Last Hope (2 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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Mandisa disapprove the idea. “Who in
the right mind would dress up as a chicken in a

Thats the whole point
Medusa.” Denis laughs. “How come a funeral are always sad? When I
die make it funny, be gone that I am dead, go to the stipclub and
get drunk, celabrate my death.”

However back in reality no one was
laughing. One of the soldiers from afar was talking to another.
“Isn't those three all from Team 1? The first team to go on a

Yea, and the guy who died
was their leader. He was the funny man in the group.”

How come whenever the funny
guy dies, it’s never funny?”

Mission 3 Lets Get Louder

Igor was telling a story in the dorms
as the new recruits eagerly sit back and listen as if they were all
in grade school and the teacher was telling them a story. “I shot
that Son in right in his leg, and as he try to crawl out of the way
BA-BOOM I blew him up with Mr. Happy.”

Mandisa came from the classroom and
cross her arms. “Don’t forget to tell them the time that you got
wounded on the first mission and I had to take care of you because
you were to much of an idiot to get shot.” The soldiers around them
chuckle a little bit.

Igor blush in embarrassment. “That’s it
everyone, thanks for coming by.”

As the soldiers left Mandisa left out a
little shy. “Don’t get too full of yourself Igor, just because you
gotta pay grade and is in the Heavy Class.”

I’ll try not to Medusa.” Igor said
chuckling a bit. “It’s like he never left, has he?”

Mandisa left out a small light sigh.
“It’s much quieter now, but I am sure if he was here right now. the
two of you would be doing something stupid right about

Igor simply laugh as the alarm starts
to go off. “Air-Raid?” Igor said in question.

As the two of them went outside they
saw one of the airplanes getting ready for take off, then it jetted
out side to the air. In the War-Room it was being track. Apparently
enemy aircraft was in a no fly zone so Commander sent out an
airplane to take it down.

Commander, enemy aircraft
has been taken down but enemy forces have begun a search party.”
One of the soldiers told Commander as he was watching the whole
thing on screen.

Tell Igor Vasilyev,
Katarina Chepurnova, Mandisa Dubazana, to get ready for their next

Sir that is only three
soldiers, four makes a squad. Who should be the new

Commander thought about it for a little
bit then Commander had an answer. “Elat, Jayaraman.”

Me?” Elat said with worry
as she look confuse.

That’s right squirt,
Commander ask for you by name. Why you look so confuse?” Igor ask
with a smile.

Well it’s just that, I have
not finish my training yet, and I am still very shy.” Elat blush
from embarrassment.

Igor gave Elat a pat on her back, with
a warm smile. “As long as you stay by my side, you won’t

Mandisa chuckle a bit. “They won’t be
able to hit around you, you are so big.”

I’M NOT FAT!” Igor shouts
back. “You try carry a RPG and see that you are skinny.”

Katarina was already inside the
airplane waiting to get a move on. “Would you two lovebirds stop
your bitching and get your damn ass inside the plane

The three of them kept quiet, until
Elat broke the silence. “Is she a bully?”

Igor gave the answer for Elat. “She is
just down that she lost someone who meant alot to her, that’s just
all. It’s only been a day so she had no time to rest. Keep your
distance from her in battle. Since she is a sniper she can take
care of herself.” The three of them also got into the airplane and
it was ready for take off. “By the way Elat, you sound really young
and very polite. How old are you?”

I’m 18, my family is very
rich and in my family the men always goes to war. Since my mother
only had me, I went instead.

War runs into your blood,
you will do just fine.” Igor says with a smile.

As they land, all four of them got
outside and step into the muddy grass. “Careful everyone. With this
muddy grass, try not to step in the deep part of it, you will never
be able to escape if you are under fire.” Igor moves behind a cliff
and spots one son. “I see one.”

Mandisa moves next to Igor and spots
another. “I found his friend. Targeting target.” She fires at
target and kills it. “One down.”

Igor was in surprise at how fast she
took down the enemy. “Remind me not to piss you off.”

