Jack A Grim Reaper Romance (26 page)

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Authors: Calista Taylor

BOOK: Jack A Grim Reaper Romance
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She slipped her arms around his waist, and leaned her head against his chest, the pounding of his heart strong and fast. “I need more time before I can make such a decision, but I do love you, Mason. That has to count for something, no?”


“Aye, love. It does. A good thing too, since there’s one small matter that needs seeing to if this marriage is to be official, and I’ve never been one for rape.” He then leaned in, his lips soft against hers as they lingered, one kiss after the other, a reminder of what they
have together.


He pulled her close so his body pressed against hers, leaving no doubt in her mind as to what matter needed tending to. She wrapped her arms around his neck and lost herself in him, in his touch, for if she thought of their situation—Nelson, the Elders, Corwin—she would start to panic.


Never patient with trivial matters, Mason quickly rid them both of their clothing, preferring instead to take his time with more important things. With his hands wrapped around her arse, he pulled her close while they stumbled onto the bed. He covered her in his kisses, nipping and teasing until there was nothing but an aching need.


His skin was hot to the touch as he shifted between her legs, the weight of his firm body pressed against her, his kisses never ending. As different as their first kiss had been as husband and wife, this also felt different, yet so familiar. She looked into eyes the color of oak and moss, fierce and intelligent, while his dark locks fell before his eyes.


By the gods, she did love him, even if it wasn’t a simple matter. Cupping his face in both her hands she kissed him as if it were the first time.


“Will you have me, Lilly? As husband and wife?” He held her gaze as he waited for her answer.


She pushed away all her uncertainties and doubts, for in that moment the only thing that mattered was what they had between them. “I will.”


She couldn’t keep her heart from racing, for she knew this wouldn’t be a simple coupling, but rather the consummation of their marriage. He nuzzled her, his lips like velvet, a delicious contrast to his rough stubble. Inhaling deeply, she caught his familiar scent which mingled with the whiskey they’d consumed. It left her light headed and aching with anticipation, while at the same time comforting her. Yet he held back, pressed against her slick heat in a teasing whisper, drawing out the moment as he trailed kisses and nipped at her neck, her ear.


When her nails gently raked down his back, he filled her with one glorious thrust, setting alight every need and desire, her body aching and wanton. She ground her hips against him and wrapped her legs around his, desperate to quicken his pace. Yet he refused to be rushed. He took his time, letting the energy build within her, while the heat of their bodies, the tension between them, left her lightheaded.


He linked their hands and raised them above her head, her skin taut as his mouth closed around her nipple, adding another layer of sensations. He continued his slow torment, her body tight around his. Each breath came out a gasp as she teetered on the edge, like the crest of a wave that threatened to drown her in a sea from which she hoped to never surface.


“Tell me, love…” He kissed her and then nipped at her bottom lip, his rhythm barely slowing as he spoke. “Tell me you’re my One.”


Her eyelids fluttered open, as she fought for enough breath to pull together her words. “I’m your One, just as you are mine.” Her body then quivered in release, as they came together, their union and marriage complete.




Lilly leaned against Mason with his arms wrapped around her, the lulling motion of the carriage doing little to calm her frayed nerves. Time and again, her mind strayed back to Corwin, and how she would tell him of her marriage. Worse still would be the consequences she and Mason would face by the Elders, with Mason likely bearing the brunt of the punishment, even though he’d done it to protect her.


“I cannot recall the last time you were this quiet.” He kissed the top of her head.


“I have a lot on my mind.” When she spoke her voice sounded hollow, distant to her own ears. She did not have to wonder if Mason heard it also, for he missed nothing, especially where she was concerned.


“He’ll understand you had no choice. He’ll not blame you, love. Not when the consequences meant you’d come to harm.” His tone then hardened. “And if he’s too selfish to understand that, then he was never worthy of you.”


