Omar agreed to all of Decatur and Shaler's conditions. Six weeks after the squadron's departure from New York, and sixteen days after its arrival in the Mediterranean, Decatur had brought the war to an end.
The treaty was the best made with Algiers by a Christian nation in more than 200 years. “It has been dictated at the mouths of our cannon,” Decatur proudly wrote to Navy Secretary Benjamin W Crowninshield on July 5, and “has been conceded to the losses which Algiers has sustained and to the dread of still greater evils apprehended.”
Lieutenant John Shubrick was given command of the Epervier and dispatched to Washington with the new treaty and the
captain and crew. The sloop-of-war passed Gibraltar on July 12 and never was seen or heard from again. The ship and crew might have perished in a hurricane that blew up in the western Atlantic about the time the
would have reached the East Coast. Lost were the
crew, the
crewmen and captain, and Master Commandant William Lewis and Lieutenant B. J. Neale, who had recently married sisters and had been granted home leave to visit them.

Algiers wasn't the only Barbary State that had been seduced by Britain's cocky predictions of victory over America during the recent war. Early in 1815, the American privateer Abellino had brought several English prizes into Tunis and Tripoli, supposed neutrals in the war. The prizes should have been secure in the neutral ports, but Tunis and Tripoli had permitted British cruisers to retake themâtwo from Tunis and two from Tripoliâover the protests of U.S. consuls. Decatur learned of the violations only when he reached Barbary; the Madison administration had been unaware of the neutrality violations when Decatur embarked from New York, so he had no instructions to guide him. The commodore took it upon himself to square matters.
The squadron entered Tunis harbor July 26. Through U.S. consul M. M. Noah, Decatur demanded that the bey pay him $46,000 in reparations. If he failed to do so within twelve hours, the U.S. squadron would go into action against him. As the bey and his officers conferred, an adviser reminded the bey that Decatur was the brash young officer of eleven years earlier who had burned the
Then Noah led the bey to a window and pointed out the
in the harbor. Both had once belonged to the supposedly invincible Royal Navy, he saidâuntil America had taken them from Britain. The bey studied the ships through his telescope, and thoughtfully stroked his beard with a tortoiseshell comb, turning over in his mind this new evidence of U.S. power. Then he paid the $46,000.
Decatur's next stop was Tripoli, where he said reparations would cost $30,000. Yusuf, still the bashaw after twenty years, refused curtly. He manned his batteries and assembled 20,000 troops for action. Then the news arrived of the capitulation of Algiers and Tunis, and Yusuf had a swift change of heart. He sent
Decatur a counterproposal of $25,000. Decatur said this was acceptable, but only if Yusuf also would release ten Christian captives. This met the bashaw's approval. Decatur, who had a long memory, selected two Danes and a Sicilian family of eight for release: the Danes to repay Denmark for Nicholas Nissen's services, and the Sicilians for the Two Sicilies' loan of the gunboats to Commodore Preble all those years ago. To celebrate the renewal of American-Tripolitan amity, the
band played “Hail Columbia” on the Tripoli quay.
Decatur transported the grateful Danes to Naples and the Sicilians to Messina, and sailed on alone to Spain. Lookouts sighted seven Algerian warships one day. Decatur cleared the
for action, savoring the prospect of a good fight should the Algerians not have learned of the new treaty or chose to disregard it. The Algerians wisely let the
pass unmolested.
Bainbridge's squadron reached Gibraltar on September 29, after Decatur already had settled affairs with Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli. Together, he and Decatur headed the most powerful U.S. Mediterranean squadron until that time: eighteen ships, including Bainbridge's 74-gun ship-of-the-line
where a future naval hero, David Farragut, was serving his apprenticeship as a fourteen-year-old midshipman. But the squadron's business was finished in Barbary, and most of the warships sailed for America on October 7.
In Washington, everyone applauded the peace dictated at “cannon's mouth.” President Madison laid the new Algerian treaty before the Senate for ratification on December 6, and it won swift approval, with no objections to the terms Decatur and Shaler had dictated: favored-nation status, no tribute, the release of American captives. Congress expressed its gratitude to the squadron by
appropriating $100,000 as indemnification for the
to be distributed to the naval crews who captured them.
Britain tried to capitalize on Decatur's success in the fall of 1815. Lord Exmouth sailed to Algiers with six men-of-war, two frigates, three sloops-of-war, a bomb ship, and several transports. Omar, by then regretting the peace he had made with America, was unwilling to concede anything. Exmouth wound up agreeing to pay nearly $400,000 to free 12,000 Neapolitan and Sardinian captives.
This wasn't exactly what the Admiralty had in mind when it dispatched Exmouth to the Mediterranean. But the British treaty did wonders for Omar's confidence after his unhappy encounter with Decatur, so much so that when Shaler presented him the next April with the Senate-ratified 1815 treaty, Omar rejected it. Decatur had returned the
but the dey still hadn't gotten back the
Therefore, Omar said, the treaty was void. He waved off Shaler's explanation for the brig's absence: U.S. consuls still were negotiating her release with Spain, where she was floating in Cartagena harbor.
