Legally Tied (14 page)

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Authors: Chelsea Dorsette

BOOK: Legally Tied
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As she turned her head sideways to look at him, she could see how enraptured he was looking at her
breasts. With her bra being the last article of clothing to be removed, she knew he was going to play with them until she writhed with uncontrollable need. Sure enough, Nick took his sweet time pinching the nipples of one breast while sucking the other. As he licked his way from one breast to the other, Lyndsay’s head rocked from side to side as her body raged once again for release. One moment Nick would be standing on the floor beside the table manipulating her breasts and her arousal, the next he would be up on the table straddling her hips and playing with them. Lyndsay was so lost in the overwhelming shots of sexual euphoria shooting through her body, that she would forget she was bound to the table until she tried to move in her need to touch him, and couldn’t.

Seeing that
Lyndsay’s nipples were bright red, her breasts flushed and warm made his dick feel like it was about to explode, Nick quickly untied her, pulled her lovingly off the table, and growled, “I need you this minute. Take me to your bedroom before I cum all over your new furniture.”

Lyndsay grabbed his hand to lead him the short distance to her bedroom, she joked, “That could be an interesting sales strategy! We could call it the semen collection!”

Despite how focused he was to get her into bed, he couldn’t help but laugh at her joke
. Nick loved her sense of humor. Once in her room, he wasted no time ripping off his clothes, getting into her bed and pulling her down on top of him. Taking a few moments to kiss her passionately, he then rolled her over on her back and positioned himself kneeling between her legs. Grabbing each of her ankles, he raised both legs until her ankles were resting on his shoulders.

When he entered her,
Lyndsay gasped at how big he was. It had been months since she’d had sex and she could feel his thick shaft against her walls as he pumped in and out. Because she was so wet from their sex play, feeling him so large and lubricated inside her made her body yearn for him even more. All Lyndsay could do was groan and sigh with every thrust as she felt sexual tension building for him once again. As Nick held onto her legs and pounded into her, he knew it wasn’t going to be long until he climaxed inside her. Looking at each other in those final moments, they finally let themselves go, holding onto each other as their desire and love carried them away.













One year later,
as Lyndsay stood at the altar with Nick at their outdoor wedding located at the beautiful Chanler at Cliff Walk Resort in her favorite town of Newport, Lyndsay couldn’t have been happier with her life. The grand opening of her business and the months that followed were a great success and she was doing so much business that she had to hire design students from the Providence School of Design to work part-time for her. At first she had worked every day by herself managing the store. Although it was exhausting, it was also very rewarding. When it became clear that the business was growing rapidly and she couldn’t handle it all by herself, she brought on a small staff so she could spend more time in her design suite with clients doing interior design projects. Nick’s practice was also continuing to grow because of the name he was making for himself as a top notch prosecutor. Although they were both very busy, they were extremely happy with their lives together and their burgeoning careers. Lyndsay loved living with Nick and his house went very quickly from being his home, to being their home.

As Jodi stood proudly next to her best friend as maid of honor
on this beautiful summer day, she was beaming with pride at both of them. In some small way she felt secretly responsible for this wedding day because of her conversation over a year ago with Nick at Rosen’s Deli. Nevertheless, as she stood listening to the minister and watching Lyndsay looking at Nick with absolute adoration and love, Jodi’s heart welled inside her. It couldn’t have been a more perfect day for a wedding. The sun was shining brightly, the sky was a brilliant blue and the view of the Atlantic Ocean was breathtaking.

was dressed in a full length, off the shoulder wedding gown with a low neckline and bodice decorated with shiny beads that sparkled in the sun. Nick also looked like a model in his black tuxedo and crimson white dress shirt. His father who stood beside him as best man looked equally as elegant and handsome. As Jodi listened to the minister’s voice over the light lapping of the waves, she knew this would be a marriage that would last forever.

Nick and
Lyndsay had learned a lot about communication from the incident that broke them apart over a year ago. And she knew that because they were both loving and intelligent people, they would never make the same mistake again. Turning her attention back to the ceremony, Jodi nearly popped out of her dress with excitement when the minister finally said, “I pronounce you man and wife.”

The minute Nick scooped
Lyndsay into his arms and pulled her face to his for a long romantic kiss, the small wedding party of thirty people clapped and yelled their congratulations. When the couple finally pulled themselves apart from each other, everybody was standing and talking excitedly as Nick and Lyndsay headed for the reception tents.