She spun in her seat to glare at those cursed hazel eyes. “You’re awfully hard on him, Mason. Not only is he dealing with his death—which took place barely two days ago—he’s also got to contend with the fact that he’s now a reaper, and the woman he was betrothed to is with another man. We’re not all as pragmatic and logical as you.”


“Is that what I am, love? Pragmatic? Logical?” He threw back his head and laughed, but only for a moment. He leaned forward with darkened eyes, his hand clasping the back of her neck as he nipped at her lips. “My dear, if that were the case, I’d have stayed well and clear of you.” He kissed her then, hard, his lips an assault of passion. When he finally pulled away, he left her breathless. “Not that I ever stood a chance. I could never stay away, even when I tried my best to do just that.”


They said little more, and by the time they walked through Mason’s front door, her gut was in knots, while her mind raced incoherently. Mason gave her hand a squeeze, though she knew not if it was to offer support, or to make sure she’d not shake him free.


Corwin was already at Mason’s, pacing the floor of the sitting room, while Pierce lounged before the fire with a drink.


“Och, lass, I was worried when ye didna return last night.” Corwin closed the distance between them in two long strides, and pulled her close only to have her stiffen in his arms. When he pulled away and looked into her eyes, his face darkened with concern. “What’s happened, love?”


She turned to Mason, her face feeling numb and her head dizzy, as if all the air had been sucked out of the room so she could barely breathe. When she spoke, she barely got the words out, her voice unsteady. “Could we have a moment alone?”


Mason’s lips pursed together in a worried frown, but he did not deny her. “Very well. Pierce, there are a few things we need to discuss.”


Pierce stretched out his lanky form, in no hurry to leave the room. As he passed by, he paused and took her in, then shifted his gaze to Mason, suspicion in his eyes. Concern darkened his features, but he said nothing, quietly following Mason out of the room.


“You need not have worried. I hope you didn’t have too difficult a day with Pierce.” Lilly knew not how she’d broach the subject of her marriage, when Corwin had already been through so much.


“I’m more concerned about ye looking so upset, love.” He took her hand and stepped to her side, but when their bodies brushed, she turned away. “Lilly… what’s happened?” He put his hand under her chin and gently tilted her head up so she was forced to look him in the eyes.


Her heart ached, for he was still the same man she’d fallen in love with so many years ago. Even if his appearance had changed some, his eyes, his soul, had not. Her emotions raced to the surface and she blinked back tears, unsure of how she’d get the words out.


“Och, love. What’s happened to have ye so out of sorts?” He gathered her in his arms and sat them down on the sofa by the fire. “Is it Mason? Has he been giving ye any difficulties?”


She shook her head no, and let out a ragged breath. She couldn’t put off telling him, for it would only make matters worse. Already he was jumping to conclusions, and it was not fair to leave him wondering.


“Matters are complicated, I’m afraid.” She took both his hands in hers, the weight of them heavy as she laid them in her lap, so large in contrast to her own. She struggled to get the words out, not sure how to tell him. “We had no choice, love. You must believe me. If there had been any other way, we’d not have done it.”


She let go of his hand and showed him her palm. Though the blood had been washed off, a thin red line remained. Handfastings were still occasionally performed in Scotland. Would he recognize the cut as something similar?


His hand curled into a fist, restrained anger in his voice. “Who hurt you, Lilly?”


She shook her head, hoping he’d understand. “It was the only way to keep me safe. We had no other option.”


He kissed her forehead and pulled her into his embrace, though she could still feel his anger and concern in every agitated move. She stayed there in his strong arms, while the warmth of his body and the solid feel of him helped to calm her down. With her eyes closed and her fists grasping his shirt, she took a deep breath of his scent while he ran a hand over her hair, holding her close.


With her head swimming, she looked up into the greenest eyes. Eyes that pleaded with her for answers. She could only hope he would someday forgive her.


“I’m married, love. Mason… he married me so I’d not come to harm. There was no other option.”


