Jack A Grim Reaper Romance (28 page)

Read Jack A Grim Reaper Romance Online

Authors: Calista Taylor

BOOK: Jack A Grim Reaper Romance
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How many times had she thought of the life and family they could have had if she hadn’t died. She knew they would have been happy together—and she could not have asked for a sweeter, more considerate and caring man. To know he’d bought the home so they could start their lives together, made her heart ache and long for what could have been.


“I ne’er stopped loving ye, Lilly, and I ne’er will.” He ran a finger down her cheek and then kissed her sweetly. His lips lingered, but it took all the strength she had to pull herself away. “I’m sorry, aye? I shouldna have done that.”


She looked away, for she knew she was too weak to resist him. Her heart still skipped a beat at the mere sight of him, even if her heart also belonged to Mason. And though she wanted to sort out her feelings for the two of them, above all she needed Mason to be home safe. “I think it’s best if you go. I’ll be fine on my own.”


He closed his eyes for a moment and then nodded. “As you wish, my love.”




Lilly knew not what time it was when she heard voices in the hall outside her room. Dizzy from sleep and drink, she rushed to the door and yanked it open, her heart shattering at the sight of Pierce and Corwin carrying Mason’s broken body to his room.


Had she not known better, she’d have thought him dead, his unconscious form now lying upon his bed. She tried to go to him, but Pierce put an arm around her shoulder and prevented her from going any further.


“Lilly, get back to your room. There’s nothing you can do for now, and he’d not want you to see him like this.” Pierce looked over at Corwin and gave him a nod.


“Let go of me!” She tried to break free of Pierce’s grasp desperate to get Mason, but matters were only made worse when Corwin joined the fray and pulled her away.


“Come, love. ‘Tis for the best, aye?” His strong arms held her with an iron grip infuriating her further.


She glared at him with fire in her eyes and venom in her voice. “He’s my husband, damn it. And I swear, Corwin, if you don’t let me go to him, I’ll never speak to you again—and that’s a cursedly long time, given that we’ll live for an eternity.”


He glanced over at Pierce for just a moment, and then turned back to her as he released his grip. “As you wish, love.”


She went to Mason’s side, Pierce and Corwin forgotten. Now was not a time for tears or hysterics, though she was unsure of what she could do to help. Quickly, she looked him over, taking in his injuries.


He had taken quite a beating—his eye swollen shut, his jaw purple, dry blood smeared down his face from a broken nose, and she could only imagine the injuries hidden under his clothing. However, Lilly knew most of what he endured would leave no physical marks, just scars on his soul.


“Pierce, get me a bowl of freezing cold water and a cloth.” The least she could do was clean him up and make him comfortable, maybe control the swelling. Time would have to heal the rest. “Also some drink. The strongest you can find.” Pierce left the room to get what she needed.


“How can I help,
mo chridhe
?” Corwin took a step forward, but she waved him away.


“I’ll manage.”


Her fingers made quick work of the buttons on his shirt, but she could not hold back a gasp when she exposed the mottled skin below the cloth. The bruising was extensive, reds and purples mixing in blackened patches.


And then Mason reached for her hand and sent her heart tripping over itself. “Don’t look so worried, love.” His raspy voice cracked as he tried to get out the words.


“Mason.” She gently touched his face and her composure crumbled, unable to mask the distress in her voice. “You should not have gone, love.”


“There was no other way.” He swallowed hard, his face lined with pain. “If I had waited, it would’ve only made matters worse.”


She shuddered at the thought, for she could not imagine it.


Pierce walked in and put the tray down by the bedside, his entire body stiff and his words clipped as he fought to hold back his emotions. “You should not have gone.”


“You’re starting to sound like her.” Mason tilted his head in her direction, pain cutting his humor short.


“Here.” She poured him a large glass of a drink she didn’t recognize. It was amber in color like a fine brandy but thicker and smelling faintly of something herbal. Whether of this world or not, she did not know, but Pierce had fetched it, so she assumed it’d do the trick.