Set up in the back yard
of the resort mansion were two big white tents with cloth covered tables offering wine, cocktails, and hors d’oeuvres to the guests. There was a small catering staff to fill wine glasses, make drinks, and serve the artfully decorated hors d’oeuvres. As Nick and Lyndsay shook hands with their wedding guests, they couldn’t take their eyes off each other. Everyone they loved was in attendance and everything about the ceremony had been perfect. As they stood talking and laughing with friends and family, Lyndsay occasionally looked out over the water and gave thanks for being the luckiest girl in the world.

Her wedding gift to Nick was a huge secret and she couldn’t wait to
give it to him tonight before leaving for Paris the next day on their honeymoon. Nick and Lyndsay had previously agreed to wait to exchange their personal gifts until after the reception and dinner party, as they wanted to do that privately between themselves.

Six months ago when they first sat down to make wedding plans, each of them loved the idea about
getting married in Newport, one of their favorite seaside towns they had visited over a year ago after Nick was released from the hospital after being kidnapped. They both loved the Cliff Walk that meandered behind the Gilded Age summer mansions and they were absolutely thrilled when they found The Chanler at Cliff Walk. This beautiful European style mansion overlooked not only their favorite cliff walk, but it also had stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean. Lyndsay couldn’t think of a more perfect place for a seaside wedding. The staff had set up a stunning altar with colorful blooming flowers and they had arranged white cushioned chairs for the guests with each chair decorated with white lace and a bow on the back. Lyndsay had to catch her breath when she first saw how romantic and breathtaking it looked.

After almost two hours of eating, drinking and socializing outside on
the hotel’s cliff lawn, the guests moved into the covered outdoor terrace for dinner. The space was adorned with white classic columns and the tables were dressed with floor length tablecloths, silver utensils and stunning tableware. Bottles of red and white wine stood at attention on each table and every place setting had a champagne glass for the champagne toast. After everyone found their places and the servers finished taking each guest’s order, another group of servers came around to fill up the champagne glasses. No sooner had every glass been filled when Nick’s father stood up, asked for everyone’s attention, and gave a heartfelt toast to his beloved son and his beautiful bride. Raising his glass in congratulations, everyone followed suit and the clinking of glasses could be heard echoing around the terrace.

Just as Nick’s father sat down, Jodi stood up and everyone turned their attention to her. As a hush fell over the room
, Jodi said, “I remember the day I first met Lyndsay. It was her first day at Deacon’s Nest and she was fresh out of college. I knew I liked her immediately because she didn’t try to hide the fact that she was new and inexperienced. We immediately became friends and I’m proud to say this many years later, she is my best friend. The next day that I remember most, was when Nick, who I immediately nicknamed Mr. Hottie Pants, walked into the store.” A loud round of laughter followed as Jodi looked at Nick and winked.

“As I watched the two of them talking in her office, I knew immediately that these two were supposed to be together.” Looking around the room, Jodi could see head
s bobbing in agreement. “But we all know how stubborn our Lyndsay can be. She wouldn’t listen to a word I said and insisted that their relationship must stay strictly professional. Well, I must admit that patience is not my strong suit, but when something is that obvious to me, I’m not going to let it go. I’m sort of a bulldog who won’t give up his bone.” At that comment, everyone started laughing again and Lyndsay gave her a
“no kidding”
look. Nick had never heard about any of this and he was riveted to every word Jodi was saying. Continuing, Jodi said, “Well, I don’t know if it was my constant nagging or if Lyndsay finally came to her senses, but no matter what the reason was, here they are today.”

Raising her glass
, she announced, “To Lyndsay and Mr. Hottie Pants, I wish you a beautiful life together.” Once again, every glass was raised, toasted, and then sipped.

At that very moment, the serve
rs descended on the terrace with the appetizers and salads, and the rest of the meal was lively and full of laughter. Although Lyndsay hated for the night to end, she was tired and was looking forward to heading upstairs to the bridal suite to be alone with Nick.

As they said their goodbyes to eve
ryone and watched them walk to their cars, Lyndsay had never been happier in her life. She had spent the most glorious day with the man she loved, surrounded by her closest family and friends in a fairy tale location.

As Nick looked down at her and gave her a gentle kiss, he cradled her hand in his and said, “Let’s go upstairs. I want you all to myself.” Smiling up at him,
Lyndsay couldn’t have agreed more.

Earlier in the afternoon the staff had taken their suitcases up to the suite and Nick had asked that a bottle of champagne be waiting for them. When they opened the door to the suite, they both momentarily froze in place. It was perhaps the most elegant
two room suite they had ever seen. Wanting to keep to tradition, Nick bent down, swept Lyndsay up in his arms, and carried her over the threshold into the suite. Lyndsay couldn’t help but giggle at his old fashioned ways but secretly she loved the romantic gesture. Kicking the door shut behind them, Nick carried her over to the oversized Victorian style couch and placed her down gently. Even though she was reluctant to take off her beautiful wedding dress, Lyndsay knew it was time and she was anxious to slip into a sexy white negligee she had bought just for their wedding night. It was simple in its design but had beautiful embroidery and it felt smooth and silky on her skin.

