Jack's Christmas Wish (15 page)

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Authors: Bonni Sansom

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Jack's Christmas Wish
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He had been too excited to get inside her he had forgotten a condom. “Oh shit, I came inside you. Are you on the pill?” His senses came back to him. Whether she knew it or not, he had just claimed her as his. As far as he was concerned, she would never lay with another man. That was twice he had forgone a condom, and he didn't regret it. He could clearly see Lissa round and heavy with his child and that picture was alluring.

“Yes, I am. So there is nothing to worry about.”

That statement bummed him out just a little. He was hoping she would say no, but then birth control wasn't one hundred percent either.

“Stay here. I'll bring a cloth to clean you.” He hopped out of bed, walked into the changing room, wet a cloth and headed back to her. She was lying on her side, facing away from him. He thought they had gotten through this already. Then he saw her shoulder shake like she was crying. “Lissa? Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

She rolled over to face him with tears in her eyes. The sight broke his heart. She was so happy before he left, he was a bit befuddled. “No. You didn't hurt me. I'm just happy.”

He smiled at her as he climbed back in bed. “And what are you happy about?” He gently cleaned her with the cloth. She twitched as the cloth grazed her clit.

“I'm happy about us. I want to move forward. I've thought about it and I would like for us to be exclusive.”

“Oh, honey, we were exclusive as soon as we kissed that first time. I knew I didn't want to let you go. I have an idea. Why don't you move in with me?”

Her smile faded and he immediately regretted his words.

“I can't. What about Jack? Won't he be confused? I have my apartment to consider and I'm sure you don't need all my junk in your house.” She chewed her bottom lip.

“We can rent a storage unit and Jack will be fine. Millions of people live together these days. Come on, Lissa, what do you say? Make me a happy man.” Hell, he'd be a lot happier if she would agree to marry him, but he figured he better not push his luck. She wasn't saying no to him, just no to the situation. She wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with her. He could feel it. He tucked a stray hair behind her ear and caressed her face.

“Let me think about it, okay? It's a lot to digest all at once.” She held her hand over his looking him in the eyes.

After today with Rex, he wanted her here where he could watch after her and protect her. Whatever the cost, it didn't matter as long as Lissa was okay. He knew with the help of Billy's sister, Jack would probably be thrilled to have her here and ask her a million questions. He couldn't help but smile at that. He could see her now, all red faced with embarrassment as Jack drilled her with girly questions.

“What are you smiling about?” She swiped his hair off his forehead.

“Jack will be all over you. Asking you all kinds of questions and I'll be able to sit back and watch you blush.” He tapped the tip of her nose with his finger.

She snatched his finger and sucked into her mouth.

“Don't start something you can't finish.”

“Oh, I plan to finish. I plan to finish a bunch of times.”

“Dammit. Woman, are you trying to kill me? I don't know about a bunch of times. Maybe two more tops. And I'll be out like a light.”

She smiled. “Good, then I can go snooping for presents.”

“No, you won't. I'll tie you to my bed.” He couldn't let her find the bag or she would freak out. Not to mention ruin the surprise.

“You wouldn't dare.”

“You want to bet?” He raised a brow.

“You're bluffing.” That was all he needed to hear. Before she could say another word he had grabbed her wrists and tied them to the post of the bed.

She blinked up at him, a look of shock on her face. “How did you do that?”

“Lots of practice.” He winked at her. “You can call my bluff anytime, sweetheart, but you'll figure out really quick, I don't bluff.” He settled in beside her, his cock responding to her tied to his bed. Her pale skin was flushed and he could smell her arousal already.

“Well, now that you have me all tied up, what are you going to do with me?” She tugged on the restraints.

“Whatever I want.” He kissed a trail from the hollow of her throat down to her mound, getting a moan from her.

“I like what you want.” She wiggled her hips drawing his attention. He couldn't wait to be inside her heat again. He was really enjoying the fact he didn't have to wear a condom. He didn't want even the thin layer of latex between them.

“Yeah? Well, Lissa, I want that ass.” He sat up and grabbed the lube from the nightstand.

He smeared a glob of lube on her puckered little star. She blew out a breath.

He pushed in with his finger.

