Love Script (3 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Ashley

BOOK: Love Script
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Nick was growing anxious. One quick glance at Cooper and he could tel the feeling was mutual.

Nick’s first plan had been to wait Cooper out. Surely one of them would have to refil their drink or go to the bathroom. But Cooper hadn’t faltered. In fact, he was easing himself closer to Zelman. Nick considered his options. There was no graceful way to turn the conversation toward a topic Nick was more comfortable with, but he had to think of something fast. Cooper was moving in for the kil .

Nick glanced at Zelman, desperately racking his brain to think of something clever to say. Nothing came. And then, a thought slowly began to take shape in his head. He fixed his gaze on the older man, not just watching him but actual y listening to him. To Nick’s amazement, Zelman (who was normal y quiet and reserved) had become quite vocal when the conversation focused on family life.

Nick saw this as his opportunity.

“A man’s family is the most valuable treasure he can obtain during his lifetime,” Zelman said with fervor. “I’ve had many successes over the years, but none of that matters when I see the look on my wife’s face when I come home.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more.” Nick was just as surprised as Zelman by the sound of his own voice.

Wil iam Zelman’s bushy eyebrow perked.

“You’re married, Sinclair?”

“Yes, sir,” Nick answered before he could catch himself.

Zelman looked at him with new awareness. “I had no idea.”

“Neither did I.” Cooper Wright picked this opportunity to join the conversation. “Please tel us, Sinclair, how long have you been wed?” There was a knowing smile that tickled the tips of Cooper’s lips. He was clearly on the verge of laughing out loud but curiosity made him refrain. He obviously wanted to see how far Nick would go.

“We’ve been married for a year now,” Nick lied.

“That’s strange,” Cooper said, stepping forward so he could be better seen. “As many times as we’ve run into each other, I’ve never seen Mrs.

Sinclair.” He had thrown down the gauntlet, sending a clear warning to Nick that if he wasn’t careful, his big mouth was going to bury him alive.

“Wel , that shouldn’t be a surprise,” Nick said. “I’l keep her hidden for as long as I can. I wouldn’t let my wife come within ten feet of you guys.” He laughed off an unusual shiver of nervousness. “I wouldn’t want her to realize how good I made out in the deal. It’l give her a reason to leave me.” He winked at Zelman, unsure if that answer was even believable.

Wil iam Zelman eyed him suspiciously for a torturous minute before joining him in his jest. “Good for you, Sinclair. I thought I was the only one. I hate going to these industry parties, but I’d hate it even more if Vivian were with me. I may be old, but I’m just as possessive today as I was the day I first met her.” Nick released a sigh of relief. With any luck, he could maneuver his way into Zelman’s good graces and land his account. Screw Cooper. He was going to ride this for al it was worth.

As if reading his mind, Cooper Wright did not wish to be forgotten. “Perhaps our wives could get together sometime, Sinclair.” His eyes threw a daring message at Nick. “You know, like a homemade dinner at my place. Perhaps you would like to join us, Mr. Zelman.”

Nick knew damn wel Cooper wasn’t married. He was moving in on his territory by trying to destroy his edge. “I’m afraid that’s not possible, Coop.”

“Why not? We would love to have you over.” Cooper winked at Nick. “Both of you.” Nick flashed him a strained grin, his mind viciously working to come up with a reason why he couldn’t bring his imaginary wife to dinner. “We have plans…” he said slowly, “…that wil make us quite unavailable for the next few weeks.”

“Is that so?” Cooper’s eyes sparkled.

Nick would have dropped the conversation with that response, but Cooper and Zelman were staring at him expectantly, waiting for an explanation. Shit.

What could possibly be so important that he’d have to postpone a simple dinner date? He was just about to panic when a bulb of bril iance lit above his head.

Nick relaxed. “Our anniversary is coming up.” Cooper laughed, unamused.

“Is that right?” Zelman gave what could vaguely be cal ed a smile. “So is mine. This month?”

“Uh…” Nick was speechless.

Zelman didn’t wait for an answer. “Vivian and I are celebrating our thirteenth anniversary this month.”

