Janaya (14 page)

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Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #contemporary romance, #sci-fi romance, #aliens, #small country town

BOOK: Janaya
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“Slam you into a tree more like,” she said. “That might knock sense into you. Do you know what they do with aliens?”

“No, but I know what I’d like to do.” He moved her hand over his bulging erection. “I hope none of the rescue team notices my hard-on.”

Janaya seized him by the scruff of the neck and yanked upward.


They slammed into the ground with enough force for the air to whoosh out of Luke and wind him.

“I’m sorry.” Janaya ran her hands down his legs and body to check for broken bones. “Are you all right?”

“I sure as hell would be feeling fine if I had you poured over the top of me,” a deep voice said.

Janaya gasped and sprang about to face the three men who had appeared from the thick bush that covered most of the hill. “We managed to get the two boys but Luke got slammed against the rock face when we were getting him up,” she blurted. Her cheeks heated despite her best efforts to remain unaffected by their untimely arrival.

To Janaya’s relief, Luke sat up and took over the conversation. “Have you got the portable stretchers? One of the boys has a broken leg. Both seem to have concussions. We’ll have to carry them out.”

“We’ve only got the one with us,” one of the men replied. “I’ll radio down for them to bring up another. The rest of the men aren’t far behind us.”

Between them, they seemed to have smoothed out the story. The men were more interested in getting the boys to medical attention.

Edgy adrenaline pulsed through her body. Her gaze met Luke’s. They blazed with an inner fire that matched the licking flames inside her. She stepped from one foot to the other and a zap of current shot from her clit where her G-thing massaged the tender spot. She sucked in a deep breath. More than anything, she wanted Luke. She wanted to feel his cock pounding into her pussy. She wanted him full stop.

Chapter Ten

An hour passed before the second boy was safely transported down from the cliff top and handed over to the ambulance officers. Janaya bent over to toss the boy’s hat into the ambulance. Luke couldn’t help admiring the rounded cheeks of her butt faithfully outlined by her tight blue jeans. Unfortunately, every other red-blooded male in the vicinity appreciated the sight too. Luke barred his teeth at the ambulance driver but the kid smirked, blew him a kiss and carried right on devouring her with his gaze.

Luke stomped over to Janaya and arrived in time to hear a chat-up line. He curled his arm around Janaya’s waist in a clear statement of possession before he remembered they’d told everyone they were cousins. Shit.

He jerked away but still narrowed his eyes to slits of warning. “You ready to go?” Man, that had sure sounded cousin-like.

“I could do with a shower,” she agreed, a trace of teasing in her violet eyes.

Whoa! Down boy, Luke thought when his body reacted with the same possessiveness his mind had tried. At least wait until they were alone.

The ambulance pulled away and the members of the volunteer fire brigade waved and drifted off to their respective vehicles.

Luke tapped Janaya on the shoulder. “Let’s go.”

They walked to his Land Cruiser together. Once in the privacy of the front seat, Luke kissed her, eating at her mouth as though he hadn’t touched her for months. His hands moved to her breasts, tracing their shape beneath the tight green T-shirt. When Luke finally pulled away, they were both breathing hard.

Janaya’s eyes glowed. “How long will it take to get home?”

“I know a shortcut,” Luke promised and he took off in a cloud of dust.

“This is quicker?” Clear disbelief shot Janaya’s brows toward her hairline. Her head thumped against the ceiling as the vehicle scrambled through a series of muddy potholes.

“Yeah.” And it had the added advantage of keeping away from town. Probably—no—definitely the best plan when all Luke could think of was getting her into his bed again and the decadent things they could do to each other.

He sped down a back road past the Sloan camping ground.

“The UFO hunters are still in town,” Janaya said.

Luke scowled at the two old vans parked under a trio of kauri trees. “I just wish they’d piss off and leave us alone.” And they might have if Dad and Hinekiri had flown to Africa in the middle of the night instead of five in the afternoon when every man and his dog were watching. But he didn’t say it out loud since he didn’t want to upset Janaya.

“The press is still hanging around town too. That was another good reason to drive home on the back roads. Besides, this is the scenic route. See that river through the totara trees over there?”

“I see it.”

