Jack's Christmas Wish (2 page)

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Authors: Bonni Sansom

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Jack's Christmas Wish
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“Mmm, you smell good.” She clamped her hand over her mouth. The words were out before they even registered to her frazzled brain.
What the hell is wrong with me?

“I ... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.” She did love the smell of his natural musk and the subtle hint of cologne.

“It's alright, I like the way you smell, too.” He lowered his head and smelled her hair.

Good Lord, if the man wanted her to melt, why didn't he just say so. She felt her arousal dampen her panties. Shoot, if he wanted her to come right here in the store, all he had to do was get close. ‘I'm glad you like my smell there. Do you happen to like it anywhere else?”
Dammit, why not just say would you screw me in the bedding department?

He chuckled soft and low. “Maybe, but why don't we grab that cup of coffee first.”

“Right. Coffee.” She sighed and looked down at her outfit. “I need to change really quick, is that okay?”

“Sure, shall I wait for you here next to the winter wonderland?” He flicked a hanging snowflake and looked back at her.

“Yeah, I'll be back in no time.” She hurried off to the employee's locker room, collected her clothes and purse and changed into her business suit in the restroom. She rushed back to her locker, threw the green slutty elf costume in and slammed the door.

“I'm ready,” she came up behind him. Good grief, the man looked good from every angle. His jeans gripped his ass like a second skin. Damn she was in trouble.

He turned and his mouth dropped open. “Wow, you look stunning. Although, I must admit I like the elf costume. I imagine most men find it entertaining.” He gave her a devilish grin.

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, Santa thinks it's a personal gift for him to grope my ass all night.” She shrugged her shoulders.

He threw his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of Santa's sleigh. “That guy was groping you? Why didn't you tell someone? That's sexual harassment.” He clenched his fists.

“Because, I need this job,” she snapped. She didn't understand why he seemed angry. It was her ass. She straightened her spine and held her chin up.

“You don't need a job where you're harassed by a bushy haired old man in a Santa suit.”

She put her hand up shushing him. “Look this is my problem, not yours. Do you want to get coffee or not?” She crossed her arms over her chest, pushing her breasts up.

She watched his eyes glance at them and then her face. “Yes let's get coffee. There's a really good coffee shop just a few blocks north of here. Where are you parked?

She pointed to a set of double doors. “I'm in that lot right there. I drive a little red Honda Accord, shouldn't be too hard to find.” She turned to go.

“I'll tell you what. Let's walk out to your car together and go pick my truck up, if you're comfortable with that.”

She stopped, turned to him and nodded.

Was she comfortable with that? Not only as she comfortable with it, but she was hoping to have this man in her bed. Having him in her car would just be a bonus. “Sure that would be great. Who knows Santa might be waiting for me in the parking lot.” She saw his fists clench again and regretted the last remark.

“So? What do you do in the big city of Chicago, when you're not handing out candy canes?”

“I'm actually a sales associate for the store, but I'm the only female employee that fits in the suit. And what do you do besides take elves out for coffee?”

“I'm in construction. I design and help build all these tall buildings. He pointed to the skyline of Chicago for emphasis. The lights of the city seemed to make the windows in the buildings twinkle like Christmas lights.

She loved looking out at the city after dark. It was a magnificent sight to behold.

“So, you helped make one of my favorite things?”

“What would that be, sweetheart?”

'This. The skyline. I love looking at it at night. It's so beautiful.” She held her hands up gesturing to the buildings.

“Would you like to see something?” He looked apprehensive.

“Of course, I would.”

“Let's go and get that coffee and I'll show it to you.”

They approached her car and got in. “So where is your truck?”

He pointed to the right. “It's around the other side, but before we go and get it, would you mind if I kissed you?”

She gasped, a short quick inhalation, excitement flooded her body. “Yes please,” she managed to whisper.
If he kisses like I think he will, I just might come in my pants.

