Juicy: The Complete Series (33 page)

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Regardless of that fact, she rented me a car in her name after I tossed a few grand her way to put me up until I found better. I couldn't tell her why I needed to go to the hospital, feeling too ashamed of the reason myself. But, she was more than willing to help me out, especially since she was used to me licking her mind right and was hella mad when I stopped.

Just thinking about her thick waist and juicy full ass cheeks made me salivate all over myself. She was a video vixen if I had ever seen one, pretending to enjoy the wifey life. But, I knew better than to try to turn a hoe into a housewife. And, as I headed towards the parking lot through the brisk wind and varying amount of slushy snow, I figured what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.








October 21
, 2011, One year later




“Lex. Lex, get the fuck up. You’ve been sleeping all day, and you said we were going to IHop together today. I knew yo’ ass was lying,” I huffed, kicking the side of my king-sized canopy bed. “Get the fuck up.”

“Mmm, hmm. We still gonna do that girl. Just calm down, damn,” she grumbled, stewing under the three hundred thread count sheets.

“No, I ain’t calming down for shit. I’m still mad at your ass for what you did last night. Now you owe me, bitch. Get up.”

"Huh? Girl, I ain't did nothing."

"Of course you haven't. You never do, right?" My stomach churned from disgust.

"Man, why you
trippin'?" Lex spat groggily, rising from the sheets and peeling back the pink duvet cover.

She was clearly still fucked up from last night. I could have killed her. I could have punched her dead in her temple, knocking her out cold, allowing her to fall as her skull knocked oddly against the pavement, sending her to an untimely death. She hurt me,
and she knew it, but she was trying to pretend like it didn’t exist.

I loved Lex. I’ve always loved her, no matter how old she was. And, even though I’ve only known her for two years, she was everything to me. But, enough was enough. She had played me for the last time.

“Naw bitch, you trippin’. Get the fuck up and outta my house. I’m not dealing with you or your lazy shit no more.” Before I could think, I was reaching in the closet, tossing her clothes onto the floor.

“What? Wait, wait, wait. Let’s not do anything
we both might regret here. Baby, you know I love you, girl,” Lex spat, and hopped up from the bed hastily, untangling her feet from underneath the sheets.

“No, Lex. No. I’m sick of this shit.” My eyes focused on the gray carpet as she seductively wrapped her arms around my apple shaped waist. “You think I’m supposed to keep taking this shit? It’s been a year we’ve been together for real, and ain’t shit changed with you.”

“Com’ on now, baby. I just turned eighteen last night. All I was doing was having a little fun. That’s all.”

“A little fun blowing through the rest of your fucking money on some skank you stuck your tongue up in? Oh what, you didn’t think I saw you in the VIP room with that bitch? You left me, Lex, and you didn’t even give a fuck.” I forced her grip off of me and continued discarding her belongings to the floor.

“Now, Jazzy you know me better than that.” She took her red tank top off, tossing it to the floor and allowing her supple brown breasts to flop out pertly.

She knew how much I loved to see her perfect B cupped nipples point out at me. I salivated for them as they stared out, begging for my lips to envelope them. I yearned to taste them, as my pussy grew moister by the minute. I could almost feel the juice exit my opening, coating the hugging layer of my thin cotton panties.

Her seduction was eminent, but it wasn’t going to work this time. I needed to be strong. She was now broke, and the bills weren’t going to pay themselves. I refused to be a doormat for her while she cheated on me with ever skank she came across.

“You don’t get to call me Jazzy. You call me Superior. Only people who truly love me get to call me by my government name.”

“But, I do lo—“

you don’t. Don’t even fix your lips to say that shit to me. You don’t know what the fuck love is, Alexis.” I slammed a sweater to the pile of clothes on the floor. “Love is not having to worry about your bitch slurping another bitch’s pussy. Love is never having to feel like you are being used. And, love is most definitely not having to pay the bills by your damn self.”

“Superior, I still got like $1500 left though. Com’ on. At least I can pay the rent this month. Hell, you ain’t
payin’ shit for this motherfucking whole in the wall, anyway. I mean; this ain’t exactly the Waldorf Astoria.” She giggled, reminding me of how young minded she still was.

“After how much you told me you had, you shouldn’t be proud to say that measly number. I make more than that in one night shaking my ass at The Lab. Shit, maybe you need to take your ass down there and get a fucking job.”

“Superior, what do I look like going to shake my ass for a dollar at that damn club?”

“You look like a bitch who’s broke and needs a damn job and who
needs the fucking money. Beggars can’t be choosy. All I know is that if you stay here, you need to pay your way. But as far as you and I…” It pained me to even adjust my lips to spew the words. “…we’re through. I’m done giving you a free ride.”

A free ride? Girl, I ain’t spend all that money by myself. You wanted to go on lavish trips to Barbados and shit too. So, don’t sit there and make me seem like the freeloading roommate.”

“Okay, you were good up until four months ago. Then you just stopped,
and I’ve been doing this shit on my own. You take your money and go fucking off all day while I’m pulling double shifts, bartending during the day at the club. I shouldn’t have to do that.”


“Naw. You can stay in the other bedroom. I’ll move my sewing equipment out of there. These condos by Midway aren’t cheap; so make sure you’ve got the rent on time. You will pay half the bills, and I’ll post them on the refrigerator so you can see them when they come.”

“Superior, just wait a minute. I’m sorry. I get it. You’re mad.”

“I’m not mad. I’m livid.”

“Okay, college graduate and soon to be doctor girl. I know that you’re saving so you can pay for medical school with no problem. You don’t have to spit that knowledge to me.”

“I didn’t, Lex. I just use words like that when I get really, really angry. Besides you know I read a lot.” I smiled.

