Jefferson's War (57 page)

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Authors: Joseph Wheelan

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Abd Allah, Sidi Muhammad ibn
Abdrahaman, ambassador
(American privateer)
Act to Provide a Naval Armament
Acton, John
Adams, John
argument against Barbary war
dismantles U. S. Navy
meets with Tripolitan ambassador
as minister to England
as president
relationship with Jefferson
(U. S. frigate)
Admiral Duff
Aga, Selim
aground, definition
Al Qaeda
Alcayde, Hashash
(British ship)
Alexandria, history of
and English treaty of 1622,
expands naval force
frees slaves
independence from Ottoman Empire
navy destroyed
treaty with Dutch, of 1624
treaty with U. S. ratified
tribute for
U. S. negotiations with
war with France
war with Portugal
war with Tunis
war with United States
Ali, Hadji
Alien Act
Alien Enemies Act
(U. S. ship)
Allen, Henry
(U. S. warship)
aloft, definition
(British merchant ship)
American Hotel, Leghorn
American indians
American Legion
Ames, Fisher
Anacreontic Society
Anderson, Thomas
Arab mercenaries, on Eaton/Karamanli expedition
(U. S. brig)
at Derna
stripped for supplies
Article XII,
Articles of Confederation
artillery, Naval
artillery shells, dud
Asia, trade with U. S.
Austria, pays tributes
Bacri, David Coen
Bacri, Miciah
Bacris and Busnah (banking house)
Bainbridge, Absalom
Bainbridge, Joseph
serves in War of 1812
Bainbridge, William
George Washington
carreer of
communications, from prison
in first squadron
in Quasi-War
surrender of
in War of 1812,
Ball, Alexander
Barbary states.
See also
Algiers, Morocco,
capitals of
contested for by Rome and Ottoman Empire
de facto independence
demands of rulers
history of
Moors emigrate to
naval power
negotiation with
politics among
population of
Barbary wars.
See also
Morocco, Tunis
accomplishments of
first battle
funds for.
See also
Navy, United States, expanded
initiation debated
motives, of U. S.
peace treaty ratified
as training for Naval officers
United States readies for
Barclay, Thomas
Barlow, Joel
Barron, James
and Stephen Decatur
Barron, James, Sr.
Barron, Samuel
assumes command of squadron
influenced by Lear
taken ill,
withdraws support for Eaton/Karamanli expedition
Barry, John
Bayley, Samuel
Beaussier, Citizen
becalmed, definition
Ben Unis, Hadgi Unis
(U. S. schooner)
Bey, Hassan.
Hassan Bey
Bey, Mustifa.
Mustifa Bey
Bitchnin, Ali
Blake, John
Blake, Joshua
Blake, Robert
for protection of trade
ships build for
of Tripoli
of Tunis
board, definition
Board of Navy Comissioners
bomb vessel, definition
Bonaparte, Napoleon
Bonhomme Richard
Borghul, Ali
(U. S. frigate)
bow, definition
Bowen, Richard
Bradley, Stephen Row
branding, as punishment
brig, definition
assists United States
attacks Algiers
attacks Tunis
buys American prisoners of war
destroys Algerian navy
encourages Barbary pirates
naval power
piracy of
relations with France
relations with United States
strengthens navy
treaty with Algiers, of 1622,
treaty with United States
and U. S. trade
war with France
British Royal Navy
British West Indies
broadside, definition
burial of U. S. sailors, denied
Burr, Aaron
loses 1800 election
plan to seize Texas and Florida
tried for treason
Burrows, William
Bushah, Naphthali
cabinet, presidential
advocates Barbary war
Calder, Samuel
Caldwell, James
Campbell, Arthur
Campbell, Hugh
Canary Islands
Candioto, Reis
capital cities, of Barbary states
capital punishments.
See also
Captivity and Sufferings of John Foss, Several Years a Prisoner in Algiers
Carden, John

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