| and Sonia Johnson, "Taking Our Eyes off the Guys," in Leidholdt and Raymond, The Sexual Liberals , 5660.
 | 101. Frye, The Politics of Reality , 7374; also see Graham and Rawlings, "Bonding with Abusive Dating Partners"; Barnett and LaViolette, It Could Happen to Anyone , 8288, 1037; Tifft, Battering of Women , 5056; Ganache, "Domination and Control," 74; Bateman, "The Context of Dating Violence," 98.
 | 102. See French, The War against Women , 18990; Schechter, Women and Male Violence , 3; Martin, Battered Wives , 2021, 27980; also see Tong, Women, Sex, and the Law , 12.4; Hofeller, Battered Women , 23.
 | 103. See Tong, Women, Sex, and the Law , 13637, 140, 144, 16972; Hofeller, Battered Women , 1819, 6970, 9495, 97; Barnett and LaViolette, It Could Happen to Anyone , xix, 19, 1621, 3137; Schechter, Women and Male Violence , 24; also see White, "The Abused Black Woman," 9293.
 | 104. See Tong, Women, Sex, and the Law , 14549; Schechter, Women and Male Violence , 17074; Martin, Battered Wives , 5759, 27071.
 | 105. See Russell, Sexual Exploitation , 172; also see Finkelhor, Sexually Victimized Children , 2, quoted in Russell with her analysis, in Sexual Exploitation , 26668; also see Rush, The Best-Kept Secret , 2; Kate Millett, "Beyond Politics?: Children and Sexuality," in Pleasure and Danger: Exploring Female Sexuality , ed. Carole S. Vance (London: Pandora Press, 1989), 22223.
 | 106. See Sandra Butler, Conspiracy of Silence , 4, 4648, 94125; Judith Lewis Herman, Father-Daughter Incest , 27, quoted in Russell, Sexual Exploitation , 248; Rush, The Best-Kept Secret , 147.
 | 107. See Russell, Sexual Exploitation , 22831. Judith Lewis Herman points out that the majority of child sexual abuse victims do not become perpetrators. See Trauma and Recovery , 113, 114.
 | 108. See Russell, Sexual Exploitation , 24243, 26364; Armstrong, "Making an Issue of Incest," 44, 5152; Sandra Butler, Conspiracy of Silence , 9091; Rush, The Best-Kept Secret , 99, 13441, 16264, 19394.
 | 109. Rush, The Best-Kept Secret , 104, 1415, 80, 138, 143, 145; Armstrong, "Making an Issue of Incest," 51; Sandra Butler, Conspiracy of Silence , 911, 3436, 21112; Judith Lewis Herman, Trauma and Recovery , 1020. For some of the ways in which adults' recovered memories of their childhood abuse are meeting with resistance and backlash, see Louise Armstrong, Rocking the Cradle of Sexual Politics: What Happened When Women Said Incest (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1994).
 | 110. For example, see Barry, Female Sexual Slavery ; MacKinnon, Feminism Unmodified ; Andrea Dworkin, Right-Wing Women (New York: Perigee Books, 1983). For an analysis of sex objectification in terms of treating persons as less than moral equals, see LeMoncheck, Dehumanizing Women , 2638.