| 90; Peterson, "Coercion and Rape," 362; Shafer and Frye, "Rape and Respect," 341; Bogart, "On the Nature of Rape," 172; Foa, "What's Wrong with Rape?," 35052.
 | 115. See French, The War against Women , 192, 195; also see Russell, Sexual Exploitation , 163; Levy, "Introduction," 45.
 | 116. See Bar On, "Why Terrorism Is Morally Problematic," 116; Tifft, Battering of Women , 5056, 9194, and 177, n. 16; also see Tong, Women, Sex, and the Law , 126.
 | 117. See Jessica Benjamin, "Master and Slave: The Fantasy of Erotic Domination," in Snitow et al., Powers of Desire , 28485, 288, 292; also see Tifft, Battering of Women , 5456.
 | 118. See Frye, The Politics of Reality , 60; Hofeller, Battered Women , 1920; Martin, Battered Wives , 8, 85, 27374; Barnett and LaViolette, It Could Happen to Anyone , 15; Schechter, Women and Male Violence , 231.
 | 119. White, "The Abused Black Woman," 9192; Martin, Battered Wives , 27, 36.
 | 120. David Finkelhor, Child Sexual Abuse: New Theory and Research (New York: Free Press, 1984), quoted in Russell, Sexual Exploitation , 261; also see Russell, Sexual Exploitation , 24849; Armstrong, Kiss Daddy Goodnight , 23435; Heller, "Sexual Liberalism," 15960.
 | 121. See Judith Lewis Herman, Trauma and Recovery , 105, 109; Sandra Butler, Conspiracy of Silence , 142; Rush, The Best-Kept Secret , 146; Armstrong, "Making an Issue of Incest," 50; Johnson, "Taking Our Eyes off the Guys," 5657.
 | 122. See Larsen, Life after Rape , 65, 70; Judith Lewis Herman, Trauma and Recovery , 5156, 111; Heller, "Sexual Liberalism," 160; Sandra Butler, Conspiracy of Silence , 48; Russell, Sexual Exploitation , 55.
 | 123. For example, compare the political liberalism of Christina Sommers in "Do These Feminists Like Women?" to Camille Paglia's sexual libertarian stance in "Madonna II: Venus of the Radio Waves," in Sex, Art, and American Culture , 613. Broad similarities in critical stance can also be found in Denfeld, The New Victorians , 121, 2589; Roiphe, The Morning After , 8112; Christina Sommers, "Philosophers against the Family," in Person to Person , ed. George Graham and Hugh LaFollette (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1989), 82105; Sommers, Who Stole Feminism? , chaps. 1, 9, 10, and 11; Paglia, Sex, Art, and American Culture , 4974; Paglia, Vamps and Tramps , 2456, 18890, 25076.
 | 124. Paul, "Bared Buttocks," 156.