Letting Go of You (Anchored Hearts #2) (15 page)

BOOK: Letting Go of You (Anchored Hearts #2)
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“After the Army I ended up in Atlanta for several years.  Dad relocated the business there when I was enlisted.  James and I always stayed in touch.  I was originally supposed to work for him when we got out, but Dad got sick so I moved home and finished my degree in architecture.  My younger brother is helping dad run things down there now, so it seemed like the right time to come back here.”

“So, you never married or had kids?”  I couldn’t help but ask.  I had to know.

“Married and divorced, no kids.  It’s a story for another day.”

“Oh.  Okay.”  He’d been married.  It didn’t surprise me that someone had snatched him up.  “So, what are you doing for James?”

“I’m helping him with the house.”

“The house?”

“Yea, the property by the cider mill.”  He looked to me and realized I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about.

“That rotten sneak.”  I remembered our visit to the cider mill and the ‘private property’ sign
that was posted.  He had me believing that it was a friend’s property.  He was building a house?  I just couldn’t keep up.

“We’ve been redesigning the plans for months.  I figured you knew.”

“It’s no big deal.”  I couldn’t help but wonder why he hadn’t told me. 

The rest of our lunch ‘date’ was uneventful.  He’d been spending a lot of time with Cal and Jane and that made me happy.
My phone buzzed and I checked to see a text from James.  He was at my office and wanted to know where I was.  I texted him back that I was down the street and headed back. 

“That’s my cue.  I should get back to work.”  We both reached for the bill, which he snagged up.

“Nope, my treat.  I’m glad you made it.  Maybe we could do it again sometime?”

“I’d like that.”  I got up and hugged him as he handed the waitress the bill and told her to keep the change.  We walked out the door, which he held open and I started walking down the street.

“You walked?  It’s freezing out.  Let me drive you.”

“It’s not that far and I needed some fresh air.”

“It’s like fifteen degrees out.  Come on.”

I walked with him and followed him to his SUV.  We drove the couple blocks in silence before he pulled up and parked in front of my building.  As I got out I saw James storming out the front doors of the complex. 

“You’re not supposed to leave without security.  What were you thinking?”

“That I needed to be alone.  Give me a break.”  Paul joined us
, asking if everything was okay.

“I’ll deal with you later.  Get back to work.”

“Whoa dude…”

“Hey.  Knock it off, James.  Paul is a friend and I’ll have lunch with whomever I want, whenever I want.  You don’t control me.”

Paul was enjoying the show when I glanced at him and I rolled my eyes at him. 

“You’re right.  This isn’t the time or place.  I’ll talk to both of you later.”  He barreled toward the parking garage as Paul apologized.

“He’ll get over it.”

“He must really like you.”  He elbowed me, “I don’t remember him ever being so territorial.”

“Give me a break,” I laughed.  “I’ll talk to you later.  Let me know if he gives you any grief at work.”  He nodded before hopping in his vehicle and driving away.





I was getting caught up on emails after lunch when Paul walked in.  Eyeing him out of the corner of eye I saw him sit down like he was waiting for me to unleash.

“Spit it out Paul.”  He didn’t say anything.  “She’s the girl isn’t she, the one before Cora.”  He simply nodded.  “Are we going to have a problem?”

His head whipped toward me.  “I’m not the one who has a history of sleeping with married women.”

Leaning back in my chair, I exhaled harshly before responding.  “Paul, I’m not going to apologize again for what happened ten years ago.  I’m not the one who wronged you, Cora screwed us all over.  You more than the rest of us.”

“If I knew then what I know now we wouldn’t be having this conversation. 
You better treat her right.  If I could go back, I’d pick Cassidy every time, not Cora.”

“I know you would.”  I asked the question knowing I wouldn’t like the answer.  “Was it just a summer fling?”

He looked to me and I knew it was more.  “Now, I’d say it was a summer fling, but back then it was more.  She doesn’t know what happened when I got back to base.  This is the first time her and I have had any contact since that summer.  When Cora broke the news to me I was devastated, but I had to do the right thing.” 

I just nodded because I was there for everything else that happened.  Melissa had nothing on Cora. 

“James, you have to know that I won’t try to get her back.  Unless you fuck things up.”  We sat quiet for a moment.  “I just want her happy, and you too.”  We went about the rest of our day with no mention of any women.   