He leaned over making the vinyl seat squeak and planted his lips firmly on hers. He didn't crush her, he didn't grab the back of her head, he just kissed her gently and dare she think it, lovingly. He was the epitome of chivalrous. But guys like him weren't supposed to exist.

He backed off slowly with his eyes still closed. “That was amazing,” he said in a half moan.

Well, if that was amazing, let's see what happens when we open our mouths.
She sat back in her seat reveling in the moment. She'd been waiting all day for that. “Mmm, that was nice.”

He seemed to try to shake it off. “We best be getting to my truck, before we...” He let his words trail off.

She wanted to ask what, but started her car instead. “Which one is it?” She put it in drive and headed for the other lot.

He pointed to a dark blue or black pick-up sitting under a parking lamp. “This is me.”

“It's you. I mean it fits you. A big huge truck like that just fits you.” She was nervous talking, and repeating herself. She'd just kissed the man of her dreams and now was going someplace with him. It was a little surreal.

He must have picked up on it, “Look after we get coffee I have something I'd love for you to see. Would you like to go?” He adjusted himself in the seat.

She couldn't help herself. She looked down at his crotch.
I know something I'd love to see and from the looks of those jeans, it would love to see me too.

He cleared his throat, drawing her attention to his face. Good Lord, what he must think of her. She was acting like a total slut.

“Follow me to the little café.

She realized she hadn't answered him, while she had been admiring his very large erection. “I'd like to see the surprise.”
Boy, would I ever.

“Alright, follow me.” He got out of the car, leaving her practically panting after him. Not having sex for a while could do that to a girl. The last man she'd been with was Rex and it wasn't good. As a matter of fact she had faked her orgasm just to get him off of her, but she had the feeling it wouldn't be that way with Derek.

She watched his ass subtly sway away from her. He was gorgeous from top to bottom. Quite literally bottom.

He started his truck and pulled out of the lot.

She followed him for a few blocks and pulled into the café parking lot. She shut off her car and watched him approach. She sat still knowing he was about to open her door for her.

He walked over to her car door opened it and helped her out. “It's not much but they have the best coffee in town.” The café was in an old brick building. It looked like it had been built a century ago. He opened the door for her and a bell sounded above her head. With his hand on her lower back he led her to a small booth in the back.

A waitress with her hair pulled back into a bun and a pencil behind her right ear approached the table.

“What's it going to be folks? She pulled the pencil down and flipped a page on her order pad.

“I'll have a cup of tea.” Lissa put her menu back in the holder on the table.

“Coffee, for me thanks, black.” Derek folded his hands in front of him with his elbows on the table. “I feel like I must tell you, I never do this.” He unfolded his hands and fidgeted with the napkin holder.

“What drink coffee?” She gave him a mischievous smile.

He chuckled. “No. I don't usually ask beautiful elves out for coffee. I haven't dated since my wife died.” He shifted in his seat.

Well damn, she had no idea what to say to that, but luckily the waitress showed up with their drinks. Her cup was set in front of her, still steaming. “Thanks you.” She nodded to the waitress, dunked her tea bag several times, added sugar and stirred making a clinking sound.

The waitress left. “I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I just felt the need to tell you. You don't have to say anything. Truth is I haven't felt anything for a woman until I met you. That has to mean something right? I mean, I'm ready to move on now. She would want me to. My only issue is Jack. He's going to think we're getting married right off, so you can be his new mother. I don't know how to deal with that.”

She still didn't know why, but she felt like she would make a good mom for Jack. She had a vision in her head of them sitting around a Christmas tree opening presents as a family. “I-I'm so sorry about your wife.” What else could she say? She took a sip of her tea and it burned her tongue.

“Lissa, I want to be here with you. I would love to see you again, but like I said, I'm afraid Jack would get the wrong idea. He's so desperate to have a mom and I just don't want him to get too excited. I'm sure you understand.” He took a sip of his coffee.

