| University of Illinois Press, 1990); Michele A. Paludi, ed., Ivory Power: Sexual Harassment on Campus (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990).
 | 85. MacKinnon, Sexual Harassment , 25, 173.
 | 86. For example, see Tong, Women, Sex, and the Law , 6871.
 | 87. See Russell, Sexual Exploitation , 27476.
 | 88. See Tuana, "Sexual Harassment in Academe," 5758. For overviews of the role of gender and organizational power in sexual harassment, see Barbara A. Gutek, Sex and the Workplace (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1985); Dziech and Weiner, The Lecherous Professor ; Paludi, Ivory Power ; National Council for Research on Women, Sexual Harassment: Research and Resources , 3d ed., written by Deborah L. Siegel and revised by Marina Budhos (New York: National Council for Research on Women, 1995). For discussions of sexual harassment understood as a function of both cultural context and individual experience, see Smitherman, African American Women Speak Out on Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas ; Brant and Too, Rethinking Sexual Harassment ; Linda LeMoncheck, "Taunted and Tormented or Savvy and Seductive?: Feminist Discourse on Sexual Harassment," and "Response," in Sexual Harassment: A Debate , Linda LeMoncheek and Mane Hajdin (Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 1997).
 | 89. See Tong, Women, Sex, and the Law , 91; Bogart, "On the Nature of Rape," 16880.
 | 90. For changes in evidentiary rules for rape, see Allison and Wrightsman, Rape , 199216. For an excellent discussion of what current rape law reform really means in practice and how victims and defendants fare, see Linda A. Fairstein, Sexual Violence: Our War against Rape (New York: Berkley Publishing Group, 1995) and Sexual Violence: Twenty Years in New York's Sex Crimes Prosecution Unit (New York: William Morrow, 1993); also see Robin Abcarian, "When a Woman just Says 'No,'" Los Angeles Times , 8 June 1994; René Lynch, "Rapists May Strike Again, and Again, Experts Say," Los Angeles Times , 29 May 1994.
 | 91. See Tong, Women, Sex, and the Law , 97104; Allison and Wrightsman, Rape , 65; also see MacKinnon, Feminism Unmodified , 8384; Russell, Sexual Exploitation , 13839.
 | 92. See Griffin, "Rape," 31519; Brownmiller, Against Our Will , 34647; Abcarian, "When a Woman Just Says 'No.'"
 | 93. MacKinnon, Feminism Unmodified , 8889; Russell, Sexual Exploitation , 122, 16164; Allison and Wrightsman, Rape , 22.
 | 94. See Bateman, "The Context of Date Rape," 98; Russell, Sexual Exploitation , 138; also see Allison and Wrightsman, Rape , 7174; Robert Rosenfeld, "The Burden of Initiation," and Louisa Moon, "Prostitution and Date Rape: The Commodification of 'Consent,'" papers presented at a symposium on the philosophy of sex and love at the Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association, Boston, Massachusetts, December 1994.