Janaya (11 page)

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Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #contemporary romance, #sci-fi romance, #aliens, #small country town

BOOK: Janaya
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Luke let her nipple pop from his mouth and Janaya groaned in disappointment. They both stared at the moistened tip of her breast. A small grin played on Luke’s lips.

“Just making sure you had your mind on the job,” he said.

“You have my total concentration. And why wouldn’t you? You make me feel good. Very good,” Janaya purred. She leaned her weight back on her elbows, thrusting her breasts forward in a silent offering.

“You know what?” Luke didn’t wait for her to answer. He stood back and reached into the shower. Seconds later, the water stopped.

“Aren’t we having a shower?” Janaya didn’t have to pretend disappointment.

“We will,” Luke promised, “but I didn’t want a cold shower. That wouldn’t have the right effect at all.” He chuckled as they both glanced at his engorged cock. “I thought we’d play a little first.”

The wicked glint in his eyes sent her pulse soaring. Her heart missed a startled beat before it galloped away, signaling excitement to the rest of her body. “What did you have in mind?”

With his mercenary’s smile intact, he slowly moved his hands downward, skimming either side of her body until he reached her thighs. “Open up, little girl,” he whispered. “Let me in.”

Luke tugged on her body so her backside balanced on the edge of the vanity unit. With his masculine strength, he parted her thighs and stepped in between, his cock positioned at her entrance.

“Are you ready for me, sweetheart?” His hands traced across her mound, lightly circling and pressing until she shuddered with anticipation. He parted her slick folds, his thumb skimming closer to her clit with each teasing pass. Moisture wept from her pussy. She wriggled, wanting Luke to hurry, then it occurred to her he was enjoying the teasing. A quick glance at his eyes confirmed the fact.

She decided it was time for her to explore Luke further, to gather memories to recall during the voyage back to Dalcon.

Luke strummed across her swollen flesh with soft pressure that was enough to tease and taunt but not enough to bring her into a toe-curling orgasm. “Do you like that?”

“Being teased?” Slowly, she leaned into him, meshing their gazes. Her nipples dragged across the light coating of hair on his chest. A smile appeared as she experienced a ticklish sensation that created an interesting side effect. Her nipples pulled tighter as she traced a round circle on his chest. Luke’s teasing fingers stilled. The man had a fascination with her breasts. She rubbed against him again, managing to wring a sharp intake of breath from him.

His eyes darkened and a slow, easy smile bloomed. “Are you making this into a contest, sweetheart?”

“And if I am?” A kiss. She wanted a kiss. Janaya twirled her arms around his neck and tried to concentrate on her own explorations instead of the resumption of the teasing passes his thumb made over her clitoris.

“I’d say that since this is a win-win situation, do your worst.”

Janaya’s eyes narrowed at his challenge. Did he think she’d back off because she wasn’t as experienced as him? Not likely. She loved a good dare. And she knew she’d win. She bent her head and stroked her tongue across one of his flat nipples. A salty tang exploded in her mouth. She sucked lightly then nipped him. His engorged penis jerked against her belly. Score one for the visiting alien, she thought with a trace of smugness. She pressed against his shoulders, signaling she wanted to get down. In one smooth move, she leapt down and dropped to her knees before Luke. She ran her hands over the smooth surface of his penis.

He sighed heavily, his hand coming to rest on the top of her head, blunt masculine fingers tangling in the loose strands of her hair.

She traced a vein that ran along the underside of his length before circling the plum-colored head with soft, teasing pressure. A drop of clear liquid formed in the tiny slit at the end. Curious, she flicked her tongue over the slit to lick up the drop. It tasted salty and not unpleasant, but best of all her action wrung a groan from Luke. Hiding her smile, she traced the length of his hot, distended flesh with her tongue. Luke’s fingers flexed in her hair and she glanced up to catch the expression of rapture on his face.

Following instinct, she drew his cock into her mouth and sucked in much the same manner Luke did when he drew on her breasts. She massaged his balls, enjoying the knowledge they were hard and aching because of her. Luke’s groan was like music.

Her tongue swiped across the tip with delight. His hands tightened, tugging on a lock of hair. His hips jerked then he groaned again and thrust, his penis entering her mouth farther. The blunt end hit the back of her throat before he pulled back.

