Lipstick Kisses : A Sexy, Standalone Contemporary Romance (15 page)

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“You know, Jonathan, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you are jealous of him.”

“All right, maybe I am. Most guys probably are. He gets to work with all of those hot models, day in and day out. I’m sure he can just snap his fingers and they would spread for him.” His snide comment just about puts me over the edge.

“If you’re going to continue with your snide comments, this lunch is over,” I say, heat to my voice as I pierce him with a deadly stare.

“The truth hurts, doesn’t it?” he sneers.

“That’s it. I’m out of here. And for the record, I think you are the one who tried to break into my house. Then you tried to be my savior and help me get an alarm installed. You were the one who was lurking around my house the other night. Don’t think you can fool me. You’d better stop coming around, or else I will get a restraining order on you. You got it?” I point a finger in his face before I stand up and storm out of the restaurant as fast as my stilettos will carry me. I’m trembling with anger. I round the corner and look back, hoping he hasn’t tried to follow me.

The look on his face was priceless and riddled with guilt. At first, he opened his mouth to deny it, then just as quickly, he closed it.

“Nikki, you’re back already? Are you all right?” Kelsey asks the minute she sees me walk into my office.

“You were right. It was him all along.”

“Did he admit it?” she asks, following me into my office.

“Of course not. But I could tell by his shifty eyes and the way his body tensed when I told him about the other night. It’s him, all right. Your intuition was correct. I never would’ve thought it was Jonathan.” I shake my head and sit down at my desk. I’m practically panting from the brisk walk back to the office and the realization that it is, indeed, Jonathan stalking me.

“I don’t have any proof. But I told him if he didn’t stop coming around my house, I would get a restraining order put on him.”

“Are you going to tell Chandler?”

“I don’t know what to do. A part of me is hoping Jonathan will just stop on his own now that he knows I’m onto him. I’d rather not tell Chandler and hope this unpleasantness just goes away.”

“I hope it’s that easy. Jonathan has always been a little weird about his relationship with you. Clingy, possessive . . . I can’t put my finger on what exactly it is about him. I guess he just fell in love with you.”

“Please, we’ve mostly just been friends. With the exception of a few nights rolling in the sheets together, which I’d rather forget ever happened. What we had was hardly a relationship.” 

“He seems to have seen it differently,” she warns.

I was so hoping Kelsey was wrong about Jonathan. Sleeping with him was the biggest mistake I ever made. He’s making me live to regret it.

I’m at odds with telling Chandler the truth. He already suspected Jonathan was enamored with me. If he knew we had slept together a handful of times, I don’t know . . . I feel like Chandler may think less of me. Like I’m easy and just fall into bed with guys, which is hardly the kind of person I am.

But Jonathan caught me at a weak moment. I had just come off my broken engagement. He went for the kill after a night of plying me with wine.

Ugh—I cringe at the memories. Thinking of his hands on me makes my skin crawl. A shiver runs through my body.

As soon as I walk through the door tonight, I rummage through the drawer in the kitchen, looking for the instruction manual for this alarm. I need to change that code ASAP.

“Hey, I didn’t hear you come in,” Chandler says, wrapping his arms around me from behind. “What are you looking for?”

“Oh, the alarm manual. I want to change the code. Let’s think of an easy code for us to remember,” I reply, running my finger along the pages, trying to figure out how to change it.

“You’re still spooked, aren’t you? It could have just been an animal on the porch that got Kahlua going.”

“You may be right.” I try to keep my cool. I don’t want him asking me any more prying questions about who might be stalking me. I know I should tell him my suspicions, but I’m hesitant.


Chapter Thirty

Nikki finally decides to take me home for dinner with her parents tonight. This will be the first time I will have seen her parents since she’s announced to them that she’s pregnant.

Mr. Russo gets me alone. I can tell he wants to have a man-to-man talk with me, and I can’t say that I blame the man.

“Mr. Russo, I’ve asked Nikki a dozen times, at least, to marry me, and she flat out refuses me. I don’t know what else to do,” I say, exasperation in my voice.

“Son, how have you been asking my little girl? Have you gotten down on bended knee and dazzled her with an honest to goodness ring?” he asks.

“Uh, well, not exactly . . .” I stutter, dumbfounded.

“No wonder she’s been refusing you, my boy. You need to do it just right. Romance her. You know my Nikki by now. She’s a tough nut to crack. Too damn independent, if you ask me.”

“Tell me about it. I say that to her all the time.  But I love her anyway. There’s no two ways about it. I want to marry her.”

“Then take my advice and ask her properly. Make her your wife before your baby is born,” Mr. Russo says.

Mr. Russo is right. I’ve been going about this all wrong. How could I be such an idiot?

