Jack's Christmas Wish (10 page)

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Authors: Bonni Sansom

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Jack's Christmas Wish
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“Can you put my legs down now? I'm kind of getting a cramp.” She sighed.

He lowered her legs. “Sorry, love, I got caught up.” He pulled out slowly, already missing her heat. He'd have to talk to her about birth control. If she was on it, he wouldn't put another fucking condom on again. He hopped off the bed to dispose of the rubber and grab a washcloth. He came back and gently cleaned her tender folds slowly, swiping away their passion. He also noticed she didn't shy away from him using the word love. Maybe she hadn't noticed. His emotions were overbearing though. Making him dream of a life that could be. It would be a life with Lissa as his wife, the mother of his son and possibly the mother of another child. He pictured her heavy and round with his child sending chills over his body. Everything was perfect in his dream, but would it be that way in reality?

“What's going on in that head of yours? Derek?”

He snapped back to reality. He hadn't realized he had been daydreaming. What if he told her and scared her off? He couldn't risk it. He had to keep her around and show her how he felt with actions. Now that he knew where she lived he could take her flowers, pick her up for dates and maybe make love to her in her bed.

“Sorry, love, I was just thinking about our time together tonight.”
True enough.

She sat up and folded her legs under her. “I think there's more to it than that. I'm feeling it too.”

“Do you believe in love at first sight?” He hadn't before her, but now he wasn't so sure. He couldn't even remember being this intense with Melody. He had loved her with his whole heart, still did and always would, but Lissa had taken hold and wouldn't let go. Nor did he want her to.

“I don't know. All I know, is I feel deeply for you. Maybe it's just the sex talking. You're an incredible lover. But yet, there's something there. I just can't put my finger on it. You know?”

“Lissa, I'm just as confused as you are. Why don't we just see how it goes?” He regretted that statement as soon as it came out of his mouth.

She immediately looked down away from him. When she came earlier he'd seen the mirror effect of his feelings in her eyes. She couldn't hide it any more than he could.

“I guess I should go. I imagine Jack will be home soon. I don't want him to get confused about us. We should keep our dates out of sight from him.” She still wouldn't meet his eyes. It was starting to piss him off.

He cupped her face and tilted it up to meet his. “What if I want him to know about us? Not the sex us, but the relationship us. I'm falling hard for you, Lissa and I think Jack is too. I haven't seen him so happy in a long time. Tell me you feel the same way.”

She smiled broad and wide. “I do. I feel the exact same way. I'm falling for both you and Jack. I feel like I'll burst with joy if that little boy ever says he loves me.”

He leaned forward, capturing her lips.

She opened for him, letting him explore her mouth and breathe in her essence, just as she was his. Her heart was full, running over with joy.

He broke the kiss, looked into her melted chocolate eyes and sighed. She would be his undoing. More than that, she would be his.

“Come on, let's get dressed and get out of here. If you don't want to be here when Jack gets home, you best get moving. God knows, I could do without his questions.” He rolled his eyes, remembering the kissing questions.

Lissa dressed quickly, but despite her swiftness she didn't manage to get out before the front door chimed.

“Shit!” Derek knew it was Jack. The door had been locked and only Jack knew where the hidden key was located. “I guess he's going to find out soon enough anyway. Why not just go out there and greet him?”

“Hell no! I look horrible and I smell like sex. Sneak me out.”

He chuckled as he pulled his jeans on. “Alright, I'll get you out of here, but I have to go out there and greet him. I'll send him to his room to unpack his backpack and then get you out of here. Hang tight.” He pulled his shirt on and left.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Derek was nervous as hell. He too smelled of sex and looked like he'd been going at it all night, just as he had. “Jack, where are you, son?” He thought he heard a noise in the kitchen and headed that way.

He rounded the corner ad saw Jack pouring a bowl of cereal. “Did you have a good time on your sleepover?” He picked a marshmallow out of Jack's bowl and popped it in his mouth.

“Dad, those are mine.” Jack picked two more out of the box and added them to his bowl.

“Well? Did you have a good time?”

“I did. We played video games until eleven o'clock. How come you won't let me stay up till then?”