She moaned, “Oh, that feels so good.”

He fucked her in and out with his finger then added a second. He swirled and scissored them stretching her for his entry.

She pulled against the restraints.

He watched her muscles bunch and flex.

“Who do you belong to?” He felt her muscles relax and was thankful she was ready. His balls were about to explode.

“You. I belong to you.” She pushed against his hand.

“That's right, me and only me.” He pulled his fingers out and fit himself to her ass and pushed in one excruciating inch at a time until he was fully seated. “Fuck, you feel so damn good.”

“Ohmigod, Derek!” She tilted her pelvis up, giving him better access. “I need...”

“What do you need Lissa?” He hoped she needed him to move.

“Please fuck me.” He pulled almost all the way out and pushed in again filling her stretching her. She closed her eyes and dropped her head back.

“Look at me, Lissa.” He wanted to see those milk chocolate eyes melt when she came.

She lifted her head and gazed at him. Her eyes were so dilated they looked almost black.

He tried to convey the love he felt for her in his eyes. He leaned down and kissed her, then snaked a hand between them and rubbed her clit in slow circles. Her back bowed off the bed, her hands balled into tight fists and her legs clamped around him as she came. Her body jerked wildly and her muscles clenched, squeezing his cock. He felt the telltale tingle in his spine, his balls drew up and he followed her over into bliss. He gazed at her the entire time trying to convey his feelings for her. He wanted her to know what she meant to him. That she was now his world.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Lissa's heart felt like it might explode she was so happy. That was until she looked over at Santa. It had been twenty-four hours since she and Derek spent the night making love. She had no doubt that's exactly what it was too. He wanted her to move in, to live with him and Jack. If it weren't for her mounting debt, she would have jumped right on it. Then again not having to pay rent on a crappy apartment would help her debt tremendously. She didn't know what to do.

“Lissa, could you hand this young man a candy cane?”

“Yes, Santa.” Things at work were greatly improved too. Since Derek had threatened Old Saint Dick, he hadn't made a grab at her ass at all. But, she still caught him looking at it. Oh well, she couldn't get everything she wanted. She also didn't have to worry about Rex anymore thanks to Derek. She might as well go ahead and admit the man was perfect. Too perfect.

It was nearing eight o'clock, the time Derek said he would pick her up. She had a late date with him and Jack to go out for ice cream. She had promised Jack, after all. She let the last kid in and closed the velvet rope. She stood and waited to hand the little monster his candy cane. She didn't understand it, but most kids she thought of as a pain, except for Jack. There was just something about him. She could imagine he'd be a great big brother too.

“Lissa.” She heard from the direction of the doors. She immediately turned to see Derek and Jack approaching the display. She couldn't help the smile that split her face at the sight of them. Derek looked perfect as usual with his slightly mussed blond hair, wearing jeans that looked like a second skin and as usual a button up shirt. She remembered wearing his shirt and taking it off. That night couldn't have been more perfect.

She made her way over to the rope opened it and bent down giving Jack a hug. His smile mirrored hers as she broke the embrace. God, she wanted to kiss Derek, but she wouldn't do it in front of Jack.

“Are you about ready to get some ice cream? Jack's been pestering me all day about his date with you.” He looked down fondly at his son, making her heart melt.

She wanted to be a part of this family so bad, but was still afraid. Afraid Derek wouldn't want her once he found out about her debt. She couldn't even afford to get her car fixed. She could only afford liability insurance and they wouldn't pay for her damage. She had to drive it around with the door dented in, which made for a cold ride in December.

“Yes. I just need to change.”

He looked her up and down. “You don't have to change on my account.” He winked at her and smiled.

“You're very funny. I'm not going out looking like a Christmas slut.”

“What's a slut?” Jack blinked at her.

She winced.
, it was so easy to forget a seven year old was standing there. She looked to Derek for help and he shrugged.
Thanks for the help there, big guy.

She thought about it and decided to go with a truth of sorts. “It's a girl that misbehaves.”

“Okay.” He shrugged it off like he didn't really care. “Miss Lissa, Can I have a candy cane?”

“Jack, what do you say?” Derek frowned, “Please, may I have a candy cane?” Jack rolled his little eyes.