His face fell, defeat in his eyes as he looked away. “I dinna understand, Lilly. When? You were gone but a day, and the last time we’d spoken, you made it clear you had no interest in marrying anyone anytime soon.”


“We hadn’t planned it—never even discussed it. But I swear, the alternative would have been unbearable with no escape from the pain. Nelson wanted to go through two years of memories. I’d not survive it, love.” She held his face in her hands, her heart breaking. “However, we’ve agreed to not let the marriage change our relations.”


“How can it not, Lilly? Was it Mason’s idea to get married?” His eyes filled with suspicion, but she couldn’t imagine Mason going to such extremes just to keep her from Corwin.


“It was, but… what else could we do?” She pushed her doubts away, for she had seen Nelson’s anger first hand and did not doubt he’d have made her suffer. “There was nothing else we could have done to keep me safe.”


He nodded. “I know ye had no choice, love. It just comes as a bit of a shock. I thought I finally had a chance to be with ye again, a chance to try and rekindle what we once had.” He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand, but the pain in his eyes left her heart aching.


“Mason knows I’m not yet committed to this marriage, and we’ve agreed that for now things will not change between us though the Elders must still think this a true and proper marriage.”


His brow furrowed and he shook his head. “By the gods, I dinna think I’ll e’er understand this world. Ye’re either married or ye’re not, aye?”


She shrugged, feeling defeated. It all felt overwhelming once again. “I don’t know what to tell you, Corwin. I do love him—I’ll not lie to you—but I’m not ready to be married even if I already am.”


He ran a rough hand through his thick locks, and then there was a spark of hope in his eyes. “Is it the same as a handfasting then?” She at once knew what he was thinking.


Lilly nodded. “Similar. The vows are dissolved or renewed in a year and a day.”


With a smile, he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. “I’ve waited ten years, and can certainly wait one more. I’ll not give ye up so easily, love. Losing ye once was bad enough.”


“You may be willing to wait, but I’m not.” Frustration had her fighting back the urge to scream. “I cannot give myself fully to a marriage if I’m constantly wondering if I should be with you. It’d not be fair to Mason. And though our current arrangement is less than ideal, at least I’m not just biding my time with him. I need to sort out my feelings for the two of you and I’ll not wait a year to do so.”


“So where does that leave us?” He took her hand in his and brought it to his lips.


“I guess that’s up to you.”






Chapter Twenty-Five




“I cannot believe you. You’ve lost your mind—of that I have no doubt.”


Mason ignored his lieutenant’s ramblings. “I’ll need to speak with the Elders before Nelson has a chance to twist things around.”


“I swear, you’ll be the death of me.” Pierce threw back his drink and then glared at him. “You outright manipulated the situation and went against their wishes. And for what? Don’t think I don’t know, Mason.”


“Pierce.” His tone warned him not to drag Lilly into the conversation.


“I’ve no problems with the girl. You know that, aye? But I also see that marrying her goes well beyond keeping her safe.” He sat by Mason’s side, not ready to let the matter go. “Never mind what she’ll do to you if she finds out your true motives.”


“You need not worry. She’s refusing to commit to the marriage until she can sort out her feelings.” The words left him with a bitter taste in his mouth. He cursed himself for not insisting she give up all other relations. But she was too panicked and skittish over the whole affair. Pushing her any further with his demands would have only made things worse.


Pierce glared at Mason and shook his head, spitting mad. “So what’s all this for then? She may still not be safe, and it’s also put
in grave danger.”


Mason took a deep breath, his knuckles white around his drink as he thought of Lilly coming to harm. “It has to keep her safe, because she’ll not survive what Nelson has in store for her. As for me?” He shrugged. “I’ll manage. I heal quicker than most.”


Pierce pursed his lips, his hair now disheveled from his hand running through it. “Let’s hope you’re right. Trying to put you back together after the Elders have torn you to pieces is not my idea of fun.”

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