Janaya watched his eyes, saw them squeeze tight and his large body shake. Fascinated, she sucked harder and when he thrust into her mouth again, she wanted to smile. Her power over him turned her on, made her impossibly hot. Her feminine spot wept for him. If anything, Luke grew larger inside her mouth. She tensed for a moment then relaxed, trusting him not to hurt her.

After another slow thrust, he suddenly withdrew and grabbed her around the waist. Janaya let out another startled yelp as her bottom hit the vanity again. Luke stepped between her legs and plunged his cock into her weeping pussy with one swift move that stole her breath.

Oh, yes. This was exactly what she wanted.

Luke withdrew and slammed into her open body again. Her back pressed against the misty mirror while her hands circled his neck and held tight. Janaya arched into his next pumping thrust and the first greedy fingers of climax streaked through her body.

“Again, Luke,” she half-pleaded, half-groaned.

One of his hands circled her breast then pinched her nipple hard to coincide with his next thrust. Pain and pleasure met. An euphoric rush swept through her body and Janaya screamed her pleasure. Luke jabbed into her rapidly then stilled, the ripple of him deep inside bringing an answering pulse from her pussy.

Luke hugged her tight and pulled away to rub his sweaty forehead across her face. “I think you’re gonna kill me,” he said. “I know I need food.”

His stomach rumbled loud enough for Janaya to hear. “Shower first,” she said, “then food.”

* * * * *

“Are you sure we don’t need clothes?” Janaya asked. “What if Hinekiri or your father come downstairs to the kitchen? Their doors are shut—” Janaya frowned suddenly and Luke watched the process with fascination. The cute wrinkle of her pert nose made him want to kiss it, to kiss her and her worries away.

“You don’t think they’re…ah…together?”

Luke knew they were together and frankly, he didn’t want to think too hard about his father’s sex life. “They’re old enough to know what they’re doing. Hurry, I’m hungry.”

“But what if—”

“They won’t come downstairs,” Luke said firmly. Guilt brushed his conscience. He should tell her they’d left but knew it would upset her. It would sure put a screaming halt on his sex life and selfishly, he didn’t want that so he intended to put off the bad news for as long as possible.

Janaya bit her bottom lip and instantly, Luke wanted to soothe away any resulting sting. He stepped close enough to brush his thumb across her mouth. Her subtle perfume, the scent of wildflowers and the tinge of sandalwood from his soap, jerked his thoughts to sex. He wondered how quickly he could shove inside her sweet pussy again. But this time, he held himself to a kick-ass hot kiss. He thrust his tongue deep into the warmth of her mouth, tasting and savoring her before finally pulling away.

He couldn’t do it.

The lie sat like a heavy weight on his shoulders.

He sighed. “The reason I’m not worried about Dad and Hinekiri coming downstairs to find us naked is because they’re not here.”

“What?” Janaya jerked away from him and glared.

Alarm rose in Luke. “Please don’t look at me like that, sweetheart. I don’t like that dark purple in your eyes and I sure as hell don’t want to explain to the medics why I’m naked as a baby and have a huge hole in my gut.”

To his relief, Janaya concentrated her fury on his father’s favorite recliner chair. That was better. The chair needed recovering—hell, it would look better at the dump.

“Why didn’t you stop them? You’ve seen the Torgon.”

Luke hated the defeated wobble in her voice. “I didn’t know. They wrote letters and left them for me. They’re over on the sideboard if you want to read them.”

Janaya covered the length of the kitchen in three strides. She plucked the sheets of paper off the wooden surface and thrust them at him. “Read them to me.” She waited until he’d finished and scowled. “Okay. I can’t go after them because I don’t have transportation. All we can do is wait.”

Luke nodded, accepting her reasoning as truth.

“Aren’t you worried?” she burst out. “They might die, and if they do, the guilt will eat me alive.”

“Of course I’m worried,” Luke said. “My life has been like an adventure down a dark rabbit hole since aliens Smith & Jones hit Sloan. But Dad sounds excited in his letter so I’m going to try not to think about the things that could go wrong.”

“I’m not going to make it back to take my captain’s exam.”

Luke’s heart twisted at the anguish in her voice. “It’s important to you.”

“Yeah.” She laughed but the sound held little humor. “I want to make my father proud.”

“I’m sure your father is proud of you. Hinekiri is.”

