Last Hope (25 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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Laser technology is not
that far ahead of us Juan!” Katrina told him. “We can use lasers to
cut metal and under water. It won’t be long before we start using
lasers in war!”

Mandisa moves forward, found the mech,
she rapid fires on it. The mech fires a laser at Mandisa, miss.
“This thing may have upgraded itself to have a laser, but its
really inactive and takes some time to fire. Let’s use this to our
advantage!” Mandisa move out of the way, the mech fre another laser
at her but miss. She rapid fire on the mech again.

Sandra move to where Mandisa was, fire
at the mech but miss. The mech fire a laser at Mandisa, miss, then
fire one at Sandra but miss. Mandisa rapid fire on the mech some
more. Sandra fire at the mech again, hit. Juan tries to move behind
the mech, the mech spots him, fires a laser but miss. The mech
starts scanning the ground, looking at Mandisa. Sandra fire at the
mech, destroyers it. “That thing may have a laser cannon, but it
can’t for crap. Looks like they focus on getting the mech out on
the field faster, than having a good quality mech.”

Mandisa just let out a slight sigh to
catch her breath. “Let’s just hope they don’t upgrade it’s armor
anymore, thats one thing the Sons lack. There armor.”

Two sons appear, Martine fire at one,
miss, Kato fire at the other one, miss. “Sandra ran behind a few
rocks. “Let’s just hope that is the case Mandisa!” Sandra told her
as she reloads.

Mandisa rapid fire at one of them, hit
but not kill. Martine toss a grenade at the son that Mandisa hit,
blowing up its cover, almost killing it. Kato fire at the son with
no cover, kills it, the other son retreats. The other son comes
back, everyone fire at it but it does not die, the son runs behind
the squad. Katrina ends it with a headshot. “What was this one
thinking?” Katrina ask as she walk over to the son and found that
the son was wearing a bomb vest.

Juan and Mandisa prepare to enter a
door. Martine enter the aircraft, nothing. Martine hear sounds
outside the aircraft. “Wait, before we all head in and clear this
place. I swear I hear some sounds coming from outside. Let’s head
back out and see if there is any more activity, so we won’t get
flank from both sides.” Martine goes outside found two elite
heavys. “I knew I heard some strange shit coming over

Katrina shot across Map, hit but not
kill. Juan rapid fire on the elite heavy that Katrina hit, almost
kills it. Mandisa kills it. The other elite heavy runs right next
to Martine, Kato shot at it across map with a pistol, hit. Katrina
shot at the elite heavy, hit but not kill. Kato rapid fire on the
elite heavy, miss. Sandra move up a little, fire at the elite
heavy, the elite heavy try to escape but got shot at while
escaping, barely alive. Juan rapid fire on the elite heavy, miss.
Mandisa kills it

Everyone enters the aircraft. There was
no other sons inside the aircraft until everyone get ready to
breach the last door. “Is everyone ready for this?” Mandisa ask her
squad. “Check to see if your weapons are loaded or not. Martine, go
to the side. If we open this door and find hostiles insides. Use
your rocket launcher to blow a hole in the side and flank them over
there.” Martine gave a nod and ran to the side of the wall. “On my
mark, one, two, three, mark!” Mandisa open the door and rush inside
where she found a son that was different than the rest. He was
sitting in a chair, waiting from them. Along side him was two
elites. “Freeze!”

It’s so good to see you
Mandisa, are you feeling well?” The strange son ask.

How do you know my

I know all of your names,
we have been watching you ever since you started your X project.
You come such a long way.”

Now we get to see you take
you in.”

The strange son just laugh, I don’t
think it’s going to work like that. Either you kill me, or I kill
you and your friends.”

What do you

I want the truth, just like
you do. I wan’t to know just why you were rape by your cousion when
you were only thirteen.” The strange son look over at Sandra. “I
want to know why your parents left you when you were young.” The
son look over to Katrina. “I want to know why you murder your whole
family.” The strange son did not say anything for a while, as the
son only smile. “Mandisa Dubazana, join the Sons of Liberty, help
build a better future for tomorrow, today.”

