Legacy of Desire (19 page)

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Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Legacy of Desire
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‘I’ve got this godson back in the States. He’s eight months old now, and incredibly cute. His mother’s my best friend. Although she’s got loads of photos I thought it would be neat if I sent her a drawing of Sam taken from a photograph. I know she’ll love it.’

Davina hesitated. ‘I don’t usually do portraits.’

‘Hey, I don’t expect it to be spot on, just an overall impression. Eight months is such a lovely age. He’s all chubby and a completely blank canvas. When he’s a teenager it might help keep his mother sane!’ She laughed.

‘I’ll do my best. Do you have the photo with you?’

‘Sure.’ Tanya reached inside the pocket of her jacket and a look of dismay crossed her face. ‘Heck, I was sure I’d brought my wallet with me, and the picture’s in it. Tell you what, I’ll go back and fetch it. It won’t take me five minutes. By the way, I’ll pay you handsomely for this, I’m not expecting it as a favour.’

Davina felt uncomfortable. ‘Honestly, you don’t have to pay me. Surely we know each other too well for that.’

‘We know each other pretty well,’ conceded Tanya. ‘All the same, I don’t believe that you should use your friends. It’d be like asking Jay to act as our lawyer without us paying him a fee.’

Davina smiled. ‘Somehow I can’t imagine that happening.’

‘No, because we wouldn’t dare ask him,’ laughed Tanya. ‘Look, wait there and I’ll run and get the photo.’

Davina shook her head. ‘It’s all right, I’ll come back to the house with you and collect it. Otherwise you’ll be doing the walk three times.’

‘It’s not that far,’ protested Tanya.

‘It’s far enough, and it looks like rain.’

Tanya looked at Davina, who was struck by the
seriousness of her expression. ‘Are you really sure you want to come back to the house with me, Davina?’

‘Of course, I wouldn’t have offered otherwise.’ She was surprised that Tanya wasn’t more grateful. If anything Todd’s wife looked uncomfortable, uneasy, as though what Davina had suggested wasn’t what she’d have chosen. Since Davina couldn’t think of any possible reason for this she decided that she must be imagining it. Together the two women made their way to the house. To Davina’s surprise the front door was open. ‘That’s a bit careless, isn’t it?’ she asked.

‘I knew I wouldn’t be gone long,’ explained Tanya, pushing on the door then standing back to let Davina through in front of her.

Rather puzzled by Tanya’s attitude, Davina walked into the hall. As the front door slammed shut she was suddenly grabbed from behind by Jay and Todd who each caught hold of one of her arms and then, half-lifting her off her feet, bundled her unceremoniously down the hallway and through into the main drawing room. With a cry of alarm Davina began to kick out.

‘Hey, calm down,’ said Jay firmly. ‘We’re not kidnapping you.’

‘Let go of me,’ shouted Davina. ‘I’ve come here to get a photo from Tanya. What are you two playing at?’ Neither man replied, but when Davina saw that Tanya had followed them into the room and was closing the door behind them she stared at her in disbelief. ‘You set this up, didn’t you?’

‘I’m sorry,’ murmured Tanya. ‘It’ll be all right, I promise you. You’ll enjoy yourself.’

‘I want to go home, now,’ shouted Davina.

‘If you’re still saying that in ten minutes then I’ll open the door for you myself,’ murmured Jay, as Pattie rose from a chair at the far end of the room.

‘You managed it then?’ she said to Tanya. ‘I wasn’t sure she’d come.’

this?’ Davina’s bewilderment was increasing with every second that passed.

‘We decided it was time you joined us in one of our games,’ said Jay.

‘Don’t I have any say in the matter?’ asked Davina, still struggling.

‘Come on, relax,’ Todd urged her. ‘We’re all going to have a terrific time.’

‘I prefer to choose how I enjoy myself,’ retorted
Davina, and as she felt Jay’s hand start to unfasten her dress she kicked out at him.

‘Blindfold her,’ he said curtly.

‘No, don’t!’ protested Davina.

‘Listen, honey,’ Todd whispered in her ear. ‘There’s nothing to be afraid of. You’re going to have a really great time, but if you blow it now you might lose everything, and by everything I don’t only mean the cottage.’

Davina knew exactly what he meant; he meant Jay, that she’d lose Jay as well. Abruptly she realised that Todd was right, she didn’t want that to happen. Jay had completely changed her life and the prospect of never seeing him again didn’t bear thinking about.

