Juicy: The Complete Series (29 page)

BOOK: Juicy: The Complete Series
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Chapter 1

“Pray for me for what, Diamond?”— Pandora


Diamond spit out more blood then moved her mouth like she was an old man chewing tobacco. Pandora was so smug that she thought she could intimidate anyone but Diamond had been through too much shit to fall for her threats. The two women stood in the briskly blowing wind with tiny ice particles assaulting their skin, focusing on each other
’s every move. The artic breeze began to prick through their skin and attack their blood stream but neither of them would admit that they could feel it. Their stare off appeared icy enough.

“You sure are a relentless bitch, ain
’t ya Pandora? It’s a shame; I used to be happy to call you my twin once,” Diamond said shaking her head.

’m not here to get sentimental with you. I just want my got damn money and you can go on living your mundane existence broke as hell.”

“And yet, you
’ll never be the same again.”

’t make me ask you again, dear Diamond.”

“Fine, I
’m done fighting with you. I’m done trying to get you to see how much you’ve changed and I’m done trying to save your ass from yourself. So if that money is all you want, you can have it,” Diamond uttered, “But the shit will never bring you happiness.”

“Yeah, we
’ll just see about that,” Pandora’s lips dripped with greed as she looked around unable to wait to get her hands on it, “Okay, so where is it?”

“Oh, I buried it so no one could find it. You didn
’t think I was dumb enough to keep it on me, did you?” Diamond shrugged as she limped around to the driver’s side of the car, “Come on hop in. I’ll take you right to it, but you’re gonna have to dig it up. You know, me being injured and all.”

“Where the fuck is it, Diamond? I don
’t have time for games.”

“I buried it in the back of the Dan Ryan Woods on Western. Come on, it won
’t take long,” Diamond informed her while dipping down into the driver’s seat, revving the car up.

Pandora looked into the car, standing at the passenger side door wondering what Diamond
’s angle was. She did not know if she was being truthful about where she had stashed the money. All she knew was if Diamond had faked her out, she would definitely pay for it much worse than what she just experienced. She slid into the seat closing the door looking over into her face for any sign of bullshit. It was hard to read any expression from her face since her lips were slowly swelling up and the right side of her face appeared badly disfigured.

“It better be out there Diamond. I
’m telling you…” Pandora shook her head and bit her bottom lip.

’t get your panties all in a bunch, it’s out there. You just have to dig it up, shouldn’t be too deep though. You’re a strong girl,” Diamond smiled as she drove on down the road.

The car was virtually silent for the remainder of the ride back to the city with Pandora keeping her hands folded as if she was giving every move Diamond made her undivided attention. If she were caught slipping, it would not be for lack of that. Diamond swerved rather roughly off of the 87
Street expressway anxious to get to the woods and get this over with. She kept a close eye on the passenger seat making sure her dear sister did not make any sudden moves but she slowly eased off knowing that Pandora would not do anything as long as her money hung in the balance. Pandora, on the other hand, could not think of nothing else but throwing Diamond in the whole that the money came out of, burying her alive.

“The Woods is on Western, right?” Pandora asked becoming impatient.

“Girl, don’t act like you don’t know where it’s at. You grew up here, shit,” Diamond retorted annoyed that she had the audacity to rush her driving.

There was not a cloud in the sky or traffic on the ground for a Thursday evening. It was strange but convenient seeing as though somebody was about to die and Diamond surely did not need any witnesses to her crime. She looked deep within herself trying to find the least bit of remorse for her sister. She wanted to see if she could feel anything for her that she could use to force her to change before it boiled down to her last breath.

“Now you can turn up in that lot right there and drive all the way around. I swear my fucking money better be in here D.”

“You so damn blinded by that damn money that you can
’t see the life that you’re missing out on.”

“What? Girl shut the fuck up with all of that shit. Nobody wanna talk about that shit, but you,” Pandora spat emphasizing her speech with her left hand, “If you was a real bitch you wouldn
’t have fucking gone against the grain.”

And just like that, Diamond halted the car. She threw it in park hard enough to make Pandora jerk forward nearly hitting her head on the ceiling of the car then shut the ignition off staring out of the windshield at darkness. Her limbs were unable to move and she felt a great gloom come over her. The blood in her veins raced and her heart slowed its rate as if it were ready to die. Pandora looked over at her wondering what the hell she was doing as she waved her hand in front of her face to snap her out of her daze.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Pandora asked unpleasantly.

’re here,” Diamond replied calmly never breaking her eyes from the darkness or flinching an inch. “It’s straight back there. It’s in between two trees that are close together.”

“Well get the hell out and let
’s go, shit. I ain’t got all day,” Pandora howled eagerly. “Where’s the shovel?”

“Oh, uh, I don
’t have one. But you can dig it out with your hands.”

“My hands?”

“Damn, it’s not that deep I told you. Let’s go,” Diamond said waiting for her to walk off ahead of her.

The two women trucked through the thin layer of snow using only their good judgment and the moonlight to guide them along the way. A few feet out Pandora began to wonder if Diamond even remembered where the place was since it felt like they were just walking aimlessly. In the distance, Pandora squint her eyes attempting to focus them on the large figure ahead. She believed that she had found the tree pattern that Diamond described, secretly becoming overjoyed that she would soon be reunited with the green she had hustled so hard to get. Her legs seemed to take on a mind of their own, as she found herself running up ahead. But her excitement was short lived when she reached the area and realized that the tree pattern she had seen was actually a mirage, an illusion of the night. Heated by the trick her mind and eyes had played on her she turned to face her casually striding sister.

“That’s not it! That’s not it!” Pandora looked around hysterically. “Where is it?”

