Janaya (10 page)

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Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #contemporary romance, #sci-fi romance, #aliens, #small country town

BOOK: Janaya
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Hot dog! When were you going to tell me we housed a pair of aliens? Some of those weird purple creatures attacked us when we were trolling for parts in the junkyard today. Then Hinekiri had to let me in on the truth. The good news is that we managed to fix the spaceship this afternoon. Evidently the damage wasn’t as bad as Hinekiri let on to Janaya. Hinekiri’s worried about that girl and she seems to think you can help. I know you’re busy but do your best for her. After all, you seemed to be getting on okay this morning.

Luke grunted, imagining his father’s sly smirk. Truth to tell, his father was probably relieved at the way he and Janaya were getting on. Luke knew part of the reason his father had gone on holiday was to get his son on track and interested in life again instead of trying to self-destruct. As much as he appreciated the help, he could do without a pair of matchmakers on his case. Especially since they had no concept of the trouble that sleeping with Janaya had caused. The woman had read his mind this morning and damn near killed them with that weird eye thing. He was wary about taking his vehicle in for repairs and had resorted to putting a stiff board over the hole to stop his stuff dropping from his vehicle. How the hell did he explain a hole in the backseat? No, thank you. He’d choose his own bed partners without help. Luke went back to the letter.

We took the ship for a test flight.

“Which explains the two sightings over the wheat fields around five this afternoon,” Luke said in disgust.

The ship handled well but Hinekiri wanted a longer test run. She said she’d come to Earth to do a little sightseeing and map the area for her chart collection. Evidently, she’d read about the migration of the wildebeest in the Serengeti National Park and wanted to see that. I thought, why the hell not? So, that’s where we’re headed. Not sure when we’ll be back. Hinekiri said she’s booked at a fancy lodge for a couple of weeks. It was all spur of the moment. Janaya hasn’t been feeling well, something to do with travel inoculations, Hinekiri said, so she’s staying with you. I’ll ring if I have time.

Love, Dad.

The ping of the microwave jerked Luke from his thoughts—relief that Janaya was still here, trepidation at the thought of her reaction and a stirring of the old boy down south at the idea of a bit of playtime.

He reached for the letter from Hinekiri.

Hi, Luke,

No doubt, Richard has told you we’re off to deepest, darkest Africa. Can’t wait since I’ve wanted to visit for a long time. Unfortunately, Janaya won’t feel the same way. She’ll feel as though she’s failed to protect me. She thinks the Torgon will get me and steal my charts if she’s not there to run interference. I don’t know where she got the idea I’m helpless.

Luke grunted. “Helpless? Huh! She’s about as helpless as a platoon of soldiers.” He smothered a yawn of exhaustion. Almost time to hit the sheets. Tomorrow would probably be every bit as bad as today. Luke issued a heavy sigh and continued reading.

But she’s stubborn. She won’t change her mind once an idea is fixed. She wasn’t well this afternoon so we left her sleeping while we drove out to the ship and made repairs. She was still sleeping when we came back for dinner and didn’t wake when we left.

I’ve been on my own for some time and I’m still in one piece to tell the tale. Anyway, I’m leaving it up to you to put Janaya’s mind to rest. Give her a kiss from me. Welcome to the family, Luke.

Love, Hinekiri.

P.S. I’ve left a package for Janaya—no, for both of you really, since I’m sure you’ll benefit from the contents.

P.P.S. Killer decided she wanted to see Africa too so she’s on board ship with us.

Welcome to the family. He stared at the words until they blurred. Welcome to the family. What the hell did that mean? Surely she wasn’t still going on about that mumbo-jumbo regarding bonding. Load of crock. Luke glanced up to see the package sitting on the table beside his beer. He scooped it up and headed for the stairs, deciding he’d better check on Janaya if she wasn’t feeling well. He checked each bedroom he passed but didn’t find Janaya until he reached his own room.

His heart clenched briefly. She looked so right lying in his bed with the moon shining through the open curtains highlighting her features. A frown creased his brow at the admission. His plan was to stay away from women.

All women.

Luke placed the purple package on the bedside cabinet.

She stirred and the blue sheet that covered her slithered to the floor, landing in a puddle of cotton. Janaya didn’t wear a stitch of clothing.

