Love After War (6 page)

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Authors: Cheris Hodges

BOOK: Love After War
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“She really just hopped on a motorcycle with that fake-ass Tom Cruise,” Adrian mumbled as he stomped back to the bar. Glancing at his brother, he saw Richmond was good and drunk. Unfortunately, the more Richmond drank, the more he complained about his wife, the more he talked about how he hoped being with that call girl wouldn't come back to bite him. Then he talked about Solomon and how his life seemed to be so perfect and all he wanted was a chance to be happy like his brother.
The only piece of information he gleaned from him was about the book. Elliot Crawford had a damned nerve trying to present a picture of being the perfect family when he ignored him and his mother. Adrian was going to make sure that the world knew it as well. Turning to his sad brother, he shook his head.
“Richmond, I'm going to have to cut you off and send you back to your hotel,” Adrian said as Richmond prepared to launch into more complaints about Solomon.
“Yeah, yeah, back to my lonely hotel room. Nobody wants anything to do with me.” He tilted his head toward the bartender. “She would've been all over Solomon. The only reason a woman let me touch her tonight was because she obviously wanted money.” Richmond slurred his words so badly that Adrian wondered if he'd given him too much alcohol.
“You're married, right? Shouldn't you be trying to work things out with your wife?”
Richmond shrugged. “What difference does that make? She doesn't want anything but my name and my money. Sort of like what my dad wanted from my mother.” He reached for his glass and Adrian moved it out of his way.
So, his mother knew about the affair and Elliot was too weak to accept his responsibilities. Richmond seemed to be just like his sorry excuse of a father, looking for someplace else to stick his pole. Rich married men seemed to love having something on the side. Adrian wondered if his mother had been mistaken about the love she thought Elliot had had for her. Maybe, like Richmond, he had a horrible marriage and used Pamela as an escape. He hated thinking about his mother as anyone's option; she was much more than that.
Looking at Richmond, he decided that it was time to get him back to the hotel before the photographers left and wouldn't be able to catch him stumbling to the car, making a further ass of himself. Adrian pulled out his cell phone and called a different car service to take Richmond back to his hotel; then he waved for the bartender to pour Richmond a cup of black coffee.
When the driver called from outside and Richmond had sipped half of his coffee, Adrian motioned for a security guard to escort his brother outside and he headed for his office. In the stillness of the dim office, his mind switched back to Dana and Ian Kelly. Had she gotten caught up in his celebrity image and that freaking motorcycle? Were they serious? Was she another one of Kelly's groupies? Wait a minute—Dana wasn't a groupie. If anything, that guy was head over heels in love with his woman. Adrian dropped down in the chair behind the desk and pulled his cell phone out again. He started to text Dana. But what would he say? He couldn't tell her the truth, couldn't type what he really wanted to say:
I still love you.
Adrian tossed the phone across the room.
“This is insane.” Then an idea popped into his head. Dana was probably staying at a hotel near the movie studio, and if the studio was picking up the tab for it, then it was probably the same place where Dana was staying. It was off to Culver City. And he silently prayed she would be returning to her hotel room alone and not spending the night with Ian. Crossing the room and grabbing his smartphone, which now had a cracked screen, Adrian tried not to think about Ian's lips pressed against Dana's and he definitely wasn't trying to think about Ian making love to his woman.
He rushed down the back stairs and headed to the Culver Hotel, hoping that he was heading in the right direction.
Chapter 5
Ian's handling of the motorcycle was smooth, cautious, and not at all how Dana would've zipped down the highway. Then again, he was probably being courteous because she was riding with him.
They decided to skip Roscoe's and go to a nondescript diner instead. Ian wanted to avoid the paparazzi and Dana agreed. As they pulled into the diner's lot, Dana realized she was going to purchase another motorcycle and she would ride in New York.
“That was an amazing ride,” Dana said as she pulled her helmet off.
“I could tell you enjoyed the ride. You were really comfortable back there,” he said.
