Jack's Christmas Wish (6 page)

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Authors: Bonni Sansom

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Jack's Christmas Wish
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She spread her legs as wide as the dash would let her. She was so wet, slick for him. Her breathing grew ragged with mewling noises escaping her lips. The air filled with her musky scent.

She was going to lose her mind. It was too much pleasure, too much stimulation. She'd never experienced a lover like him before.

“Ah, yes. Ohmigod, please.” She had no idea what fell from her lips and she didn't care. All she wanted was this man touching, her pleasuring her. Gyrating her hips, she ground her clit onto his face and felt his rough stubble abrading her delicate folds, adding to the sensation.

She was almost there, almost ready to explode.

This is the best present a girl could get for Christmas. Ho, ho, ho, merry friggin’ Christmas and a happy New Year.

Her eyes rolled up in her head. This was it.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

“What the fuck?” Derek immediately covered Lissa.

“Who is it?” Lissa jumped up righting herself, banging her shin on the dash in her haste.

Derek rolled the fogged up window down as soon as Lissa sat upright. He wiped his face with his sleeve and turned to the open window.

All Lissa could see was the bright beam of a flashlight. She put her hand up, shielding her eyes from the bright light.

“Can I help you?” She heard Derek ask.

“What are you folks doing out here this time of night? The mall has been closed for hours.”

She recognized that voice as Tommy's, the mall security guard. She leaned around Derek, embarrassed as hell, but she needed to handle this with tact before Derek laid the man out. His body vibrated with what she guessed to be anger. She also knew the scent of sex had to be hitting Tommy right square in the face. No way to hide what had been happening.

“Tommy, hi it's Lissa. My boyfriend was just dropping me off at my car.”
True enough.

Tommy cleared his throat. “Miss Lissa? I'm sorry, but you two are going to have to take this someplace else.” He sounded about as embarrassed as she felt. His voice was a higher pitch than usual and a bit shaky.

Thank God, he wasn't saying he was going to report this. She would surely be fired if this got out. It was bad enough that Tommy now knew. She would never be able to look him in the eye again and he was one of her best customers, always buying perfume for his wife.

This was all kinds of humiliating.

“We were just leaving.” She snatched her oversized purse from the floor, and started to hop out when Derek's strong hand grabbed her arm. She hung her head unsure what he must be thinking about her now. Did he regret touching her? Would he want to see her again now that they had been embarrassed? She couldn't lose him now. There were too many emotions invested. She wanted to be with him now and for more than just sex.

“We're not finished yet Lissa. Stay put.”

She sat there, still unable to look him in the eye.

“Tommy, if you wouldn't mind leaving us to say goodnight, we'll get on out of here.” Derek sounded so normal like he didn't still have the lingering taste and smell of her musk all over his face. Calm and cool just the opposite from her.

“Alright. I guess so, but I can't have you doing ... that again. You'll need to go someplace else.” Tommy walked away, got back in his security car and left.

She watched his taillights disappear in the distance and sighed. Was he going to break up with her, or kiss her? She didn't know.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Derek was so pissed he could hardly see straight. He'd humiliated her. He had to be selfish and hurt her.

“Lissa, I'm so sorry.” He rolled the window up and faced her seeing her slump in the seat. She looked so fragile now. Not at all like the Lissa she'd been with earlier.

“Don't, Derek. I can't take it tonight. Just don't say anything at all. I understand. I don't blame you. I would dump me too.”

He snatched her arm a little harder than he'd intended, but that statement was so far from the truth it fueled his anger. He turned her to face him. She still wouldn't look him in the eye, so he took her chin in his hand, tilting her head toward him. He kissed her gently. “Lissa, I don't blame you, I blame myself. I wanted to do that to you, and I should have taken you someplace safe to do it in. Instead, I embarrassed you in front of someone you know. I expect you to be angry at me for being selfish. I don't want to dump you, I want to take you home and have my way with you.”

“But I...”

He held a finger up to her lips shushing her. “Look Lissa, let's just try to put this behind us and move forward from this. I apologize for embarrassing you.” He leaned forward again and kissed her.

