Lipstick Kisses : A Sexy, Standalone Contemporary Romance (13 page)

BOOK: Lipstick Kisses : A Sexy, Standalone Contemporary Romance
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Chapter Twenty-Seven

The Cherry Campaign Party is tonight, and Chandler and I are getting ready at my place. It’s actually become almost as much his place as it is mine. I wouldn’t say he has totally moved in, but he has half of his wardrobe in my closet, and his man care stuff is littered across half of my bathroom counter.

He sleeps here most nights, unless he’s out of town on a shoot. I notice he’s been doing less and less of those lately. Having him around is light and breezy. He’s laid back, unlike the tightly wound, type-A person I can be. He’s my cool as a cucumber cowboy. Sometimes, I struggle with turning off Lipstick Kisses Nikki when I get home. Chandler gently reminds me from time to time to cool my jets.

I must say how refreshing it is that we complement each other. He takes care of a lot of the cooking and our meals, which I love about him, or should I say it’s just one of the many qualities I love about him. Yes, I admit, I do love him. His sweet, down-home charm, with no big ego or edge to his personality that I can imagine ever getting tired of. He is so refreshing and different from what I’ve dated in the past. I’m glad I listened to Kelsey in the beginning and gave him a chance with me.  He makes me feel well taken care of the minute I walk through that door each evening.

“You are glowing. You look stunning tonight,” he murmurs close to my ear as his arms curl around my growing waist from behind. He presses his cheek against mine and gazes at our reflection in the vanity mirror. I finish applying the last sweeps of blush across my cheeks.

“Why, thank you, Mr. Winslow. You clean up nicely yourself,” I tease as I swipe my make-up brush across the tip of his nose.

“Hey, watch it there, woman,” he grins, jerking his face out of my reach.

“Aren’t you used to looking pretty? They cake the makeup on you sometimes during your shoots, don’t they?” I ask.

“Yes, and I absolutely hate it. It clogs my pores,” he says, turning each cheek toward the mirror. I’m not sure which of us is more vain. No, seriously, Chandler is the least vain guy I know. Which is shocking, considering how drop-dead gorgeous he is.

Tonight, I’m wearing a red silk halter dress. It billows loosely at the waist, camouflaging my growing baby bump.

Chandler lovingly palms my belly with a look of pride on his striking features. “How are you feeling?”

“Better. I ate some crackers to quell the nausea I felt coming on earlier this morning.” The morning sickness has been bearable. It should pass soon. At least, that’s what Dr. Liu reassures me.

We arrive early at Shutters, the breezy, hip hotel on the water in Santa Monica. I love the outdoor patio that overflows from the main restaurant.

Kelsey, my assistant, and Stewart, my right-hand man, are here early, making sure everything is ready for our guests, who should start arriving within the hour.

“Nikki, you look fabulous,” Kelsey says, embracing me.

“Thank you. You look smoking hot yourself. Perfect for Morgan. He will take one look at you and want to devour you,” I say. Kelsey blushes.

“Stop it. With Bella and the other models you invited tonight, I’m sure Morgan will be distracted,” she replies, organizing the parting gifts table.

“Don’t be so sure,” I tease with a grin.

Two hours into the party, and it’s packed in here and guests are overflowing out to the patio. We have a great turnout tonight, but I knew we would. Lipstick Kisses knows how to throw a party. I’m very pleased, feeling jubilant and satisfied as I lean back against the bar and survey the crowd.

I watch Chandler talking to Bella and a rail-thin model friend of hers, no doubt. She’s gesturing animatedly about something and throws her head back with laughter before squeezing Chandler’s arm flirtatiously and then pressing her hand intimately across his chest. He shares in her laughter and leans into her when she presses up closer to him.

Shit. I know they’ve slept together. I can feel it in the pit of my knotted stomach. I wonder if it was just once or if it was something more between them.

“Having a good time?” Kelsey asks as she sidles up next to me.

“I’m pleased with the turnout tonight. Everyone seems to be having a good time. Some more than others,” I reply, watching Bella and Chandler.