His breath hissed out. A gentleman wouldn’t stare but he couldn’t tear his gaze away from the tempting sight. Luke decided he was no gentleman. His cock stirred with renewed energy as his eyes lit on her breasts. He used to think he was an arse and legs man but he was becoming addicted to her tits—the shape, the feel and definitely the taste. His mouth watered as his gaze drifted over her curves and settled lower on her hairless mound. The urge to shuck his clothes and lie with her was an urgent pounding in his gut. He stepped closer.

Janaya whimpered, shifting restlessly on the bed. Another soft cry escaped as though she was dreaming.

“Steady, sweetheart,” he murmured. His hands went to the buttons on his shirt and he’d undone four before he realized what he was doing. The experience of having Janaya read his mind this morning made him hesitate, his hands on the fifth button.

This bloody bonding business. The idea of never sliding into her body again made him aware of the vacuum in his life. At the moment, he existed. But with Janaya last night, he’d soared.

To hell with the consequences.

Reading between the lines of Hinekiri’s message it was already too late.

Luke slid the last button free and stepped out of his trousers. Another whimper from Janaya told him he was doing the right thing. She needed him too, even if she fought the idea.

They needed each other.

Naked, he stretched out beside her. She nestled against his chest trustingly as if they belonged. Luke smoothed his hand over her cheek and couldn’t resist dropping a kiss on slightly parted lips.

His cock loved the closer contact and snuggled against her leg. Hell, he wanted to sink into her so bad he trembled. But if she wasn’t feeling well? Luke kissed her again and then pulled away, intending to do the honorable thing and try to sleep.

Janaya’s eyes flickered open. She gave him a sleepy smile that warmed him through and made his pulse race.

“Hi,” he said. “How are you feeling?”

“Great,” she whispered, reaching up to kiss him.

Luke groaned under her ministrations.
She isn’t feeling well
. But he couldn’t help kissing her back. Tongues dueled in a slow thrust and parry. He drew her even closer so they were chest to breast.

“I love the way you taste,” she murmured. “Salty. Spicy. Addictive.” She punctuated each comment with a kiss that took him beyond rational thought.

“Open for me,” he whispered, inserting his thigh between hers and exerting pressure until her legs splayed.
Please, let her be ready for me
. He simply could not wait.

His hand slid down, past her breasts, over her flat belly. He enjoyed the smooth slide over silky skin. As before, her nude mound and baby-soft skin fascinated him. Time to explore further later. Luke slid his hand lower, holding his breath. Not that kissing and cuddling first to aid arousal wouldn’t be pleasant but something inside urged him to claim her, to make her his. He couldn’t have put up a fight if he wanted. The need to mate with Janaya and to brand her pounded relentlessly through his mind and body. A compulsion.

Luke made a light, passing move over her clit. She moaned at his touch. Damp, succulent warmth met his hand when he explored lower.

“Now,” Janaya demanded, pushing against his hand. “I need your cock inside me now.”

Eagerness burned in her too. Thank God, because he’d gone from zero to go so quickly he thought he might combust from the inside out.

Luke moved over her, craving the satiation he knew would come. He pushed into her, impaling her with the force of his thrust home. Oh, man. That felt good. So good. He withdrew and Janaya moaned a protest. Her hands clutched his shoulders.

“More,” she demanded.

Luke was all for that. He rammed his cock into her. Once. Twice. His balls tightened. Pressure built but Luke fought his release.

“Fuck me harder,” Janaya ordered. “Please. I need more.”

Luke tried distraction with a slow, thorough kiss. For himself as much as Janaya. Despite the urgency pounding through his blood, he wanted to make the sweet pain last. His tongue moved in and out of her mouth in time with his cock before his mouth slid away to nibble at the creamy skin of her neck. His fingers skimmed her clit, wet and slippery with her juices.

She hummed her approval. He changed the angle of his thrust slightly and pounded into her with an unrelenting beat. A gush of liquid arousal smoothed his way. Then a jolt of pure sensation zapped his shaft. Janaya tightened internal muscles around him, as if she sensed how close he was to losing control. He thrust again, squeezing his eyes shut to concentrate on the euphoria pumping through his veins.

