Joshua Healy (Mitchell Healy Book 10) (12 page)

BOOK: Joshua Healy (Mitchell Healy Book 10)
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“Only if you mean it sexually,” she answers.

I cup her pussy under the water, dragging two fingers to slip her panties to the side. When I rip them she lets out a squeal. “They were in the way,” I say while tearing them down her legs until they’re in my hand and able to top the pile of wet clothing on the pier.

Tamsyn begins kissing my bare chest, running her puffy lips up my neck until her wet mouth is smacking over mine. I take her by the hair and twist her around while treading water. We back ourselves into the floating deck, so I’m able to use the ladder for support. Her legs wrap around my waist, her arms strongly clung to my back. We’re staring at one another, the only sounds around us is nature. She bites down on her shiny lips and then licks them. “Are you going to fuck me, Josh?”

“You bet your ass I am.”

She shoves me away and climbs the ladder, before I can realize what’s happening. I watch her naked body running to the opposite side of the floating deck. “You have to catch me first,” she states before diving into the murky water.

I’m addicted to the chase, to the idea of what catching her results in. When I get close she goes under and comes up in another area, until she finally concedes, appearing right behind and jumping onto my back. I easily bring her around front of me, where she proceeds to dunk me. We mess around like this for a few minutes until I can’t stand it anymore.

We’re engulfed in each other, our kisses hungry, wet, leading us right to the next step.

I lead her to the water’s edge, where I can lay her down and have the ability to touch her when she needs me to. We’re both naked, not that I worry about anyone happening upon us. No one comes out here anymore. The wind is blowing, making it a bit chilly, and I’m not minding it. I’m too damn hot to think about the weather. My skin is on fire and there’s only one way this is going to end; with me inside of her.



Chapter 14



We’re filthy. I can feel the sand and mud in my hair, but for once I don’t care. I dig my hands into the ground on either side of me as Josh enters me for the first time. I can feel the dirt going into my manicured fingernails and I’ve never felt more relaxed. He’s moving slow, kissing me constantly. My hands come up around his back, leaving a trail of mud as they cling to his skin. We’re wet. It’s breezy. Leaves are falling around us, and the sounds of trees moving echoes from the thick woods.

We go at it like this for a while, until Josh sits up and pulls out of me. He takes my hand and lifts me, pushing us both over to a nearby tree. He lightly shoves me against it, raising my hands above my head so he can take me in. “You’re beautiful.”

“I’m covered in dirt.”

“It’s fucking sexy.”

“Take a picture. It’ll last longer.”

His eyes light up. “Can I?”

I’m not surprised he’s taken me seriously. “Are you going to show people?”

“I’m thinking about blowing it up and putting it on my ceiling over my bed,” he taunts. “I’m kidding. It’s just for me. I need a reminder when I’m having a hard day.”

I take my hands and run them over my breasts. “Go get your phone before I change my mind.”

He’s snapping pictures, me posing for each like I know what I’m doing. His smile does something to me. We’re like nudists, relishing in the idea of how comfortable this is for us.

Josh tosses his phone in a patch of grass and comes at me with intent filled eyes. He lifts me up, pressing me hard against the tree. He’s positioning himself, slipping back inside of me without warning. I gasp when I feel him stretching my tight walls. He’s grumbling something as he works, his strong arms keeping my feet off the ground.

Suddenly he drops me, and I’m being spun around, my cheek against the bark. He’s drilling into me from behind, his hands both cupping each breast. My nipples feel like tiny pins and needles are taunting them, my legs feeble and ready to collapse. My orgasm strikes me, and as I fight to keep a loud moan from coming out, he tightens and holds me still. We come together. All of my senses are on overdrive. When he spins me around again I’m a puddle in his arms, fighting to keep from falling to my knees. “We should have brought dry clothes. It’s going to suck putting that shit back on,” he mentions.

“We could always shower when we get back.”

He smirks and crashes his lips into mine.  Our tongues begin to mingle, and I’m already hoping we’re going to go again. When we stop we’re both out of breath. His forehead is pressing on mine, our noses touching. “Where the hell did you come from?”

“Heaven,” I respond.

His brows raise. “I believe it.”