Yet you always do.” She
told him with a smile. The other enemy moves forward, Igor shoots
at the enemy with his LMG, blew up part of a log but miss target,
mandisa got shot instead. GOD DAMMIT IGOR, WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST


Katarina took aim with her sniper rifle
and fire. She was able to kill her target with a headshot. “Come on
you two, stop arguing and let’s get a move on.” She told them as
she moves ahead a little bit more.

Igor look at Mandsia and in a more
calmer voice. “Can you move?”

Yea, I’ll be just fine.
Let’s just not let that happen again.” She told Igor with a

As the two of them continue to make way
to the fallen enemy aircraft Elat move towards Katarina. “You are a
sniper specialist?” Katarina does not reply. “I like Sniper Rifles
as well. Uh, Katarina, may I ask you something? Were you scared,
when you got your first kill? On your first mission?”

Katarina stop and did not say anything
for a little while. With a sigh she turn around to Elat and look
down on her with a sad expression on her face. She lay her hand on
Elat’s head and in a calm voice. “If We could change the age, I
would like it to be 21. You Elat, bless your heart, you are too
pure for a place like war. You just graduated from school then you
go into water to learn how to kill. Elat, after this mission I want
you to give your family a call, tell them that you love them dearly
and that you will see them very soon.” Katarina made another small
pause, this time she gave a warm smile. “You are with friends who
will protect you Elat. no matter what happens Elat, stay pure.
Don’t let war take over your soul, like it did mine.”

Mandisa moves next to Igor and spots
two more. “Enemy spotted!” Mandisa shouts. Enemy tries to sneak
from the left, Igor threw a grenade, blowing up the rock, not
killing the enemy, did wound it. Mandisa moves up closer and kills
target. “Always cleaning up after you arent I?” Mandisa said with a

Elat moves ahead a little bit and took
out last guy. Igor congratulated Elat on her first kill. “Nice job
Elat, keep that up and you will be as good as me in no

As soon as Igor said that Mandisa made
a snappy come back and he two of them starts to argue again. Elat
look confuse at the two of them. “Those two are married right?”
Elat ask.

Katarina Shook her head. “They will

Igor moves closer to the crash site. as
he hears some noise coming from inside. Igor moves closer to the
craft, spots one more son. “I see him!”

Enemy fires from inside the craft
killing Elat.

Elie!” Katarina cried out.
As she saw her friend falling to her death, she couldn't take her
rage anymore and ran up to the aircraft and threw a grenade inside
the aircraft. killing the last target.

Both Mandisa and Igor was in shock at
just how fast Elat died and to see Katarina’s rage. “That’s it?”
Mandisa ask with a bit of a frog in her throat. “Elat died like
that!? She was so young!” Mandisa buried her head into Igor’s chest
as she starts to cry.

Igor shed a tear as well as he spoke in
his mind. “Yep, war had just started to show us just how
unforgiving it truly is.” As he said that, he look over at Katarina
who was standing tall breathing heavily at what she had just

Back over at B.A.S.E everyone
congratulates Mandisa as she became a Corporal. However she had to
spend seven days in Sic-Mad. As she was in Sic-Mad Igor stop by for
a visit. “How you doing Maddie?”

Maddie now?” Mandisa ask
with laughter.

Medusa was kind of Denis
thing, and I thought it was rude of me to steal that name from

At least our leader is no
longer alone now.”

Igor gave a slight smile. “Now he has a
beautiful young girl who is shy but strong spirit to look after him
now.” As Igor look out the window of Mandisa’s room his smile went
away as he saw Katarina walking around by herself. “However, there
is one who is alone though.”

Mandisa saw Katarina from the distance.
“Go talk to her.”

You sure?”

Two people that she cared
about had pass away. We are the only ones she has left, talk to
her. I’ll be fine here.”

Will do, Corporal
Dubazana.” Igor said with a smile as he went outside to meet up
with Katarina.