I was sitting on the couch that night
, after having dinner, wondering where James was.  When I was getting ready to give up on him, I heard his truck pull in the driveway.  Happy to see him, I jumped up and greeted him.  He was slightly stand-offish and I frowned at him. 

“What’s wrong?”  He just looked at me.  “Seriously?  He’s a friend.”

“He wasn’t always a friend.”

“James, you have to trust me.  And him.  He’s your friend too.  Don’t forget that.”  I was trying to lighten the mood, running my hands under his shirt.

“I see how he looks at you.”

It was
laughable.  “Please. 
exactly does he look at me?”  I rolled my eyes at him.

“Like he wants to do this.”

Before I knew what was happening, I was over his shoulder as he carried me upstairs.  His hand fondling and tickling my ass the whole ride up.  I couldn’t help but laugh hysterically as I tried to say, “Put me down.  Ahhh, stop it.  You think Paul wants to throw me over his shoulder and tickle me.”

“No.”  We made it to my room as he dumped me on the bed and straddled my hips.  “He wants to do this too.”  He pulled my shirt off my head and immediately kissed me. 

When he pulled away and I caught my breath I said, “You’re crazy.”

“Only about what’s mine.”  He smiled that wicked smile at me saying, “He’s still in love with you.”

“James.  Stop it.”  I looked into his eyes.  “I’m yours.”






The next week at work, Cecily called me into her office.  I had been throwing myself into work, trying to keep my mind off everything with Derek and Dan both.  Cal, James and Jane had all been questioned, but there didn’t seem to be any new developments.  Cal was planning to go back to work soon, though Jane and I thought it was too early.  Eva was actually doing really well.  Home seemed to be exactly what she needed. 

Knocking on Cecily’s open door, she waved me in.  “Close it behind you please.”  I did as she requested and sat down.  “How are you?”

“I’m good, all things considered.”  It was no secret what was going on.  Working closely with her the past few weeks, she knew everything that was going on.  “How are you?”

well.  I’m proud of you.  You haven’t let things slow you down these past few weeks.”  I just smiled and nodded, not sure how to respond.  “Just so you know, I had a talk with Smith and he let me know what happened before Christmas.  He’s the reason all the cameras were installed.”

  So, she didn’t

“I take the safety of my employees very seriously.  You should too.”

“Of course I do, though I don’t really have any employees of my own.”  What was she getting at?

“I wanted to talk to you about that.  I’ve been watching you and I’ve made a decision.  You’re very innovative and you think on your feet.  If you accept, I’d like to hand B & C over to you.”

I think my chin hit the floor.  She’d lost her damn mind.  “I, um, I’m sorry, is this a joke?”

She chuckled, “No joke.  Quit underestimating yourself.  You’re a take-charge, get down to business kind of girl.  A natural leader.  I think you’ll do great with it.”  She might’ve thought different if she knew about my submissive side.  I let out a small chuckle and she asked, “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing.  I’m just blown away.  Flattered.”

“Here,” she handed me a large manila envelope, “look these over.  If you have an attorney, do it with them.  It explains all my terms.  If there is anything you’re not agreeable to, we can work on it.”

Holy shit.  “Okay.  Will do.”  I sat there silent when it dawned on me, “I don’t know anything about running a business.”

“I mention that in the contract.  I would like to see you hire a CFO within six to nine months.  Until then, I can assist with that.  Your attorney can explain it all.”

“Okay.  Great.  Thank you so much for this opportunity.”

“There was no other choice.  You were the best option and you’re great at what you do.  I won’t be in tomorrow so enjoy your weekend.  If things are slow you can send everyone home at lunch.”

“Will do.”

I practically skipped to my office and closed the door behind me, throwing my hands in the air.  I hoped I wasn’t getting in over my head.  It had to be a dream.  HOLY SHIT!  I sat down, pulled the contract out of the envelope and stared at it, not really understanding anything.  Putting it back in the envelope, I placed it by my purse, pulled out my phone to call James.  It was after lunch and I knew he had meetings, but I hoped he would answer.  They were hoping to break ground on the house in March or April.

“So, a little birdy told me that the property by the cider mill is yours.”