Shaler lowered the U.S. consular flag and went aboard the
where Captain Oliver Hazard Perry prepared for a night attack on Algiers, supported by the frigates
United States
and the 18-gun sloops-of-war
The five warships drew up in front of the mole, with boats ready for 1,200 volunteers to launch an amphibious assault. The alarmed dey declared a truce and invited Shaler to return. The squadron withdrew. But then, in a letter to President Madison, Omar proposed a return to the 1795 treatyâto annual tribute payments.

The British government was so incensed with the outcome of Lord Exmouth's negotiations in Algiers that it sent him back as joint commander of a powerful AngloâDutch fleet with Dutch Admiral van Cappellen. On August 27, 1816, the warships assembled outside Algiers harbor. Whether by accident or design, an Algerian gun fired on them. The English and Dutch replied with a massive bombardment. When the firing stopped, the British and Dutch had discharged 34,000 rounds and inflicted 883 casualties, all but wiping out the Algerian navy and wrecking the city fortifications and residential areas. Exmouth and van Cappellen forced the dey to free 1,200 prisoners and to agree to abolish Christian slavery forever.
While Algiers was still rebuilding its shattered navy and city, Commodore Isaac Chauncey and the 74-gun man-of-war
accompanied by six warships, appeared in Algiers harbor in October. More menacing Christian warships was the last thing the dey and his officers wished to see after Exmouth's devastating attack. Shaler, who had witnessed the bombardment and whose home was heavily damaged, reassured Omar that for the moment the squadron was only making a show of force, but it would return. Shaler sailed with Chauncey and the squadron to Gibraltar to await orders from the State Department.
They returned to Algiers in December 1816. The Spanish finally had handed over the
so Omar no longer had a good reason to reject the 1815 treaty. Shaler delivered a letter from President Madison to the dey. The United States would fight before it would pay Algiers tribute again, the president wrote. “It is a principle incorporated into the settled policy of America, that as peace is better than war, war is better than tribute.” Should there have been
any mistaking Madison's message, Chauncey and Shaler added their own ultimatum. With both the
in Algiers's possession again, all outstanding debts were canceled and the 1815 treaty now must be accepted. “The undersigned believe it to be their duty to assure his Highness that the above conditions will not be departed from; thus leaving to the Regency of Algiers the choice between peace and war. The United States, while anxious to maintain the former, are prepared to meet the latter.”
With his navy in shambles from the AngloâDutch attack, Omar had no choice but to sign the treaty. He imposed a single condition: that Shaler sign a statement that Omar had agreed to the treaty only to avoid war with the United States. Shaler's affidavit extended Omar's tenuous reign less than a year: He was assassinated in September 1817.
The treaty, America's last with Algiers, renounced tribute forever. It was signed on December 23, 1816, thirty-one years after Algiers captured the
and the
Never again would the Barbary States trouble America.
Yusuf and Hamet reconciled briefly in 1809, when the bashaw gave his brother a government position in Derna. For reasons unknown, but most likely a combination of Hamet's sloth and treachery, he soon incurred Yusuf's displeasure. By 1811, he and his family once again were on the run to Egypt. They never returned to Tripoli. Hamet was not heard from again.
The last act of Hamet's story unfolded in 1832, when a man named Mahommed Bey presented himself to the American consulate in Alexandria, claiming to be Hamet's eldest son. He requested aid for his destitute family in Cairo. There is no record that he received any.
In 1835, Yusuf's son Muhammad attempted to assassinate his father and seize power. After forty years of rule, Yusuf lost control of Tripoli, and it erupted into civil war. The French and British consuls sought the intervention of the Ottoman Empire, which still claimed Tripoli as a regency. The sultan dispatched twenty-two ships and 6,000 troops. Ottoman soldiers arrested Muhammad and his fellow conspirators and snatched the reins of government from Yusuf, who had survived the coup. The Turks ruled Tripoli until Italy occupied it in 1911 and renamed it Libya.
France invaded Algiers in 1830, but was unable to gain complete control until 1848. In 1851, the French also seized Tunis.
Stephen Decatur's seagoing days ended when he returned to the United States from his triumphant expedition to Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli, more of a hero than ever. Baltimore gave him a silver dinner service, and Philadelphia awarded him a plate dinner service worth $1,020, raised through $10 subscriptions. Amid the rounds of banquets that took him up and down the East Coast, Decatur made the now-famous toast at a dinner in Norfolk: “Our country!” Decatur said, raising his glass. “In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be in the right; but our country, right or wrong.” He stowed away his sea chest forever, joining Captains John Rodgers and David Porter on the Board of Navy Commissioners. His days were filled with paperwork and meetings. With his wife Susan, he built a home and reentered the highpowered Washington social whirl. Yet Decatur missed the sea. “What shall I do?” he wrote a friend in 1818. “We have no war, nor sign of a war, and I shall feel ashamed to die in my bed.”
That wouldn't happen. After serving his suspension from the Navy, James Barron submitted an application to command the
new 74-gun man-of-war
Decatur reminded his fellow commissioners of Barron's negligent command of the
in 1807, and also noted that Barron had not sought a ship during the War of 1812, when his services might have been welcomed. Now that the war was over, he was suddenly anxious to return. Barron explained that he was abroad in 1812 and had wanted to return, but lacked money for passage home. Decatur brushed aside his excuse, saying it only demonstrated that he was unresourceful. He blocked Barron's application.