“You sure can. I'll be right back.” As she walked over to the candy bucket she put a little extra sway in her movements for Derek. She turned and sure enough he noticed. The man didn't miss a thing. Unfortunately, Santa Claus noticed too, but kept his hands to himself.

She handed Jack his candy and patted him on his head.

“Why don't you go get changed and we'll wait for you here.”

“I'll be right back.” She blew him a kiss and left for the locker room.

“What flavor ice cream do you want Jack?” Derek guided his son in the line. He wanted to kiss her so bad but she seemed like she didn't want him to in front of Jack. She had to realize Jack would see them kiss if they were together long enough. He would have questions of course, but he would eventually get used to it.

He smelled her perfume, a light, clean, honeysuckle scent that made him crazy. Every time he remembered the scent of her arousal mixed with her perfume his dick twitched. He needed to get a grip before he showed everyone in line his erection. That wouldn't make Jack ask a million questions.

“I want chocolate, vanilla, and triple fudge with colored sprinkles.” He licked his lips and rubbed his tummy.

“Jack, you can only get two scoops. I don't want you covered from head to toe in ice cream.”

Sticking out his bottom lip, Jack pouted.

“What about you, Lissa? What's your poison?”

“I think I want to try the sweet cream and maybe chocolate.” They moved up in the line to order.

“Excellent choice. I think I'll try the same.” He ordered and they all sat together at a table with a wobbly leg. Derek was glad to see Lissa eating. She was too skinny, like she hadn't been eating at all. He wondered about her finances. She must be struggling if she had to take the job as Santa's helper. The only thing he wanted to do was take care of her. Treat her like a goddess and love her with all his heart. If only she would let him.

He watched Lissa licking her ice cream cone like she had licked him. He couldn't help the hard-on that was forming under the table. How could he ever be around her and not be aroused? “How is it, Lissa?”

“Mmm, it's great.” Her pink tongue darted out of her mouth and lapped at the cream making him ever harder.

“Daddy, what's sex?”

Derek just about dropped his waffle cone.

Lissa's mouth hung open gaping like a fish and Jack sat patiently, waiting for his answer.

“Jack, where did you hear about sex?” Lissa's eyes went wide.

Derek was grateful she seemed to take this one. Sometimes a boy needed a mother more than a father, which was another reason he wanted to be with her. Jack seemed to love her just as much as he did.

“Let me guess. Billy's sister?” Derek slapped his forehead.

Jack nodded his head.

Derek scrubbed his hand through his hair. “Son, I don't like you hanging out with Billy. I swear you're going to give me a coronary.”

“I'm going to give you a bird?” He looked confused.

Both Lissa and Derek cracked up laughing. He truly felt like they were a family. Lissa looked at Jack the same way Melody used to and that was all he needed to see.

Their eyes met and their laughs faded. It seemed as though she understood his love with just a look. His mind was made up. He would ask Lissa to marry him on Christmas day. He already had the ring and it was a huge risk, but he wanted her in his bed for the rest of his life.

“So, what is sex?” Jack asked, as melted cream ran down his arm. He licked at the stream from his thumb to his wrist.

“Jack, sex is something that happens between adults, when they love each other. But, it only happens after they turn twenty-five.” Lissa licked her ice cream cone, satisfied with her answer.

“I love you, but, I guess we can't have sex cause I'm not old enough.”

Derek choked on his cone and coughed several times.

Lissa laughed and scrubbed her hand through Jack's hair. “I love you too, sweetie.”

Derek straightened up at her words. She had admitted to loving someone. He had no doubts in his mind that they would be together completely very soon. Her walls were crumbling down. With Christmas just one day away, he needed to work fast before he gave her the present he'd bought her.

“Lissa, will you spend tomorrow with us? Unless you have a previous engagement.” He hoped like hell she would agree to be with them.

“Yes. I'll spend Christmas with my two favorite men.” She smiled at Derek and took another bite of her ice cream.

Her hands shook so bad she could hardly hold the steering wheel. She didn't know why but she was nervous as hell about spending Christmas day with Derek and Jack. Something about it made her sweat even though it was only twenty degrees outside. Her heart hammered in her chest and her stomach felt too queasy to eat.

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