Knight of Ocean Avenue (29 page)

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She looked Billy up and down significantly. “And quite a team it is. We’re hearing rumors that tonight might be special for you. Anything to say about that?”

What does she mean?
“I’m honored to be here.” He waved to the crowd and leaned over and kissed the reporter on the cheek. “Great to see you, darling.” With a gentle tug on Billy’s arm, he started walking up the red carpet toward the grand entrance with his whole crew behind them. He leaned toward Billy as he smiled. “You’re shaking, my knight. Don’t worry. We’ll only have one or two dragons to slay.”

They walked into the entrance, where people were gathered for the see-and-be-seen ritual. Shaz whispered, “Speaking of dragons, there’s the first.”

Alexander hurried toward them with a smile and his arms extended. Billy tightened his hand on Shaz’s arm.

Alex waved. “Chase, darling, how grand to see you.”

Shaz squeezed back, then released Billy’s arm and accepted Alex’s hug. “Good to see you, Alex. I hope all is well.”

“Marvelous, my dear. Simply marvelous.” Every word he said was for broadcast, and people stopped to look at the meeting.

Alex tried to keep his arm around him, but Shaz stepped back to Billy and took his hand. Alex’s eyes narrowed, but he kept smiling. “Hello. Billy, isn’t it? How good to see you. My, my, we seem to have moved on from Sissy.”

Billy tensed, then very slowly raised their entwined hands and kissed Shaz’s knuckles. “I was never with Sissy. You just assumed I was.”

Shaz tightened his lips to keep from laughing. He heard a snort from behind him. Alex looked up. “Oh, hello, Rupert. The gang’s all here.”

Shaz smiled. “Such an exciting evening. I brought my whole team.”

Alex’s smile was cracking. “Yes, I’m sure it will be. Have a grand time, all of you.” He walked away.

Shaz slapped a hand over his mouth, then looked up at Billy, who was still glaring after Alex.

Ru leaned in. “Apparently our hero can fight with more than his fists. Good going, Billy.”

Billy shrugged. “I don’t know what you mean.”

That made them all laugh, including Billy.


Shaz looked up at the beautiful white-haired woman dressed in a killer gown walking toward them. “Rebecca. Good to see you, dear. You look wonderful.”

“Well, of course. We all know who dresses me.” He took her hand and twirled her, then pulled her in for a hug.

She stepped back and looked him up and down. “You look gorgeous too, but then you always do. And I see you have a most extraordinary addition.” She stuck out her hand to Billy. “Rebecca Minkoff, dear.”

“Uh, hi. I’m Billy Ballew.”

“I certainly hope you’re Shaz’s boyfriend.” She grinned.

Shaz bit the inside of his cheek. Rebecca loved to be outrageous. What should he say? “Uh—”

Billy glanced at Shaz, then took a breath. “Yes, ma’am, I am.”

Shaz snorted again. The boy was a mass of unexpected delights.

“Well, good. It’s about time he settled down with someone who doesn’t look too bored to live. Are you in fashion too, dear?”

“No. I work in construction. Shaz has to dress me or I couldn’t leave home.”

“You’re a work of art. A builder. Excellent. Shaz needs a real man.” She slipped her arm through Billy’s other one. “Shall we go in? I’ve arranged for your table to be near mine so we can gossip.”

It was possible his head could explode. Shaz leaned over and smiled at Billy. “Rebecca is the head of the Fashion Institute, Billy.”

Billy nodded like that was cool. If he had a clue she was the most important woman at the event, he didn’t blink.

Rebecca beamed at Billy as they walked into the huge dining room with its glittering chandeliers. “So tell me about the state of the building industry in California, Billy. Is it safe for me to invest again?”

For a second, Billy’s eyes got wide.
Oh shit
. Shaz didn’t know how to answer her without making Billy sound dumb. Could he change the subject?

Then Billy nodded. “Yes, ma’am. Our building starts are up, and people are spending more on materials. But they’re being cautious because there’s still a lot of uncertainty in the mortgage business. Some people are waiting for another shoe to drop. I’d say all shoes are accounted for myself, if you’ll excuse the fashion pun. People are ready to build again. So yes, don’t be crazy, but start investing.”

“That’s very interesting. How do you feel about REITs?”

Shaz felt heat behind his eyes. He glanced to his left and caught Ru looking at him with a grin that would have made the Cheshire Cat look ingenuous. Ru whispered, “If you ever tell me again that someone like Giles fits all your pictures, I’ll remind you of this day.”

