Lipstick Kisses : A Sexy, Standalone Contemporary Romance (16 page)

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Chapter Thirty-One

I’m sitting at my desk, brows furrowed studying the latest business trends in the cosmetics market when my private line rings. I quickly answer the call before I even check caller ID.

“Hi, Nikki, It’s Jonathan. Please don’t hang up. Hear me out,” he pleads before I hang up on him.

“What do you want?” I can hear a tremor in my voice.

“I heard you’re expecting and I wanted to congratulate you. You and Chandler.”

“Really? Well, thanks.”

God, this is weird.

“I also wanted to call and apologize for getting a little obsessive about you.”

I don’t respond. What’s there to say?

“And I wanted to let you know that I’m moving back to New York tomorrow.”

“Oh. Going back home?” I ask. Hearing his voice again brought my fears to the surface again. I’m caught off guard and surprised by what he has to say. It’s setting my mind at ease, and hopefully, we can move past this.

“Yes. I realized I missed the big apple, and there’s nothing keeping me here, so I thought I would go back and start fresh,” he says, and he sounds sincere about it.

“Well, I wish you the best, Jonathan.”

“Thanks. I just wanted to clear the air between us before I left. I wish you and Chandler the best too.”

We say our goodbyes and hang up.

That was—awkward and a little scary. When did he become such a threat? He was a nice guy at one time. Before he got obsessed with me. I truly hope he’s in a better place now and will find happiness in New York, far away from LA.

I press the intercom button on my phone, “Kelsey, get in here.”

“What is it?” Kelsey asks, scurrying into my office and closing the door behind her. I guess she could tell by the tone of my voice that it was something urgent.

“Jonathan just called in on my direct line.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I should have been able to screen the call for you,” she says, cringing.

“Actually, it was a good call.”

“How can a call from your stalker be a good call?” she asks, sitting on the edge of her seat across from my desk.

“He called to congratulate Chandler and me and apologize for stalking me and to tell me he is moving back to New York.”

“Really!” Kelsey gasps.

“Yes, really. On all three counts. I’m glad I took the call and heard him out. I could hear a glimmer of the old Jonathan I used to be friends with, before it got so strange. I can’t tell you how relieved I was to hear he’s moving all the way back to New York. It sets my mind at ease like you wouldn’t believe.” I sigh as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I can breathe again at night and not wonder if he’s lurking around or watching me.

“Well, that is all good news. Did you ever tell Chandler?” she asks.

“No, never. And I think I will keep it that way. Why rehash past lovers, especially to your current lover?” Anybody knows that’s never a good idea.

“That’s never a good idea. That’s what my
Power of the Pussy
books says too.”

“You and that damn book. How are things going with Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome? Who I set you up with, by the way,” I tease.

“Oh my God, Nikki. It couldn’t be better. I’m shocked and amazed by how well it’s going! ”

“You can thank me later. I hope it continues to run smoothly. I take it he must be good between the sheets, no doubt.” I can’t help but comment. After all, she wanted details from me when Chandler and I first got together.

“Nikki, I don’t kiss and tell,” she replies, feigning modesty and decorum.

“Spill. I want details. You were after me for details when Chandler and I first got together,” I comment, hands on my hips. Honestly, the old double-standard.

“If you must know, I haven’t slept with him just yet.”

“You have got to be kidding me.”

“Nope, I’m following the rules laid out in my latest relationship book. It’s been working like a charm. I almost have him eating out of my hand. He wants me so badly.” Kelsey giggles, her face lighting up like a Christmas tree.

“I’m happy for you. Happy you found someone who treats you right, for a change.”




Christmas is fast approaching, and I’m getting bigger by the day. I always seem to be hungry, and sweets are what I crave. Our office is filled with goodies our different vendors send as Holiday gifts, and I’ve been over-indulging. Chocolates, cookies, cakes and wine, but I have to abstain from the wine for the time being.

“I just can’t stop stuffing my face. Get these things out of my office, would you? Move everything into the conference room so I’m not tempted. Look at me, I’m as big as a beached whale,” I groan, rubbing my belly.

“Nikki, you are the cutest pregnant woman I’ve ever seen!” Kelsey exclaims, but I don’t believe a word my friend says. What does she know?

Stewart walks into my office. We have a meeting to go over our holiday sales figures. It’s been another stellar year peddling makeup.

“How are you feeling these days? Is Dr. Liu taking good care of you?”

“Yes, I love Dr. Liu! She is always so patient and spends time with me at every visit, answering my every question and putting my fear of childbirth at ease. Honestly, I marvel at how women survive childbirth. I’m scared to death of it. I won’t watch any of the films they show in those childbirth classes. I look away at the gory parts,” I say with a shudder.

“Man up, Nikki. You run this huge company, and you let having a baby scare you?” Stewart chides.

“Hey, until you’re a woman who has to go through the ordeal, don’t tell me to ‘man up’,” I retort.

“If my wife can survive it, anyone can. Have you thought of names yet?” Stewart asks.