“Because you're a growing boy and you need your rest to grow big and strong.” Derek flexed his muscles for emphasis and made a growling noise.

Jack's shaky little hands poured the milk into his cereal, making the marshmallows float and spill over the bowl.

Derek grabbed the milk jug. “That's enough, Tiger. Look after you finish your cereal, I want you to go upstairs and unpack and put your dirty stuff in the hamper.

“Aw, Dad, why do I have to do it now? We're not going anywhere today. Can't I do it later?” He took a large bite of cereal crunching loudly.

“No. You need to go ahead and get it done so we can do fun stuff the rest of the day.”

“Like what?”

He had no idea, but Lissa was waiting to escape. He grabbed a spoon and helped Jack with his cereal, against Jack's wishes.
Damn, Lissa is going to be pissed if I don't get her out of here soon.

“Uh, maybe we can play games together.”

“What kind of games?”

“Don't you have some board games?”

He rolled his eyes. “Dad, those are lame.”

He took another bite trying to hurry Jack along and Jack slid his bowl away. “I guess Dad is just a lame kind of guy. You used to love playing board games.”

“Yeah, when I was little.” Jack gave his dad a ‘duh!’ look. He scooped the last bit of cereal out of the bowl chew it up and turned the bowl up drinking the milk. He put the bowl down and wiped his milk mustache on his sleeve.

“Well now, that explains it then. You're all grown up at seven.”

“Yes. I like video games. Will you play those with me?”

Against his better judgment he nodded his head. “Anything for you. Lissa,” he mumbled under his breath.

Jack hopped down from the chair and started to leave.

“Jack, don't forget to put your bowl and spoon in the sink.”

Running back to the table, he snatched the bowl and spoon, rattling all the way to the sink, then left.

Derek listened for Jack's little footsteps going up the stairs, then quickly went to get Lissa.

“What took you so long?” She stood tapping her foot.

“Sorry. Jack had to eat breakfast before he went upstairs.” He checked the hall and ushered her out into the house. They made it through the living room, the dining room and the kitchen. All they had to do now was make it to the garage.

Lissa was almost out the door when Jack's footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. Derek gave her a quick kiss and whispered, “I'll call you.” He pushed the garage door opener and shut the kitchen door. He hope like hell Jack wouldn't notice her car leaving the driveway.

“Daddy!” Jack shouted, from the vicinity of the stairs. “I have the video game ready.”

“Alright son, I'll be right up.” What was taking her so long to get going? She hadn't backed out of the driveway yet. He kept watching from the kitchen window, missing her already, but knew she couldn't stay. Then he saw her car back out down the driveway, narrowly missing the trash can.

He started to turn when he heard “Miss Lissa!” The front door opened so fast, it smacked the wall with a thud. He watched Jack chase down Lissa's car. He smiled to himself, knowing it was wrong, but he hadn't wanted her to leave in the first place. He'd wanted her to stay and make love all day. Although, that's exactly what they'd done last night and this morning, he hadn't had his fill of Miss Monroe. He wondered idly if he'd ever get his fill of her. She was a serious addiction.

Jack approached the passenger side window.

Her car stopped abruptly.

Derek watched the play-by-play knowing Jack would get his way, and Lissa would be heading back in the house with him. He had a sneaky suspicion Lissa was going to be playing video games.

She pulled her car back into the garage and came through the kitchen door with Jack in tow.

“Look Daddy, Ms. Lissa wants to play with us.” He had his grubby little hand wrapped in hers giving Derek a little tug on his heartstrings. She seemed so natural with him.

She shrugged her shoulders and smiled. “It seems we have video games to play.”

“So it does. Jack did you ask Ms. Lissa if she wanted to play or did you tell her she was going to play?”

Jack looked down to the floor and swept his foot across the floor. “I just wanted her to play with me.”

Lissa crouched down to look him in the eye. “Jack, I would love to play with you. You'll just have to show me how okay.” She chucked him on the chin and smiled.

“See, daddy, she wants to play. She really wants to.” He hopped up and down yanking her arm with each jump.

Derek felt the urge to take her in his arms and kiss her right here in front of Jack, but refrained. It seems he wasn't the only one vying for her affection. He didn't quite know how to feel about that. He certainly shouldn't be jealous of his son. Should he?