“Of course everyone’s having a good time. Lipstick Kisses knows how to throw a party!” Kelsey exclaims.

“That we do. That we do,” I say, nursing my cranberry spritzer. “Look at them. It’s obvious they’ve slept together before, isn’t it?” I nod in Bella and Chandler’s direction, and Kelsey follows my eyes.

“Chandler loves you, Nikki, and only has eyes for you. When you’re with a guy who looks like he does, he’s bound to have a past filled with ex-lovers. Besides, it’s not like you haven’t had your share of lovers, now is it?”

“No, I suppose you’re right. I’m no angel. Hey, I noticed Morgan eyeing you big time. Have you spoken with him tonight?”

“I’ve been busy running things. Besides, being around him makes me nervous as hell.”

“Don’t look now, but he’s headed this way.” Morgan has a bead on Kelsey, and she is trying to ignore him. I don’t understand her.

“Ladies, I must say you both look exceptionally lovely this evening. You both are the ladies in red. Would you like to dance, Kelsey?” Morgan asks smoothly, his eyes landing on her cleavage.

“Uhhh, sure,” Kelsey replies awkwardly. Kelsey needs another drink or two to loosen up.

“Excuse us, Nikki,” Morgan says.

“By all means,” I reply. Morgan places his hand lightly on the back of Kelsey’s waist and maneuvers her through the crowd to the small dance floor. He takes her in his arms and pulls her in close. Her chest is pressed up against his, and I see the corners of his lips turn up in a satisfied smirk. Kelsey looks unsure, apprehensive as they sway to the slow and sultry music of Marvin Gaye’s
Let’s Get It On.

“Do you care to dance, little lady?” I hear my cowboy drawl out oh-so-sexily, holding out his hand for me to take.

“I’d love to.”

Once we make our way to the dance floor and Chandler is holding me close in his arms, he whispers, “I requested this song. Do you remember?”

“Yes, this was the song they played at the MOCA Gala.”

“Yes, the first night we consummated our relationship. I remember it fondly,” he says, and I can hear the smile in his voice.

I notice Bella out of the corner of my eye, and I can sense her eyes on us. I’m sure she’s wondering what I have that she doesn’t.

“Bella is gorgeous, isn’t she?” I ask.

“I suppose some men may find her appealing,” he replies.

“Are you one of those that finds her appealing?” I can’t stop myself from asking. My jealous little green-eyed monster is rearing its ugly head.

“Not especially.” Is his curt and tight answer. I debate, mulling it over in my mind. Should I just come out and ask him?

“Have you two slept together?” Why do I ask this and risk ruining our night? I sense his body stiffen at my bold and blunt question.

“I only have eyes for you, the mother of my child,” he whispers close to my ear.

All right, that answers my question. I say no more. What more can I ask for? I close my eyes and try to just enjoy being in his arms. The past is past. Be happy in the now, be happy in the now, I try to remind myself.

After a few moments pass, I open my eyes again, curious to see how Kelsey and Morgan are doing together. I scan the dance floor and see them off to the side, standing close together at one of the cocktail tables. I can tell Morgan is turning on the charm, leaning into Kelsey, and she’s giggling at something he’s saying.

“Check out Kelsey and Morgan. I think they’re getting along swimmingly.”

“Are you trying to play matchmaker, sweetheart?”

“I want Kelsey to find someone. Is that a crime?” I pout.

“No, but do you think he looks like the settle down type? He has
written all over him, if you ask me. Too good-looking, and that British accent of his must draw the girls around in swarms,” Chandler says, eyeing Morgan across the room.

“Kelsey’s a big girl. She can take care of herself,” I reply, hoping I’m right. But Kelsey’s single and attractive. She needs to live a little, just like she encouraged me to do in the beginning with Chandler.

It’s after midnight now, and the crowd is thinning out. I’ve done my fair share of air kisses tonight, and I’m exhausted.

“Are you getting tired? Maybe we should call it a night,” Chandler says, always taking care of me.

“I need to stay until the end, send my last guest home, and thank each one for coming.” Just as the words are out my mouth, Kelsey comes up to us.