‘All right,’ she whispered. ‘But if I don’t enjoy the game …’

‘You can go,’ said Jay, and the room went dark as a black satin band was pulled over her eyes.

Instinctively she stiffened. ‘Easy, honey,’ murmured Jay, his mouth against her ear, and as he spoke she felt hands undressing her. Her clothes were swiftly removed and Jay pushed her gently to the ground. She realised that someone had laid cushions on the floor because
her body relaxed against the soft plumpness of them. For a few minutes she was left alone, but she could hear the sound of clothes falling to the ground as the others undressed.

‘The girls are going to use you to show us what they want us to do to them,’ explained Todd. Davina didn’t understand at first. Then she felt someone blowing on her nipples, and as they stiffened delicate fingers pulled at the tips and she arched her upper body.

‘Do that to me,’ she heard Tanya say, and heard too Jay’s murmured assent. She was forced to lie, silent and alone, as Jay presumably carried out Tanya’s instructions because she heard Todd’s wife’s tiny sighs of pleasure. She hated being abandoned like this, especially since she couldn’t even see, and without thinking she started to pull on her own nipples, but just as the pleasure began Todd’s hands restrained her.

‘You’ll get your turn,’ he promised her. ‘For now you mustn’t touch yourself at all.’

‘I’ll show you what
want,’ Davina heard Pattie say. This time Davina’s legs were parted and Pattie pulled apart the prone girl’s sex lips, sliding a finger inside her and then trailing the moisture upwards in the lightest of
caresses, slowly circling the clitoris until Davina felt it growing hard and an ache began between her thighs.

‘That’s what I want,’ murmured Pattie huskily. ‘Will you do that to me, Todd?’

‘Sure,’ agreed Todd, and once more Davina was forced to lie, alone and untouched, while Todd brought Pattie to orgasm. She could imagine the delicious pleasure of that sliding finger bringing sweet release to Pattie’s urgent need.

The two women continued to return to Davina, constantly touching her sufficiently to arouse her, but never enough to satisfy, as they demonstrated what particular caress they wanted from the men. Davina lost track of time but she thought that she must have been lying there for at least half an hour when Jay finally called a halt. ‘Okay girls, you’ve had your pleasure. Time to let Davina join in, I think.’

Once more hands touched her body, this time pulling her to her feet. As the blindfold was removed she blinked at the sudden brightness of the room. ‘You look hot,’ murmured Jay. ‘Tell us how you feel.’

Davina didn’t know what to say. She stared mutely at him, hoping that he wouldn’t force her but his gaze
hardened. ‘If you want us to give you pleasure then you have to tell us how you feel.’

‘My breasts are aching and my belly feels tight,’ whispered Davina. ‘It’s like having an itch and not being able to scratch.’

Todd laughed. ‘That sounds like a pretty good description to me.’

‘We’ll have to help you,’ said Jay. ‘What do you say, girls?’

‘Oh yes,’ agreed the two women in unison. ‘We’ll help you, Davina.’ They were standing around her in a circle now, their eyes bright with excitement, a darkly erotic excitement that only increased Davina’s desire.

‘First I think we should all have a good look at you,’ said Jay. ‘Bend forward and touch your toes.’

Davina knew that by doing this she would be incredibly vulnerable, exposing herself totally to the keen gaze of the group, but at the same time once she began to bend she felt a peculiar sense of pride in her body and heard Todd give an appreciative murmur.

‘Now straighten up and masturbate yourself to orgasm,’ Jay ordered her.

Davina parted her legs and slowly allowed her right
hand to stray through her pubic hair and down between her thighs, where the ache was now growing so intense that it was rapidly becoming pain. She was shocked at how swollen her clitoris was and how damp the surrounding flesh. The moment she began to press against her pubic mound she felt her orgasm start to build, and as she allowed her finger to touch the side of her clitoris she came with a speed that totally humiliated her.

‘I guess you didn’t exaggerate,’ remarked Pattie. ‘Do you always reach a climax that quickly when you masturbate?’

Davina hung her head. ‘No! It was because you’d all been touching me.’

‘There’s nothing to be ashamed of,’ said Todd. ‘I love seeing a woman satisfy herself.’

‘In that case why don’t we get Davina to do it again,’ suggested Jay.

Davina shook her head. ‘I won’t be able to, not that quickly.’