He pulled back and she finally looked him in the eye. All he saw was arousal. It must be the very same arousal that must reflect in his eyes. He still had a chance with her. He didn't understand it, but he couldn't handle losing her now. She was something special He somehow knew wouldn't come around again. He had to make this right.

“Derek? What are we doing? I mean, I know we're talking here right now, but what are we doing in the long run? I need to know I'm more than sex to you.”

He didn't know how to answer that. He couldn't make any promises, but he did know he wanted her for more than just sex. He loved the fire inside of her, and her spunkiness. She had the most beautiful smile he'd seen on a woman since Melody. Hell yeah, he wanted her for more than just sex.

“Lissa, I don't know, but I do know I want you for more than this. You're beautiful inside and out. I need you. That's all I know. Beyond that I can't make any promises.”

“Fair enough.” She leaned forward and kissed him. A gentle peck. She grabbed the door handle and started to exit when he stopped her again. He pulled a business card out of his pocket and handed it to her.

“My cell number is on there and my home number is on the back. I really want to take you and Jack ice skating tomorrow, but I'll understand if you don't want to go.”

“I want to go. I really want to spend some time with Jack and you together.”

“Then call me in the morning and tell me where and what time to pick you up.” He smiled at her, relieved.

She glanced at the card and smiled back. “I'll give you a call in the morning then. I promise to wear something warm this time.” She glanced down at her dress and gave a sheepish grin.

He looked at the dress and almost drooled. She was sexy as hell in that red mini dress. The fact that she was as bare as the day she was born underneath wasn't lost on him either. Everything about her intrigued him.

“Please put on something a lot more insulating.” Maybe a bunch of bulky long handles would keep his mind off of her body. He didn't need to be distracted by her with Jack.

Her pussy was so wet; it practically dripped with her delicious juices, just for him. His dick couldn't get any harder. It looked like another rub off in the shower. Hanging around her just about guaranteed him to be the cleanest man in Chicago. He didn't see how the woman had remained single for so long. Either she hadn't wanted to commit or some man was a fucking idiot.

He hopped out of the truck as soon as his brain started functioning again to help her out of the truck and into her car.

She rolled down her window. “I had a nice time tonight.”

He almost laughed at that. He knew the last fifteen minutes of her time had been a real low point, but he just nodded. “I had a nice time too, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I have to get going. My babysitter only works till eleven.” He leaned down and kissed her quickly so he didn't get lost in her again. She was like a drug to him. It was easy to get caught up in her.

She shivered in the cold of her car. “Roll up the window and get that heat going sweetheart, before you freeze to death.” He backed away as the window was going up. She waved and drove off. He watched her taillights fade into the night, hopped back in his truck and headed home to Jack.

“Dad, can I have ice cream for breakfast?” A sleepy faced Jack came around the corner into the kitchen.

“Absolutely not. You may have cereal or eggs. What's it going to be, buddy?”

Aw, Dad. I don't want to eat eggs and cereal. I want ice cream. Please?” He stomped his foot and pouted.

“I said no.” Derek put his hands on his hips and stared sternly down at his son.

“And I said please.” He crossed his little arms over his chest.

“Jack, if you keep that up, you're not gonna get to go ice skating with Miss Lissa.”

“Miss Lissa? Who is that?” he blinked up at his dad and scrunched his nose.

“The lady I went on a date with. Remember?”

“Oh yeah, I member. Did you kiss her?” He smiled up at his dad.

“Yes, I did. And that's all you're going to hear. Now what do you want for breakfast?” Good grief, here we go with the twenty embarrassing questions. Jack wouldn't leave it alone.

“Like the French people do?”

“Jack, I'm not discussing this with you.” He crossed his arms over his chest.

“But, Dad, I want her to be my new mom. I really liked her. She's pretty.” Jack sat down at the table and swung his legs in the chair. His Superman pajama with footies made a scraping sound as the tips grazed the floor.

He sighed frustrated. “Jack for the last time, what do you want for breakfast?”

“I guess cereal.” He scrunched his nose.

“Cereal, it is.” He walked to the pantry pulled out the box and headed for the cabinet with bowls. After pulling down a bowl, he went to the fridge and grabbed the milk. Fixing Jack his breakfast was a welcome relief from the conversation that wasn't over.