He glared at me, “Paul has a big mouth.  Remind me to fire him.”  We both laughed.  “I’ve been wanting a place of my own for a while.  I figured it was time.

“Are you designing the whole thing?  Custom.”  I really wanted to be involved, but I wasn’t going to push myself in without an invitation.

“Yup.  We’ve been working on the design on and off for a few years.  When the property came up for sale five years ago, I snagged it as quick as I could.  I love it out there.”

“You’ve waited five years?”

Shrugging his shoulders, “I wasn’t ready.”

“Hey Blackbird.  How are you?

“Hey babe.  Umm, does Annie know anything about contracts and corporate law?”

“Yeah, you know that.  She handles almost everything here, but worked as a criminal law attorney too.  What’s up?”

“I have incredible news, but I want to tell you in person.  When can I see you?”

“I have a late meeting, but if you meet me at the penthouse, I can see you sooner.  It’d save me a trip across town.”


“I should run.  I’ll see you soon.”

“Love you.”

“Love you too.”

Cecily had left the office shortly after our meeting.  Immediately taking advantage of my new soon-to-be status I let several people go home early.  Anthony, Lena and I were hanging in my office when I got up to close the door.  They both looked to me with curiosity brimming in their eyes.

“Oh, girl please tell me you’re finally going to spill the
deets on your history with Paul.”  Oh, my God.  Anthony was relentless.

“Seriously?”  Laughing I replied, “It was just a summer romance.  And no.  I have better news.”

“Oh, she’s going to spill some deets on JB3.”  Lena pumped her fist in the air as I rolled my eyes at them.

“Seriously, you two need to get laid.” 
Laughing, I continued, “So, you may or may not be looking at your new boss.”

They both stared at me in shock.  News had gotten out that
Cecily was planning to retire, but only a few people knew. 

Anthony was first to respond.  “Damn girl.  For someone who thinks Cecily hates you, she loves you.”

I didn’t know what to say to that.  He was right, I always thought she was out to get me.  Lena congratulated me as we started dreaming up what the future held.  I knew realistically that I probably wouldn’t be planning as many events as I was used to.  I guessed that my time would be spent on the few corporate accounts we had.  Like Benedict Enterprises and a few other well-known companies around town.  It was certainly going to make life interesting.  I wanted to scream from the rooftop, but I knew not to get too excited.  Life, especially lately, loved throwing me curveballs.

When I got to the penthouse, I left my purse and the envelope on the kitchen counter before heading upstairs.  I went to the closet to see what clothes I had stashed here and found some jeans, but no comfy shirts.  I rummaged through his drawers until I found an old sweat shirt of his. 

“Perfect.”  I was rolling up the sleeves when I heard him bellow for me.

Running down the stairs, I jumped in his arms and kissed him.  “Someone’s in a good mood.”

“Yes, I am.  How are you?”  I had locked my legs around his waist before he even had a chance to remove his coat.  He set me back down to hang up his coat before grabbing a bottle of water. 

“Good.  Tired.”  He looked at me, “So what’s this news of yours?”

I grinned at him like a fool, “Okay, so I don’t really understand the contract, that’s where I was hoping Annie could help.  But, Cecily wants me to take over for her.”

His eyes got big and then he smiled.  “That’s amazing.”  He hugged me to him.  “We should celebrate.”

“I can’t believe it.  It’s crazy.”

“It’s not crazy.  You’re a hard worke
r.  I’ve seen your work.  The masquerade and the auction were the best they’ve ever been.  People are still talking about both events.  You’ve outdone yourself and it’s paying off.”

“Let’s grab dinner.  I’m starving.”

“Sounds like a plan.” 

He ran upstairs and traded his slacks for jeans, removed his suit jacket and tie.  He left on his
shirt, but the top few buttons were open and his sleeves were rolled up.  He’d be lucky if I didn’t jump him in the restaurant.  We headed downstairs hand in hand.  Deciding to sit on the bar side of the restaurant, we grabbed a booth in back. 

He’d looked over the contract for me before we ordered our dinner.  He seemed to think everything looked legit, but insisted I meet with Annie to confirm. 
Halfway through our meal, I spotted Melissa, and she was coming right toward us. 

“Oh for fuck sakes.”