Shaz nodded. Couldn’t talk right now.

Billy and Rebecca chatted all the way to their tables. As promised, she managed to position herself back to back with Shaz, and it appeared her greatest delight was talking to Billy, a fact that didn’t seem to escape the notice of a lot of people in the room.
What a combo

Two hours later, they’d all wined and dined. Champagne flowed like water, and the rubber chicken turned out to be Cornish game hen. Billy said he’d never had it, but man, was it good. Shaz just grinned like a loon.

Then the awards started, and Rebecca went up and kicked off the ceremonies. Shaz listened idly and hoped he clapped in the right places. Too distracted by Billy’s thigh pressed hard against his. Some of his favorite designers got awards, and he cheered while letting his foot slide up and down Billy’s leg.
How soon could they leave?

Rebecca went back up on the stage. Shaz leaned over to Ru. “Brilliant job on the dress, darling. It’s a masterpiece.”

Ru smiled but put his finger to his lips and nodded toward the stage. Shaz looked back at Rebecca.

She held a glass statue in her hands. “I’ve commandeered the presentation of this next award for myself, since I get to give it to a friend. Our award for Stylist of the Year, I’m delighted to say, goes to my very own stylist, the magnificent Shazam, our own Chase Phillips.”

Behind her on the screen, one of Orstrum’s photos of Billy flashed, then another, and another. Finally the picture of Billy and Shaz back to bare back. People gasped and applauded.

Shaz just stared at her.
What did she say?
He looked around as his whole team leaped to their feet.
Billy’s hand touched his cheek. “Shaz, you won.”

He stood up and looked around. People were applauding and cheering. Some looked truly happy. Some not as much. But sweet God, who cared? He’d won! He let his head fall back. “Wahooooo!” Billy stood beside him. Shaz leaped up, wrapped his arms around the big guy’s neck, and gave him a fast hard kiss. “Thank you for believing in me.”

He turned and ran up the stairs to the stage. Rebecca gave him a huge hug and handed him the award. My, it was heavy. Whistles pierced the air, and he glanced down to see Ru and Billy both with fingers in their mouths. His team was still going apeshit.

He stepped to the mike, and the place quieted down. “This is amazing. Maybe you can tell that I’m totally surprised. I feel like such a beginner next to all the talent in this room.” He looked at his team’s table with a soft smile. “But maybe I should have had a hint. You see, so many things have gone right for me lately. Many of you have trusted me and my crew with your style and image, and I’m honored. My own team gave me a huge vote of confidence recently, for which I’m eternally grateful. And I have someone so special in my life, I don’t know what I ever did to deserve him.”

Billy put a hand to his mouth, and Shaz smiled. He held up the statue. “And now this. The icing on the cake—and oh my, I do love icing. I’ve never felt more fabulous!” He raised the award in the air, and the cameras flashed all around the room.

He raced down the stairs from the stage to the table. There was only one place he wanted to be right now. He plopped down in Billy’s lap. Lots of people laughed and, despite his ears getting so red they should have spontaneously combusted, Billy didn’t seem to mind at all. He whispered, “Thank you. I feel the same way.”

Rebecca gave up on her own table and squeezed in with Shaz’s group. She sat beside Billy. The band started playing, and a few enthusiastic couples swung onto the dance floor. Billy watched them. “No guys are dancing together. Or women.”

Rebecca nodded. “I know. Silly, isn’t it? In an industry where half the participants are gay, we pretend we’re all heterosexual.”

As soon as dessert was served, a bounding ball of Sissy plopped down in Shaz’s empty chair. “Hi, you guys. Congratulations! I’m so happy for you all.”

Shaz hugged Sissy without leaving Billy’s lap. “Thank you, darling. Amazing night.” He gazed down at Billy. “Amazing life.”

She clapped her hands. “I can’t think of a more perfect couple. I’m so proud you figured it out.”

Billy looked back and forth between them. “No way you’d ever think this big clod belonged with this gorgeous creature.”

She frowned. “You’re no clod, Billy. Don’t ever say that. You and Shaz are two of a kind.”

Ru sipped his champagne. “Like I said. A couple of Boy Scouts.”

She leaned in. “Alex is trying hard to be happy for you. He’s telling everyone how proud he is to have been one of your mentors.”

Shaz shook his head. “Whatever he says.”

Ru stood up. “Hey, Sissy, want to dance?”