“Oh, now I’m back to Lex, now?”

“Don’t push your luck. I’m just trying to be cordial since we do have to live together…for as long as you can pay your way that is.”

I gazed deep into her eyes forcing them to the floor again. She stood there in silence, probably wondering if she should try to touch me again. The breeze outside blew like it was about to beat the window down to get in. It whistled like an old man in the field trying to find his dog.

It pierced my hearing, irritating me just as much as the dumb ass look on her face. She blinked almost out of control before pouting her lips, sticking the bottom one out for dramatic affect. Lex held her arms out away from her body, beckoning for me to come closer to her and bask in her warm embrace. Lord knows I wanted to.

“You gonna leave me hanging?” she asked with the most unnatural of smiles.

“Yes. Maybe somebody ought to leave you hanging for once in your life.” I pushed past her arms, heading into the hallway. “I’ve been left more times than not.”

“Well, I’m not your momma, Superior. I’m not going to leave you out on the street to fend for yourself. You know me better than that.” Lex followed me into the kitchen.

“Don’t speak of her in this house. Besides, I’m not worrying about fending for myself. I’ve been doing that for a long time, and you don’t make or break me. But I refuse to let you live as a leech off of me.”

Lex moved about my large kitchen running her fingers gently across the top of the black cool stove then along the granite colored countertops. Her steps were cautious as she walked over to me, standing in front of the open refrigerator. My breathing sped as if I
were having heart palpitations being so close to her. I wanted her to back off.

I wanted her to give me space, only about three feet maybe, but just enough space so that I wouldn’t feel as boxed in as I did. No, I wasn’t claustrophobic, but at that moment her aura made me feel that way. My eyes focused in on the orange juice sitting on the middle shelf of the frig.

“I’m not here to take advantage of your money. Only your body,” Lex whispered into my ear as my body melted.

“Stop it, Lex.”

“Why do you keep trying to fight me? You know you love this shit girl.” She licked my ear lobe like she was licking the tip of a dripping Popsicle.

“We’re done.”

“So be done then. But I’m just getting started.” She reached her hand forcefully down inside of my Pink jogging pants, fiddling her fingers around my clean shaven slit.

“Ah, stop it, Lex.”

“Make me stop it,” she whispered, pressing her tits close to mine. “You’ve got all the power to do it. So do it. Make me stop it.”

She was right. I could’ve stopped her at any given time. I could’ve pulled her hand out of my pants and walked away without even looking back. All of the physical fights she and I have had over this past year about her cheating, and I won them all on
ly because I was bigger than her. But the truth was, Lex was the only female I had been with ever.

I wasn’t gay, so after being with her, I considered myself bisexual. I couldn’t get her out of my mind after the first time. She literally blew my mind. It didn’t matter to me that she was only sixteen in a strip club when she first licked me out of control. All that mattered was how she treated me, and it was like no other person I had ever known. As young as she was, she had me gone like no other.

“I can’t. Lex. You keep hurting me.”

“But, I love you.”

“No, you don’t. Quit saying that shit.” I slapped her across the face as hard as I could with the back of my right hand.

It only made her dig into me more. She leaned in roughly sucking the shit out of my neck and squeezing my tits in the process. I felt helpless. I couldn’t breathe without being next to her. How could I leave her alone? She had become everything to me. But, she was a hoe.

I would be stupid to think she would ever deviate from that. My back pressed against the refrigerator door damn near breaking it apart as I tossed my foot up onto the nearby counter, giving her more access. She lifted my shirt in a frenzy while shoving it to my neck as her teeth bit the top of my breasts, one right after the other.

With her free hand, she yanked my black lace bra down, revealing my large D cup pretty, round brown nipples. I could hear the tear in the fabric as she ripped the bra from the other side to release the other one. Simultaneously she went from left to right, sucking only the pointed nipples, teasing them a bit with her tongue before moving on.

My pussy tingled so badly that I nearly engulfed her entire hand in a sea of ecstasy driven from my opening. I wanted her. There was no fighting it anymore. With both hands, I grabbed her nipples yanking them roughly just how she liked it. She moaned, leaning her head up to the ceiling with her eyes closed and her mouth agape. I stuck my pierced tongue out at her, air licking her rapidly.

“You like that bitch?” I asked, yanking harder.

“Hell yeah, baby,” she winced in delight.

“You gonna stop cheating on me, huh?” I pinched even harder as she rammed two fingers inside of my clit, forcing me to retreat a little.

“Whatever you want, baby.” Her response wasn’t the one I was looking for, but it made me wet just the same. “Fuck this shit.”

Lex brought my leg down from the counter and jerked my pants down in the same instance.
I stepped out of them and quickly did a partial shimmy dance, knowing exactly what I was in for. I couldn’t wait. She was my crack, and I could smoke her drug.

She moved closer as she kneeled, breathing heavily onto my lower lips to excite me. Her hands palmed my chunky ass cheeks forcing me to turn around. She placed one hand on my back so that I would bend over, giving her open access to all of my opening’s pleasure. I could hear her moan deeply as she licked me from the very top off my ass slit down to the very top of my clit, and then she sucked like there was no tomorrow.

My knees buckled as I grabbed my nipples, twirling them between my index and thumb for added sensation. I wanted to cum so hard, but she stopped abruptly, slapping me harder than shit on my ass. I had twenty-six butterfly tattoos on my body, all of different sizes and she licked every single one of them, before standing to slap my ass again.

“Go get them heels, girl. You know what I like. The red ones,” Lex ordered as I made a mad dash for the bedroom.
“And hurry up. I’m warming up the strawberry sauce.”













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