As Nick went over to the bar to pop the cork on the champagne bottle,
Lyndsay sat up and said, “I don’t suppose you would mind if I slip into something more comfortable?”

Giving her
a wicked smile, Nick replied, “I thought you’d never ask! And no, I don’t mind one damn bit. Just make it fast.” Lyndsay couldn’t help but laugh at his eagerness for her to get into something sexy. As she left the room, Nick set the two champagne glasses on the coffee table in front of the couch. He then turned on the gas fireplace, put on a romantic CD that he had brought, and took off his jacket and tie.

Earlier in the day he had
asked the hotel to put Lyndsay’s wedding gift into the desk drawer. While unbuttoning his shirt a bit, Nick walked over to the desk, pulled the package out, and placed it next to the champagne glasses on the table. As Nick sat back down, he took a deep breath and thought back on the day’s events. Everything had been so perfect and Lyndsay had looked so beautiful and happy.

He couldn’t believe his good fortune that she had agreed to be his wife. He would be forever thankful to Jodi for the stern talking to she had given him about
Lyndsay over a year ago. Thinking of Jodi, he couldn’t help but snicker at her story about calling him Mr. Hottie Pants. Although he thought the name was hysterical, he was also pleased at the compliment to his looks.

Just as Nick finished that thought, he saw
Lyndsay come back into the living room looking drop dead gorgeous in a white negligee and robe. Her golden curls were soft and shiny caressing her shoulders and she looked as precious as an ivory doll. Not able to move, all Nick could do was watch her as she came over to the couch, sat down and snuggled next to him. They reminisced about the glorious day they had just shared. Finally breaking their quiet reverie, Nick reached over to the beautifully wrapped package that had been sitting on the table and handed it to Lyndsay. As she held it, motionless, Nick said quietly, “I love you more than anything, Lyndsay. You have made my life complete. I don’t want to spend one day on this planet without you. You are my heart, my soul, and every breath I take. I am in awe that you chose me for your husband and I will spend every waking day taking care of you and doing everything I can to make you happy. My wedding gift to you can’t compare with what you’ve given me, but I hope you like it and accept it with all my love.”

As a tear fell down
Lyndsay’s cheek, she leaned over and kissed him and said softly, “You are the only gift I need, my handsome man.” Then suddenly feeling a bit silly, she said with a grin on her face, “But since you did such a beautiful job wrapping it, I guess it would be rude of me not to open it.”

at her sudden playful streak, Nick replied, “Yes, it would be rude of you not to open it. And you know what happens to girls who are rude, don’t you?” It only took that veiled threat for Lyndsay to know exactly what Nick was referring to and immediately her body warmed with sexual heat. Trying to ignore it, she opened up the package to reveal a black felt box from one of her favorite jewelers in Providence. Looking up at Nick with an expression that asked,
“Should I open it?”

Nick encouraged, “Go on, open it!”

When Lyndsay opened the top, she gasped at what she saw inside. It was the most beautiful diamond necklace she had ever seen. The diamonds instantly twinkled up at her in the lamp light and she thought she was going to faint at its sheer beauty. Lyndsay had never worn, let alone tried on, anything so expensive or so ravishingly beautiful.

eeing her stunned expression, Nick took the box from her hand, gently took the necklace out of the box, and said, “Turn around. Let’s put this on and see how beautiful I know you will look in it.” As Lyndsay repositioned herself on the couch with her back facing him, Nick placed it around her neck and clasped it. “There,” Nick said with satisfaction. “Now turn around and let’s take a look.”

Lyndsay turned to face him, she felt the necklace with her fingers. She could hardly wait to look at it in the mirror. Nick was thrilled at how beautiful it looked on her, especially in her sexy negligee. Giving her a thoughtful look, he said teasingly, “Hmmm, I guess that’ll do.” Jumping up from the couch, Lyndsay ran into the en suite and couldn’t wait to see it in the mirror. She felt like a kid in a candy shop. When she finally saw it lying across her neck line, she wanted to cry. It was perhaps the most perfect thing she had ever worn and she was overwhelmed by the time and love Nick must have put into choosing it for her. Just standing and staring at it, Lyndsay couldn’t move. A few minutes later, Nick came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her and as they both stood looking into the mirror, he asked, “Do you like it?”

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