Last Hope (7 page)

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Authors: Jesse Quinones

Tags: #jesse quinones, #last hope, #mre380, #x project

BOOK: Last Hope
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I can hit you if that is
what you are trying to say!” Adriand told David.

Guys!” Estela cries out. If
all of you stay alive, I may got a plan that could work. Try not to
kill one another!” Both heavy’s fire at the there same target again
and this time, both of them miss. Estela fire a rocket launcher,
and killed the heavy that was giving David and Adrian a hard

Jesus Christ Estela!”
Adrian call out as he saw the explosion. “Overkill much? Remind me
not to get you angry.”

You already have!” Estela
told Adrian.

Jordan moves forward behind a rock. He
fire at his heavy that was still alive. He hit the heavy, it look
like it hurt a lot but the heavy is still alive and gets mad.
Adrien moves closer next to a log, fire at the heavy with pistol,
does light damage. The heavy falls back. “He’s on the run!” Adrian
told everyone.

Adrien moves forward, founds the heavy
that runaway. The heavy fire at Adrien, adrien got hit but it was
only light damage. Adrian fires back with pistol, does light
damage, the heavy gets mad and retreats some more. “Is this guy
going to fight or just run away all the time now?” Jordan spots the
runaway. Adrian moves forward, the heavy shoots at Adrian but hits
a tree instead. “Shit that was close.” David sprints to get a
better view. He fires but miss the heavy. Jordan moves up a little,
and also miss the heavy. Adrian lines up sights, kills the heavy
with his sniper rifle. “For fuck sake, that took forever.” Adren
said out of breath.

Both Jordan and Estela storm inside the
aircraft. Estela opens a door, spots three men inside. Three more,
men inside.” Estela told Jordan. Estela quickly got hit by some
poison gas. “These asswholes, I forgot.” Jordan moves across room,
got shot at but miss. Adrian moves up a bit, fire pistol at one of
the three men he hit one of them but only did light damage. Estella
moves to the other side of the door, got shot at but miss. Enemy
fire at Adrian, and miss him. However another enemy fire at Jordan
and was able to hit him. Jordan fire back but miss. Arden took aim,
killed target with a headshot using a sniper rifle. Estella quickly
moves inside the room, got shot at but they miss her. She quickly
throws a grenade and kills the last two remaining guys. “Rune!”
Estela calls out. “There is only one place left, we all know that
the Elite is going to be in there. It’s up to you. I know you kind
of vanish behind the shadows, so far, you are the only one who can
take this Elite alive.” Rune gave a nod and open the net door.
Turns out, it was an empty room.

Great.” Estela said with a
sigh. “Where is he?”

I found one more door!”
David opens the last door to found where the elite was hiding. Rune
tries to get near the target, got shot at and dies.

Seeing Rune enter the last room, only
to come back out with a dead face, Estela was speechless.
“Seriously? That is how Rune is going to die? He was just a scared
young soldier and he died like that!” Without thinking Estela
storms inside, she quickly unloads her LMG into the elite and
killed him. Commander was on headshot yelling at Estela.

What were you thinking! We
need one of those pilots alive!”

What was I thinking? I was
thinking that I just saw one of my men getting killed. He was the
only one who could had kept that fucking piece of shit alive, now
he is dead. So I took action and killed his killer sir! We can
always run into a new one later!” Both Jordan, David, and Adrian
said nothing as they watch Estela storm out of the aircraft in
anger. Despite Estela acting out of line, she get promoted to a
Corporal and is only in Sic-Mad for three days. Jordan is in there
for two with David is stuck inside there for four days.

Over at the ball Sara was looking kind
of worry. She kept looking around as if she was trying to find
someone. “What’s wrong Princess?” Sandra ask Sara.

When is Estela coming back?
Sara ask.

Mandisa, Katrina and Sandra all look
around the place. The only other soldier who was at the ball who
also left on the mission was Adrien. Katrina and Sandra walk over
to him. Mandisa gave a fake smile to Sara. “I am sure that Alpha
and Devil Dog will find her.”