“Chelsea if it’s a girl, and Chandler Jr. if it’s a boy.”

“You’re going to do that to the poor kid if it’s a boy. He’ll be Chandler the second?”

“I like the name, Chandler,” I say in defense.

“I guess it’s different,” Stewart shrugs.

“I love the name, Chelsea,” Kelsey chimes in.

After Stewart and I go over our numbers and our meeting is finished, Kelsey and I are left alone to decide what she will pick up for lunch to feed my growing belly.

“Chandler’s family is spending Christmas with us.” When he asked if they could come for Christmas, I could hardly say no. I do love his family. They’re such a warm and loving family and have welcomed me with open arms. But being pregnant, I am just so worn out all of the time. It will be a real effort for me to entertain them, but I’m happy to do it for Chandler.

My parents have offered to have Christmas at their home and have invited Chandler’s family to join us. To be honest, I’m a little nervous about how everyone will get along. I hope my mom behaves herself. I never worry about my dear old dad. He is always a jovial host. Who wouldn’t love my dad? He’s like a soft teddy bear that you can’t help but want to wrap in a bear hug the minute you meet him.

“You like them, right?”

“Yes, I do. Chandler has such a warm family. They always make me feel like I’m part of the family.”

“Well, you will be soon. Now that you are giving them a grandbaby.”

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”




“How was your day, Princess?” Chandler asks once I come into the kitchen after I’ve changed out of my work clothes and into something comfortable. I always change the minute I get home into my most comfortable baby doll dress, escaping the confines of my maternity work clothes that can feel so confining by the end of the day. My feet are killing me. Most nights, I’m lucky enough to have my darling cowboy give me a much-needed foot massage.

“Dinner smells heavenly. I’m starved,” I say, going up to him by the stove and giving him a kiss. Oh, how I love my personal chef/lover. My appetite has been in overdrive since I’ve been pregnant. “Work was good today.”

Hearing from Jonathan today had set me on edge at first. But once I heard him out, I’m glad I did. He put my mind at ease and lifted the cloud that was hanging over us. I could hear the old Jonathan again, the one who had always been my friend. The fact that he’s moving across the country to New York made be feel a whole lot better too. I never did breathe a word about any of this to Chandler. But now that I’ve gained some closure and I’m at peace with it, maybe now is a good time.

“I heard from Jonathan today,” I volunteer.

“Oh, you haven’t talked to him in a while. How is he?” Chandler asks as he’s dishing out dinner and setting our plates on the table. I’m a lucky girl. What can I say? I found the man of my dreams right here, my cowboy. Who would have known?

We sit down for dinner. We always like to dine out on the balcony when the weather’s nice so we can enjoy our breathtaking view of the crystal blue Pacific every chance we get. There’s a nice breeze blowing tonight. Chandler made my favorite. His mouth-watering lasagna and garlic breadsticks are to die for. I’ve gained quite a bit of weight, probably more than I should at this point in the pregnancy, but I don’t care, and Chandler doesn’t seem to either. I have an excuse. I’m eating for two, right? He claims I’m extra sexy while pregnant. Go figure. I think he’s just feeding me a line. He’s such a sweetheart.

“He called to congratulate us on our impending arrival and to tell me he’s moving back to New York,” I reply between bites of my garlic breadstick.

“Is that where he was from originally?” Chandler asks, taking a sip of his wine. I miss drinking wine, but I had to give alcohol up for the time being. Dr. Liu warned me against drinking, and I’ve been following her advice to a tee. I want to bring little Johnny or Suzie into the world as healthy as can be.

“Yeah, I guess he misses the big apple.” I decide not to say a word about the would-be intruder being Jonathan. We’ve moved past it, and Chandler and I are in such a perfect place right now. Why divulge unnecessary information about my past relationships? What’s the saying? Let sleeping dogs lie. He may just wind up getting jealous about the fact that I had slept with Jonathan. I don’t want to dig all of that up again.

“How was your day?” I ask, changing the subject off me and Jonathan.

“Good too. I had lunch with Caroline,” he replies.

Caroline is Chandler’s awesome agent. She’s the best in the business. He’s fortunate to have her. She works hard and genuinely cares about each of the models she represents. She and Chandler have become close friends. Caroline is a class act, someone I admire and look up to.

“Caroline is the best. I love her,” I comment.

“Yeah, she’s a special lady. I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for her discovering me on the beach that one fine day. Then I wouldn’t have started modeling, and I would have never met you, darlin’,” he drawls with a grin.

“True. True. Do you think our paths would have crossed otherwise?” I wonder. Maybe fate would have intervened.

“We would have never ever met otherwise. Come on. I don’t hang out at any of your fancy parties or galas. And you never go to the beach or bars and clubs that I frequented. Nope, we would have never met.”

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right. I’m so glad she discovered you so I could discover you,” I tease and laugh at my sexual innuendo while waggling my eyebrows at him.

