shirley to get beds ready for everyone.”

“We didn’t plan on spending the night,” Evan said.

“Nonsense,” Brick said. “You’ve just had a battle. Rest. Get some food in your bellies. Have a few drinks and relax. Your man needs medical attention. He’s a liability right now. He’d slow you down. He’ll be better for travel tomorrow.”

“Brick’s right, Ev. C’mon, Sandra will understand.”

Evan shot him a look that said otherwise, but he didn’t argue.

Isela helped Brendan get up and went into the back with him and the three girls. They sat him down, fawning over him. They introduced themselves. The skinny blonde was Teresa. The tall buxom one called herself Shion. Ara, the third one was a little on the plump side with an ample bottom and heavy breasts.

Isela felt a stab of jealousy as Ara ran her hands over Brendan’s shoulders. She must’ve noticed because she smiled and said, “I’m just checking him for injuries.”

Uh huh. Isela decided to stick close. She poured Brendan a drink then handed it to him, helping him sip it. Teresa moistened a cloth in a basin of water and began dabbing at Brendan’s head wound. He winced.

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