Janaya gasped. He felt her pussy clench, grasping and massaging his dick. She gasped again and he lost it. Seed spurted from his cock in a pulsing stream. For long moments, his cock twitched and bucked inside her channel. Luke’s heart thudded. Pleasure suffused him. When he breathed normally again, he discovered he clutched Janaya so tightly it was a wonder she could breathe.

Luke slid his satiated cock from her and arranged her boneless body against his. He wondered if she was all right. Hell, he wasn’t even sure she’d come. He’d been too busy with his own out-of-body experience.

“Thank you, Luke,” she whispered against his chest. It was almost as if she’d read his mind again. Luke pulled away slightly and frowned, not comfortable with the lack of privacy reading minds might entail. An experiment, he decided, since he had to know.
Hinekiri and Dad have run off to the Serengeti

Luke waited for an explosion.

But nothing happened.

He settled his head back on the pillow and cuddled up to Janaya. This morning had been a fluke. That was a relief. He grinned a feel-good smirk just because he could. Damn, he felt excellent. Every tired, achy muscle had rejuvenated, and his dick was ready to go another round.

Janaya stretched in a languid move like a cat. Her breasts flattened against his chest. His hands rubbed up and down her back, pressing her closer. Each delicate move of her body hiked his pulse until his breathing sounded like a steam engine.

“Again?” she asked, arching her brows in a questioning move.


Janaya moved away from Luke and sat up. She peered at him through lazy, half-open eyes. “I think I’ll have a shower.” A playful laugh escaped when she saw Luke’s disappointment. “I was definitely gonna invite you. I still need help getting everything to work properly.” A lie, of course, but she wanted to encourage him. It seemed to her that a shower for two would be entertaining. Her gaze flickered down his body to light on his penis. Then she looked up and saw he watched her like a tigoth eyed its prey. Janaya licked her lips and hid a grin when she heard him groan. The Earthman was so much fun to tease.

Chapter Seven

“I could manage a shower,” Luke said in a husky voice.

“We’d better be quiet or we’ll wake my aunt and your father.”

Luke clasped her hand and tugged her against his side as he led her down the passage to the bathroom. His palm was callused from working with his hands. The contrasting texture sent a shudder through her just as it did when he touched her breasts or smoothed his hands down her flanks.

Janaya thought briefly about her aunt’s assertions—that the more sex they had, the closer they cemented. She thrust the thought away. The idea hadn’t improved much since her aunt first broached the subject. She and Luke had talked about it. They had both agreed this was a short-term thing that would last until she left.

No regrets. No recriminations.

Hand in hand, they turned into the bathroom together. Luke switched on the light, shut the door after them, and bolted it. Good idea. She didn’t want Hinekiri to walk in on them. So easy to picture that happening and embarrassing, even if her aunt did approve. And she didn’t like the idea of any other female seeing Luke’s naked body. She stroked his broad chest, pinching one of his flat disc-like nipples as her hand cruised past. Her property, she thought with a trace of possessiveness she did her best to ignore.

“Do you remember how to turn the shower on?” Luke teased as he nibbled down her neck, lightly scraping the tender skin below her ear.

Janaya eased away, ready to take the challenge. “Of course, I remember,” she said loftily and she reached into the shower and twisted the tap. Instantly, cold water hit her mid-chest. She let out a surprised yelp while Luke had the audacity to laugh.

After tugging her out of danger, Luke crowded her against the white vanity unit. He lifted her up without warning and sat her on top, her back to the mirror.

“That’s cold.” Janaya tried to wriggle off the icy surface.

“But not as cold as the water, I bet.” Luke stayed her with a kiss, his hands massaging her nipples to peaks. He bent over and licked the droplets of water off her skin. “It comes from a spring and takes a while to run hot.”

Steam started to billow from the shower, creating a warm private haven. The mirror misted over and cold became a faint, discomforting memory.

Luke drew one nipple in his mouth. He pulled on it hard and the corresponding tug of sensation rocketed straight to her core. Janaya hummed her appreciation. She really liked it when he did that. Santana hadn’t enjoyed touching her anywhere except the joining place, and from what she’d heard, the rest of the Dalcon males went about business in the same way as Santana. Certainly gave a Dalcon female fodder for thought. She wondered if that was why Hinekiri had never mated and spent long months away from home. Somewhere, there was a business opportunity here for—

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