“Yeah,” she said, then stretched her arms above her head. “I can't wait to get me another motorcycle. I might dump the Triumph for a Harley.”
“Sounds like a plan. Glad I could assist in that decision.” Ian placed his hand on the small of her back as he opened the door of the diner. It was nearly empty and Dana felt a twinge of nervousness, which was funny. She had no problem hopping on the back of his motorcycle, but now she was nervous about talking to him?
Get it together,
she thought as they headed for a booth.
“Imani's trying to play matchmaker with us, isn't she?”
Dana nodded. “That's my girl. Since her fairytale wedding, she's been on a mission to make sure no single people exist. Especially if the single people are a part of her inner circle.”
Ian laughed and placed his hand on top of hers. “You're funny and very pretty. I don't know how you've spent your life behind the camera when I'm sure you'd look good in front of it.”
Dana's cheeks burned under his compliment. “Thank you. But I wouldn't trade my camera for the stress you and Imani face on a daily basis. My idea of being camera ready is having an extra memory card and a fully charged battery.”
Ian chuckled and leaned in close to her. “So, what's your story?”
“My story?”
“Yes, why are you single when you're obviously such a cool lady?”
Adrian's face flashed in her mind. Yes, he broke her heart into a million pieces, but that hadn't stopped her from comparing the men she dated to him. Dana remembered how they'd clicked on so many levels. Well, except for his inability to be faithful, truthful, and compassionate. Sadly, no one measured up to him. Would Ian be different? Should she even let her mind go there?
He's a movie star with all kinds of women at his disposal,
she thought as he focused his sky-blue eyes on her. “I guess my career comes first.”
“I've seen your work, very artistic. Watching you on the set, I have to say, you have the patience of Job. If you ever do get to New Orleans, I will definitely be your tour guide. I'd love to show you a good time beyond Bourbon Street.”
Dana laughed nervously and smiled. “Thank you.”
“Are you shooting the premiere tomorrow night?”
“Nope. After I wrap up these publicity shots, my work with the studio will be done and I can work on my personal project.”
Ian flashed the electrifying smile that shot him to the top of
's Sexiest Man Alive list and said, “Great, you can be my date.”
“Wow, that's . . . Sure.”
“Don't worry,
, we're just going as friends. Though, I'm not going to lie—I'd love to get to know you better. Especially since you have a taste for Harleys. Tell me about your project.”
“I want to do a photography book. Something like Gordon Parks's work. Not just the glamorous shots of Hollywood stars,” she said, then held up her finger. “No offense.”
“None taken. It just sounds like more incentive to head down to New Orleans. There's still so much work to be done to recover from Katrina, even all these years later.”
Dana nodded, thinking of the oil spill in the Gulf and all of the displaced residents who hadn't even made it back to the city following the 2005 storm. “I'd love to find Brownie and ask him some questions,” she said. “The response to that storm made me so angry.”
“Yeah, it was hard to watch my city drown. Even harder to see how many people wanted to come back but couldn't. That's one of the reasons why I established my foundation, to provide housing for many of the displaced residents of the lower ninth ward.”
“This is the first I've heard of this,” Dana said, thinking about all of the coverage Brad Pitt's efforts had gotten.
“I didn't do it for publicity. I just did it to help people who needed it.”
“Wow.” Dana smiled and decided that Ian had moved up ten spots on her list of Awesomeness.
He shrugged. “When you love New Orleans, you do what you have to do to make her whole again.”
“A humble superstar?”
“I'm just trying to right some wrongs. I fell for the trappings of Hollywood after my first hit movie. Did some things I shouldn't have, was an asshole for a while. Then life showed me a few horrible things and I had to clean it up.”
“That's admirable,” Dana said. “It usually takes arrests and rehab for those epiphanies to happen.”
“No arrests. No rehab. Just some common sense. We all have our vices, though.”