She held the glass to his lips and he took a long drink, though it was clearly painful. He’d likely cut the inside of his mouth during the beating, and the thought of it left her cursing under her breath.


“I swear I’ll wring Nelson’s neck if I ever see him again. Tell me the Elders are going to do something about him.” She hoped he’d burn in hell. Mason would still be whole if Nelson hadn’t overstepped the bounds of his authority.


Mason’s mouth twitched into a smile. “He’ll get his due, love. Damon’s seeing to it, though the situation’s rather complicated. In the mean time, he’ll see about building a case for having Corwin’s death come up before his time.”


She had yet to tell Corwin that his death was a result of Nelson’s hatred for Mason—and now, he knew the truth. Lilly looked over at him, her guilt plaguing her. Had she not been involved with Mason, Corwin would still be alive. “I’m so sorry you were dragged into this mess. Your death should have never happened.”


Corwin stepped closer. She could see he wanted to reach out to her, but Mason’s presence made the situation awkward.


“Ye need not worry yerself,
a ghaoil
. It’s all worked out for the best, aye?”


All she could do is nod.


From the corner of her eye she saw Mason frown. It was a difficult situation all around, with emotions running high for everyone involved. Yet what were they to do? She wished it was an easy decision, for it’d be far easier to love just one of them.


Corwin looked from her to Mason and then back. “I’m going to head back to the guest room. Give ye some privacy. Ye’ll let me know if ye need any help, aye?”


“Thank you.” Lilly watched him go, and then turned a questioning gaze on Pierce.


He rolled his eyes. “Very well. I’ll be back to check on him come morning, but if you need anything or if he takes a turn for the worse, you’re to call me immediately.”


Finally alone with Mason, Lilly felt more at ease, the tension in the room now gone. She dunked the cloth in the freezing cold water and then wrung it out. “I’m sure this will hurt, but it should help with some of the swelling.”


He cringed when she touched it to his lips, the white cloth now crimson with his blood. He took it from her and dabbed at his lip before tossing it back in the bowl. “Don’t go worrying yourself, love. I’ll heal by morning. The worst of it is over.”


She couldn’t bear to think of what he’d endured, so she decided to focus instead on the positive. “Will Damon really try to build a case against Nelson? I cannot believe he’ll get his due.”


He leaned in and kissed her, but there was no smile upon his lips, and no relief in his eyes. “He will, but I have a feeling this is all far from over.”




Lilly stirred from her slumber as Mason pulled her close from behind with an arm wrapped around her waist. He’d not slept well at all, waking more than once due to nightmares. His physical injuries wouldn’t take long to heal, but she could only imagine what they’d done to him once inside his head.


Mason pulled her from her thoughts by trailing kisses down her neck and shoulder. She still found it odd to think of herself as married, and even odder that Mason had sacrificed so much for her sake. It seemed he’d finally let the chancellor take a step back—at least for now.


She spun in his arms so she could face him. The bruising and swelling had gone. Even the cuts had healed, leaving little behind but redness. It was remarkable, really.


“How are you feeling?”


“I’ll manage.” He bent his head to hers and kissed her, his lips hot like coals. “Listen, love. Things seem to keep escalating with Nelson, and I’m afraid he may use you once more to get to me.”


He brushed her hair from her eyes and then nipped at her lips before continuing. “I’ll do all I can to protect you, but I fear there’ll be times when I’m not around. It’s best if you learn how to defend yourself from him.”


Her gut roiled at the thought. “Is that even possible? If he thinks I’m putting up even a bit of a fight, it’ll only make matters worse.”


He let out a deep ragged breath. “You may be right, but if he’s intent on harming you, it may be your only defense.”


Despite the serious nature of their discussion, his hands seem to have a mind of their own. “Mason… you’re injured.”