“I caught my first trout in that river when I was six. Haven’t had much time to fish since I moved back home.” A trace of regret coated his voice. “Maybe next weekend.”
When you leave and I need something to occupy my time.

Luke slowed at a give way sign and turned to the right, pulling up behind his father’s house with a screech of brakes five minutes later. He leapt out of his vehicle, and when Janaya reached his side, he dragged her into the kitchen and slammed the door on the outside world. They stared at each other for a long heated moment. Without taking his gaze off her flushed face, he undid the buttons of his blue uniform shirt and discarded it on the floor.

Janaya snickered but he noticed the way her eyes darkened. “Someone’s in a hurry.”

“Yeah.” Damn straight, he was in a hurry. But maybe later he’d leaf through Janaya’s copy of
The Kama Sutra
. Not that he was likely to run out of inspiration, but trying a new position or two sounded like fun.

Janaya sashayed up the stairs in front of him, the sway of her butt attracting his appreciative eyes. She peered over her shoulder and winked. “Don’t forget the honey and the whipped cream.”

A slow grin spread across his face when he remembered their last session. Luke made an abrupt about turn. Sounded like a damn fine plan to him. He thundered up the stairs and arrived in his bedroom aroused and out of breath to find Janaya flicking through the pages of
The Kama Sutra

“Is that possible?” she demanded, pointing at an entwined couple. Fascination and curiosity combined along with a frown to give her a cute look.

Not for the first time, Luke felt something give in the region of his heart. He shied away from the elusive emotion and concentrated on the book. This was about fun. Nothing more. Nothing less. He tilted his head to study the picture she indicated. It was difficult to see which legs belonged to which partner. Even stepping up beside Janaya and looking at the illustration right way up didn’t help.

“Don’t know,” he said finally. “But we can sure as hell try.” A leer claimed his lips as he imagined Janaya entwined with him, arms holding him so tight they felt like one.

“Not straight away.” Janaya’s tongue dipped out to moisten her lips. After placing her book on the bedside table, she heaped up his pillows and leaned back to study him with an expectant expression. “Strip for me.”

“No music.” Luke groaned inwardly.
Weak, Morgan. Weak.

“If that’s all you’re worried about, I can do music.” She hummed a few bars then started to sing an unfamiliar song in a low husky voice.

Luke hesitated, feeling decidedly stupid and embarrassed at the idea. But determination showed in her eyes and when he thought of the possible payback…he changed his mind. Besides, with his shirt lying on the kitchen floor, there wasn’t much clothing left to remove.

The need to please her made him start his striptease. Janaya continued to sing in a low, sexy voice that plucked at his sexual buttons. A little out of breath and very turned on—the fly of his navy uniform trousers was starting to strain under the pressure. His hands went to his black leather belt. With a shake of his butt, he began to get into the spirit. He unfastened the buckle then realized he’d tip arse over teakettle if he didn’t get things in the right order.

Shoes first, idiot.

Luke grinned at his near miss. Somehow, he needed to even the playing field, make her as hot as jalapeno pepper. Then they could burn together.

As he stooped to deal with his bootlaces, he raked his gaze over her curves then rose higher to her eyes.

Janaya’s heart jolted. Her pulse pounded at the intense passion in his eyes. The words of the Dalcon song came out of her mouth automatically, which was a good thing. Her nipples tightened at his heated look and her body ached for his touch, for the ecstasy to come. The Earthman removed his boots and peeled off his black socks. One sock landed near his boots and the other draped over the back of a wooden chair. His hands moved to the belt that circled his waist then ripped it from the loops and dropped it to the floor at his feet. The hiss then the thud of the buckle striking the floor stalled her breathing. Excitement lurched inside her stomach. Soon, she’d touch and trail her fingers over his muscled abs but for the moment, she’d savor the ripple as he moved, breathe in his sandalwood scent and let her imagination roam.

The male sauntered past the bed, spun about with a devilish grin and eased his zipper down. Every trace of spit disappeared from Janaya’s mouth. A pale V of flesh showed between the parted fabric. The words of the song faltered. She swallowed and picked up again, humming this time because the words fled her memory.

Luke ambled past the bed again and turned with a definite swagger in his step. His lazy appraisal sent urgent messages to her brain. Touch. Hurry. Her clothes clung to her aroused body, hugging her skin like a lover.
Too many clothes.
Way overdressed for this party.

