Jack's Christmas Wish (7 page)

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Authors: Bonni Sansom

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Jack's Christmas Wish
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“Jack, are you okay over there, buddy?” She almost took her arm away when Derek asked that question.

“I'm great, Daddy.” He smiled up at her, nearly making her heart melt.

She looked at Derek to judge his thoughts about this, but his smile matched Jack's.

They pulled up in the lot of the frozen rink and hopped out. Jack took her hand dragging her to the skate rental booth. “It's this way, Miss Lissa. Come on, I'll show you how to skate backwards.” He pulled even harder, squeezing her fingers.

She laughed and sped up with him.

Derek followed closely behind and laughed with them.

She thought they must look like a happy family out for a skate. She had mixed emotions about that. On one hand, she wanted that to be true. On the other, is seemed utterly ridiculous that she wanted that. But she planned to spend as much time with Jack as possible today. She hadn't even really thought about sex around Derek today.
Has to be because Jack's here.

She put her skates on and helped Jack with his. “Are you ready to get out there, buddy? She certainly was.

“Jack, try and remember to go slow and take your time. Don't try to race with other skaters like you did last time. I mean it.” Derek tied the laces of his skates.

“Lissa, are you gonna go out with me or daddy?”

“Jack, you call her Miss Lissa.”

“Yes sir.” He hung his head.

Lissa tilted his little head up with her finger. “Don't be sad. If it were up to me you, could call me anything you wanted.” She winked at him.

He smiled up at her and headed for the ice.

Derek approached her from behind, rubbing his side against hers. He slipped an arm around her. “I've been waiting all morning to get you to myself. Are you ready to hit the ice with me? You can hang on to me all you want.” She didn't want to say no, but she wanted to be out there with Jack for a little while. She loved seeing him smile up at her.

“Um, do you mind if I spend some time with Jack? He wants to show me how to skate backwards.” She reached up and kissed him gently on the lips.

“Well, when you ask like that, how could I say no?” He kissed her back.

“Thanks, I appreciate it. I'll skate with you in a bit. I promise. And she left.

Derek watched his dream woman take off after his son, a little confused about how he felt. He loved that they got along so well, and that she seemed so at ease around him, but there was something else that niggled at the back of his mind. Was it jealousy?

“Dude, is that your wife?” Derek turned to see a young man ogling her assets. His first instinct was to say yes and punch the bastard, but she wasn't his wife.

“Yes, and I would appreciate it if you stayed the hell away from her.” The kid would never know the difference and it felt good to say.

“Sorry, dude, I was just admiring her. You're a lucky man.” The guy held his hands up in mock surrender and backed off.

Derek felt the urge to go to her and keep her protected. Protect her from little pricks like that one. He watched her spin holding hands with Jack. Her white scarf swung freely in the breeze and her chestnut hair curled up around the edges of her knit hat. The fitted white jacket and pants made her figure stand out like a goddess on skates. He felt a tingle in his groin and pulled out his cell.

“Hello, Mrs. Sanders. I was wondering if you could keep Jack this evening like you did before.” He couldn't wait any longer to get her into his playroom. He had to be with her.

“Sure I could Mr. Baxter. Paulie Jr. would love to have an overnight guest.”

“Thanks. I'll bring him over in a few hours.” He hung up and stared at Lissa.

He was amazed at how natural they seemed together. How they gravitated toward each other. How she seemed to be perfect mother material as well as wife material. He couldn't fathom how he knew this. He just did. Like a natural instinct.

He headed out on the ice ready to take her around the rink a few times himself. He skated over to them, listening to them laugh and watched them smile. It truly hit him straight in the heart. They seemed like a happy family out for a day of fun. He liked that a lot.

“Hey pretty lady, may I cut in?”

Jack's facial expression changed to that sullen frown he'd been sporting since his mother died. Dammit he couldn't win.

Lissa bent down and whispered something in his ear and the bright smile was back.

“Have fun skating with daddy, Miss Lissa.” Jack said with enthusiasm. He took off around the rink leaving Derek alone with Lissa.

