Love Script (17 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Ashley

BOOK: Love Script
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Nick was a dangerous man. Laney shivered at the thought. He was unquestionably sexy, terribly handsome and il egal y charming. Her mind went back to their time at the pool, him with his shirt off, tanned and golden; he was amazing. She had fought not to gape at his remarkable body. The entire time they played vol eybal , she watched the women gawk at him. Natalie, in particular, seemed quite taken with him, but Nick had played the part of a devoted husband. It pleased her that he showed so much affection toward her. He cheered her on with every play. To top the situation, he had patted her bottom in front of a group of busty bikini-clad twenty-something women. They were the type she would have figured to be Nick’s type, the kind of woman he normal y dated and took to bed.

Laney’s problem was her attraction to Nick was impossible to ignore. The mere nearness of him seemed to send her libido into overdrive. If she wasn’t careful, she could completely lose her head.

That was an insane thought in itself. She and Nick were polar opposites. Not just their color, but they hung in different crowds. He was a trust-fund baby, born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Handed the CEO position of his family's business in his early thirties, he was already a success. She was, at twenty-seven, a struggling assistant working her ass off to pay for her student loans. The only way she could see herself advancing in her career within the next five years was if Nick succeeded in obtaining Zelman’s account and gave her the promotion and money he’d promised.

Getting involved with Nick would be a very bad decision. He had too much power over the repercussions. And Robert. The whole point of coming on this trip was to get away from Rob and think about their troubled relationship. When she returned home, she would have to deal with him whether she liked it or not. Having Nick to deal with as wel would only compound the mess. But…she couldn’t help the way her body responded to him.

She was putty in his hands when he looked at her, so much so, she could not risk looking at him at times. It took very little effort for him to make her melt. He’d been very handsome last night in his suit, and she would have wil ingly given herself to him if it weren’t for her damn jealousy. She hadn’t meant to be a nag, but strangely enough, she felt injured at the thought of him sleeping with another woman. Her resentment for his actions had cleared her head and prevented her from submitting to his charms. . .for the time being.

His words ran through her head,
I’m going to
make you feel so good you’ll be begging me for
. Even the memory of his words made her moisten her panties. Nick was trouble. She knew the next time, he would accomplish getting exactly what he wanted, which was her lying naked beneath him, panting, and loving every second. Yes, Nick spel ed big trouble.

❧ ❧ ❧

Nick was in pain, yet he continued to push himself to the limit. This damn cycling class would be the death of him if Laney didn’t get to him first. She had found a way to get under his skin and stay there.

He ached to be inside her, yet was greatly annoyed with her at the same time. There was no way Cooper was only going to escort her to their room last night and leave her alone. She had to be real y gul ible to believe that. Just the thought of Cooper touching her like that made his blood boil. He pedaled harder on the bike, punishing it as he would Cooper’s face.

. She was quickly driving him crazy.

Fighting over her? He knew if he had to do it al over, his reaction would have been the same. Laney was his, until he decided what he should do with her. His cock had been at the entry of her womanhood and she had rejected him. That had never happened to him before. Never. She had chosen the most inopportune moment to remember his earlier activities. Shit.

He couldn’t real y blame her for his current predicament. It was partly his fault. He’d known there was a smal chance she would be upset over him taking another woman to bed. What he hadn’t expected was for her to be disgusted with him for it.

The look on her face when she moved away from him was enough to make him curse his own foolishness. He’d never planned for her to see him with another woman, only to know there were females who desired him. It was a shame he couldn’t desire them in return. Laney had a choker on his cock, and she damn wel knew it.

The instructor whistled and everyone slowed down. Nick stretched and made his way to the shower stal s. Laney had priority over their stateroom bathroom, so he thought he would shower and change in the gym locker room. Apparently, very few shared his problem, as the stal s were shining clean and empty. He showered and dressed in complete solitude. As he was leaving the gym, he caught sight of Cooper. He tossed him a “get fucked” look and left the fitness center.

When he returned to the room, Wil iam and Vivian Zelman were there. “Good morning, babe.” Laney came to him and kissed him quickly on the cheek. “I was just tel ing Wil and Vi that you were at the gym.” There was a slight question in her voice.

“Hey, sweetie. Yeah, I did the cycling class again.

Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Zelman.”

Vivian smiled brightly. “We just wanted to bring this by.” She waved her hand toward the large gift basket on the bed. “We hope you two like it.”

“Of course we wil .” Nick forced a smile on his face. “That was very thoughtful of you. Thank you.”

“Oh, it’s nothing.” Wil iam laughed. “I’ve just convinced Vi to play a game of tennis with me this morning. If you’re up to it, we would like you to join us.”

“It would be our pleasure,” Nick said, answering for both of them.

“Great. I’l cal Wright’s room to see if they would care to join us.”

When the Zelmans had gone, Laney turned to Nick. “I’m afraid I’m not very good at tennis.”

“How bad are you?”

“Probably worse than I am at golf.”

He whistled. “That’s pretty bad.”

“I don’t think I have any tennis apparel.” Nick flipped out his wal et and withdrew his credit card. “Here. There’s a sporting goods store near the gym. You should be able to find something there.” She fanned herself with his card. “What’s my limit?”

He shrugged. “I real y don’t care. Try not to take too long, okay?”

With her gone, he could relax a bit before joining the Zelmans. He stretched out across the bed. He doubted he and Laney would give them much of a fight. He was a seasoned player, but if Laney was as bad as she claimed, their presence would be more entertainment than sport. Perhaps he should fake an injury to avoid the whipping they faced at the courts?

He closed his eyes for only a second, and before he knew it, he was asleep.

He awoke when Laney sailed through the door.