She did all too well. What he was saying was he wanted a one nightstand. That's not what she wanted, but she would take what she could get. “I would love to spend the evening with you too.
Why not call him on it? If he wants to have sex, then so do I.
Even though she knew the score now, she still felt empty and deflated. She pushed her tea aside and leaned forward placing her breasts on the table. She followed his eyes to her chest.
Yep, that's what I thought.
“So are you about ready to get on with our evening?”

“Yes I am. I just need you to know...”

She put her hand up shushing him. “I know the score already. I'm okay with it. I get it. You don't want anything complicated, like a relationship.” She sighed. God, she wanted more. How was she supposed to be with him and walk away? Maybe during the night she could convince him to see her again.

He one last gulp of his coffee and pushed the almost empty cup aside. He pulled his wallet out and dropped a wad of bills on the table. “Let's go.” He stood and offered her his hand helping her up.

She took his hand, feeling his calloused work roughened fingers.

He pulled her up flush with his body and kissed her on the top of the head. He was so gentle with her.

She wondered if he would be this gentle in bed. She hoped not. She'd had her fair share of gentle lovers and none of them did a thing for her. Especially Rex. She wanted Derek to take charge of her body and ravage her. Dominate her and make her come so hard she loses touch with reality.

They made their way back to their vehicles. He opened her door, then closed it again and backed her onto the door. “I'm sorry, but I have to kiss you. What I had before wasn't enough.”

Without another word, he bent down and took her mouth in a curl-your-toes-and-make-you-come, kind of kiss.

She opened up to him, letting him explore her mouth. This kiss was hungry, like the man was starving.

He held her to him by the back of her head and didn't let up until they had to come up for air.

“Wow, thank you. That was amazing.”

“Maybe we should skip the surprise.” He waggled his brows.

“No. You said I would love it, so you have to show it to me.” Her teeth started to chatter. Chicago was freezing in December. “C-c-come on let's get to it.”

“Follow me.” He helped her into her car and walked to his truck. She had a feeling the night with him was just beginning, and she couldn't wait for more. She was already on fire inside wanting him. She had to turn the heat down in her car before she started to pant. The man could kiss good enough to melt snow. She imagined how that tongue might feel exploring her body, and shivered from excitement. She could just picture it. Her lying on his bed with her legs spread, her fingers speared through his beautiful blond hair, with his magic tongue licking her clit.

Maybe he would explore her body like a treasure map. Travel around and discover all of her hidden erogenous zones. Good grief, it was hot in her car. Her toes were curling in her high heels just thinking about it and that was hard to do. She could just see him now on top of her; pumping inside her so hard she almost couldn't stand it. She could almost feel him. Her clit was a hard nubbin ready for action and she had the tingles in her groin so bad she had to slam her legs closed just to get relief.
Yep, this is gonna be one hell of a night

The trip was a long one winding through the city block after block. She wondered if they were getting lost. It being a long enough trip she had time to examine her strange feelings. Why did she feel such a strong pull toward Jack? Was this some
Sleepless in Seattle
kind of things? Was she supposed to meet them on the top floor of the Sears Tower? It was the tallest building in Chicago. She sure couldn't afford to travel to New York.

The more she thought about Jack, the more she felt like she was supposed to be in his life. She would have to keep him protected from Rex though.

Rex was determined to have her back and wouldn't let her go. He called all hours of the day and night and left graphic messages of what he would do to her body when he touched her again. Some of it sounded good, but she knew what kind of lover he was already, and wasn't impressed. She hoped Derek and Jack never found out about Rex and his obsession with her.

[Back to Table of Contents]


She had no idea what he wanted her to see at a construction site, but she'd play along. She parked by a large industrial size trash bin and got out, joining him before he could get to her car door. “So this large metal skeleton is my surprise? Nice.”

“No. It's something else. Follow me.”

He pointed to a freight elevator on the side of the construction site.

It was a good thing she wasn't afraid of heights, because when she looked up to the top, it was at least fifteen or so stories of ‘ohmigod, I could fall'. She would be sure to hang on to her guide.

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