“What did you say to him? I haven't been able to make him smile like that for months.” He was truly amazed. Lissa seemed like a dream come true for both of them. It was almost like she could heal their wounds. If it hadn't only been a few days he might be able to make a judgment call, but it was just too soon.

“I told him we still had our ice cream date to look forward to. He seemed happy about that. Oh, he's such a great kid. I just love him.” She clamped her hand over her mouth.

“It's okay. I can see you have strong feelings for him. He's an easy kid to love.” He laced his arms around her neck, pulling her close to him.

She sighed and relaxed against him.

Damn he wanted to feel her naked skin against skin. He wanted to feel her slick juices on his hands and face, but most of all he wanted to feel his cock inside her sweet pussy as she came screaming his name. Their bodies aligned perfectly molding against one another.

She seemed to snuggle even closer making it hard for him to resist kissing her.

'We better get skating. I don't want to have to take you right here on the ice and if you keep rubbing against me, I'll have no choice.” She pulled away wide eyed.

“You wouldn't dare. Your son is here.”


“You would have to point that out, but he won't be home tonight. I'll have the house to myself if you'd like to join me. I have a special room I'd like to show you. Will you stay with me tonight? “

“Where is he going to be?”

Her question threw him. Not what he had been expecting at all. She almost seemed upset. “He's going to spend the night with his friend.”
Now maybe we could get back to my question.

“Oh, okay.”

“Well? Will you spend the evening with me?”

“Yes. I would love to. That way we don't run the risk of being caught by a security guard.” She smiled at him.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Good Lord, what had she gotten herself into now? A night of fantasy sex with a gorgeous Dom is what. It made her knees weak thinking about it. She had always done the right thing. Always.

She had taken care of her mother, helped pay the bills, sacrificing her own in the process. She had taken care of her brother while her mother was down and now it was time for her to indulge in one treat. No one would know, but the two of them. But she wanted so much more. She wanted him and Jack. She didn't quite understand how she knew this just that she knew. There was something about Derek that just fit. Kind of like a puzzle piece falling into place.

The whole afternoon had been fabulous. Like a dream come true, all the way up to where he dropped her off at her lonely apartment and her machine blinked with seven new messages from Rex. She ignored them and went out and hopped into her car. It was time for her to go play.

His truck pulled out in front of her.

She followed behind. They stopped off at a drugstore, she imagined for condoms. She certainly didn't have any.

She whistled when they pulled into the drive of a large two-story stucco house. He opened the two-car garage and motioned her in.

She pulled in next to him.

He was at her door in a flash. He opened it and helped her out, pulling her body flush with his. His erection pressed against her belly, sending a shiver of excitement through her.
Whoo hoo,
merry-freaking-Christmas to me.

He bent down, taking her mouth with an animalistic kiss. He was no longer the polite gentleman he'd been the entire day, but now a dominating man. She absolutely loved it. The more she found out about him the more attracted she was to him.

“Let's get you inside. I have something for you.” He laced his fingers with hers and led her inside.

“Dare I ask what it is?” Buzzing with excitement her body sang.

“You'll find out soon enough.” He led her through a large living room, through a formal dining room and then to a locked room he had to use a key to get into.

Darkness encompassed the room, though she saw black sconces on the gray wall with soft lighting. It seemed like some sort of dungeon.

Her body immediately reacted, sending a jolt of awareness to her groin. Her panties were wet with arousal, her clit hard and throbbing, her entire body awaited his touch.

He directed her to a small bathroom with a small shower, sink and a rack of towels. “Take off your clothes and meet me back in the playroom.” He turned and left her standing there.

“The playroom?” She disrobed, grabbed a fluffy white towel wrapped it around herself and entered the room.

The playroom had a very dark four-post bed in the corner, complete with dark bedside tables. A large X adorned the wall a few feet beside it. There was also a leather sawhorse barrel looking thing in the center of the room with straps on both sides and a table with straps on the other side of the room. It was quite intimidating.

He was standing by a table full of toys and crops, when she caught his attention.