There’s nothing like putting dirty, wet, mud filled clothes on your body. The girlie side of me takes over as I exhaust myself trying to get my body covered enough to head back to the house.

We take off into the woods on the four-wheelers, me passing by Josh early on just to prove I can. By the time we return the ATVs we’re almost dry. We’re coming out of the pole building when we spot a man heading in our direction. “I thought I heard them drive by this morning.” He extends his hand while giving me a once over. “I’m Josh’s uncle.”

Josh finishes for him. “Tamsyn, this is Uncle Ty.”

I have to think for a second. “Jake and Jax are your sons, right?”

He nods. “And Iz, Isabella. She’s the oldest.”

“It’s a lot to learn.”

“Miranda is my wife. Are you sticking around for dinner? I think the whole bunch is coming.”

I smile. “I’ll be there as long as I can get this dirt out of every crevice it’s managed to find a new home in.”

He chuckles. “I’m sure my nephew can help with that, right Josh?”

Josh playfully shoves his uncle. “Get out of here, old man.”

“Nice to meet you, Tamsyn. Watch out for that one. He’s been known to …”

Josh doesn’t let him finish. “Don’t make me tell her all the shit you’ve done.”

The man tosses his hands in the air. “I have no secrets. Have at it.”

When we see Josh’s father rounding the corner I’m worried they’re both going to pick on him, but it turns out it’s the opposite. “Is this guy giving you a hard time?” He asks me.

“I’m fine.”

“Rumor has it, he can’t get it up anymore. It’s been real tough for him,” he whispers so only I’m able to hear it.

I giggle, but don’t repeat what he’s said.

“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up,” Josh suggests.

I wave to the two men, who seem to still be cracking on one another. “Are they always like that?”

“Always. We’re hardly ever serious. You get used to it.”

My parents are stiffs. They don’t joke about anything. It’s always money or church, not that I’m against either, but sometimes it’s good to laugh.

To avoid making a mess in his house, Josh and I remove everything we can. His long shirt allows me to take off everything from the waist down without revealing my goods. Assuring me that his mom is busy in the kitchen, he picks me up and carries me the entire way up the stairs. He doesn’t sit me down until we’re in his bathroom. It’s obvious his mother keeps it clean. It smells like bleach, and there are fresh towels sitting on the single vanity.

He doesn’t say anything while running the water and stripping until he’s stark naked in front of me. I can’t help but to take him in, every single inch of sculpted beauty. He has muscles in places I never knew existed. When he turns to check on my progress he finds me salivating. Josh takes his thumbs and rubs my cheeks. It’s rough, reminding me I’m covered in dirt. “Round two awaits you, just as soon as I make sure all those crevices are spotless.”

“How will you be sure?” I taunt.”

“That’s easy. I plan on double checking with my tongue.”

When he speaks his mind my body ignites again. Parts of me beg to be touched, while others tremble with anticipation.

The hot water washes away the cold hardened dirt, leaving me vulnerable to Josh’s touch. As he strokes my bare skin with soap I rake in the pleasure it gives me. He takes his time when he reaches my pussy and ass, his finger toying with each hole, but leaving after he’s gotten a rise out of me. I return the favor, lathering every inch of his hard body, while getting aroused as I go. We rinse off, until we’re caught up in each other again, kissing until the water turns to cold. He shuts off the shower and leads us to his bed, where we climb under the covers, our wet bodies sticking to the fabric. We’re rolling around, finding a comfortable position, and forgetting about everything except for each other. I have no idea what time it is, or if someone could walk in. All I care about is being with this man for as long as he wants it to happen.

We fall asleep tangled together, the ceiling fan keeping us cool and comfortable. Josh wakes first, kissing me until I open my lids. “What time is it?”

“Almost five.”

I suddenly realize I went to bed with a wet head and rolled around. My hands come up and feel the mop I’ve managed to create. “Holy shit. I’m never going to be ready for dinner in time.”

“Ponytail and hat.”

“Says the man with perfect hair.”

“I happen to think you’re sexy as hell with your hair back in a hat. If you want to spend an hour in front of the mirror, have at it. All I’m saying is that you don’t need it.”

“I don’t want your family thinking I’m just a tomboy who likes to romp around in the mud.”

He’s laughing at me. “I happen to find that very attractive.”