“So—so are we. I mean our anniversary is this month as wel .” Nick was struggling to keep up with the turn of events.






acknowledged. “Mine is this summer,” he lied.

Zelman nodded. “Any special plans, Wright?” Nick smiled. It was nice to see Cooper pale a little under Zelman’s piercing gaze.

“Wel . . .I hadn’t real y decided on anything in particular.” Cooper blushed a deep red. “I let the little lady plan things like that.”

“Oh.” Zelman nodded, unimpressed. “And what about you, Sinclair?”

Nick searched his mind frantical y. Suddenly, this morning’s conversation with Mary-Knight popped into his head.
I have the reports ready, but I’m
waiting for my assistant, Laney, to type them up.

She’s going on a cruise to the Caribbean with her
boyfriend. I’ll make sure she handles this as soon
as she returns.
A wave of confidence settled over Nick. Final y, he had control over this absurd conversation. He now knew how to gain Zelman’s respect and shut Cooper up.

“A Caribbean cruise.” He smiled. “My wife and I are going to relax and fal in love al over again.” Cooper’s mouth dropped.

“I’ve been thinking about this for months,” Nick boldly fabricated. “I wanted to do something extra special for my girl and I think this wil work.” Zelman patted him on the back. “Great minds must think alike. I’m taking my wife on a cruise to the Caribbean for our anniversary, too. Out of Florida?” Nick nodded, not trusting himself to speak any longer.

Zelman laughed. “I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re booked for the same vessel.”

❧ ❧ ❧

Nick sat in his car thunderstruck. His conversation with Zelman and Cooper had real y veered into left field. How was it that he’d claimed himself to be married for a year and celebrating his anniversary next week? How had he managed to keep a straight face when he lied to Zelman about al the wonderful attributes of his bride? Even more important was how could he make this situation work to his benefit?

Thinking with a clear head for the first time that night, he flipped open his cel phone and punched in a number.

“Hel o?” a sleepy voice whispered.

“Linda, this is Sinclair. Did I wake you?” It was eleven p.m., and Linda was a mother of two; of course he’d woken her.

“No, Mr. Sinclair.” She muffled a yawn. “I was up. How can I help you?”

“Wil iam and Vivian Zelman are scheduled to go on a cruise sometime this month. The ship departs from Florida and is destined for the Caribbean. I need you to book passage for Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair on the same liner, preferably assigned to a room near the Zelmans’ suite.”

“Okay…” she said, clearly confused but making notes as he spoke.

“Make sure my room is very romantic. Whatever a couple would choose for their first anniversary.

It has to be perfect, Linda.”

“Do you know which liner Mr. Zelman is booked for?” she asked.

“No, but it’s scheduled to leave next week.” The sound of Linda’s scribbling came to an abrupt stop.

She paused, and he could almost see her squeeze her eyes shut in prayer.

After a long pause, she said, “I’l work on this first thing in the morning.”

“Be a dear, Linda, and work on it tonight. This is top priority. Brief me in the morning.”

“Okay,” she responded in a clipped voice. “Is there anything else I can assist you with?”

“Yes, cal Roger Eaton and tel him to find out everything he can about Vivian Zelman.” CHAPTER


Nicholas Sinclair ran his fingers through his hair.

He had less than a week to find a woman who would pose as his wife for ten days. Finding a woman was not the hard part; he was currently dating several.

The problem was selecting the right one. He was sleeping with two women on a regular basis, but they were primarily for the pleasure of screwing. He could not honestly say he’d held a real conversation with either of them. The only time he cal ed them was when he had a last-minute urge for company. Sure, they probably did not see it as such, but this was the extent of his commitment.

During the emergency morning meeting, Linda confirmed reservations for Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair on Princess Cruise Lines, scheduled to depart the fol owing weekend. For an absurd amount of money, she managed to buy out another couple’s suite to place him down the hal from the Zelmans. The frustrating piece of information was learning that a Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Wright had also made reservations aboard the same liner. To make things even more maddening, Roger Eaton’s search results on Vivian Zelman were zero.