“You just earned your first punishment. I told you to take your clothes off and meet me here. Drop the towel. Let me see your body. It is mine to pleasure and mine to punish. If you want to leave, you need to tell me now. If you want to stay, say, ‘Yes Sir'.”

She wasn't about to back down now. “Yes Sir.” She dropped the towel to the floor and stepped forward, eager to receive her punishment.

Derek's eyes almost bugged out of his head. Damn, she was beautiful. Her white creamy skin was a contrast to his sun-bronzed skin. Her dusky rose nipples enticed and excited him. He wanted to take a ripe berry into his mouth to savor. Her bare little pussy already glistened with her arousal. He would enjoy the hell out of pleasuring her. Her hands shook and she chewed her bottom lip. He would start her out easy.

“Get in the bed on all fours.” He didn't know how she would react to being bound yet, so he'd spank her without the straps on.

Melody had loved to play, he'd built the room for her, sound proofed it and had it locked at all times, so Jack couldn't wander into it.

Lissa crawled on the bed on all fours. “Like this, Sir?”

“You know, Lissa; you might be a natural submissive. Hearing you say, Sir, makes my dick hard as a damn rock. Look and see what you do to me.”

She turned her head.

He unzipped his pants, letting his erection bob free. He heard her sharp gasp as he stroked his shaft. She didn't take her eyes off of his erection.

She watched him unbutton and drop his jeans. Her eyes were still trained on him as he did the same with his t-shirt.

He wanted no barriers between them.

“Have you ever done this before? Have you given a man the trust needed to fulfill your needs?” He picked up a paddle and walked toward her. “You have earned five swats.”

She gasped again, she was aroused.

She didn't show any signs of fear. “You will have a safe word, but I warn you if you use it, all of this will stop. Your word is red. Say your word.”

“Red,” she whispered.

“Say your word, louder this time.” He smacked her on her bottom with the paddle, getting a yelp from her.

“Red,” She yelled.

“That's better. If you're out of your comfort zone, you may use yellow and I will consider toning it down. Do you understand?”

She said nothing, earning another smack. She moaned.

“Don't deliberately try to get a spanking, by not answering me, or this will stop. Do you understand?”

“Yes Sir.” She dropped her back, sticking her ass in the air.

He palmed her cheeks in his hands spreading them, rubbing them, then,

She pressed back against his hands, moaning her delight.

He loved watching her ass pink up, especially by his own hand.

Smack! Smack!

Her bottom was a nice shade of rose. He had placed each smack with precision, preventing welts. This was to teach her to follow instructions.

“This may hurt a bit.” He grabbed a bottle of lotion from a bedside table and smoothed some on her bottom.

He rubbed it in.

She hissed through her teeth.

“This should help with the stinging.” He couldn't wait to sink into her wet heat, all the way to the hilt. Everything about her was intoxicating. From the scent of her arousal to her pink kiss swollen lips. But, first he wanted her to kneel before him and take him into that delectably hot mouth of hers. There was nothing like seeing a woman on her knees pleasuring him.

“Get on your knees and suck me.”

She blinked at him, but did what she was told. She crawled off the bed onto a fluffy carpet.

He stood before her with his legs braced apart and his hands by his sides.

She took his erection in hand giving it a tentative lick before taking his cock fully into her mouth. She raised her hand and fondled his balls with featherlike touches.

“Fuck, that's good baby.” He speared his hands through her silky hair pulling her hair just enough to make it sting. Her head bobbed faster, she was breathing heavily through her nose. She closed her eyes and sucked harder.

No. That wouldn't do.

He wanted to see her eyes as he came. “Open your eyes and look at me. Always keep your eyes on me.” He waited.

She looked up at him with heavy lidded eyes. They were so dilated they were almost black.

“Yes Sir,” she said around a mouthful of cock.

“Good girl.” He was so close to coming he could hardly stand it. “When I come, I don't want you to waste a drop.”

“Yes Sir.” She licked the crown of his cock and swallowed him whole.

Her cheeks puffed and hollowed with every stroke, giving him immense pleasure. He would be sure to reward her for this. She increased suction on him giving him the telltale tingle up his spine.

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