I’ll never join you.”
Mandisa told the son in a cold tone as she fire upon him, he took
two critical blows.

Sounds like things are
getting hot in there.” Martine fire a rocket from the side of the
room to flank them.

Katrina killed a elite heavy with a
headshot, then shot at the other one but did not kill it. Sandra
inside, rapid fire on the last elite heavy, kills it. Juan rush
inside rapid fire on strange son and kills it. “He’s dead.” He told
everyone with shock.

Martine came through the whole he
created. “Did I miss all the fun?” He ask as he found the strange
son. “Was that the boss?”

No.” Mandisa said in
silent. He was only the messenger.”

Sandra walk pass the strange son and
found some blueprints. “Check this out. Looks like they were
studying our aircrafts all this time. The way we flew, how we
fought. Looks like they were trying to build a better

Lets take that back to
B.A.S.E. Have Commander look at it.” Katrina told Sandra. When the
whole squad left the fallen aircraft. Mandisa stay inside as she
stare at the lifeless body of the son who knew her past. She shot
him in the face one more time before leaving.

Back on B.A.S.E, Commander was looking
through the blueprints i the war Room. “This explains why they were
not attacking us for so long.” Commander told himself when the news
came on.

This just in, a giant ship
is hovering over the city. It’s nothing that anyone has ever seen
before. As everyone in the city goes outside to see this amazing

Is that?” Commander
assistant ask in awe.

Oh no.” Commander told
himself as the ship starts to fire upon the city. “I want our
scientist to study these blueprints. We are not going to go after
that ship until I know for a fact that our airplanes are ready.
This is it everyone. It’s almost over!”

Sandra became a colonel and this time
no one had to go to Sic-Mad. However no one was celebrating with a
drink either. Mandisa and Sandra were both in their rooms as
Mandisa was trying hard not to cry. Sandra was trying to comfort
her. “It’s ok Mandisa, it’s all over now.”

They know Sandy, they know
about my past. The same past that is suppose to be erased when we
came in here!” Mandisa told Sandra as she starts to cry.

I don’t know how they know
about your past, or mine, or Katrina, but it’s almost over
Mandisa.” sandra told Mandisa with a hug.

Mission 32 Communication

The rumor that there is a traitor
walking around B.A.S.E. quickly spread. While no one would point
anyone out. There has been more locks on lunch boxes then there has
ever been. It is as if. Stealing someone lunch will prove that you
are the traitor. Mandisa, Sandra, Katrina, and Kato did not like
how the place was going and all went to Sandra and Mandisa’s room
to talk about things. “This whole place has went to the looney
bin.” Sandra told everyone. “Just a few days ago, everyone was
patting each other on their backs. Free love was going around the
place. Not to sound like a slut but even Maxim deny me recently.”
While everyone was staring at her with a blank face she blush a
little and turn her head away from the others. “I need to relive my
hormones, you know how it is.”

Mandisa agree with Sandra. “She is
right. Everyone want to find out who the traitor is. The person you
are willing to take the bullet for, may be the one who is pulling
the trigger.”

Katrina came into the conversation.
“What do you suppose we do?”

I say we need to be the
strong leaders. Katrina and I have been here since the very
beginning. We seen each one of you rise from being just a normal
recruit to who you are now. Kato, when you first came here, you
spoke to no one but to your brother who also did not spoke. Then he
died and along came Gary. An idiot but was brave. He gave up his
own life to save his fellow comrades many of times. During that one
mission where you two were in, and Gary failed to save his teammate
you two ended up having sex to release your hormones. Upon which
you got pregnant but then decided not to keep the

Kato blush a little as she place her
hand on her belly. “Thanks for reminding me of my past

Sorry about that Kato, my
point is just that. It’s hard to fathom that any one of these
soldiers could be the traitor after seeing them grow

Katrina was staring at Kato for a while
before she spoke. “There are about 143 different things that will
get you kick out of the military. I’m going to narrow those things
into two categories. The first one is being stupid. The seconded
one is being fat. Now Kato. We all know you are not an idiot, but
you have been getting larger every month.”