“Thank you, Mr. Russo. I’ve been a fool and going about it all wrong.”

Nikki comes out to the patio and eyes us curiously. “Is this where you both disappeared to? Mom and I are looking for you. Dinner is ready,” she says, wrapping her arm around my waist.

“Oh, good. I’m starved,” Mr. Russo says, heading back into the house.

“What were you two talking about?” Nikki asks.

“Nothing of your concern.” I grin like a cat that ate the canary.

“Hmm, I wonder,” she replies, giving me a kiss.

Dinner with Nikki’s parents goes rather smoothly tonight. I think they’re resigned to the fact that I will most likely be their new son-in-law. Mr. Russo was very kind to me this evening, as if he knows what I’m up against with his headstrong little princess. She is definitely a force to be reckoned with, but I wouldn’t have her any other way. It’s what I love about her. I love everything about her, feisty personality and all. Because I know that beneath that tough girl exterior lies a compassionate and loving person, and did I mention sexy as hell in the boudoir? Yeah, bring it on, baby. She always does. Let me just say that she satisfies me completely.

Mrs. Russo has always been pleasant toward me in spite of the warnings Nikki gave me about her mother. I’ve had no trouble with the woman. I’m usually able to work my charms on women of every age.

“So, Chandler, how do you feel about becoming a father in the very near future?” she asks. I catch Nikki staring daggers at her mother.

“I’m looking forward to becoming a baby daddy. I can’t wait,” I reply, all smiles as I throw a wink in Nikki’s direction. Mrs. Russo’s question doesn’t bother me at all. I tell her exactly how I’m feeling. It’s the truth. I can’t wait to bring our baby into this world. I’m probably more excited about it than Nikki is at the moment, but I know once our little bundle of joy is born, her mother instinct will kick in.

“You must be hoping for a boy,” Mrs. Russo continues.

“I’ll be happy with a boy or a girl, as long as our baby is healthy and as beautiful as Nikki.”

This last comment gets my girl to smile. Poor Nikki. Her mother is giving it to her in the worst way by questioning me. But I don’t falter. I don’t flinch.

Even Mr. Russo shifts uncomfortably in his chair.

Once we’re back home and in bed, I give Nikki a foot massage.

“My mother was so maddening tonight,” she sighs.

“She wasn’t that bad. Your dad is a really good guy. I love your dad.”

“What were you two conspiring about in the backyard when I walked in?”

“Nothing, just some man to man talk,” I reply.

I can tell how exhausted Nikki is from our evening at her folks’, so I don’t press her for anything more than just cuddles tonight as we fall asleep in ten seconds flat.

After Nikki leaves for work this morning, I decide to call my mom for some advice.

“Hi, Mom.”

“Chandler, dear. How nice to hear your voice. How is everything?”

“We had dinner with Nikki’s parents last night.”

“And how did that go?” she asks with some concern in her voice.

“Her mother can be a little difficult, but her dad? I love her dad.”

“Her mother will come around once the baby is born.”

“That’s what I figure. I want some advice from you. Ring advice.”

“As in diamond ring?”

“Yes. I’ve been asking Nikki to marry me ten times over, but she always turns me down. I shared this with Mr. Russo, and he asked me if I got down on one knee with a big ring and all, and like a fool, I had to tell him no.”

“Oh, Chandler, honey. You have to do it right.”

“I realize now what a schmuck I’ve been.”

“You are not a schmuck, Son—maybe just a little clueless is all. This all happened so fast, and you were caught off guard.”

“I know, Mom. But I’m honestly really happy and excited to be having a baby with Nikki. She truly is the love of my life, and I want to make her my wife. What kind of ring should I get to dazzle her? I don’t have any idea.”

“I personally love the new halo rings I’ve seen in jewelry ads. A round or cushion cut stone with tiny diamonds all around it. Let me see. I just saw one in a magazine I have here. How about I take a picture of it, and I’ll send it to you to give you an idea?”

“Mom, that would be great. I knew you could help me.”

“That’s what mothers are here for. How about we come down for a visit? Your father and I were talking, and we thought we could come down and celebrate Christmas with you and Nikki in Los Angeles.”

“That sounds like a great idea. Let me run it by Nikki. I’m sure she would love to see you.”

I hang up with my mom, and within minutes, I receive a text with an image of the ring, and it’s stunning. I think Nikki would love it.

Now, I need to find a good jeweler. I’ll ask my agent, Caroline Chambers of Elite Models. I’m sure she knows of a good jeweler in LA. She runs with the movers and the shakers. She’s a seasoned veteran in tinsel town and highly respected. I’m lucky to call her my agent. We’re meeting for lunch today. It’ll be the perfect time for me to ask her and share the news with her. She is the epitome of class and discretion. I can trust her not to say a word to the world until I say it’s all right to do so.