“You know when we were little; we used to do everything together. Do you remember that?” Diamond paused for an answer but when she received nothing but heavy breathing she continued on, “I used to braid your hair and I even taught you how to ride a bike. You were so naïve then and I guess you still are.”


“Pandora, you are so self-absorbed that you can
’t see the difference between the truth and a lie,” Diamond smirked as she revealed the gun from out of the front of her pants.

’s that, a gun? You’ve got to be kidding me right? What are you gonna do Diamond? HUH? You gonna be a coward and shoot me? Anybody can shoot someone but can you kill someone with your bare fucking hands? That’s what separates the girls from the women,” Pandora stalled.

“You know if this was a few months ago, all of your bullshit talk might have had some sort of influence on me, but looking at you now…all I wanna do is pray for you,” Diamond said raising the gun up to her sister
’s head.

Pandora moved in closer giving Diamond a good shot without any illusions making it difficult for her to miss. She grabbed her hair swinging it back behind her and held her chin up waiting for her to pull the trigger.

“Pray for me for what, Diamond?”

“For your soul not to go straight to hell, you should stop by heaven to see everything you will be missing.”

“You don’t have the fucking balls to shoot me, bitch. You’re weak. You’re wretched. You’ve always been! That’s why I had to carry us because you were too weak to fucking do it your damn self and you are the oldest!” Pandora bellowed, “You’re so fucking bad then do it!”

“Shut up, Pandora!”

“What are you waiting for, just do it!”

Pandora rushed Diamond knocking her to her back, then jumps on top of her. The gun flew out of Diamond
’s hand landing a few feet behind then. Pandora is sitting on top of Diamond’s torso pressing all of her weight on her to keep her down as she scratched and clawed at her face.

Diamond reached up grabbing her hands to keep her from attacking, but she was very fast and Diamond
’s equilibrium was still off from the beating she had endured no less than an hour before. The bubble jacket Diamond adorned prevented her from being distracted from the feel of the wet, slushy snow and mud, but as Pandora yanked on it she began to wish she had left it in the car.

Pandora stood up planting her feet on each side of her head never releasing the coat for a second. She twisted it to no end making sure it was nice and tight before pulling it close to her neck strangling her to no end.

Diamond struggled and fought punching her arms, hoping to break her strength or at least distract her so that she would let up a little and focus on stopping her hands. Pandora was no fool. She continued to squeeze much like an Anaconda would its prey, yanking and pressing harder waiting for her to give up and pass out. It had begun to sink in that she was never going to get the money from Diamond, which meant she had to focus on the weaker sister, Lexi. Diamond held her breath for as long as she could while trying to fight the affects that made her head dizzy. She focused all of her energy on swinging her fists aiming for her face but was unable to reach it. Just as she was about to go down for the count a loud ringing engulfed her ears.

“Give up bitch! Give up!” Pandora gritted through her teeth as she squeezed with all of her might.

Pandora grinned viciously, allowing drool to fall from her mouth for the taste of Diamond’s blood. When she envisioned herself killing Diamond, she did not imagine that it would be that satisfying. It was a hunger that she longed for as she anticipated the moment her frail body went limp and she took her very last breath. But Diamond was a fighter and was determined to live. She was not going to go down without giving Pandora a run for her money. Her breathing slowed and she could see death in the distance but she was not ready to go.
‘Hold up, not just yet,’
she thought to herself as she reached up pulling down on Pandora’s arms to bring a little relief to her sore neck.

“Just die bitch! Let go!” Pandora taunted.

Her hands loosened their grip and dropped Diamond to the ground awkwardly. She turned around to see if she could see someone but there was no one there. Diamond coughed grasping her neck in relief trying to regain her strength and functioning as she peered out at the gun lying no less than a few feet from her. As she crawled towards it she witnessed Pandora fall to her knees screaming in pure agony. There was no time to focus on what happened to her as Diamond neared the gun grabbing it, cradling it like a helpless child.

“Not so bad now are you baby?” Oxy laughed walking up to assess the scene.

“Oxy! Why the fuck are you doing this to me?” Pandora shrieked in sheer pain as she clenched her right leg trying to stop the blood from spewing out.

’t ask questions you already know the answer to Pandora. You were supposed to be mine. You were supposed to remain pure and then you go and fuck Ivan,” Oxy hollered pointing to Ivan.

Ivan stood there pointing the gun towards Pandora. The darkness made it hard for him to gaze at her beauty, leaving no room for him to be distracted or feel remorseful. Tears flowed from Pandora
’s eyes as thoughts scrolled through her head of not being ready to die yet. She felt there were so many other things she needed to do before she went. And then it hit her. That was the very thing Diamond was trying to implant in her head. She sighed coming to the notion that the old saying was definitely true. A hard head did make a soft ass.

“It wasn
’t personal, baby. It was all business,” Pandora panted, smiling nervously.

“Just shut up! I loved you, talking all that shit about marriage. Did you think I was stupid?” Oxy scratched her head profusely nearly drawing blood. “You…Ivan…Did you think I was going to let you get away with that? HUH?”


“You what?”

“I thought I imagined you standing there. I didn’t know you really did see us,” Pandora cried and begged, “Oxy please, I’m sorry baby.”

Pandora looked over at Diamond clenching the gun in her hands wondering who the fuck these people were and if they were going to kill her too just because she was a witness. Oxy paced the snow, kicking it in her ex-lover
’s direction hoping to make her feel like the dirt she was.

“Even if I wanted to, I couldn
’t save you. It’s a shame too. Your pussy was very sweet,” Oxy confessed as she turned to sway away, disgusted by her face and spoke coolly, “Shoot her!”

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