I toss a pillow at him as he stands. It’s hard to be frustrated when my view is this distracting. “You really need to put some clothes on.”

He poses. “What’s wrong? Haven’t had enough of me yet today?”

“I don’t think it’s possible to have enough of you.” I throw off the covers and stretch out, giving him exactly the same reaction.

He climbs on top of me, his lips finding mine immediately. “Damn, you’re making it hard to want dinner, when dessert is staring me right in the face.” He reaches between my legs and caresses the tender area he’s already been in twice.

His finger slips inside of me, driving deep only to pull out and repeat it again. I’m gasping, squirming, and in utter ecstasy. “This is a terrible idea.”

“Mmm, but it’s so much fun. I enjoy making you crumble.” His thumb circles my clit and I lose it, my back arching as I fight the urge to scream at the top of my lungs.

Then we both hear it; the sounds of people coming in the house. Lots of voices. Someone is yelling his name. We both look at each other, and at the same time begin searching for clothes. “Oh my god. They’re going to hate me.”

“Dress normal. We’re eating in the family barn. It’s relaxed. T-shirt and a baseball hat. That’s all you need.”

“And pants,” I remind him.

“Again, optional.”

“Shut up,” I laugh as I say it.


One at a time I meet his siblings. The first to arrive is Cassie and her man Logan. Right off the bat I can tell they’re in law enforcement. They have this process with me, asking questions pertaining to my background, and even my intentions with Josh. Before they finish interrogating me, Callie comes in. I’m familiar with her, so feel a bit more comfortable. It’s weird that her husband is named Jacob, but I’ve been told to call him Cob so I can keep better track of all the guys. Callie has a baby bump, and the couple seems to be on cloud nine about it. The last to arrive is Cammie and Wes. Since growing up with his sister, I expected him to recognize me at the dealership, when he didn’t I felt a bit mad. I’d spent so many nights at his house when we were all kids. Maybe it’s the blonde hair. Maybe he never paid attention to me. I was never interested in him so it shouldn’t matter anyway. I’m more inclined to think my issues with Wes are more about his sister. Cammie rushes over and hugs me. She’s holding her newest addition, while a little toddler runs right up to Josh for him to lift her. He plants kisses on her face while she tries to tell him about something that sounds like gibberish.

We help Amy, Josh’s mom carry all the food down to the barn, where we’re met with the rest of the crew, and wow it’s a ton of people. I don’t know where to begin. The twins are obvious, both their wives tending to the children. I recognize Amber from the magazine covers she’s been on, though she’s much different in person. Without makeup she appears to be just a pretty face in the crowd, instead of a supermodel and actress. It’s still unreal I’m here to meet them. Jake’s wife, who I’ve been told is Reese. The woman is gorgeous. She’s got dark brown hair and a body that I’d die for. I’ve heard she was with Jax first, but don’t know the whole story surrounding that. Now they all seem happy, which is what matters the most.

Reese is playing with her baby son, leaning him over to kiss on his cousin that Amber is holding. The little girl acts excited when they touch, and I wonder if they’ll grow up and be the best of friends. I see the twins’ father, and who I think is his wife. Then there’s another blonde. A little girl is tugging on her pant leg, while a gentlemen approaches and hands her a cup of something to drink. “How you doing?” Josh’s voice is like a breath of fresh air. “I’m trying to take it all in. Is that Isabella?”

“Yeah, and her husband Rusty. Little Sarah is the one that’s still attached to the umbilical cord.”

“Okay. I think I’ve got it.”

“We could go back to my room and ignore them.”

“No. This is nice. Thanks for inviting me.”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re the first woman who wants to know them. All the others were quick to want to leave. It’s nice. I hope you’ll show up next week.”

“Seriously? I’m the only person who wanted to know your family. That’s ridiculous. Where did you pick these women up, and why?” I’m sort of confused as to how he could pick all the wrong kind of women to spend his time with.

“Walmart, silly. That’s where I always shop for women on a budget.” He hands me a drink as he says it. “It’s tea. Aunt Miranda makes the best. She learned it from Ty’s mom, the older couple who just walked in.”

I nod like I’m getting it all, but know I’ll be confused later. “I’m sure that’s where you found them.” I sip at the tea, while he pulls me along, a little toddler following us.

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