Mission 4 VIP

Igor was in his barracks when Mandisa
came through the doors Mandisa. “Corporal, how was your week

Boring, I was the only one
there, but the nurses was cute, and the food was not that bad.
Better than the food that we get in the lunchroom that’s for sure.”
Mandisa told Igor as she sits next to him.

Well then, maybe on my next
mission I will make sure to get myself shot so I could try some of
the food.” Igor says with a smile.

Mandisa return a fake smile back. “I
could make you meet them earlier then you would expect?”

Igor kind of gave a chuckle laugh as he
put his hand behind the back of his head. “No thanks, I was only
kidding.” When Igor finish laughing, he ask Mandisa how Katarina
was doing and how life it is being a corporal.

Mandisa gave a little sigh as she
thought about Igor’s question. “Since I am a Corporal now, I don’t
live with the rest of the females anymore. Now I live in an Assault
barracks just for Corporals and females only.”

Taking the sweet life while
the rest of us is all down in the barracks eating MREs while you
are eating steak dinners?” Igor said with a little bit of

Aw, poor baby.” Mandisa
told Igor as she pinch his cheek. “You will become a Corporal

The two of them left the barracks to go
for a walk when a new female soldier walk by them. “Hi there Igor.”
She said with a smile and a wave.

Take care Sandra and good
luck on your mission.” Igor said back with a wave.

Mandisa chuckle a bit. “Who was

Her name is Sandra Jones,
she is making great work here. She started the day you had to go to
Sic-Mad and has not stop working since. Going on every mission that
she can.”

She seems nice.” Mandria
said kind of sarcastically.

She is.” Igor reply back,
in a daze before coming to his senses. “I’m sorry what did you
say?” Mandisa ignore Igor and walk away. “What did I

Over at the War Room Commander was
telling Mandisa about her next mission. “The Council had told me
that there is a VIP in danger, I want you to go pick three soldiers
that you want to go on this mission.”

Igor Vasilyev, Katarina
Chepurnova, and Sergio Soto sir!”

Can’t have Sergio Soto, he
became sick just three days ago and is not feeling too well to be
on another mission, however I do have another soldier that you can

Over at the mission. The place was at a
broken down freeway. Igor, Mandisa and Katarina all got out of the
aircraft along with the new soldier. “Juan!” Igor shouts. “Stick
next to me and I won’t let anything bad hap-”

Before he could finish his sentence
Katarina sucker punch him in his face. “That’s what you told Elat
last time as well.”

Mandisa quickly came in the way between
Katarina and Igor. “Would you two watch yourself, we are on a
mission here. How are we suppose to kill the enemy if we can barely
stop each other from killing ourselves!?”

As the three of them started to argue
and fight amongst each other. Juan Perez located one of the missing
soldiers. “Thank God you guys were able to make it. Van Doorm is up
ahead, he has a broken leg and can’t move. We were driving by when
one of those Sons came out of nowhere with an RPG. We tried to
fight back but it was no use. Van Doorm is still back there alive
but he is not going to last forever. Please hurry.” Juan Gave the
soldier a nod then stood up. “Who are you guys? I never seen your
equipment before. Juan did not answer as he moves forward and spots
one of the Sons.

Igor, Mandisa and Katarina did not stop
fighting amongst themselves until they heard Juan cough from poison
gas that was launch at him.Juan got hit by poison gas. “JUAN!” Igor
calls out as he rushes to his aid. The target moves and Igor was
able to kill his target with his LMG. “Juan are you ok!?” Juan
cough some more but gave a thumb up. Igor rushes ahead a little bit
to find one more badguy. Target moves, everyone opens fire and
miss. There was a slight pause in the air. “That did not just
happen, did we all miss one target?” Igor ask himself. Before he
could get out of the trance, he got shot. “God dammit!” He cries in
pain as he fires again but miss. Mandisa took aim again and miss.
Katerina fires and hit him, but did not do a lot of damage. Juan
moves out in the open and threw a grenade, killed the target. “I
like this kid. Igor told everyone as he saw the bravery that Juan

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