“The feeling is mutual. You’re the most beautiful pregnant woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

“Please. How many pregnant ladies have you been around?”

“I’ve seen them around.”

“Well thank you, sweetheart.” I accept the compliment, although I’m not sure I believe him.



Chapter Thirty-Two


Chandler’s parents and sister, Cassie, arrive today. He’s picking them up from the airport and taking them to his bungalow in Venice to settle in. Since he is always at my place, it made sense for them to make themselves at home at his place. I’m thankful he didn’t ask me if they could stay here. As much as I adore them, I need my personal space right now, especially since I get so tired these days. By the evening, after a long day at Lipstick Kisses, I need to put my feet up, and Chandler is usually willing to pamper me with a foot massage.

“Did your parents and Cassie settle in all right at your bungalow?” I ask Chandler this evening after dinner when we are kicking back in the living room.

“Yes, they’re looking forward to seeing you tomorrow for dinner.”

“I can’t wait to see them either.” Truth be told, I’m a little nervous about it. I’ve spoken to his darling mother on the phone since we found out I was expecting, and she couldn’t have been nicer or more supportive of our little surprise. But I’m nervous about seeing them face-to-face. Once they see my growing belly, will it just be a reminder that I’m trying to trap their precious son? I know I’m mind reading and they’ve never given me a single reason to think they disapprove of it all, but that’s just how I imagine they must be feeling.

“Nikki, you look fabulous,” Mrs. Winslow gushes as she wraps me in a tight embrace. She is just being kind. I look like I’ve swallowed a basketball.

“Mrs. Winslow, I’m so glad you are here to spend Christmas with us.”

“Kate, remember. Please call me Kate, dear.”

“How was the flight down?”

“We had a few delays out of Bozeman, but we got here in one piece.”

“ Are you comfortable at Chandler’s?”

“Oh yes, it’s so nice to be able to walk to the beach every morning and grab our coffee at the little shop on the corner.”

“Venice is a great neighborhood,” I agree.

We all sit down at our round table to fit our party of five. Cassie is just as adorable as I remember her. She absolutely adores her big brother. She hangs on his every word, but then again, I do too. Chandler is a very special man, the father of my baby. I couldn’t be happier, I think to myself as I watch him interact with his family.

If you had told me a year ago that I would have a man like Chandler in my life and be expecting a child, I never would have believed you.  Even now, right at this moment, sitting at this table with this lovely family, I still don’t believe it.

Chandler turns his gaze toward me, and his crystal blue eyes settle on mine. He smiles at me, and his eyes twinkle. My insides warm, and my heart skips a beat, still. I think this is what they call love.

“Christmas at the Russos’ on Saturday,” I hear Chandler say, pulling me from my thoughts.

“Oh yes, my parents are very excited to meet you.”

“We are looking forward to spending Christmas with your family. It was so gracious of your parents to invite us.”

It’s time they met. I know that much. They will be sharing a grandchild together. My baby.

I need to spend time finishing my Christmas shopping tomorrow. I’ll invite Cassie to join me. I love Chandler’s sweet baby sister. She can be the sister I never had.

After enjoying the multitude of endless hors d’oeuvres my mother prepared, we all barely have room for dinner as we waddle to the dining room. My mother has set up our prime rib with all the fixings on the buffet table, and we each make our way through the buffet, piling our plates with whatever our hearts desire.

Once we are all seated and the wine has been poured, my father makes a toast.

“To spending a wonderful Christmas together. We are so very grateful Nikki and Chandler will be bringing our first grandchild into the world soon,” my dear, sweet dad says, causing my eyes to water. Tears of joy and tears of something else I can’t put into words. Wistful that I’ve done this out of order, not sure of our future together, I suppose.

We all raise our glasses and clink them together. My eyes scatter around the table, taking everyone in, wondering what they’re thinking.

I watch Chandler swallow down his wine before he clears his throat uncomfortably.

Then in one quick movement, he stands, pulls his chair back, and gets down on bended knee. I feel him reaching for my hand.

“Nikki, I will love you and our baby until the end of time. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” he asks, his eyes boring into mine as every pair of eyes of our adoring family waits expectantly for my answer.

Damn, Chandler
, are the first words that come to mind. He’s put me on the spot. But how I love this man.

Then I see him reach into his pocket and pull out a velvet ring box. He pops it open, and the most stunning diamond ring is bedazzling me, begging to make its way onto my finger. How can I refuse?

“Yes. Absolutely. Yes.”

Our adoring family cheers, and I have to wipe away my tears. Tears of happiness now.

“I love you,” he tells me.

“I love you too.”

There is not a dry eye at the table as I glance around, feeling self-conscious for a moment. Then the moment passes, and peace and tranquility pass through my body.

I look over at my father, and he’s beaming. Beaming with happiness for his Sweet Pea, I’m sure.

Dinner conversation flows easily, and our two families are melding together seamlessly. It couldn’t have gone better. Even my mother behaved herself and stepped up to the plate and morphed into the hostess with the mostess. She surprised me.

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