“Caroline, it’s nice to see you.” I greet her with a hug, and I press a kiss to her turned cheek.

“Chandler, dear, you look well. Driving all the young girls crazy, as usual,” she teases.

Caroline is well-preserved for her age. She must be pushing sixty and is simply stunning. My guess is that she regularly visits a cosmetic surgeon who performs his magic on her every five years to keep her ageless.

We settle into a booth at our favorite cafe, and we each order our usual. A big juicy burger with French fries for me, and Caroline orders her salad.

“So, how is life treating my star model these days? Are you still dating that Lipstick Kisses billionairess? Nikki was her name, right?” she asks.

“Yes, we are still going strong. In fact, I have come to ask you for a recommendation.”

“Oh, what kind of recommendation?” I’ve peaked her curiosity.

“To a good jeweler,” I smile, knowing what is about to come next.

Caroline’s eyes go wide with excitement. “Are you looking for an engagement ring, Chandler Winslow?” she gasps in astonishment.

“Yes, I’m in the market for one.” I chuckle, taking a sip of my café latte.

“Oh. My. God. You’re settling down and breaking the hearts of girls across the world, you know that?” she squeals.

“Nikki and I are expecting, and I couldn’t be happier.” I share the truth with her. It will be evident the next time she sees Nikki anyway. There’s no sense in hiding it.

“Oh, congratulations. I’m happy for you both.” Caroline always says the right thing in every single situation, the epitome of class and sophistication. That’s my agent, Caroline Chambers.

She has been my agent since day one, and I immediately took a liking to her. She has become like an aunt to me.  Caroline looks out for me at every turn. She’s even brought me chicken soup when I’ve been sick. I couldn’t ask for a better agent—or friend, for that matter.

“So you’re happy?” she asks, reaching across the table and squeezing my hand.

“Yes, I’ve never been happier. Don’t worry. Nikki isn’t trying to trap me. On the contrary, she won’t agree to marry me. I’ve asked her a dozen times, and she turns me down every time.”

“What? You have got to be kidding me. I need to have a talk with her,” Caroline says in a scolding voice. “No one turns my boy down. No one.”

“Settle down, Caroline. I know what I’ve been doing wrong. Nikki’s dad, who is the greatest guy, tipped me off.”

“Oh? And pray tell, what were you doing wrong?”

“I didn’t have a ring, and I didn’t get down on bended knee. I’ve been such a fool. A chicken.”

“Hmm, her father has a point there. A woman likes to be wooed and romanced. Oh, I know the perfect jeweler. Joseph is right up the street from here, on Camden Way. I’ve bought all of my baubles from him. He even will design something if he doesn’t have it in his shop.”

“Well, if he’s good enough for you, and I know what exquisite taste you have, then I’m sure I would be happy with him. I just hope my wallet can afford him.”

“He will take good care of you. Shall we pay him a visit?”

“Right now?”

“There’s no time like the present. You’ve got a bun in the oven.” Caroline winks at me. But I hear the warmth in her voice, so I don’t take offense. Besides, she is just speaking the truth.

We walk over one street and up a block until we are standing in front of Joseph’s Jewelry Designs as we gawk at the jewelry displayed in the front window first before walking inside.

It’s a small store, with three glass cases.

“Caroline, how nice to see you, my dear,” a gentleman greets Caroline warmly.

“Joseph, it’s nice to see you too!” They do the proverbial LA air kiss. “I’ve brought my good friend, Chandler Winslow, in to see you today. He is looking for just the right engagement ring, and I told him I knew just the person to see.”

“Chandler, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Joseph extends his hand, and we shake firmly.


“This case here has most of my engagement rings.” He gestures to the glass case to our right.

As my eyes peruse the baubles, one in particular catches my eyes. It looks very similar to the photo my mother sent from the magazine ad.

“May I see this one in the bottom right of this tray?” I ask, pointing to the sparkling ring.

“Ah yes, a cushion cut set in a halo setting. It’s a very popular style.”

“You have fabulous taste, Chandler,” Caroline remarks.

“This has a 2.65-carat, cushion cut center stone, surrounded by brilliant cut diamonds in what is called a halo.”

“This is it. Nikki will love it. It’s stunning and dazzling, just like she is.”

“Spoken like a man in love.” Caroline sighs.

“I’ll take it.”

Driving on the way home, all of the sudden, I’m feeling anxious with this velvet box burning a hole in my pocket.

I brainstorm scenarios of how and when I should propose. I need to make it special and romantic and catch her off guard. Then maybe she will agree to marry me. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have to beg a girl to marry me. But to be honest, I wondered if I would ever get married or find that special girl I could trust with my heart. I know I’ve found that in Nikki. I don’t have a single doubt.

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