“Heck, yeah.” She started to follow Ru, then paused and looked back. “Wait.” Ru stopped walking. “I’ll dance if Shaz and Billy dance. Come on, you two, let’s get this funky old party started.” She grabbed Billy’s arm and tugged, which was funny since Shaz was still planted firmly on his lap.

Shaz glanced down at Billy. His knight had been subjected to enough embarrassment tonight. Shaz waved a hand. “No, sadly the world will be deprived of the Shaz and Billy show.”

Billy glanced around the room. “Look at all these guys staring at the dance floor, wishing they could rock out.”

Suddenly he stood up, still holding Shaz.

Shaz heard an “eep” come out of his own mouth.

“Come on, sweetheart, let’s show them how it’s done.” Billy dropped Shaz’s legs to the floor and pulled him toward the dancers.

Shaz pulled back. “Are you kidding me?” He glanced around the room full of fashion celebrities and movie stars.

Billy grinned. “I think as the Stylist of the Year you need to set a good example. These people are not having nearly enough fun.” The band had struck up a slightly mangled version of the sixties classic, “Do You Love Me.” Billy dragged Shaz onto the dance floor and started boogying on his own a couple of feet away. Dignified, beautifully dressed people on the dance floor stared.

Shaz watched Billy’s big body, dressed impeccably, throw itself into a strut and then a little mashed potato on top. Each time the band singer said “Work, work,” Billy flashed his twerking hips. Shaz applauded. “Okay, I give.”

He jumped in front of Billy and started to dance. They twirled and dipped, shuffled and jerked.

Another couple of guys joined them and then a third pair.

Shaz laughed and twirled around Billy as the band moved on to more sixties classics.

The dance floor got a little quiet, and Shaz noticed a few people stopped dancing. He turned around and saw Rebecca Minkoff come up behind Billy and tap him on the shoulder. Damn, had they gone too far?

Everything slowed down as people watched to see if the Grand Dame of Fashion would chastise Shaz’s date. Billy stopped and faced her, towering over her. “Yes, ma’am?”

“Billy, can you teach me to do that thing with the hips?”

All the watchers laughed, but Billy nodded very seriously. “Of course.” And for the next fifteen minutes, the cream of the fashion industry in California was treated to a twerking lesson involving one seventyish white-haired matriarch and a gay construction worker.

As they walked back to their table, laughing, Shaz felt a hand on his arm. “Mr. Phillips.”

Holy crap
. Shaz stopped dead. “Please call me Shaz, Miss Hershey. And this is my friend, Billy Ballew.” Edie Hershey was one of Nashville’s biggest stars. All hundred and fifty pounds of lamé fringe and big hair. “How do you happen to be in California so far from home?”

“Glad to meet ya both. Billy, I been lookin’ at you all night and wishin’ you were straight.” She laughed low and gutsy. “No offense, Shaz. You got good taste. So I’m actually on vacation. But they invited me to this shindig, and I can never resist anything that looks like shopping.” She laughed again. “So Shaz, you gotta know that I have the fashion sense of a hound dog in heat. I wonder if you think you could do anything for me if I put myself in your hands.”

Oh my. What to say
? He glanced up at Billy.

Billy flashed those dimples. “Ma’am, I gotta tell you, I’m way worse when it comes to clothes than you. And I have a hard body to fit.”

“But it must be plain fun tryin’, huh, Shaz?” She connected an elbow with Shaz’s ribs. Billy blushed, and that made her laugh harder. “But what you’re tellin’ me is that Shaz dressed you to look like this, right? Because, son, you are the picture of class, and I wouldn’t mind a little classin’ up myself.”

Billy nodded. “But you need to keep some of that country flair at the same time.”

“Exactly.” She turned to Shaz. “You got yourself a winner here. So whaddya say? Can you fit me in before I go back to Nashville? I need everything. Day clothes, red carpet stuff, and even a gown or two for the stage.”

Shaz smiled. “I’m sure we can work you in.” He fished for a card. “Do you want to have someone call the office tomorrow?”

“Can’t somebody at your table just fix me up now?”

Holy shit.
She was serious. “Yes, ma’am. I’m sure they can.”

Fifteen minutes later, Edie had her appointments set up on Ru’s tablet, a hug from Billy, and was sweeping out of the gala with her entourage in tow.

Ru shook his head. “We’ve acquired at least six new clients tonight, but that one wins.”

Shaz looked up at Billy. “‘Keep some of her country flair’? Who are you and what have you done with Billy?”

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