The trousers slid down his legs and he stepped out of them, leaving him standing before her in a pair of silky black shorts. They tented in the front and, once again, her musical accompaniment faltered.

“You’re very good,” Janaya whispered, giving up on the humming.

“I’d like to be bad.”

“Show me.”

He waggled a finger at her. “I think not. This is your show…”

“A challenge?”

“Yeah.” Luke whipped off his shorts. He relaxed on the bed beside her but not close enough to touch. His body heat radiated through her clothing and his lips curved to a goofy grin.

Janaya gave a confident nod. “Close your eyes. No. Wait. I need your scarf.”

“It’s in the bedside drawer.” Interest and approval colored his expression.

Janaya tugged the soft silk free of the drawer. “Let me tie it in place.” She covered his eyes and tied it at the back. His tongue traced a wet path over the upper curve of one breast. A shudder of pleasure jolted clear to her toes. Janaya closed her eyes and swayed toward him in anticipation of his mouth suckling her breast. Instead, he taunted and teased her. Licking. Nibbling and licking again.

“Feels good.” Maybe she’d do some licking herself. Soon, but meantime…

She leaned over him, a sneaky move so her T-shirt-covered nipple passed right over his lips. She lingered to tempt him. When his mouth closed over her offering, a sigh of satisfaction escaped. A flood of heat dampened her panties and sent a flush storming across every inch of her skin.

Too many clothes.

Slowly, she moved away, the tug on her breast sending a corresponding jolt spearing straight to her clit.

Janaya wrenched her clothes off so quickly a button dropped off her jeans. Leaving them in a heap, she flicked open the pop-top of the honey. Where to start? His nipples, she decided. The honey dripped from the bottle, slowly at first as it dropped onto the flat disc, then with a liquid splat that had a river of stickiness heading for his belly button. Luke flinched. She giggled and quickly bent to round up the sweetness with her tongue. A breathless groan escaped Luke. His hips jerked off the bed with each sweeping lap of her tongue, his cock jabbing at her thigh.

For a second, Janaya was tempted to hurry her game along. A memory of Santana intruded, making her grimace. No, she’d take it slow and torture both herself and Luke.

Eventually, Hinekiri would return and they’d leave Earth. Janaya applied a thin drizzle of honey to his lips and as an afterthought carefully painted her breasts with cobwebs of honey. Finishing off with a blob of cream would make a perfect offering. Suiting action to thought, she grabbed the aerosol can and yanked off the top. A loud hiss broke the silence as she applied an artful swirl of cream to cover her nipples.

Luke chuckled, squirming restlessly on the bed. “The suspense is killing me, sweetheart. Care to hurry things along?”

“Hmmm,” Janaya mused. “No, I don’t think so.”

Elation and a much deeper emotion, one she didn’t care to examine, curled through her when she bent to lap the honey off his lips. He moved his lips beneath hers, devouring her softness and fighting to cleanse the stickiness away. The sweep of his tongue across her lips sent tiny shivers of desire racing the length of her body. Her nipples throbbed in a silent demand for his touch.

His busy hands stroked her belly then gripped her hips as his cock batted against her upper thigh. Instinctively, she squirmed down his body to align his shaft with her weeping entrance. Later, she’d try slow. Janaya sank down, filling her emptiness with his cock. She squeezed her eyes shut and concentrated on the slick feel of him, the deep and stretching sensation that made her long for more. The scent of sandalwood and sex filled her every breath and his uneven gasps told of his enjoyment as she swayed above him.

A sudden awareness made her eyes pop open. Luke grinned up at her, his eyes uncovered and the scarf lying across the pillow.

“That’s cheating.” She bit her bottom lip to stop her cry at the dart of pleasure on a downward stroke.

“All’s fair in love and war. Besides, look at you.” Husky approval rippled through his voice and shone in his eyes. Under his gaze, Janaya felt beautiful instead of a sexless bodyguard who killed to protect.

She glanced down at her breasts—the place Luke’s eyes seemed riveted to and saw the cream had moved despite her lazy pace. Her nipples peeked through while the globes of her breasts glistened, shiny with honey.

“Mine,” he said.

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