I’m not overweight!” Kato
blurts out. “sorry about that, it’s just that. I guess after losing
my child, I went into a eating habit and I can’t stop. I have been
trying but it’s not. The max weight I can be is 179 pounds and I
only weigh 153 pounds.” Kato pause for a bit. “I have been getting
fat.” Kato told herself.

When you came in Kato,
wrent you 134 pounds?”

So I gain some weight, I’ll
lose it.” Kato told Katrina as she ate some snacks out of

Sandra was drifting off to space, when
Mandisa call her name a few time to wake her up. “Sandra, wake, up.
What’s on your mind?”

I couldn't help but think
at what the Son was telling us. The son knew our past. He knew that
my parents left me, he knew that.” Sandra pause because she did not
wanted to bring up what the strange son told everyone. “I just
don’t understand how this son knows all that? When we all sign up
for this, we made a pledge to erase our past when we join this
organization. Don’t ask, don’t tell. I don’t think any of the new
recruits would be able to get such information.”

Katrina but in the conversation. “I
hope you are not trying to silently point one of us out are you

No I’m not. It’s just, for
someone to know that much, must have more power than any of the
soldiers here.” Sandra pause some more. “I am not trying to point
my finger at anyone, I am just saying, for the enemy to know that
information there has to be an inside job. It also has to be
someone who is able to get that information in the first place. I
just don’t think that Adam will be able to retrieve that much
information then lets say Gary who has been here a lot longer.
Let’s face it, has not been on a lot of missions and is still a low
rank compare to the rest of us.”

Kato stood up in Gary’s defense. “Gary
is not a traitor!”

I never said that he was
Kato! All I said was that the soldiers who have been here the
longest are the ones with the bigger target on their

Just like Juan, Martine,
soldiers who fought and protect us, you are just going to throw
them under the bus?”

I’m not throwing anyone
under the buss here! All I am trying to say is that you and
everyone else here should be more careful at who you tell your
darkest secrets to!”

How am I suppose to go on a
mission with a leader who does not even trust her own soldiers!”
Kato told Sandra as she left the room and slamming the door. Sandra
was in speechless as Karina let out a small sigh and left the room
as well.

Over at the War Room the Council was
talking to Commander about how he did with the blueprints. “Good
work Commander on the finding of the blueprints. Now about this new
aircraft. It’s a floating carrier. Any idea how to take it down

Not yet, the blueprints
were not about a flying career but it was how to improve our
current aircraft that we have now. I believe if we create a small
team of about four planes, we can hit the carrier with our stealth
technology. Council, this war is almost over. As soon as we are
able to take down this monster, this war will soon be

Good work Commander, for
your next task-”

Commander lost communications with the
Council. “What happen?” Commander asking his assistant.

We don’t know, it appears
one of our communications towers have been taken over.”

Send in the same team from
the last mission over there to check it out. I want the
communications tower back up and running in a few

While on the aircraft to head over
there. No one spoke to each other. No one look at each other in the
eye. The very thought of it could had started a fight. When they
land Katrina moves forward, found three sons. One son try to climb
on top of a building, everyone fire at it, kills it, another son
poisons Kato. Sandra kills the son that poison Kato. “Does that
prove to you Kato, that I do trust you? That I am willing to take
someones life to save yours?” Kato didn't said anything but she
acknowledged the actions that Sandra did for her. Kato run forward
to find new cover, found three more, got shot at. “I can’t save you
if you are going to kill yourself!” Sandra shouts as she reloads.
Katrina goes into a the open, got shot at four times, miss. Martine
got shot at twice, hit once. One son try to run, Mandisa fire at
it, light damage, the son then return fire, hit Mandisa. Sandra
rush over to cover, got shot at but miss, then found two more sons.
“They really had this place on lockdown.” She told herself. She
fire at the son that hit Mandisa and kills it. “I’m not going to
let what happen to you in the past happen again Mandisa.” She told

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