Janaya’s shoulders slumped and her breasts jiggled but he tried to ignore that bit to concentrate.

“My father hates me.”


“My mother and brother died in an accident when I was young. My father and I survived. I’ve tried but I think he still misses them.”

Luke thought he understood. Janaya was trying to prove herself to a selfish, self-absorbed man, one who didn’t deserve her love and loyalty. “There’s nothing we can do until Hinekiri and Dad return.” He brushed a lock of blonde hair away from her face and smiled, hoping to ease her turbulent thoughts with a little banter. “Meantime, there’s no reason why we can’t have fun.”

Luke reached past Janaya to open the pantry. He pulled out a bottle of runny honey and a can of aerosol cream. Then, just in case Janaya preferred things a little tarter, he opened the fridge and grabbed a tub of yogurt. Strawberry yogurt—his favorite kind.

“What are you doing?”

Luke licked his lips, his cock leaping in hedonistic anticipation. “We’re going to eat,” he said. “Don’t tell me you’ve gone off the idea of food.”

Chapter Eight

“You don’t have to come to work with me,” Luke said. It wasn’t difficult to see Janaya’s restlessness. Her pacing, her inability to remain still told the story. He’d made the suggestion to keep her busy. He wasn’t gonna suggest doing housework, that was for sure. A man could get into trouble trying to pigeonhole women. No telling how an alien would react to the suggestion.

“Might as well,” Janaya said with a distinct lack of enthusiasm.

Luke wished they could stay in bed. They communicated perfectly there but, unfortunately, Janaya was like a kid trying to cross a sun-heated beach in bare feet. She jumped at every noise, some he didn’t even hear. He made a pot of coffee and shoved a couple of pieces of whole grain bread down the toaster.

“Did you open the package your aunt left for you?”

Janaya nodded. “It was a book.”

Luke grabbed two china mugs and poured coffee. He carried them over to the kitchen table and dropped into a seat opposite Janaya. A grin curled his lips as he shunted one of the mugs across the table. His lover. Man, he liked the sound of that. Even if she was determined to head back to Dalcon the minute Hinekiri returned.

“What sort of book?” He sipped his black coffee with a sigh of pure appreciation. Nothing like a cup of coffee and an armful of shapely woman early in the morning.

The Kama Sutra
,” Janaya said.

Luke almost spat the mouthful of coffee across the table. “Did you look at it?” he managed when he could breathe again.

“No. It’s still upstairs. I’ll look at it later.”

“What’s wrong? I told you not to worry about Hinekiri and my father. You admitted yourself she’s capable and has looked after herself for years.”

Janaya’s frown intensified to a full-out grimace. “Yes, I’m worried about my aunt. I admit it. But it’s not just that. I’m worried about missing my captain’s exam because we won’t get back to Dalcon on time.”

There was something else. He could tell by the shadows in her beautiful violet eyes. “And?”

“And if I’m away from my troop much longer, they’ll declare me AWOL.”

Luke took another sip of coffee. “You’ve got a good excuse. Surely they judge each case on the circumstances?”

“No second chances.” Janaya shrugged but Luke could tell it bothered her big time.

The toast popped up with a loud splat. Luke stood to retrieve it. He placed a slice on the plate in front of Janaya and settled back in his seat. “No point worrying. You can’t do anything until Dad and Hinekiri return.”

“But, Luke. What if something happens to Hinekiri? What if she dies? It will be my fault.”

Janaya stared at him with tear-filled eyes, and his heart wrenched. Weeping females made him nervous, but in this case, he wanted to help. He stood and walked around the table to squat at her side.

“Sweetheart, if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my life it’s that you can’t force another person to fit the mold you design. You’re not responsible for other people’s decisions or their actions.”

“Maybe.” Her voice sounded thick with unshed tears.

“Not maybe. Definitely.” Luke tucked a lock of blonde hair behind her ear, his insides shifting with a surge of tenderness he hadn’t thought he’d ever feel again.
Stop with the tender feelings. Janaya is leaving soon
. Besides, he wasn’t ready for entanglement with a female again. He’d enjoy this moment for what it was—hot sex between two consenting adults.

Janaya picked up the slice of toast and nibbled off a corner. Just to please Luke. He didn’t understand, but then how could he? She wasn’t sure she understood herself.

“Will it be all right if I go to work with you? Won’t it raise more questions?”

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