“Alright, Jack it looks like you and Lissa have a play date. Go on up and make sure you have everything set up and we'll be up in a minute.”

“Whoo hoo, thanks daddy.” Jack ran out of the kitchen and hit the stairs with a thunder of footsteps.

“I'm so sorry. I hoped you'd get away, but I'm kinda glad you didn't.” He uncrossed his legs and came to stand in front of her. He caressed her face and leaned in for a kiss.

Lissa responded to him immediately. No hesitation to take his tongue into her mouth. She was indeed the perfect submissive. She sucked his tongue like she had his cock, making him hard instantly. He broke the kiss before he ended up taking her over the kitchen counter. It wasn't that he didn't have plans to do that, but it would have to wait.

“I'm glad I didn't get away too, even though I look like a mess. I don't think he noticed I'm wearing the same thing I had on yesterday.” She nibbled on his chin and wrapped her arms around his neck bringing their bodies flush.

“Alright now, don't start something you can't finish. I'll bend your ass over the counter and take what I want.” His cock pressed painfully against the zipper of his jeans.

“I don't usually start things I can't finish, but Jack might not approve.” She glanced in the direction of the stairs.

“Don't remind me.” He rolled his eyes and kissed her again.

She smashed her mouth to his demanding more. Her hums of greedy satisfaction were music to his ears. Damn, he wanted to take her now.

He sighed as he broke the kiss again. “Come on, Ms. Lissa, let's get this over with. Jack is insatiable when it comes to getting his way. I can tell he really loves you.” The words were out before he could stop them. Yes, Jack did seem to love Lissa and so did he. He wasn't very surprised when she pulled back though. She seemed to be afraid of the L-word. He'd have to find out why later. Maybe under the paddle she'd confess.
Hot damn, she has the most beautiful heart shaped ass when it's all nice and pink
. He was getting harder just thinking about it. He was going to have zipper tracks along the underside of his dick, but he figured it was just part of being around Lissa.

They stared at each other at the bottom of the stairs, passion lighting their eyes. Like he was the fuel and she was the flame. The last place either of them wanted to be was upstairs playing video games, but Jack needed them both. Her swat her bottom getting a small yelp and a huge smile. “Up you go.” He pointed up the stairs.

She started climbing.
Sonofabitch this is a nice view.
He walked behind her, ogling her assets and couldn't blame creepy perverted Santa for wanting to touch. It was damn hard to resist.

He watched those hips sway to and fro with each and every step. He hoped he hadn't been drooling a trail up the stairs, because she was mouthwatering.

She turned to look at him. “Which room is it? I don't want to go anywhere I'm not supposed to. I mean like your bedroom or someplace.” She chewed her bottom lip and switched from foot to foot.

“Hey, what's got you so nervous? There's nothing you need to be worried about. And you can go in my bedroom anytime you want.” He could have sworn he saw an unshed tear in her eye, but couldn't figure out why.

“I'm sorry, I'm just so nervous. He's such a sweet boy and I don't want to do anything that might upset him.”

“Upset him? How on earth could you upset him?”

She glanced down to Derek's erection and gestured with her eyes. “I have a hard time not wanting to touch you and I don't want him to know about us.” She pointed down the hall gesturing to each door. She picked the right one and he nodded his head.

It swelled his heart knowing Lissa was trying hard not to upset Jack. That she wanted to protect him just like a mother would. The more he thought about it the more he thought Lissa would fit in with them just fine.

She reached his bedroom door and quickly stopped making Derek run into her backside with his still erect penis. “What's the deal?”

“The door says ‘do not enter'. So I didn't want to enter without permission.” She looked at him like, wouldn't you do the same?

No. Absolutely not. This was his house and a seven year old only needed so much privacy. Especially now that Billy Jeffries's sister is dating in front of him and kissing like the French do and God knows what else. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

“You have my permission and that's all that's needed.”

“Ms. Lissa, you came.” Jack jumped up and down on his bed sending pillows flying.

Yes, I came over and over again.
Was all she could think of, and from the smirk on Derek's face, he did too. She didn't know how, but somehow they would make it through this.

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