“It’s winding down. Why don’t you go home now, Nikki? I can stay until the last guest leaves.”

“Are you sure? Hey, I see Morgan is still here, sticking to you like glue,” I tease.

“Yes, I know. He wants to drive me home.”

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” I chuckle.

“Mmm-hmm.” She smiles, staring pointedly at my baby bump. “So in other words, I should sleep with him? I can assure you that’s not happening tonight. He hasn’t even taken me out on a proper date yet. Haven’t you read
The Power of the Pussy
? I plan on making him work for it.”

“I’m proud of you. You have more willpower than I do, apparently.” We giggle together as I discreetly rub my stomach. “What kind of book is that? Is that really the title? You’ve got to be joking!”

“No, I’m not. I’ll loan it to you. It’s hilarious, but most of it rings true.”

“You make me laugh, Kelsey. But yes, I would be curious to read it. I remember when you were reading
Why Men Love Bitches
. You’re a relationship book addict. You just need to get out there and “do” rather than staying home at night alone and reading about how to do relationships.”

Morgan comes up behind Kelsey and leans in really close, and I see her body tense.

“May I take you home now?” Morgan asks Kelsey in his sexy British accent. How can any girl say no to that accent? I’m sure none ever do.

“Morgan, you go ahead and take her home now. I can see the last of the guests out,” I volunteer. Chandler eyes me, anxious to get home himself. It’s late, and I can tell he’s concerned about me being on my feet all night.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

I’ve enjoyed Morgan’s company most of the evening, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t eating up all of the attention he’s lavishing on me.

Once we pull up to my building, Morgan kills the engine of his Ferrari.

“May I come in, Kelsey?” he asks in a confident bedroom voice that sends a shiver through my body.

“It’s late, and I’m getting sleepy.”

“Why don’t you let me come in and tuck you in for the night?”

“As tempting as your offer sounds, I think I can manage just fine.”

“Well, let me at least walk you to your door,” he replies smoothly, making it hard to say no.

“I suppose there’s no harm in that.”

He sends me a wicked grin as he turns to get out of the car and comes around to open my door to help me from his car. I’m impressed. Chivalry must not be dead in England.

I swivel my legs out of the car first, and he places his hand out for me to grasp. My eyes travel the length of his arm and straight to his heart-stopping and mesmerizing eyes.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

“My pleasure.”

Once we get to my front door, he presses me against the door.

“Have dinner with me tomorrow,” he tells me, not asking.

“Are you asking me on a date?”

After a long pause, he sensually brushes his lips against mine and my legs go weak.

“Yes, I suppose I am. But what I’d really like to do is come in.” Then he takes my lips in a tantalizing kiss. His tongue snakes into my parted lips, and I surrender, enjoying his lips on mine while our kiss deepens. The desire is building between us. My resolve is weakening. I’m imagining him naked in my bed, doing delicious things to my nether regions with his talented tongue.

I place my hand firmly on his broad chest before I manage to pull away from the passionate kiss that leaves me breathless.

“Goodnight, Morgan,” I say, trying to say it as firmly as I can muster.

His gorgeous face is inches from mine, and his hooded, lust-filled eyes lock onto mine.

“Let me come in, Kelsey.”

“Nope. Maybe if you play your cards right, you can come in next time. Thanks for seeing me home, safe and sound. Goodnight.” I turn and slide my key into the lock, twist the knob, and hastily step into my condo. Then I swiftly close the door. My heart is racing. Damn, he’s nearly irresistible, but I try to remember the rules of my latest relationship read,
The Power of the Pussy
. I need to make him work for it, prove himself to me.

I head into my bedroom to get ready and crash.

I remove my makeup, slide my dress off, and pull my silk nighty on. Too bad Morgan isn’t here with me, keeping me warm tonight.

I pick up my Kindle from my nightstand to continue reading about the power of the pussy. I have failed miserably in all of my past relationships. I know it’s time to try a new approach because, obviously, what I’ve been doing hasn’t been working.

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