Adrian crossed her mind and Dana had to admit that if she had a vice, it would be him. “You're right. Maybe we can work on being better people together. I just have one question.”
“What's that?”
“Are we rolling up to the premiere on the hog?”
“A woman after my own heart. Of course, any excuse to have those arms around me again.”
Dana blushed as the waitress walked over to their booth. After ordering, she and Ian fell into a comfortable conversation. Still, in the back of her mind, she was comparing Ian, one of
's Sexiest Men Alive, to Adrian.
What in the hell is wrong with me?
she thought as the waitress returned with their coffees.
Adrian sat in the hotel lobby staring at his watch.
Okay, where in the hell is Dana?
When he rose to his feet and began pacing—again—the front desk clerk cleared her throat. “Sir, I can try that guest's room again if you'd like.”
“No,” he said, and started for the door. Adrian was ready to assume that Dana and the fake-ass action hero were spending the night together. When he walked outside, he saw Kelly's motorcycle pulling up. Dana was all wrapped up with him. Well, he knew she had to hold on, but did she have to do it that tightly? He quickly moved back into the lobby. A million thoughts ran through his mind: Would she invite him up? How long had they been seeing each other? Was it serious? Adrian returned to the seat he'd been occupying for the last few hours and waited.
Five minutes passed.
Fifteen. As he stood up again, Adrian saw Dana walking into the lobby—alone. Releasing a sigh of relief, he crossed over to her. “Dana.”
She glared at him. “What are you doing here? How did you know I was staying here?”
“I wanted—need—to talk to you.”
Slapping her hand on her hip, Dana shook her head. “Unbelievable. You're here because of Ian.”
“I'm here because I . . . You're serious with him?”
“Why does it even matter? Remember you told me it was over and I needed to move on?”
Adrian closed the space between them, bringing his lips dangerously close to hers. “Because you're mine, Dana.”
“Oh, am I? Was I yours when you showed up at your penthouse with your whores? Was I yours when you sent that text message telling me to move on with my life? Now you're pretending that you give a damn. Go to hell, Adrian.”
He wrapped his arms around Dana's waist and pulled her against his chest. “I want to explain what that night was all about,” he said as he ran his hand down her side.
She slapped his hand away, though his touch made her body tingle all over. “I already told you I'm not interested in a lie it took—”
Adrian captured her mouth savagely, cajoling her tongue to join his. Dana's mind said,
Stop, back away, and run.
But her body responded, as it always had, from the wetness between her thighs to the way she melted against his broad chest. So she was surprised when Adrian abruptly broke the kiss and stepped back from her. Dana's body yearned for more. She needed to get herself together. But his probing stare made her feel as if she were on fire, consumed by lusty flames that no one but Adrian could extinguish.
“Dana, I don't want to play this game. I want you to be honest with yourself and admit that you still want and need me. Because I damn sure want and need you more than ever.”
She sucked her teeth, telling herself that she'd admit no such thing. There was no way that she'd give him the satisfaction of knowing that she still craved his touch, yearned for his taste, and needed his heat. Hell no! She would not . . . Adrian lifted her chin and pressed his nose against hers. Dana's lips quivered as she felt the warmness of his breath teasing her mouth.
Step away!
her good sense called out. But Dana ignored it, pressing her mouth against his and kissing him with zeal. Her words didn't have to admit what she felt for Adrian because her kiss said it all.
Though he was briefly taken aback by the sheer force of her kiss, Adrian received what she was saying and cupped her bottom, drawing her closer to him. She gasped when she felt the bulge in his pants. Pulling back from him, she felt drunk, felt as if she was about to make a bad decision that she would regret in the morning. “I want you, Adrian,” she moaned.
“Say it again,” he commanded.
“I. Want. You. Now.”
Adrian smiled and pointed toward the elevator. “Lead the way.”