“I couldn’t find anything,” Roger said with a nervous cough.

“You can’t be serious,” Nick snapped. “Wil iam Zelman is the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. His entire bio should be documented somewhere on the Internet. Christ, any moron can Google me to find out what kind of underwear I’m wearing today.”

“I’m sorry, Mr. Sinclair. I’ve been up al night, and I couldn’t find one thing about Vivian Zelman. I could barely find any information on Wil iam Zelman. Other than his date of birth and current residence, there is nothing on the guy. He’s completely clean.”

“Have you tried charities?” Nick practical y growled. “Usual y women of wealth join charity organizations.”

“I’ve looked everywhere,” Roger protested. “No picture. No nothing. Zelman has made her a ghost.” Nick dragged his hand through his hair once more. The day had not started off great. He’d argued with Roger until he was completely exasperated with the situation and stormed out of his office. Even now as he sat across from Vanessa, one of the women he dated off and on, the day was not improving. He’d planned to go out on a date with each one of his sex buddies, in hopes of selecting the perfect candidate, but so far the possibilities seemed bleak.

“I was so happy to hear from you, baby,” Vanessa purred. “I thought you were stil mad at me for showing up at your office.”

He forced himself to smile. “I’m stil a little peeved at you, but let’s let bygones be bygones. How is your meal?”

She glanced down at the plate she’d ignored the entire evening. “Fine, I guess,” she said with a shrug.

She turned her pink lips into a cute pout. “I want to fuck, Nick.”

Nick nearly choked on his wine. Damn, that was a cock teaser. He was suddenly erect and ready for action. “Now?”

“Yes, now. We can do it in the car, if you like.” Nick set his glass down. Yes, he definitely wanted to fuck Vanessa, especial y since she was wearing that little red dress he liked so much, but tonight was not about sex. Wel , dinner wasn’t, anyway.

“Let’s finish dinner first, okay?” he said.

“You don’t want to fuck me?” she asked.

A guy at the next table glanced at them. Nick waved his hand in apology. He stared at Vanessa’s hurt expression. Damn, this was not good dinner conversation. He could only imagine how Zelman would react if he’d heard her.

“Vanessa, let’s talk about that later. For now, let’s finish our meal.”

She folded her hands across her voluptuous breasts. “It’s her, isn’t it?”

Nick paused. “

“You know who,” she said. “The other woman you’re sleeping with.” The pout had become more determined. He no longer thought it was cute.

The patient smile he’d been holding onto vanished. He had absolutely no patience to deal with this. “Vanessa,” he said in a low voice, “not here.”

“Then when?” she asked, jutting her chin forward.

“The only time you cal me is when you want to fuck me.”

Again, their neighbor cast them a dirty look. Nick signaled for the waiter to bring him the check. If Vanessa was going to make a scene, he wasn’t going to wait for the finale.

“You know I’m right,” she continued. “If I don’t say what’s on my mind now, I never wil . And since I’m already upset, I might as wel mention that the only reason you were pissed off at me for coming to your office was because I caught you slipping out with your secretary.”

At this, Nick actual y laughed. This couldn’t get any more absurd. “For your information, Vanessa, that was not my secretary. I was going to a business luncheon with a member of my executive team.” She rol ed her eyes. “You and I both know that woman wants to sleep with you.”

“Vanessa, the only thing we both know is why I asked you to never come to my office. To prevent a scene just like this one.” He gave the waiter an appreciative nod when he slipped the check on the table. Nick handed him his credit card and turned his attention back to Vanessa. “I had real y hoped things wouldn’t come to this.”

“Are you trying to break up with me?”

“I’m trying to stop you from embarrassing yourself in front of me.” He pointed to her untouched meal.

“Do you want to take that with you?”

❧ ❧ ❧

Nick wrapped his lips around her pebbled nipple and sucked hard.

“Oh, yes, Nick,” she moaned. “Make me come!” He stroked his fingers in and out of her wet pussy. She was most beautiful like this, begging him for release while she dug her long fingernails into his back. Kim was the kind of woman who, once she reached her peak, was a nonstop hel ion in bed.

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