“I’ve healed.” As if driving his point home, he gripped her arse and pressed himself against her. His hard length searched her out, her body’s response to him immediate.


Need rose within her, but she tried her best to ignore it so she could concentrate instead on their conversation. “But how can I fight him? He’s a chancellor. I’ll not stand a chance.”


She bit back a moan when he gave her nipple a squeeze that rippled all the way to her quim. He shifted her onto her back and parted her knees with his own, flaming her desire.


stand a chance once I’m through with you. I’m also a chancellor. No? I’ve got more than one trick up my sleeve, love.” He buried himself in her, letting out his own grunt of need. “You’re my wife, and I’ll be damned if I’ll not do all I can to keep you safe.”


His wife. It still didn’t seem real, and she suspected it wouldn’t for some time still, given that she’d yet to commit fully to the whole blasted affair.


He covered her mouth in a greedy kiss, her thoughts obscured by his ministrations. When he nipped at her ear, a shiver coursed through her and set her nerves alight.


“Are you ready, love?” His words were but a whisper, his breath hot against her skin.


The way he held her in his arms, she was ready for anything. In response to his question she wrapped her legs around his and ground her hips against him, her lips closing around his nipple when he arched his back.


He let out a moan around breathless words. “That’s not what I meant, aye?” She bit his nipple in response, and he choked back an anguished laugh. “Bloody hell, woman.”


She shifted her weight and he rolled them over to switch positions, so she now sat straddling his hips, his hard length buried deep inside her. Healed, indeed.


She chewed her lip to keep her mind from wandering. “Are you trying to tell me you were going to teach me how to protect myself
our coupling? You’re unbelievable, Mason.”


A lusty grin spread across his lips.


“I could have told you that.” Reaching up, he cupped her breast, laughing when she slapped his hand away. “Lilly, as your husband—”


She pinched his nipple and twisted, though his smile remained. “You’re such a bastard.”


She struggled to get free of him when he grabbed her hips and deepened their coupling, trapping her in his grip, and stealing her heart. She wondered how she’d let such a thing happen.


His laugh faded as his eyes took in her very soul. “Do you love me, Lilly? Truly?”


He sat up and with an arm tight around her waist, pressed his body against hers. His lips covered her face in gentle kisses as if trying to tease an answer from her. “Tell me, my love, for I cannot bear not knowing.”


Her pulse felt like it had all but stopped and yet was simultaneously thundering away. She thought of Corwin, but pushed him from her mind.


“I do love you, Mason. Truly.” It was nothing but the truth, even if Corwin still occupied a corner of her heart.


Mason then reached over to his nightstand and pulled out two beautiful bands of gold, the surfaces intricately carved with ancient symbols. “It wouldn’t be a marriage without rings, aye?”




Lilly once again leaned back against Mason as he cupped her head in his hands, their heartbeats finding the same rhythm. His energy danced just behind her temples and twined around hers, as they coiled together into a ball of light. He then removed his hands.


“That’s it, love.” His words were gentle and encouraging, his breath warm on her neck, while his body brushed against hers. “I want you to compress the light with your thoughts and then release it when you’ve built up enough energy. Pierce, get ready.” They’d been at it for ages and though she’d come close, she had yet to penetrate past Pierce’s defenses.


She did as he asked, mentally applying pressure to the sphere so it grew brighter, stronger. It spun and churned, pulsing to the beat of her heart. Then, with a final push of energy, she hurled it at Pierce, hoping she could finally break through the wall of energy he’d put up.


Pierce let out a grunt, but nothing more, and she knew she’d failed once again. “This is impossible, Mason, and it’ll only be more difficult if it’s Nelson.”


She had no idea why he thought she could do this. It was insane. She’d only been a reaper for a decade. What chance did she have against those that had crossed over hundreds of years earlier and a chancellor no less?


Mason shook his head and paced the room. “You need to believe you can do it, Lilly, or this is all futile. It’ll never happen if you’re convinced it won’t.”

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