Dana gripped his hand and practically ran to the elevator. And despite hearing Imani's voice and the voice of reason telling her to stop, her heart screamed out for her to let Adrian make love to her. She was going to listen to her heart, give in to the lustful feelings flowing through her body. Maybe, just maybe, this was the closure she needed—right ?
When the doors of the elevator opened, Adrian and Dana were happy to see they'd be alone in that car for a few floors at least. As soon as the doors closed, Adrian backed Dana against the mirrored wall and kissed her slowly while his hands roamed her body, touching her intimately. He lifted her leg around his waist, happy and disappointed that she had panties on underneath her skirt. At least he knew she wasn't about to sleep with Ian. Slipping his finger inside the crotch of her panties, her heat and wetness turned him on and made him harder than a cement block. Dana moaned as his finger found her throbbing bud. She shivered as he made small circles inside her.
Just as he was about to drop to his knees and lap the sweetness he felt pooling between her thighs, the elevator stopped on the third floor and the door opened. Adrian pulled Dana against his chest as a man stepped into the elevator. Dana pressed her lips against Adrian's neck.
“Oh, you're so bad,” he whispered as he kept an eye on the older man, who was trying not to watch the couple and failing miserably. “You're going to give me and that man a heart attack.”
“Is that so?” She flicked her tongue across his earlobe. Their passenger coughed and dropped his head.
“I'm going to get you for this,” Adrian groaned as she sucked his earlobe.
“Thought this was what you wanted?”
The elevator stopped again, fourth floor. “Where's your room?” he asked as a less amorous couple stepped into the car.
“Two more,” she replied, then slipped her hand in his pocket. Adrian's erection twitched as anticipation surged through his veins. Finally, the sixth floor. Adrian scooped Dana up in his arms and nearly bowled the other guests over as they made a hasty exit. Dana placed her hand on his chest. “Slow down. You almost knocked those people over.”
“They will be all right,” he replied, but did slow his gait a bit. Dana pointed to room 612. Adrian waited for her to dig the key out of her clutch; then he took it from her hands and opened it. Once they were inside, Dana expected Adrian to rip her clothes off and take her immediately. He didn't. Instead he sat her on the edge of the bed, stared at her for a beat, then said, “Dana, I love you.”
“Adrian, don't do this. I don't need to hear sweet words—”
“But you need to know the truth. That night, the night you left, nothing happened with those women. I knew you'd be there. And I wanted you to be anywhere but here. I was—am—dealing with a lot of hurt and I wanted to keep the beautiful memories we had safe from the madness around me.”
Dana shook her head. “I don't understand. If you love me, why couldn't you allow me to help you through this?”
“Because,” he began, then sighed. “It's complicated and I don't want to get you involved.”
“Involved in what?”
“My mess. When I saw you, I knew I couldn't let this thing consume me as it had over the last two years.”
“I know losing your mother was hard, Adrian. I wanted to be there for you and—”
He brought his lips on top of hers, kissing her softly, tenderly—fighting telling her the truth. Was he still going to destroy the man who abandoned him and his mother? Yes. But right now, in this moment, it didn't matter. He needed Dana to remind him of love. Over the past two years, he hadn't allowed anyone to get close to him. No one, in his opinion, had the warmness he felt in Dana's kiss or the passion he felt in her touch. Slowly, he unbuttoned her blouse, reveling in the silkiness of her skin. Leaning in, he flicked his tongue across her neck, making her moan. Slipping her blouse off, Adrian cupped her breasts, using his thumbs to release them from the cups of her demi-bra. Her nipples reminded him of dark chocolate drops, and they were just as sweet. His mouth watered as he lowered his head and sucked her nipples until Dana cried out in delight. She held the nape of his neck as he licked and sucked her nipples. His tongue sent waves of pleasure vibrating through her body. Moaning, Dana lost herself in the moment, pushing all of the questions about his “mess” down deep in her subconscious. One nagging question still bit at her pleasure—why didn't he trust her enough to let her in? Did she mean as much to him as she thought? How much did he love her if he didn't trust her?

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