Adrean was talking to Kato who wanted
no word from him. “It was a tough mission and all, nothing that I
couldn't handle though.” He said as he slowly put his arm around
hers. Kato quickly threw alcohol on his face and walk

Sandra just chuckle while shaking her
head sideways. “You really are an idiot, aren't you? Females
soldiers love to gossip with one another, her brother, Sato died in
battle, so I don’t think she want’s to get swept up by, whatever
you are suppose to be.”

Adrean just made a little grunt noise.
“What can I do for you two ladies? What do I have the pleasure of
having the two most high rank soldiers, talking to a grunt like me

Katrina sat next to Adrian and starts
to rub his leg all nice and softly. “Despite you being an idiot, we
heard that you are a genius in some places.” Katrina spoke so

Oh really?” Adriean gave a
little chuckle. “I don’t like to brag, but I think I can show you a
few things.”

Katrina whispers in Adriean ears. “You
know what I love to do with balls?” She ask him as she moves her
hand closer to his privates. “I love the feel of them on my hands.”
Adriean who was enjoying this, quickly did not. When Katrina grabs
them. “I also love to squeeze them as hard as I can. Now what
happen to Estela?”

Adrian tries hard not to cry. “She, is
ok, she is in Sic-mad for three days.”

Katrina let go of Adriean. “Don’t
worry, there is enough girls at this party you might get one drunk,
but I don’t think your performance is going to be all too well.
Don’t worry, the girl that you do get into bed with tonight will
probably be too drunk to remember it anyway. Tell me something,
what’s worst for a mans ego? A girl not remembering how well the
sex was? Or that the man could not perform?”

You bitch.” Adriean told
Katrina while he was still in pain.

As Katrina and Sandra walk back over to
Sara and mandisa, Sara eyes quickly light up. “ESTELA!” She rushes
over to the entrance of the ball to give Estela a giant

Hey princess. I told you
that I will protect you and your castle.” Estela told Sara as she
gave her a giant hug.

Mission 11 Hangover

The following day. After the ball, more
than half of the soldiers had woken up from hangovers. It was the
first time in a long time that the soldiers in B.A.S.E could unwind
and let it all out. Even though Estela was not the same rank as
Katrina, Sandra, and Madnisa, she spent the night over at their
barracks. With Sara as well. The four of them all spent the night
together. Over at the guys barracks Chavez and Frederick were just
waking up when there pagers starts to go off. “Could someone turn
off that damn alarm?” Chavez said to no one.

Why don’t you get off your
fat ass to do it?” Frederick mumbles.

Chavez roll over on his bed to grab his
pager. “Oh crap, looks like I got some work to do.”

Fredrick also grab his pager as well.
“Look like you and I are going to be on the same mission together.”
Fredrick got up out of his bed to try to wake himself up. “No any
good tricks to get rid of a hangover Chav?”

I have been told if you
throw your head in a bucket of ice for five seconds that will get
rid of your hangover.”

You are full of shit you
know that right?” Frederick told Chavez with a laughter.

Fredrick and Chavez eventually made it
to the aircraft where they ran into Kalsen, Adrien, and Kato.
“ADRIEN!” Chavez said very joyfully and loudly. “I was told from
Sandra that you were scaring every girl at the ball, even Kato who
happens to go on this mission right now.”

How do you know Sandra and
the other girls?” Adriena ask with surprise.

I am a flirt, like you. I
love flirting with the ladies, but unlike you. I am actually

Oh fuck you Chavez, get on
the plane and let’s hurry and get going.” Chavez walk by Kato when
he gave her a smile and kato couldn't help but to return a smile
back. Adrien was in shock at how Kato, who does not smile to
anyone, would smile to Chavez.

Oh yea one more thing.”
Chavez said as all five of them got into the plane. “It’s great to
be working with you Song, hope we get to work together

Song gave a slight smile. “Thank you, I
hope that we get to work together more as well.” Chavez look back
at Adrien who only look away from Chavez in disgust.