“What are we doing with Miss Lissa?” He looked up at his dad with childish enthusiasm.

Now that was a question he could answer. “We're going ice skating.” He sat the bowl in front of Jack.

Jack took a big bite, “You tink she wikes me too?” He crunched the mouthful of cereal and swallowed.

“Jack, don't talk with your mouth full. And yes, she likes you. She said she couldn't wait to spend time with you.”

With his spoon halfway to his mouth he paused. “Is this my date with Miss Lissa?”

Derek laughed. “I suppose it is, son.”

“When is she going to be here?”

“She's not coming here. We're going to be gentlemen and pick her up, just as soon as she calls.” He checked the stove clock. He was wondering if she would call after last night. He wouldn't blame her if she didn't. It had been really embarrassing. He couldn't show that though. Damn, he had felt like a teenager going after her in the front seat of his truck. Of course, he had to relieve himself in the shower after he got home.

She was the epitome of sexy. And her juices tasted so damn good. She was a mixture of sweet and salty and her scent was a heady thing. He could've stayed there licking her all night.

“What time is she s'posed to call?” He took another big bite, getting a milk ring around his mouth, which he would most certainly wipe on his sleeve.

“I don't know, son.” He didn't and it scared him the longer he had to wait. He would be crushed if she didn't call, not to mention Jack.

He stared at the phone like a lovesick teenager, willing it to ring.

Ring! Ring!

He dashed for the phone. “Hello?”

“Hi, Mr. Baxter, this is Mrs. Sanders. I just wanted to let you know Paulie Jr. is feeling much better and I don't believe he is contagious anymore if you need me to sit for you.”

His enthusiasm dissipated. “No, I don't need a sitter today, but thank you for letting me know.

Beep! Beep!

“Mrs. Sanders, I have to go I have a call coming in.” God, he hoped it was her.

He switched over without saying another word. “Hello?”

“Hi. it's Lissa.”

“I was just thinking about you.” That was an understatement. He couldn't stop thinking about her. So much so he had trouble sleeping.

“I was just thinking about you too. I'm all ready to go. I have my warmest clothes on.”

Damn shame she was dressed. He liked the sight of her bare, like she was last night. He couldn't wait to get her into his playroom. Maybe he could use Mrs. Sanders after all. He wanted to see the rest of her body as soon as possible.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Lissa's heart was racing. She was sandwiched between the Baxter boys. She itched to put her hand on Derek's thigh, but she didn't think it would be a good idea in front of Jack.

She turned her head to Jack.

He stared up at her with a wide grin on his face. Almost like he'd won something.

She smiled back at him. She felt genuine affection toward the boy, which should have alarmed her, but it didn't. Instead it filled her heart with a sense of need. A need to be there for Jack. To protect and nurture him.

“Miss Lissa, did you stick your tongue in my daddy's mouth?”

“What?” She couldn't believe what she'd just heard.

“Jack!” Derek snapped.

Jack leaned forward to see his dad. “I just wanted to know, dad.” He leaned back and asked, “Well, did you?”

Lissa sat forward and turned the radio on. She looked to Derek; his face was as red as hers probably was. He mouthed thank you and she nodded back to him.

Jack crossed his little arms over his chest and pouted. “It's not fair. Grown-ups don't have to answer questions, but I have to whether I want to or not.” He looked out the window.

She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. The poor kid needed to be hugged. It wasn't even a thought. It was more of an instinct. She felt herself wanting to say I love you to him, which was insane. How could she love a child she'd only met twice? Maybe it was just because of what he'd been through. Losing your mother at such a tender age must have been devastating.

He hugged her back immediately. She loved the feel of him snuggled up to her side. He fit, just like he was meant to be there. She had instincts where she'd never had them before. Instincts to nurture and protect him. She left her arm around him for the rest of the trip, as did he.

She noticed Derek peek around her a couple of times with a perplexed look on his face. Or at least that's what she thought it was. She wondered what he must be thinking. Here she was coddling his son as if he was her own and he was reveling in her attentions.

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