“I’m back,” she sang merrily. “I got some fun things.”

He yawned lazily. “How much damage did you do?”

“Not a fraction of what you were expecting. I got two outfits and a cap. I’m going to change.” She disappeared into the bathroom with her bags.

Nick decided to keep on the shorts he wore but changed into a polo shirt. He was searching for his bal cap when the bathroom door opened. She was wearing a tennis skirt and a matching tank top. He took one look at her in that short white skirt and immediately gained a hard-on. She’d obviously noticed, for she turned quickly away, finding sudden interest in something lying on the writing table, tapping her nails on the surface in a nervous fashion.

“I’l —I’l wait for you in the hal .” She turned and suddenly Nick was behind her, his hard cock pressed against her buttocks. He breathed hard against her ear. Placing his hands on either side of her along the tabletop, he held her captive against the table.

“You have no idea what you do to me, Laney.” He swayed his hips slowly against her, nestling his cock between her round mounds. He released a shaky sigh. “You can’t keep parading around me in these short bottoms. You’re kil ing me.” He ground his cock against her, forcing the front of her thighs to press against the table. “It’s not easy being a gentleman around you. So I quit.”


He pushed her chest down on the table, her ass offered up to him like a human sacrifice. Pushing her skirt over her hips to reveal her white trunks, he kneaded her bottom with his palms, enjoying the soft firmness. He brushed his fingers along the crotch of her trunks, and she yelped in shocked pleasure. She moaned as he massaged her pussy through her undergarments, the fabric becoming soaked with her desire.

Nick went down on his knees and pul ed her trunks and panties down her trembling legs. The scent of her arousal intoxicated him. Smoothing his hands over her ass, he stared beneath at her wonderful y wet pussy. He traced two fingers along her swol en lips. Laney moaned. He slid his fingers inside her, loving the sound of her deep husky purr.

Thrusting them in and out of her, he stroked her into a frenzy of nerves. Her wal s were so tight, the pressure of them compressing against his fingers nearly made him come in his shorts.

“I’m going to lick your pussy, Laney, and I won’t stop until you come in my mouth.”

The sound of her whimper was al the motivation he needed. With a husky groan, Nick buried his face between her thighs, licking every drop of her glistening juices. The taste of her drove him wild and gripping her ass tightly, he shoved his hungry mouth into her cunt. He quickly became addicted to the taste of her. How he wished she were sitting on his face instead. She squirmed under his touch. Her hips swayed, and Nick feared he would indeed explode.

Pressed face down onto the tabletop, Laney’s erect nipples stabbed painful y against the wood.

Pure desire rendered her motionless. She was a prisoner to his advances. The more his hot tongue lapped at her, the wetter she got. If she died this very moment, she swore it would be worth it. When his tongue flicked across her clit, she nearly came off the table. He played with her nub with the tip of his tongue for torturous long minutes before taking it into his mouth. He sucked hard on the precious bud. She broke out in a heated sweat. Nick was quickly driving her to delirium, but she was too paralyzed with passion to do anything about it.

She came on a wave of electricity. Her hips bucked against his open mouth. She squeezed her eyes shut as her body unraveled before Nick. Her climax had been so forceful her limbs literal y shook.

Nick licked at her greedily. She had to keep her eyes shut for long minutes while she waited for the room to stop spinning. When she final y felt sane enough to open her eyes, a bolt of white lightning shot through her. She groaned as another orgasm hit her, stealing her breath as it claimed her.

There was a sudden knock at the door.

“Nick? Laney?” It was Wil iam Zelman. “Are you guys in there?”

Nick pul ed away from Laney’s pulsating center.

“Yeah!” he yel ed toward the door before burying his face back between her thighs.

“Vivian and I were headed for the tennis court.

Are you coming?”

Nick cursed as he pul ed away from her again.

“We’l meet you there,” he yel ed over his shoulder before turning back to Laney’s pussy. “God, I want you right now,” he whispered.

She was struggling to catch her breath. “I—I don’t think I—I would make it.”

Nick stood up slowly. “Are you sure?” His hand caressed her damp skin on her inner thigh, his fingers sliding inside her gingerly.

“Yes,” she gasped. “I’m sure.”

He nodded. “In that case I need to use the bathroom.”

“But—but I need to freshen up.”

He dragged a hand over his cock. “I understand, but I real y need to come. Unless you want to help me out, I need to use the bathroom first.” She blushed. “I’l wait until you’re finished.” Nick took one last look at her splayed across the table and disappeared into the bathroom. He masturbated over the toilet, fucking his hand vigorously, wishing it were Laney’s pussy instead.

Whatever happened next, one thing he was sure of; she could not wear that tennis skirt. He couldn’t trust himself to be near her and not respond when she was dressed like that. The image of her in the bedroom, her skirt pushed over her hips, her panties around her ankles and that delicious pussy of hers lifted in the air, was divine perfection.

After coming twice, Nick final y felt safe enough to leave the bathroom. To his relief, upon his return, Laney had changed into a smal polo shirt and cotton shorts. The shorts weren’t any better than the ones she wore to the putting green, but at least she wasn’t wearing that damn skirt. He could tel she felt awkward in his presence, because she immediately busied herself rearranging her suitcase when he entered the room. Out of respect to her, he turned his back as he changed shirts, but that was al the consideration she would get from him. He was sick of exercising discretion around Laney. Before this trip was over, he was going to fuck her as much as possible, so she had better start getting used to seeing him naked.

❧ ❧ ❧

By the time they arrived at the tennis courts the Zelmans and the Wrights were playing a warm-up game. Nothing worth taking score. Nick and Cooper shared a warning look; however, Heidi greeted them with a friendly wave, clearly unaware of their altercation last night.

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