As the five of them made it to there
destination. Adrien scout up ahead upon which he spot two Son
inside of a building.”I see two of them inside.” Adreian told

Alright thanks, I’ll see
what kind of shots that I can get with my rifle.” Frederick moves
next to Adrien upon which he found three heavies. “We got some
heavies over here!” Song rush to cover, got shot at light but she
did not got hurt that badly. She toss a grenade, did not kill her
target. Chavez miss the same target that Song try to kill with a
grenade. He fire again and was able to kill it.

One heavy burst down a door, Kato fire
at it but miss the target surprising Kato.

Kato!” Chavez called out to
her. “It happens to the best of it, get your head in the game and
try again.

Another target rushes to cover, Adrian
fires at it with sniper rifle, hit but not kill. “Miss target.”
Adrian aims agian, fires, and still miss his target.

Song takes out a rocket launcher and
fire a rocket inside the building. Killing the already wounded
heavy. When she did that, two more appear. Kato rushes inside while
it was still clear. Another heavy rush through the same door as the
first one, Kato fire, but only did light damage to the heavy. The
heavy that Kato hit must not even felt the impact because he starts
to lay down fire at Song. The other heavy also fire at song but
miss. Adrian took aim at the heavy that was still surprising Song
with a sniper rifle. He hit the heavy but did not kill the heavy.
That heavy stop firing at Song. “Thank you Adrian!” Song told

Kato took aim at the heavy that Adrien
fire at and was able to kill the heavy. Frederick, moves along the
wall, killed the last heavy that was in the building. After that
there was silence. “That’s it right?” Frederick said with laughter.
“How many heavys did we just kill?”

Chavez walk near Frederick with
laughter. “When we get back I will make sure to tell Commander what
you did and give you a medal. How is everyone? everyone doing all
right?” Everyone nod their head yes. “All right, we got a few more
places to search before we can call it a day. Lets get this over
with.” Chavez reloads his gun.

As the five of them surround the next
building. One enemy tries to rush by. Song notice it, shot at the
enemy and almost killed him. Adrian, with his quick reflexes, turn
around and killed Song’s target. “Looks like you owe me one now.”
Adrien told Song with a smile. Song only smiles back.

Kato rushes to the next building, and
killed the next target using the rest of the ammo in her clip.
Fredrick rushes into the same building. Last heavy rush inside the
building, three people fire on it but only one of the three
actually hit the heavy. but only did light damage. Both Adrian and
Kato has to reload their weapons.”Say goodnight heavy.” Frederick
told the heavy as Frederick toss a grenade but did not kill the
heavy. Song moves around in building, fire at target but miss. Song
is more surprised at how many times that she keeps on missing her
target. Chavez, killed the last heavy with a rocket. “Now, may we
all go home now?” Chavez said with a sigh.

Not yet, not all the rooms
have been check yet.” Kato runs to next room, spots three more. One
of the target shoots at Adriean and wounds him.

One target comes from outside, Kato
fire but only did light damage. Frederick goes inside, fire at one
of the targets but miss. Frederick, Kato, and song all got fire
upon, but lucky each one of them dodge the bullet. Frederick moves
around the place, killed one of the targets inside.

Chavez moves to next room, toss a
grenade, did not kill the last target that was inside the building.
Song moves around to get to better cover, she got shot at but miss.
Chavez was able to kill the last target inside the building.The
last target that was outside ran inside. Kato fire at the target
but she did not kill her target. Over in the corner where Adriean
got wounded at was slowly bleeding out. “Hey Kato, sorry about your
loss of your brother, I never really met him. However I would like
to tell you that inside the men barracks, he was well like and
we'll respect, even though he never really spoke a single word.”
After saying that Adriean slowly bleed to death. Kato, who was
trying to hold back her tears just unleash everything that she had
left in her clip onto her target and killed her target.

Kato’s target was long dead after the
first few bullets that Kato fire at him. However kato kept firing
away. Even when she was all out of bullets, she kept holding down
her trigger as if she still had bullets left in. Chavez walk over
to Kato and put a hand on her soldier. “It’s done.” He said in a
calm voice. there was nothing but silence as the four of them carry
Adrian's dead body back to the aircraft.

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