‘That’s a pity because you have to before the game can move forward.’ His face was expressionless but his eyes were sparkling, and Davina could see from his
massive erection that he was incredibly aroused by what was happening. Reluctantly at first she allowed her fingers to play over her body, but this time she didn’t go near her clitoris, instead she pressed on the soft pubic mound, digging the heel of her hand down into the base of her belly and rocking her hand backwards and forwards. Soon the delicious tingling sensation began and her breathing quickened.

‘Look, her nipples are hard again,’ exclaimed Pattie.

‘Is it okay if I touch them?’ Todd asked Jay, who nodded his approval.

Davina continued moving her hand while Todd walked up to her, bent his head and taking the tip of her left nipple between his teeth nipped lightly at the rigid stem. For a few seconds the sensation was uncomfortably sharp, but then his teeth released her and he swirled his tongue around the area where his teeth had been. The combination of sensations, the excitement of being watched and the realisation of what she was doing all combined to bring Davina to a second orgasm, and she gasped aloud as the contractions flooded through her, leaving her weak and trembling.

‘Didn’t your mother ever tell you that it was wrong
to play with yourself?’ enquired Jay as she stood shaking in front of him.

Davina didn’t understand. ‘What do you mean?’

‘I mean you’ve just done a very bad thing. You’ll have to be punished for it.’

‘Oh yes!’ enthused Pattie. ‘I love games with punishments.’

‘What kind of a punishment?’ asked Davina, beginning to panic.

‘Don’t worry, there’ll be pleasure at the end of it,’ Jay assured her, pulling a ladder-backed chair away from the wall and sitting on it. ‘Come over here. It seems I’m going to have to teach you how a young English lady should behave.’

Slowly, hesitantly, Davina walked towards him. His eyes were hypnotic and she realised that she wanted him more now than at any other time. When he grabbed at her wrists and pulled her over his lap she uttered a tiny squeal of protest. As he began to spank her rhythmically with his left hand, he eased his right hand beneath her so that he could stimulate her clitoris at the same time. The hand striking the cheeks of her bottom was firm. Each time it fell on her flesh a hot
burning sensation coursed through her buttocks, but just as it began to feel like pain his clever fingers would lightly tease and stroke at her clitoris.

Soon she was writhing helplessly on his lap, crying out incoherently as he brought her inexorably closer and closer to orgasm. She was vaguely aware that the other three were watching her but she didn’t care; all she was aware of were the incredible sensations that Jay was giving her.

‘You’re going to come again, aren’t you?’ he said softly. ‘Admit it.’

‘Yes, yes,’ she groaned.

‘This is meant to be a punishment,’ he reminded her. ‘I forbid you to come.’

It was too late. Almost as soon as the words were out of his mouth her body tightened and thrashed around on his lap. But for the fact that his hands held her tightly, she would have fallen to the floor.

‘She disobeyed again!’ cried Pattie. ‘Did you see that Todd? Tanya? Jay told her not to come and she did.’

‘She sure as hell did,’ agreed Todd, and Davina felt his hand caress her back for a moment as she remained in an exhausted heap over Jay’s bare thighs.

‘I’m sorry,’ she whimpered, hideously embarrassed at the way she’d lost control of herself. ‘I couldn’t help it though, it just felt so good.’

‘If it felt that good I assume you won’t object to further punishment,’ said Jay calmly.

Davina rolled over so that she could stare up at him. His face was implacable, his mouth hard and his eyes expressionless. She wondered why it was that she was so attracted to him, why she so desperately yearned for some proof that he felt the same about her. ‘I’m not sure I want to be punished any more,’ she said slowly.

He raised one eyebrow. ‘You mean you’re not willing to pay the rent?’

‘I thought this was a game that you wanted me to play,’ retorted Davina. ‘You never said that you were collecting the rent.’

‘I’m saying it now.’

Davina was furious. ‘That’s cheating.’

‘How can I cheat at my own game?’

Davina bit on her lower lip. In a way he’d given her an excuse to carry on indulging in the extraordinary sexual excesses that were on offer. Although nervous
she had enough confidence in him to believe that she’d never be hurt, but at the same time she was startled by her own responses to all that was going on. Leaving would have saved her further embarrassment, and further self-discovery.

Right now she wasn’t too sure that she liked what she was learning about herself. However, by making it a price that she had to pay for her cottage, Jay had offered her a way out. She was utterly determined that he was never going to force her out, which meant that she could take up the challenge and justify it to herself. Only she would ever know that secretly she was excited by the prospect of what was to come.

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