“What’s wrong?”  I didn’t have a chance to warn him before she was standing beside him and placed her hand on his shoulder.  It was like she was purposefully trying to set me off.

“Hi guys.  Fancy meeting you here.”

“We’re busy Melissa.”  His voice was calm, yet firm and I loved him for it.

“I heard about Derek.  Have they made any arrests yet?”

“You know damn well they haven’t.  Unless you have news for us, please let us finish our meal.”

He couldn’t be more obvious if he tried.  ‘He’s just not that into you!’  I snickered at my thought which got her attention.

“Something funny?”  She was glaring at me and I just shrugged my shoulders.  “That’s what I thought.”

I stood up then and stepped closer to her.  “I was thinking that you look better with a black eye.  I’d be happy to replace the one you had.”

James pushed her aside, having no other choice and stepped between us.  “Alright ladies.  Melissa, we’re done here.  Cassidy, sit down.”

“You might want to have the bitch spayed.  She appears to be in heat.”  Her statement was a touch ridiculous.

“Jealous?  He’s mine.”

“Not before he was mine.”  At that James, with both hands on her waist, turned her toward the front of the restaurant and walked her out.

I sat down, but not before I felt my face flush as my blood pumped vigorously through my body.  I could feel it in my toes.  She wanted to play dirty, I could play dirty.  I was sick of playing her cat and mouse game and I wasn’t about to take anymore of her snide comments anymore.  James returned then and scolded me with his eyes.

“Was that really necessary?”

“I know you’re not talking to me.”  He just shook his head at me.  “Stop reprimanding me.  I’m not a child.  I’m sick of her crap and I’m not laying down for it anymore.”

“I would hope you wouldn’t lay down with her.” 

I threw my napkin at him as he smiled that shit-eating grin.  “I don’t think I’m her type.”

“Oh, no?  And what would her type be.”

“Apparently she thinks it’s cocky, rich, dominant businessmen.  But I’m guessing she doesn’t take orders too well.”  We were both eye-fucking each other and it was way too much fun bantering with him.

“I’m not cocky.”

Snorting, I said, “Aren’t you?”

“And you’re right about the taking orders part.”

“Gross.  I don’t want to know.  That bitch makes
want to whip her into submission.”

We both laughed as he said, “That’s a sight I would pay to see.”

“I bet you would.  Pervert.” 

He then threw his napkin at me.  “You love it.”

“Don’t tell anyone.  I’m soon going to have a business of my own.  I have a reputation to maintain!”

“I think it might improve your reputation.  Everyone would know not to cross you.”

“Bet your ass.  I’ll make them all pay!”  I winked at him.





Cassidy had invited Cal and Jane and Lena and Anthony over for cards
, games and pizza Saturday night.  I invited Smith and Delaney.  A night in with friends was just what we all needed.  Everyone was sitting or standing when the pizza was delivered.  Cassidy had setup half a dozen liquor bottles on the counter and there was a case of beer in the fridge. 

After we were all done eating we decided to play Cards
Against Humanity.  We were an hour into the game and I think we all had aching abs from all the laughter.  There was a knock on the door and I immediately wondered if she had invited Paul.  I told her I’d get it, got up and walked to the door.  Looking out the peephole, I spotted two officers. 
It couldn’t possibly be good news.

Opening the door, “Can I help you?”

“We’re looking for Jane Whitford.” 

I knew stopping them would only result is mass chaos.  “Can I ask what this is about?”

They walked past me as everyone stared at them in disbelief.  “Jane Whitford.”  They were looking right at her.  She stood up from her spot on the floor, with Cal right behind her, and walked toward the officers.

“You’re under arrest for the murder of Derek Hamilton.”

“Whoa, whoa.”  They had turned her around with Cal and I both objecting.  “This is insane.  Jane didn’t murder that bastard.”  Cal was beside himself, trying to reason with them.  “Is this necessary?  She’s not going to put up a fight.”

I looked to Smith and told him to call
Annie ASAP.  He nodded and stepped outside.  Cassidy was standing to the side, her hand covering her mouth.  I had to stop this.  Jane would never survive in prison and she wouldn’t survive without Cal.  Cassidy.  She was stronger than she thought.  I had to protect my family.  Annie would get me out of this.

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